Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 10 He asked me to live in his villa

Because he couldn't sleep all night because of the excitement, whether it was because of sitting in the headlight cabin, or because he saw Qin Tiannan's super luxurious villa for the first time, it was already two o'clock in the morning when Lin Xing fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Xing woke up naturally after sleeping until he realized that it was already past the time for work.

"Oops, I'm late." Lin Xing turned over and got off the bed, and hurried into the bathroom before he could fold the quilt.

dong dong dong...

"Who is it?" Lin Xing spat out mouthwash.

"Miss, have breakfast."

"Okay, Auntie, I'll be right there."

Lin Xing tidied herself up, still wearing work clothes and stiletto heels, she wore a bun and put on light makeup.After finishing everything, she walked out of the room and arrived at the table in the dining room. She couldn't take her eyes off the sumptuous breakfast. Millet porridge, bacon sausage, steamed buns, soybean milk, etc. were all set on the table.

This rich family is different, but are so many just for me?What about Qin Tiannan?

 "Auntie, where's President Qin?"

 "He's in the room. You know he's sick and it's inconvenient to go downstairs. I've already ordered someone to send him up."

 "That's it, then I'll eat first." Lin Xing looked at the tempting breakfast and couldn't wait.

 "Eat it, just leave it when you're done eating, and I'll collect it." The old woman smiled kindly.

 "Okay." Lin Xing picked up the bowl, scooped up a spoonful of millet porridge, and sat on the table to eat. She tasted a little bit of all the varieties, and half an hour had passed after breakfast, and she was full. Satisfied with her stomach, she wiped her mouth, put down the bowls and chopsticks, and returned to the room. She planned to go back to the room with the materials and computer and report to Qin Tiannan on the second floor.

Follow the spiral staircase to the door of Qin Tiannan's room on the second floor, and knock on the door.

 "President Qin."


Lin Xing walked into Qin Tiannan's bedroom on the high-grade carpet in his room.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, she saw a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses massaging Qin Tiannan's leg.

Sure enough, the handsome doctor is also handsome.

 "This is the work you have to deal with today." Lin Xing skipped over Lu Qing and went straight to Qin Tiannan's bedside, and handed Qin Tiannan a bunch of documents.She saw Qin Tiannan leaning on the big aristocratic bed, his legs were slightly raised on a white towel, the male doctor in a white coat was carefully nursing and massaging him, Qin Tiannan's legs looked a little thinner than ordinary people , there is no hair on the legs, smooth and white, very slender and beautiful.

Wearing high-end suit pants and leather shoes with such legs, if he could walk, Qin Tiannan would be able to fascinate a lot of girls with his legs alone.

 "Have you seen enough?" Qin Tiannan felt a little annoyed when he saw Lin Xing unscrupulously looking at his lap.

 "Oh, that's enough." Lin Xing returned in a panic. "Oh, no... no, not enough... I mean... I'm sorry, Mr. Qin." She immediately shifted her gaze to Qin Tiannan's face, but when she met Qin Tiannan's fiery eyes, her face turned red from suffocation: " Really", she kept touching her face with her hands to dissipate the heat on her face, but Lu Qing had already seen her blushing at a loss.Lu Qing couldn't help laughing, but the massage on her hands didn't stop. When Lin Xing heard that even Qin Tiannan's doctor laughed at her, her face turned even redder.

Well, you doctor dared to laugh at me. You are good-looking, but your conduct is not good. Lin Xing scolded Lu Qing in his heart.

 "Tiannan, your little secretary is so cute." Lu Qing, who was massaging his legs, teased Qin Tiannan. .

 "Lu Qing." Qin Tiannan straightened his face, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

 "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, I'll massage." Lu Qing shut up, and focused on massaging Qin Tiannan's legs with both hands.

 Who is this doctor?Isn't Qin Tiannan jealous of others touching his legs?And Qin Tiannan called him Lu... what?Lin Xing stood by the bed wondering, but at this moment, even though she was full of doubts, she could only suppress her curiosity when she saw Qin Tiannan's gloomy face. She just stood by the bed like this, and she didn't dare to look at Qin Tiannan, let alone his legs. Lin Xing said it was very tormented.

 "Miss, please sit down." Lu Qing pointed to the sofa opposite the bed to Lin Xing who was standing upright.

 "it is good."

Even if you still have a little conscience, you know that standing in high heels is quite tiring, Lin Xing thought in his heart.

Lin Xing walked to the sofa and sat down.Unable to relax, she made sure that Qin Tiannan was concentrating on reading the materials, and then looked around his bedroom, oxygen machine, hanging rings, electric wheelchair, floor-to-ceiling wardrobes that couldn't be bigger, and spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

On the one hand, these facilities showed Qin Tiannan's high-quality life, and on the other hand, they showed Qin Tiannan's physical inconvenience.

After watching it for a while, she felt bored, so she picked up her mobile phone to organize her work schedule and post the company's Weibo updates.

 A Weibo was published on the Weibo of Tianxing Media Company.

 The content is "September [-]th, Qin Tiannan, president of Tianxing Media, boarded the plane to Malaysia to inspect and discuss matters related to the star-making factory." The accompanying picture is a picture of the first-class cabin and a picture of a five-star hotel.When taking over the company's Weibo, Li Hao once said that he could post some company meeting photos or company activities and recruitment information, but Qin Tiannan's photos must never be posted.Later, Lin Xing guessed that it might be because of Qin Tiannan's legs. He didn't want to appear in the public eye in a wheelchair. Otherwise, with Qin Tiannan's status and appearance, he would definitely fit the male protagonist in Ba Zong's novels. Even if his legs are inconvenient, it would not affect him. Likeable.

 Just after posting Weibo for a while, thousands of comments and likes were sent back to Lin Xing's phone non-stop.

 "Why is there no picture of the domineering president?" Yu, who loves cats, commented.

 "Where's Qin Tiannan? Is he handsome or not?" Little Lazy Girl commented.

 Someone replied: "It's definitely not handsome. Didn't you see that most of the presidents of other big companies are middle-aged men from the Mediterranean?"

 "Yes, yes, they are all greasy old men, don't have illusions."

 Lin Xing flipped through the comments about Qin Tiannan imagining what Qin Tiannan would look like, and then glanced at someone who was flipping through the materials, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Attracted by her laughter, Qin Tiannan raised his head, only to see Lin Xing smiling while swiping his phone, completely unaware that Qin Tiannan's face was already covered in darkness, Qin Tiannan disliked any movement when he was working, let alone It was Lin Xing who couldn't control Zhang Yang's laughter more and more.

 "Ahem." Qin Tiannan reminded her.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I really can't help it." Lin Xing held up his cell phone, tears welling up in his eyes.

 "Little secretary, what's so funny?" Lu Qing asked.

 "No, no." After speaking, she gave Qin Tiannan a meaningful look.

Qin Tiannan is also the most handsome company boss she has ever seen. Before meeting Qin Tiannan, she had thought that the president of Tianxing Media Company might be an old man with a successful career.

"Oh, can we have a laugh together?" Lu Qing glanced at Qin Tiannan.

"I don't think it's necessary. It will affect President Qin's work." If Qin Tiannan finds out, he won't take her skin off.

"What a disappointment." Lu Qing looked downcast, as if he had lost the look of watching a good show.

"Tiannan, that's the end of today's massage." Lu Qing said as he pulled the quilt over Qin Tiannan's legs and flattened the quilt.


 He opened Qin Tiannan's bathroom and washed his hands. Lin Xingshun landed on Lu Qing and looked over. The bathroom was full of safety devices, and the toilet was also pressed against the handrail.

You have money, but you don’t have a good body to enjoy. If God gives you one thing, does it mean to take away another thing from you?

 "Little secretary, I'm leaving, and stay with Mr. Qin well." Lu Qing said to Lin Xing while wiping the towel.

 "Okay." Lin Xing gave him an OK gesture.

But when Lu Qing walked to the door of Qin Tiannan's bedroom, he gestured to Lin Xing to signal her to go out. Lin Xing pointed at himself and asked in surprise, "Me?"

Lu Qing nodded firmly.

Lin Xing put down his phone and glanced at Qin Tiannan. He was still working, so he gently moved to the outside and closed the door.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xing asked Lu Qing angrily as soon as he went out.

"Little secretary, don't be so fierce." Lu Qing was aroused by her.He had known Qin Tiannan since he was a child, if it wasn't someone Qin Tiannan liked, he would have died countless times like this little secretary.

"Hey, what happened just now? Qin Tiannan hates others to disturb him when he is working."

"Hey, that." When Lin Xing was mentioned, he wanted to laugh.

"You are sure not to tell Qin Tiannan."

"I have a simple doctor-patient relationship with him, I promise." Lu Qing patted his chest.

Lin Xing took out his mobile phone, opened the comment and handed it to Lu Qing.

"Hahaha," Lu Qing smirked.After reading it, he handed the phone to Lin Xing: "Work hard, little secretary." He didn't forget to pat Lin Xing's head.

"Take it away." Lin Xing knocked off his hand.

"Interesting." Lu Qing turned around and walked away.

"Crazy! This man." Lin Xing turned his head and walked into Qin Tiannan's bedroom.

Qin Tiannan looked up and saw Lin Xing, and snorted, "Where did you go?"

"Going out for a while." Lin Xing walked to the sofa and was about to sit down.

"Did I tell you to sit down?"

Lin Xing was about to sit down when Qin Tiannan stopped her. She quickly stood up straight, not knowing what kind of medicine Qin Tiannan sold in the gourd.

"During working hours, go out with other irrelevant people without the consent of the boss, and deduct wages."

"Hey, I... I am, the one just now..."

"Don't make noise." Lin Xing was interrupted by Qin Tiannan.

"I'll fuck you, dictatorship." Lin Xing muttered in a low voice, wishing he could strangle Qin Tiannan to death.

Qin Tiannan lowered his head and was busy with his work.The room was quiet, Lin Xing felt depressed, so he asked Qin Tiannan to go back to his room.

 "Go." Qin Tiannan saw that she was standing there and didn't know what she had done wrong, so he agreed with her with a sigh.

"Hey." Lin Xing, who received Qin Tiannan's order, left Qin Tiannan's bedroom as if fleeing.

Am I a ghost?Qin Tiannan looked at Lin Xing who had escaped suspiciously.

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