No matter how Li He and the Empress Dowager stopped, they still failed to change the Empress Dowager's determination to hold a press conference.

On the day Li He returned to the palace, Su Qingxue asked the Empress Dowager to leave the palace on the grounds of going home to visit relatives, so Li He and the Empress Dowager took turns looking for the Empress Dowager, crying and begging to make the Empress Dowager change her mind. Didn't see it, but it didn't delay her knowing these things.

When she came back from her busy work at night and was about to wash up and go to bed, the palace servants in the queen's palace told her all these things while serving her.

Some of the palace people in the Queen's Palace were old palace people from the Empress Dowager's Palace. When the original owner was about to marry into the palace, the Empress Dowager was afraid that the people in the palace would think that the original owner was a low-born and negligent original owner, so she made a special trip to marry her. Some palace people selected from their own palaces were sent to the Queen's Palace, and they were asked to take care of the original owner.And these palace people have followed the Empress Dowager for many years, and they all know the true colors of the Empress Dowager and Li He, but they heard that the original owner has admired Li He for many years, so after the original owner entered the palace, it is not good for them to show more in front of the original owner. I hate the mother and son so much.Even if Su Qingxue later transmigrated into this world, occupied this body, "changed her temperament" for a while, and no longer showed any interest in Li He, these palace people did not show their dislike for Li He.

Later, when Li He went to meet the envoy of country Z and the envoy's wife, he brought Yili Shi instead of Su Qingxue. After Su Qingxue found out, Su Qingxue was "sad". Li's matter, and then Su Qingxue directly "stopped thinking about Li He", so now in front of Su Qingxue, they basically no longer hide their dislike for the Queen Mother and Li He's mother and son.

When Su Qingxue heard those palace people talking to her about those things, she had already imagined that scene in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to laugh, but since there are still so many palace people present, she couldn't just laugh directly come out.

After all, they are all senior palace people, probably older than the Queen Mother, as long as the Queen Mother and Li He don't hear it, it doesn't matter if they talk about it.But she is different. A queen who is newly married into the palace is still a queen who was born in a poor family. She can't get involved.

As it is now, she just needs to listen, but never talk.If she said something that shouldn't be said and was passed on to the Empress Dowager by these palace people, then her image on the Empress Dowager's side would be greatly reduced.In this way, she will not be able to do something with the help of the Empress Dowager later.

Finally, after these palace people left the Queen's Palace, Su Qingxue threw herself on the bed, buried her head in the quilt and laughed muffled.

After laughing enough, Su Qingxue turned off all the lights in the Queen's Palace, and lay down on her king-size bed to rest, so as to recharge her spirits and prepare for what was about to happen tomorrow.

Tonight, there was no shift for Chou Jie on the duty list of the palace, so he stayed in the Queen's Palace for a while before being driven back to his own dormitory by Su Qingxue.

He still remembers the expression on Su Qingxue's face when he pushed him away, as if he was looking at something dead, his eyes didn't have any warmth, and there was some impatience faintly in his eyes.

If ordinary people treated him like this, he would have gone up and started fighting, but facing this queen, he still couldn't raise his fist to her.

Not because of her identity, nor because of her experience of pity, but because of the unknown guilt deep in his heart, and a trace of emotion that he couldn't explain clearly.

Chou Jie felt that he might be crazy.

When Empress Mingming first entered the palace, he didn't have any thoughts about her at all, he just wanted to let her see Li He's true face clearly, so that she could help him and Bian Baihu take revenge on the royal family.

But when exactly did he start to have different emotions towards that woman?

Is it the white lies that this woman told her in order not to let her father worry about her when I heard her talking on the phone with her father in the imperial garden of the palace?Or when I was on duty late at night, I saw her alone in the vacant room, sitting by the window of the Queen's Palace and looking up at the starry sky?
Qiu Jie didn't know, and he didn't want to know either.Anyway, he was already a dying person, after he finished his revenge and overthrew the royal family rule, he would be able to leave this world without worries.

As for these emotions, when he died, they would disappear, and no one would know.

Lying on the bed restlessly, Chou Jie took out a small jade bottle from his uniform pocket and played with it in his hand.

This small jade bottle was specially stuffed into his pocket by Su Qingxue when he was "throwing" him away.After he returned to his dormitory, he specially sent him a message, telling him to take the medicine in this small jade bottle, it will come in handy tomorrow.

Qiu Jie opened the cork on the small jade bottle, poured out the contents, and observed it in the palm of his hand.

Inside the small jade bottle was a pill that looked dark and didn't smell like medicine. It felt like a pill candy for a child.Qiu Jie didn't know why Su Qingxue insisted on taking this pill, and said it was of great use, but for some reason, a voice echoed in his heart, eat it, eat it.

Qiu Jie was already very upset and irritable, but now he was even more disturbed by this voice.At this moment, he suddenly remembered the few talismans pasted on the door of the ward when Su Qingxue came to look for him in the ward.Just after she pasted those talismans, no matter how loud she and he talked in the ward, people outside couldn't hear them, but they could hear their voices.

Moreover, Su Qingxue also left him a few talismans, and he used them too, it was really miraculous.

So Qiu Jie stopped being entangled, and decisively took the pill that Su Qingxue gave him, then found a hidden place in the dormitory, and put the little jade bottle away.

early morning.

"In order to accept Princess Yali, the royal family has already begun to sort out the household registration. Therefore, a press conference was held today to hold the canonization ceremony of Princess Yali." In the banquet hall specially prepared by the royal family for the press conference, the empress dowager stood In front of the microphone, explain the reason for holding a press conference today to the journalists who arrived at the scene.

With a stiff face, Li He forced a smile to the reporter who was holding a camera and a microphone in front of him; Su Qingxue was wearing a queen's court dress, and sat beside Li He with a smile; Princess Suzhen sat beside Su Qingxue. On the small stool next to Li He and the others, their faces were stretched out; while the queen mother was sitting behind the empress dowager, the figure of the empress dowager directly covered her, and the reporters around couldn't see her at all. .

"The reason why I can do this is all thanks to the empress, otherwise I would not have made such a big determination." Speaking of this, the empress dowager turned to look at Su Qingxue, and said with a smile, "Thank you, empress."

Su Qingxue looked at the Empress Dowager with a smile in her eyes and said, "I just did what should be done, Grandmother."

But Li He had to follow the note that the Empress Dowager gave him yesterday, stretched out his hand to hold Su Qingxue's hand on his lap, smiled at Su Qingxue and said, "Thank you."

But he looked at Su Qingxue with very unfriendly eyes, and his tone was quite gritted.

Su Qingxue smiled at Li He and didn't care.

The surrounding reporters all held up their cameras and snapped pictures of the scene in front of them, for fear of missing the scene of "love" between the empress and empress.

The Empress Dowager sat in her seat after speaking, leaving the microphone to Prime Minister Cui who had been standing behind her since the press conference.

Prime Minister Cui stepped forward to the microphone, and said to the reporter in front of him, "The Royal Supervisory Council has no doubts about the canonization of royal blood. Then, I will represent the procuratorate and introduce Princess Yali to everyone."

After finishing speaking, Prime Minister Cui applauded first, and all the media reporters below also clapped their microphones under their arms, and automatically gave way to let Li Yali come up.

As soon as Li Yali walked in front of Su Qingxue and Li He, someone from the palace stepped forward and put a shawl representing the identity of a princess on her body, and then Su Qingxue also stood up and put the princess crown that belonged to Li Yali on her head.

Princess Suzhen looked at Li Yali who was accepting the canonization, and thought of this cheap girl who suddenly ran to her bedroom a few days ago and sneered at her, she was so angry, her face became even more ugly.

After Su Qingxue put the crown on Li Yali and returned to her seat, all the palace people present knelt down and said to Li Yali standing in the center of the banquet hall in unison: "Your Highness, you can serve such a lovely and intelligent princess." , I feel extremely honored. We swear here that in the future, when serving Her Royal Highness, there will be no inappropriate things, and at the same time, we will be more careful."

After these palace people finished speaking, Li Yali raised her right hand, looked at all the media reporters present, and swore: "I, Li Yali, as the princess of Empire H, inherit the royal family's etiquette, filial piety, loyalty, righteousness, and heart. I will do anything that violates the princess's character, and I will not neglect to practice my morality, intelligence, body, and beauty, and hereby make a promise to the people."

After saying this, Li Yali specially used the global language of this plane to say another paragraph: "I am very interested in the environment and the economy. While the economy is developing, the environment is also being destroyed. I have been worrying about both. I hope that all the people of Empire H can be happy and happy, and do my best to serve all citizens.”

Seeing Li Yali giving her such a face, Li He no longer froze, and slowly showed a sincere smile.

And Princess Suzhen looked at Li Yali who was standing in front of her speaking, and suddenly felt very relieved.It's not that she didn't like this child, but at that time, she, who had never given birth to a child, was suddenly asked to take care of a child that didn't belong to her, and to recognize her as her own child. I never had a good look at this child.

Xu Jiangxi, who was hiding outside the banquet hall, looked at Li Yali who showed such an appearance, wept with joy, and covered his mouth to prevent his crying from coming in.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

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