This villain boss is not easy to tease

Chapter 7 Meeting the heroine's ex-boyfriend

Although Shang Manqiu's face is full of Du Su Qingxue's tenderness, but he thinks very darkly in his heart.As expected of the heroine, she didn't close the door when she was leaving, just wanting her to die in the mouth of the zombies. Unexpectedly, she was so lucky that not only did she not die in the mouths of the zombies, but she ran here safely.This heroine's halo is really powerful.But so what, anyway, I have already taken away all the opportunities that belonged to her, and even got a golden finger that is stronger than her family heirloom.She would like to see in the future, whether it is Pei Xianqiang who has the halo of the heroine on her head, or her who is familiar with the plot of the book runner Qiang!

How can Su Qingxue not know the little things in Shang Manqiu's heart, she did this just to win the favor in front of everyone, and to show her presence in Yuan Mo's heart by the way, but Su Qingxue is here to destroy the relationship between her and Yuan Mo Yes, how could it be as she wished?

So Su Qingxue immediately showed a very aggrieved expression on her face, looked at Shang Manqiu tearfully, and said very sadly: "Cousin, they obviously left me who was running a fever in order to escape. Close the door, if it wasn't for my fate, I woke up before the zombies bit me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be there now. They did something that hurt my heart, why should I apologize? ?”

Hearing that Su Qingxue revealed everything in front of everyone, she panicked for a moment and didn't know how to deal with it.

Geng Jiali, who was watching something wrong from the side, hurried over, without saying a word, she directly stepped forward and pulled Shang Manqiu, without even looking at Su Qingxue, who was sitting on the ground leaning on the shelf and "wiping tears from sadness", said in a vicious voice : "Xiaoqiu, what do you have to say to this white-eyed wolf? You gave her something to eat with good intentions, but what did she say? Ang! Listen to what she just said, it's like throwing shit at us Buckle on the head!"

After being pulled away by Geng Jiali, Shang Manqiu breathed a sigh of relief.What Geng Jiali said just now saved her life.If Geng Jiali hadn't pulled her away, she wouldn't have known how to deal with it.

"But sister, even if my cousin just said that we are not, we can't just leave her here and leave her alone, right? It's so dangerous outside now, and there are zombies eating people everywhere. Facing those monsters, it would be easy for her." In order to restore her impression in front of everyone, Shang Manqiu tried to "fight" for Su Qingxue in front of Geng Jiali.

"What's wrong with her being a girl? Aren't you a girl too? You can follow others to kill zombies outside, why can't she?! Besides, I think she lives well outside alone. There is no injury at all, it seems that we don't need to take care of it. And you don't know what she said yesterday, it really pissed me and your uncle to death! You listen to me, don't bother with this white-eyed wolf in the future , just let yourself fend for yourself outside. Even if we are eaten by zombies one day, we don’t care about our business!"

"Sister-in-law, what you said is wrong. No matter what happens to my cousin, we are a family. My cousin is still young and not sensible, so don't worry about her."

"Am I fussing with her? What am I fussing about with her? Living in our house for so many years, eating our family's food, drinking our family's food, and using our family's food, it's okay if she doesn't feel grateful, and now she's still doing this in front of outsiders." Slandering us, did I care about her? No. And I have raised her for so many years without asking for anything in return. Xiaoqiu, if you see her in the future, don't worry about her, what kind of fate she ended up in is her own fault!"


The voices of the two gradually faded away.

People around who heard the conversation between Shang Manqiu and Geng Jiali looked at Su Qingxue with sympathy.

Although Su Qingxue buried her head in her knees and covered her face with her hands and "cryed", her eyes didn't have any tears, they were full of cunning.

Seeing Su Qingxue's aggrieved cry, the people around felt even more sorry for this little girl who was "abandoned" by her family, and immediately began to hate Geng Jiali in their hearts, and even Shang Manqiu, who had just spoken for Su Qingxue, was also disgusted.

Receiving the disgusting eyes from people around them, Geng Jiali, who already hated Su Qingxue very much, hated her even more; while Shang Manqiu walked up to Yuan Mo with some grievances, trying to get comfort from him; Pei Gaodan became dissatisfied with Su Qingxue in his heart.

After "crying" for a while, Su Qingxue saw that her goal had been achieved, so she stopped pretending and stretched out her arms to pretend to wipe off the "tears" on her face, but these "tears" were actually the tears she had just taken from the space. The spring water came out and wiped his face, then got up from the ground with his head down, picked up the backpack he had put on the ground, and prepared to leave here.

Just as she picked up her backpack and started to leave, a pair of men's casual shoes suddenly appeared in her sight.

Su Qingxue raised her lowered head, and saw a pair of very cold eyes.

Being able to stand out among so many men who pursued Shang Manqiu in the plot, and win the beauty back, Yuan Mo's skin should be considered very outstanding.There is a pair of unfathomable star eyes on the sharp-edged face, then there is a tall nose bridge, and then there are rosy lips like petals, and Yuan Mo's figure is tall and straight, with an imposing temperament, even if thrown in the crowd It is also very conspicuous.

But in the eyes of Su Qingxue, who grew up among beautiful men and has seen countless beautiful men, Yuan Mo's appearance is just a little better than ordinary people, not very outstanding.

Even so, Su Qingxue has to admire Shang Manqiu's vicious eyes and good at judging people. Anyway, in the plot, there are few people who can match Yuan Mo's appearance and ability.

Except for one person.

"My team doesn't welcome people like you who have no respect for elders. Please leave here immediately." Yuan Mo stood in front of Su Qingxue, looked at Su Qingxue with indifference, and his tone of voice was as cold as his eyes , without a trace of emotion.

Hearing Yuan Mo's words, Su Qingxue was taken aback for a moment, and then scolded Shang Manqiu in her heart.

I knock!What did the woman Shang Manqiu say when she ran to the male lead just now? Why did the male lead drive her away indiscriminately?
Believe it or not, she can't just leave here!Otherwise, after she leaves, maybe Geng Jiali will speak ill of her to others.

Thinking of this, Su Qingxue threw the backpack she was carrying on the ground, squatted down and hugged her knees and cried loudly: "What did I do wrong that you all want to treat me like this? It's obviously them It’s my fault, I didn’t admit that I did something wrong, and poured dirty water on me, and instead of talking about them, you helped them bully me like this and drive me away, are there any bullies like you?”

Seeing Su Qingxue "crying so sadly", everyone around her also felt sorry for her.

"A little girl was abandoned by her parents. She wandered outside alone, and finally met her parents. In the end, her parents poured dirty water on her in order to avoid responsibility. This was already hurtful enough, but in the end You still want to drive her away. She is a little girl, how long can she live outside by herself?"

"That's right, no matter what, I won't bring such a bully."

When I came back with Yuan Mo in the morning, a black-faced boy who was watching the fun couldn't bear to hear Su Qingxue's cry, so he walked up to Yuan Mo and pleaded for Su Qingxue: "Boss, you little girl is here It’s not easy to live outside, you can’t do it because of Shang.”

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yuan Mo.Yuan Mo looked at him coldly, and said coldly: "Do you know Shang Manqiu more, or her? What kind of ecstasy did she give you, and you speak for her now?"

After Yuan Mo said that, the black-faced boy was not happy anymore, and immediately shut his mouth, stood aside and stopped talking.

Seeing Yuan Mo talking to his brothers so coldly, if he said that to him just now, he would definitely drive them out.So they all shut their mouths one after another, and stopped speaking for Su Qingxue.But I hated Shang Manqiu even more in my heart.

Su Qingxue didn't do this to stay in the team, she just wanted to disgust Shang Manqiu and the others before leaving.Now that her goal has been achieved, Su Qingxue no longer loves to fight, she wiped away her "tears" and stood up, then gave Yuan Mo a vicious look, and said angrily, "If you behave like this, you will suffer retribution in the future."

Of course, every cause must bear fruit, and your retribution is mine.

After finishing speaking, Su Qingxue picked up the backpack on the ground and left the supermarket without looking back.

Yuan Mo looked at Su Qingxue's back and stood there for a long time without moving.To be honest, Su Qingxue's curse just before leaving was simply a joke to him, but for some reason, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart, as if what she just said would definitely come true in the future.

Yuan Mo was taken aback by the thought that had just popped up in his heart, and then he smiled can that be possible?Don't think too much now, lest you scare yourself.

After Su Qingxue left the supermarket, he killed a few zombies wandering on the street. By the way, he found a car that looked good in defense and was relatively complete. He found a rope, looped it, and held it in his hand. She turned around a few times and flung it out, catching the zombie that was sticking out from the car and baring its teeth and claws at her, pulled it out of the car, and then set a flame to burn it clean. Not even ash was left behind.

He took out some paper towels and a few rags that he had "stockpiled" in the supermarket when people weren't paying attention, and then found a bucket nearby, put the spiritual spring water in the space in the bucket, and Su Qingxue started to wash the car.

With her nose that is so sensitive to the smell of blood, there is a lot of space outside, the air is ventilated, and the smell is not too big, but it can be better; if you sit in a car full of blood from zombies and smell the smell She could die on the spot.

Fortunately, this place is quite remote, except for the zombies that were attracted by Yuan Mo and his party from other places, there are basically not many zombies left, so Su Qingxue quickly cleaned everything inside and out of the car.

Sitting in the car that was cleaned by herself without any smell of blood, Su Qingxue felt an indescribable lightness in her heart.

【.】The host with its own housekeeping function, why is it a bit different from the information given to it by the host?

Driving on the empty road, while Su Qingxue was paying attention to whether there were any zombies nearby, she was also distracted to see if there was a hardware store on the side of the road.She was going inside to see if there was anything that could be installed in the car to increase the defense capability of the car in her hand.

She is going to drive this car for a long time.

The sky paid off. After driving for a long time, Su Qingxue finally found a hardware store at the corner of a road.The point is not one, but several. Almost all the streets are hardware stores.

Su Qingxue suppressed her excitement, locked the car and parked it on the side of the road, then walked into the nearest hardware store with brisk steps.

After putting all the things she needed from the hardware store into the space, Su Qingxue walked out of the street, ready to drive to the next destination.

But when she was about to walk to Reuters, she saw someone holding something in her hand and prying on her car door.Without saying a word, Su Qingxue threw a ball of fire at the thief who was about to steal her car.

The person who was prying the car seemed to have sensed Su Qingxue's attack, and hurriedly stopped all his movements, and dodged to the side, dodging the fireball thrown by Su Qingxue.

After he stabilized his body and saw clearly what was just thrown over, the man patted his chest with some fear, and then shouted at Su Qingxue: "Why do you attack people without saying anything? Fortunately, I dodged in time, otherwise I would be burned to ashes by you now!"

Hearing this person's voice, Su Qingxue felt very familiar, so she turned her gaze towards that person.Just at this moment, the man's eyes were also looking at her.

It just so happened that the two of them met each other's eyes.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The two said in unison.

"Why are you here?"

"Is this car yours?"

The two said at the same time.

"Forget it, you go first."

"Forget it, you go ahead."

The two spoke at the same time.


The two were silent for a while, and finally the person who stole the car broke the awkward atmosphere first: "Why are you here alone? Where's your cousin? This car belongs to you?"

Su Qingxue looked at the man, and answered the question he just asked very patiently: "Of course this car belongs to me. As for why I appeared here alone, and Shang Manqiu didn't appear by my side, you should be better than me." Be clear. Why? You didn’t stay in your central base, what did you come here for? And you turned into this messed up look?”

After finishing speaking, Su Qingxue looked at that person up and down.

The man was a little embarrassed by Su Qingxue's look, and it was hard to see whether he was blushing on his dirty and ugly face. In the end, it was Su Qingxue who saw his red ears from his messy hair, and then he knew him. Excuse me.

"Do you have anything to eat now? Can you give me something to eat? I haven't eaten for two days." The man touched his growling stomach and said to Su Qingxue embarrassedly.

Su Qingxue took out a bag of bread, a bag of compressed biscuits, and a bottle of spiritual spring water from the backpack she had been carrying to conceal the space, and handed them to the man.

After the man took the food from Su Qingxue, he tore open the packaging bag and started to devour it.

Seeing him eating like that, Su Qingxue couldn't help but said, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you. You haven't answered my question yet, so you can't just choke to death like this."

Hearing Su Qingxue's words, the man chewed his food and said vaguely: "Pei Xian, why did you become such a vicious tongue?"

Su Qingxue snorted, and said, "I've always been so venomous, it's just that your attention has been on Shang Manqiu and you didn't notice it."

That person also knew that Su Qingxue and Shang Manqiu would not deal with him, so he stopped talking and concentrated on eating the food in his hands.

Su Qingxue looked at the person in front of her and sighed in her heart.I didn't expect that I would meet an acquaintance just by going to the hardware store to find something.The key point is that this person is none other than the original owner Pei Xian's good friend at school, Shang Manqiu's boyfriend before the end of the world, and also the son of the head of the Qin Family of the Central Base—Qin Xiuyuan.

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