Elysian!How can you.
how can you do that !
And you destroyed my mother's body!

Elysian! ! !
Chou Jie roared crazily in his heart, and began to recall the past in his mind. He thought of Yili Shi who ran away from home without saying a word, and then returned home like a refugee while pregnant; thought of his mother who was so careful. She took care of her, and in order to preserve her reputation after she gave birth to a child, she recognized the child as her own name and named him Tang Jun; As for him, for her royal entrance examination, he worked tirelessly and day and night to help her take care of Tang Jun, but she "repayed" them like this.
The more Qiu Jie recalled the past, the deeper the hatred for Yili Shi in his heart.

Just when he was about to lose control of the hatred and anger in his heart and wanted to rush into the study, a guard came over to take over from his shift. Enduring the anger and pain in his heart, he walked to a corner where no one was around and cried bitterly .

When he was guarding the study and watching these beasts stay in the study, it was not that he hadn't thought about pulling out the pistol he carried with him, rushing in regardless, and shooting these beasts who were inferior to animals.

But he can't do that just yet.

What he bears now is not only his own hatred, but also the hatred of Bian Baihu and the truth of exposing the truth about the death of the former empress, as well as those who were killed by the royal family.
He could only endure these pains, endure hardships in the palace, and then slowly collect evidence of their crimes in his current identity.

Only by collecting these evidences can these people be punished as they should be, so as to comfort his mother and the spirit of the former empress.

==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ========
Emerald Isle.

Qiu Jie dressed himself up as a delivery boy and came to the small restaurant run by his mother before his death, but he didn't move for a long time.

Looking at the restaurant with the same furnishings as his mother's, he seemed to see how the restaurant was thriving when his mother was still alive, and how his mother beckoned him to come in and eat after seeing him standing outside the door.

She smiled and said to herself: "Tang Jie, what are you doing there? Hurry up and eat! Mom bought your favorite pork belly."

With tears in his eyes, Qiu Jie replied with a smile, "Okay."

But as soon as he took a step forward, the "scene" in front of him disappeared before his eyes.


I miss you so much.
==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ========
After leaving the restaurant, Qiu Jie rode his bicycle to Ma Bizhou's private office.

He got out of the car, picked up Tie Kun, who was placed next to the iron gate, and swung the iron rod to hit the surveillance camera installed at the gate.

His action made a loud noise, and all the people in the room were drawn out.

They were all fierce and gathered in the yard with sticks in their hands, looking at Chou Jie standing outside the door, with fierce eyes as if they wanted to skin him and cramp him.

With the help of Qiu Jie, he passed through the iron gate in one fell swoop, and raised the iron bar to fight the thugs.

While they were fighting, some others came down the stairs to join the fight.

But no matter how many of them there were, they were no match for Qiu Jie.

Soon, these people were beaten to the ground by him, unable to get up.

He spat hard at the people on the ground, then threw the iron rod in his hand on the ground, and quickly rushed up the stairs to the office.

After Qiu Jie entered the office, he found a golf club and held it in his hand. He raised the golf club and smashed everything in Ma Bizhou's office.

After the fish tank was smashed, the goldfish in the fish tank fell to the ground and rolled, trying to get back into the water.

But that's just futile.

After Qiu Jie smashed the office, he burned all the documents about him and the surveillance video just now.

After finishing these things, he picked up the nameplate with Ma Bizhou's name engraved on the desk and wandered back and forth in the office.

Suddenly, he saw a mirror hanging on the wall.

Looking at the mirror, the scene of Yi Lishi and Li He lying on the same bed seemed to appear in front of his eyes again.

Especially Yi Lishi's sweet face, nestling in Li He's arms naked, made Qiu Jie's heart burn with anger.

He raised the nameplate and slammed it at the mirror, and the shards of the mirror scattered on the ground, and the scenes that made him angry disappeared.


Chou Jie kept roaring, so as to use this to vent the pain and anger in his heart.

"Ma Bizhou! Yili Shi! Li He!!!" he roared, "I'm going to kill you all! Kill them all!!! Ah——"

==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ========
After Tang Jie left the office, those people immediately called Ma Bizhou and told Ma Bizhou everything that had just happened.

After Ma Bizhou learned of this, he first ordered them to send someone to keep an eye on the person who caused trouble.

After giving the order, he hung up the phone, and then quickly went to Li Hyuk to explain the situation to him.

After getting Li He's approval, he hurriedly drove to Emerald Island.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw a mess in the office, and the goldfish kept "breathing" on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ma Bizhou yelled at those younger brothers: "What is going on?"

One of the boys lowered his head and said to Ma Bizhou, "I'm sorry, we lost him after following that man for a while."

Hearing the situation reported by the younger brother, Ma Bizhou was very angry.

He stretched out his hand to push the little brother, then grabbed his collar and said angrily, "What? Brat! What do I want you guys for?! Monitoring? Have you confirmed it?"

It was still that little brother: "No, he dropped the surveillance camera as soon as he came, and even the video was burned by him."

After Ma Bizhou heard this, he was very angry and punched his younger brother in the face: "You bunch of trash!!!"

He managed to get a chance to make a contribution with Li He, and now there is no information about that matter in the office, where can he find someone? ! ! !

These trash! ! !


==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ==================================================== ========
After Qiu Jie left the office, he came to Bian Baihu's home.

At this time, Bian Baihu was not at home, and Tang Jun was the only one at home.

When Qiu Jie came, Tang Jun was squatting in front of the chicken coop, observing the process of the hens laying eggs in the chicken coop.

Qiu Jie walked in the direction where he was.

As soon as Tang Jun saw Qiu Jie, he waved to him excitedly: "Brother! Why did brother come back? Did you come to see me?"

Qiu Jie looked at Tang Jun with complicated eyes, pursed his lips tightly, and did not speak.

At this time, Tang Jun felt that Qiu Jie was not in a good mood, so he asked with great concern: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you not used to working in the palace? Why don't you come back, Ah Jun really wants to Brother—"

Only then did Qiu Jie speak: "Ah Jun is going with my brother, and my brother will take you to a place."

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