This villain boss is not easy to tease

Chapter 30 Zombie World (30)

Fu Qiming waved to Su Qingxue who had already got off the plane with a look of reluctance and said: "Boss, we will honestly wait for you and brother Lu at the central base in the third meeting, and we will definitely not disappoint your expectations of us. You should hurry up To the central base!"

But Su Qingxue didn't look back, but just waved at them.

Fu Qiming and the others reluctantly lay on the plane window and looked at the backs of Su Qingxue and Lu Shenxing.

Until the helicopter flew higher and higher, farther and farther away, and their backs could no longer be seen.

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After Su Qingxue and Lu Shenxing got off the plane, they activated their abilities and rushed towards the army surrounding them.

But there were too many people surrounding them, and the two couldn't get through, and they were finally surrounded by ZF people.

Seeing the soldiers and supernatural beings constantly approaching her and Lu Shenxing, Su Qingxue gritted her teeth, took out a few dark blue balls from the space, and handed some to Lu Shenxing.

Lu Shenxing looked at the small ball Su Qingxue gave him, a little surprised: "This small ball is"

Su Qingxue did not explain to him, but directly threw a small ball in his hand towards the place with the most people.

With a "bang", there was a large space in front of the two of them.

The flames from the explosion burned people outside the range of the explosion to ashes.

Lu Shenxing: "!!!"

The power of this little ball is so barren and powerful!

At this time, Su Qingxue explained to him the dark blue ball in his hand: "This small ball contains my supernatural power, which is very powerful. But the explosion range is uncertain." Speaking of this, Su Qingxue glanced at him , "So you throw it away when the time comes, don't blow yourself up, I'm not responsible for collecting the corpse."

Lu Shenxing: "."

Is he that stupid?


This woman can say whatever she likes, anyway, I can't say enough about her.

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Su Qingxue looked at the dark blue ball in her hand, and suddenly smiled.

At that time, putting the ability into the energy ball in her hand was just a whim, but she didn't think that it would come in handy one day.

And it's so powerful.

[Fuck Σ(っ°Д°;)っhost, where did you get these energy balls]

Why didn't it scan out on the host when it was scanning?

Su Qingxue looked arrogant: "I won't tell you."


This is the trump card of labor and capital, how could they tell you?


Okay, it suddenly felt what Lu Shenxing felt.

#Why are there always some strange things in the hands of the host, is it because the scanning function of this system is broken#
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Su Qingxue threw another energy ball towards the superhuman who was still approaching her and Lu Shenxing.

This energy ball was twice as powerful as the one she threw before. When it landed on the ground, it directly blew up the middle of the airport, and even half of the buildings around the airport collapsed.

Everyone present was stunned: Damn it (Д三Д)
Taking advantage of the chaos at the airport, Su Qingxue quickly ran towards one end of the airport, and snatched a truck.

The remaining military personnel on the airport urgently contacted the ZF at the base, requesting the base to send reinforcements to intercept Su Qingxue's car.

They have such a powerful destructive power, but they must not be allowed to run away.

What if they blow up the base while running away?
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"What kind of bomb is this?"

Looking at the big crater on the airport that was blown out by the energy ball thrown by Su Qingxue shown on the surveillance, the base leader and several other deputy leaders looked at each other in blank dismay.

When the soldiers present at the scene stood in front of the base leaders and recalled that scene, they were still terrified: "I don't know, but it was really scary at the time. It seemed that there was a ghost around me all the time, and I felt cold all over my body. It made me dare not look at that side at all. Moreover, the dark blue flame spread out after the explosion burned the people around the big pit to nothing, and it was so powerful. I have never seen such a strange flame .”

"Dark blue flame?"

"That's right, the flame doesn't seem to be very hot, but there is no ashes left on the person's body. By the way, someone recorded the video! Hurry up! Show it to the leaders!"

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately handed over the video at that time, and it recorded the scene near the big pit after the explosion.

After the explosion, flames would spread out from the empty pit from time to time, and if anyone around them got a little bit of flames, they would be burned out.

And it lasted for almost 10 minutes before it completely disappeared.

"Have you checked it?" The leader stared at the big hole in the video with deep eyes.

"It has been checked, and there is no radiation." Hearing what the leader said, the staff who had been standing by immediately stepped forward to report, with a very strange look on their faces.

To be honest, he has never seen a bomb that can make such a big hole without any radiation when he grows up.

Moreover, he also heard people who were present at the time say that there was still fire coming out of the big pit, and if it got a little bit on it, it would be burned to nothing, but the temperature of the flame was extremely cold.

"Be sure to catch them."

No matter what the identities of those two people are, they must be caught.

If such a bomb can let their base know how to make it, will they still be afraid of zombies?

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The people from the Survivor Base in S City are now trying their best to catch Su Qingxue, but Su Qingxue and Lu Shenxing bombarded them with that weird little ball all the way, and the captors dared not step forward at all.

And Su Qingxue and the others are now almost approaching the gate of the safe zone.
But when Su Qingxue and the others were about to walk out of the gate of the safe zone, they were stopped by someone.

There were people with supernatural powers blocking the way ahead, and an army with guns behind them. Su Qingxue's car was stopped in the middle.

Perhaps because they were afraid of their powerful energy ball, the opponent did not attack them rashly.

The two sides formed a confrontation scene.

"In a while, you run out while you are in disorder, go to find a place outside the base and wait for me. I will come to meet you after I have dealt with this group of people."

Lu Shenxing disagreed with Su Qingxue's arrangement.

But once Su Qingxue made a decision, eight horses would not be able to pull her back.

So in the end Su Qingxue won.

After repeatedly instructing Lu Shenxing, Su Qingxue got out of the car with her sickle, then stretched her neck, and rushed into the team of supernatural beings blocking the road ahead with her sickle in hand.

The person in front probably didn't expect Su Qingxue to start the fight without saying a word, so he didn't react for a while.

So Su Qingxue had the upper hand from the very beginning.

After the supernatural being reacted, he threw all kinds of dazzling supernatural abilities at Su Qingxue.

Although the sickle in Su Qingxue's hand looked inconspicuous, but when it came into contact with the supernatural power, the supernatural power would be swung away by the sickle, but the sickle was not damaged at all.

This situation made the hearts of all the supernatural beings on the spot feel hot, and their eyes were burning hot when they looked at the sickle.

"Pei Xian!"

"Stop it all!"

Just as all the supernatural beings present were gathering their strength to give Su Qingxue a fatal blow, a shout suddenly came from behind.

Su Qingxue looked in the direction of the sound.

A few familiar figures walked out from ZF behind.

Su Qingxue stopped what she was doing, put away the sickle, and looked at those people.

The leader is Jiang Lei, and Pei's father and mother are still standing beside him.

But looking at the appearance of Pei's father and Pei's mother, they should have been coerced, and there is still a little panic on their faces.

"Yo, Captain Jiang isn't dead yet." Su Qingxue grinned, showing a sarcastic smile, "It's really not for nothing that I have a pious face."

After so many things happened, even now, when Su Qingxue looked at Jiang Lei in front of her, she still felt that he was a good person.

If he died in the research institute in County A, Su Qingxue might feel that he really didn't know about it.

But he is still alive now, but the ZF people of S City still bombed it.

Presumably, apart from Shang Manqiu, Yuan Mo and others who have escaped, those who participated in the mission must be dead.

After hearing Su Qingxue's words, Jiang Lei's expression changed, but he quickly calmed down: "Pei Xian, you'd better get caught in this situation. Otherwise, your parents"

Su Qingxue swung the sickle in front of him, and directly interrupted his words: "Parents? I haven't found my own parents until now. Where did you get them for me?"

Jiang Lei was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

As soon as he returned from County A, he investigated her information, and according to the information, the couple must be her parents.

"Pei Xian, don't you even recognize your own parents?" Jiang Lei shouted.

"Can't you understand human language?" Su Qingxue gave Chang Xin a white look, "I'm just their adopted daughter. So they are my kind of parents."

Adopted daughter?

Obviously Su Qingxue's answer was beyond Jiang Lei's expectations, but he still felt that Pei Xian was confusing the public.

"Xiaoxian, although we are your adoptive parents, we don't think we have treated you badly after raising you for so many years. Don't do anything wrong." Father Pei put his arms around the frightened mother Pei, with a sad expression on his face. It seems that Su Qingxue is so unfilial.

"Did something wrong? Then let me ask you, what did I do wrong? Do you know that they want to kill me? Even if you know, you will definitely ask why they want to kill me? That's because .”

"Adopting parents are also parents, at least they have raised you for so many years. Don't you have any gratitude?" Jiang Lei interrupted Su Qingxue's words.

With so many people here, and so many ordinary people watching, she must not be allowed to speak out about that matter!

"It's just a money transaction. I have nothing to be grateful for. Besides, when the end of the world began, they left me and ran away. They didn't close the door when they left. If it wasn't for my fate, I would have died. If If it were you, would you be grateful to them?"

And she wasn't Pei Xian in the first place, so naturally she didn't have any feelings for Pei's father and Pei's mother.

Jiang Lei didn't know that there was still such a stubble, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"If you still want to use them to threaten me now, it is absolutely impossible. Whether they are dead or alive has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, Su Qingxue took out a few dark blue balls.

When they saw the small ball in Su Qingxue's hand, the faces of the people on both sides changed at the same time.

This thing in her hand is amazingly powerful, blowing up many places and many soldiers along the way.

"I don't want to beep with you anymore. Are you going to get out of this way consciously, or let me blow it out all the way?" Su Qingxue casually tossed the ball, "There are so many supernatural beings and ordinary people here, tsk tsk (* ̄︶ ̄) If they are all dead, will your ZF be drowned by the spittle of the people in the base?"

"Pei Xian, this is between us, it has nothing to do with ordinary people, don't involve them!" Jiang Lei hurriedly said.

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