Yi Nuo really didn't expect Xu Ling to be so straightforward, and he wasn't afraid to scare people away: "I knew you were a nympho, didn't he scold you?"

"You're just not friendly," Xu Ling glared at Yinuo, clasped his hands in front of his chest, imitating Ji Chen's expression with adoration and said, "He said, "I know. ""

"It's really arrogant." Yinuo laughed.It seems that many people say he is handsome, which shows that he is really handsome.

"It's good to be arrogant! It means that he has a very strong heart." Xu Ling retorted.

All right!This woman is completely captivated by her blind date.The one who said that shit smells good, she would probably believe it too!Yinuo was very curious, did the other party take a fancy to Xu Ling?

"The other party, have you taken a fancy to you? What do you mean?"

"He must have taken a fancy to me! You don't know, when he saw me, he froze and stared at me for five seconds."

Five seconds?
No one has five seconds to watch.

Xia Yinuo smiled.

Xu Ling thought that Xia Yinuo didn't believe it, and said, "Don't believe it. Later, he sneaked a peek at me again."

"How did you know he was sneaking at you?"

"You are so stupid, I keep looking at him!"

You are not going on a blind date, you are going to stare at people!Xia Yinuo murmured in his heart.Who will keep looking at each other?Except the police catch the criminals.Why didn't you scare him away!The other party is really a person with an extremely strong mentality.

Xu Ling continued to fascinate: "You know what? In the end, he took the initiative to ask for my number, but he didn't call me."

"You take the initiative to fight!" Xia Yinuo said naturally.

Xu Ling is a proactive person, a little familiar.To say that she didn't call that handsome guy, Xia Yinuo didn't believe it at all.

"Hey!" Xu Ling smirked twice, "If he doesn't call me, of course I will call him. Now it's popular for women to chase men, and men have thin skins."

Who, who said men have thin skins?You just love bullshit.Obviously you are too active.

"How? Accepted?"

"Of course I picked it up. We chatted for a while! However, he is not in the country and is on a business trip."

"Never meet again?"

"No, he probably won't come back until NO.18."

oh!Yinuo was surprised, NO.18 came back, it seems that there is really no drama!He told Xu Ling when he came back.

Yinuo looked at Xu Ling repeatedly, and the blind date actually found a partner.

"Look at your eyes, do you have any questions?" Xu Ling promised.

"No.18, a date?" Xia Yinuo leaned over and asked mysteriously.

"Hmm! I'm going to pick up the plane." Xu Ling said with air.

Yes, this is Xu Ling, she likes it, she is very active, and she ignores those who don't like it.

"Happy date!"

"I am very sure of that."

That blind date, Xu Ling described it this way, but Ji Chen didn't think so.

That blind date, Ji Chen was going through the motions as usual.The person on the blind date is said to be the daughter of my aunt's colleague's friend's family.Where does this relationship go, but Ji Chen's mother, with the belief that she would rather meet a thousand people than let any one go, insisted that Ji Chen come.According to Ji's mother's words, some girl might fall into Ji Chen's eyes!Ji's mother is also very troubled: her son is so old, and everyone else is married and has children, but her son has never talked to anyone. Others have rumored that her son is gay. Do you think Ji's mother is troubled?Therefore, as long as someone introduces him and Ji Chen is free, he must be forced to go.

Ji Chen also knew what her mother meant, but there was no way to fulfill Ji's mother's wish if she hadn't met the girl she fell in love with.I went to the restaurant as usual, and the blind date banquet was no different from usual.However, there are a few differences.First of all, the girl on the blind date didn't have any makeup, really no makeup at all, not even a little lipstick.Are there any girls who dare to show up naked?And on a blind date with me?Once in a hundred years.Secondly, Ji Chen found out that this girl had seen her before.Ji Chen has mild face blindness, doesn't pay special attention to someone, and doesn't remember what he looks like, even if he has met him a few times.

This girl is obviously the girl who asked her way three times a day in the hospital, no, it can't be said that it is a day, it can only be said that it is half an hour.

It turns out that there is really a fate!
Ji Chen looked at Xu Ling curiously.

I saw that Xu Ling's eyes glowed as soon as he saw him, like the fanatical eyes of elementary school students chasing stars, bright and enthusiastic.After leaving the table, she averted her gaze a little, but the feeling of admiration was always in her eyes.

She doesn't seem to remember asking me for directions, though.Does she also have face blindness?Ji Chen made random guesses.

Can a person as handsome as me still make her face blind?I'm still not handsome enough.Ji Chen almost wanted to touch his face to see if his face shape had changed, after all, he hadn't looked at his face for a long time.

After she spoke, Ji Chen was sure that she didn't remember herself at all.Also, Ji Chen discovered that she could speak very well.As long as you hum, she will not let the scene stand cold.I don't know if she is like this when she is with other people.

What a fun guy!

For the first time, Ji Chen asked a girl for her phone number.All along, it was Guliang who asked her for her number.For the first time, I asked Guliang for my number, and I felt, it felt quite fresh!
If Xu Ling knew that Ji Chen thought this way, he would definitely say: "Okay, if you keep this feeling, everything will be ok!"

Everything might really be OK.

All in all, this blind date was a success. Xu Ling found a handsome man, and Ji Chen found an interesting man.


Yinuo listened distraughtly to Yueyue's cough from time to time.

Two days ago, the temperature dropped by more than five degrees due to strong winds. I added clothes to Yueyue, but unexpectedly, Yueyue was still frozen.At first, it was just a runny nose, sneezing, and coughing at night.

When I woke up in the morning, the deep-fried dough sticks bought by my grandma were no longer delicious, and I felt a little hard to swallow.

When the child is sick, the mother is worried.

Yueyue ate half a bowl of noodles, and the little girl was in good spirits, so she took out the Lego blocks to play again.I have been playing with Lego bricks for four days and I am not bored yet.

Yinuo hurriedly ate a bowl of porridge, an egg, and half a fried dough stick, wiped his mouth, and said, "Grandma, I'll take Yueyue to the hospital and ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine. Coughing like this is not a problem."

Yinuo looked at Yueyue playing with building blocks, coughing from time to time, frowning in distress.

"I'm going to take a look. The child is still young and can't help coughing." Grandma quickly drank the porridge and said, "I'll go with you."

"No, I'll go alone. I guess I'll check it up and prescribe some medicine. Now, the illness is not serious, and doctors generally don't give water." Yinuo said and started to put away his things.

Wallet, paper, water cup, clothes...

"Then you slow down." Grandma asked.

"Got it." Yinuo held Yueyue in his arms, picked up his bag and left.

There are a lot of people in the hospital, busy with registration, busy with seeing a doctor, busy with bill payment, busy with blood draws...there are people everywhere.

Yueyue was quite obedient, she didn't cry or make trouble, and she came down to walk by herself.Yinuo felt much more relaxed. After blood tests, sure enough, as Yinuo expected, the doctor prescribed medicine and told him to drink plenty of water when he got home.

Yinuo took Yueyue to pay for the medicine and didn't notice that someone was looking at them and took pictures.

Xia Yinuo took the medicine and took Yueyue home.

The person who took the photo stared at the photo for a long time, and then asked someone to investigate the patient's information.

Who is this person?

This person is actually Chen Yang's mother, and Dean Xu is standing beside her.

Mother Chen's teeth have been uncomfortable for two days, she couldn't make it through, so she went to the hospital to see her teeth.

Before looking at the teeth, I ran into my old neighbor, Dean Xu——Xu Yazhang.

"Zhuhui, did you take your granddaughter to see a doctor?" Dean Xu ran into his old neighbor Wei Zhuhui, Chen Yang's mother.

Wei Zhuhui was confused, her teeth still hurting: "Yazhang? Why are you in the outpatient clinic? Just now, what did you say?"

"Come and take a look if you have time," Dean Chen pointed to the mother and daughter in front of her, "Isn't that your granddaughter? She's exactly the same as your Chen Yang when she was a child!"

Wei Zhuhui stared at Xia Yinuo and Yueyue who were not far away in surprise, her teeth no longer hurt.

The woman was leading the two-year-old child and was walking back after paying the fee. The woman lowered her head and listened carefully to the little girl's words.I don't know what to say, the little girl smiled, the corners of her mouth were turned up, her eyes were curved into small crescents, and she had two small dimples, she looked very cute.

Chen Yang was like this when he was a child, he laughed just like himself, and many people in the yard made fun of him for looking like a girl.Chen's mother even took a picture of Chen Yang in girl's clothes when he was very young.

Afterwards, Chen Yang didn't like to laugh anymore, and always kept a straight face, until now.

This little girl really looks the same as Yang Yang when she was a child.

"It's exactly the same!" Wei Zhuhui murmured, "Why is this brat hiding so tightly?"

Heart Road: What is this kid doing?The children are not reported to the family after they are born. Could it be that there is a problem with the mother of the child, and the romantic place?It doesn't look like it, dressed quite well, white turtleneck, taupe-colored woolen coat, black woolen slim-leg pants, no eyebrows or powder, just a little lipstick.

"You still don't know?" Xu Yazhang looked at the dumbfounded Wei Zhuhui and asked in surprise.

"This brat is becoming more and more outrageous. The child is so old, and he doesn't take it home." Wei Zhuhui scolded angrily, "I still urge him to get married every day. He didn't even say a word." Her granddaughter wanted others to tell her that Wei Zhuhui felt that she was going to faint from anger.Wei Zhuhui took out her mobile phone and snapped a few photos. If there are photos, I'll see what you say, brat.

"What's wrong with the child?" Wei Zhuhui remembered to ask Xia Yinuo and Yueyue's figure out of sight.

"Let me ask, she is on the account of Deputy Director Ji." Xu Yazhang remembered that the mother and daughter came from Pediatric 3.

"It's your job."

Wei Zhuhui followed Chen Xu Yazhang to the pediatrics department.

"It's not to accompany the granddaughter, so why are you uncomfortable? Why don't you come to me?" Xu Yazhang asked with concern.

When Xu Yazhang asked, the tooth seemed to be a little uncomfortable again, Wei Zhuhui covered her mouth and said: "The tooth has been uncomfortable for the past two days, come and see the tooth."

"Zhang Jiwen from Dentistry is good, just come and tell me in advance."

"Ah! Just those two old teeth, that's all. I dare not pull them out,..."

While talking, Chen Yazhang called up Xia Yinuo's information from Deputy Director Ji.

"I'll accompany you to Director Zhang's dentistry." Xu Yazhang said and went to the dentist.

"Don't bother, just go about your business! I'll just prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicine." Wei Zhuhui hastily declined.

"You need to have a look at your teeth. If you need treatment, it's better to treat it. You can't just take anti-inflammatory drugs."

Xu Yazhang went to Director Zhang directly, and after seeing it, Director Zhang prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs directly.He told me that if the tooth is inflamed, it should be anti-inflammatory first, take anti-inflammatory medicine for a few days, and then come for root canal treatment.

Wei Zhuhui thanked Xu Yazhang, took the medicine, left the hospital, and immediately called Chen Yang.

Seeing his old mother calling, Chen Yang quickly answered, "Mom!"

"You kid, did you give birth to an illegitimate daughter outside?" Wei Zhuhui's tone was a little angry, but also a little excited.


Wei Zhuhui is really excited, she has a granddaughter!The daughter is born, and I still worry that he will not get married.

I didn't expect that the things I worry about every day will suddenly disappear.

Chen Yang was confused, what is an "illegitimate daughter"?Literally?
How can it be?

Chen Yang replied inexplicably: "Mom, who are you listening to nonsense? I don't even know that I have an illegitimate daughter?"

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