How did she know when I had my baby?
oh!By the way, Zihe's partner, Shen Wenli, works as a nurse in that hospital. She saw me that day.It must be Shen Wenli who went back and said it!

Are Su Zihe and Shen Wenli not married yet?Or, the two are married, but Shen Wenli is not pregnant yet? Even if your wife is not pregnant yet, you can't come to me to have a child.As I said earlier, this child is not Zihe's.

Why is Su Zihe's mother so troublesome!
Yinuo has a big head.

"If I say no, then it's not. If you're here for this matter, then there's nothing to say, just go!"

"Don't deny it, the child belongs to Zihe. Return the child to me."

Zihe's mother was clamoring in the living room.

"There is something wrong with you! If you want a grandson, you won't ask your son and daughter-in-law to have someone else's child." Grandma and Zihe's mother argued.


This kind of unreasonable person, what you say to her is superfluous.If she could listen to what others said, could she be an unreasonable person!
Yinuo saw her grandma and Zihe's mother arguing about thick necks, and her face flushed.If the noise continued, Yue Yue, who had just fallen asleep, would wake up.Yinuo had an irritable thought in his heart.If there is no result from the quarrel, let her go out and talk to herself!Thinking of this, Yinuo pushed Zihe's mother and walked out. Zihe's mother leaned back with her buttocks and her feet against the wall, trying to hold back.Yinuo is not Yinuo's grandma who is old and boring, but Yinuo has never stopped exercising.

After a few pushes, Yinuo pushed Zihe's mother out of the door.

The door closed with a bang.

Zihe's mother yelled and cursed loudly outside the door, and knocked on the door from time to time, making a tinkling sound.

It is estimated that the neighbor next door is going to come out to watch the fun.She was really ashamed.She is shameless, Yinuo can't stand it.Yinuo hurriedly called Zihe.After hanging up the phone, Zihe called his mother.

After answering the phone, Zihe's mother left sadly.

Yinuo went back to the room and looked at Yueyue. She was so deeply asleep that she was not woken up.

After going out of the house and into the living room, grandma sat on a chair by the dining table, with one hand on the table, her waist slightly bent, panting angrily.

Yinuo is very sad, I always make grandma worry and get angry like this.

Yinuo went to the kitchen and poured a glass of boiled water, and handed it to grandma.

Grandma raised her head and said angrily: "Why is there such a person? He ran to someone else's house to have a child."

Yinuo knew he was in the wrong, so he bowed his head and said nothing.No wonder, the day when the child came was a bit of a coincidence.

Yinuo watched carefully as grandma looked at herself in disbelief, drank a couple of sips of water, and slowed down.After a long time, grandma asked, "Is this child really Zihe's?"

Grandma was also quite surprised, she always thought it belonged to Zihe!Just now, when I scolded Zihe's mother, I still felt that it was unreasonable!
Yinuo nodded embarrassingly.

"It doesn't matter if it's not from the Su family, so as not to get involved." Grandma looked out the door bitterly. If Zihe's mother was still outside the door, she would probably be stared at by grandma.After a long time, grandma turned her head and asked incomprehensibly, "Whose Yueyue belongs to?"

"Um, it's from a colleague in the company." Yinuo said embarrassingly.

"Is the other party married?"


"No," Grandma was a little surprised. "He doesn't want children? Does he not want to get married?"

I don't know!probably!Otherwise, why have we talked about so many girlfriends and still haven't settled down yet!
Yinuo nodded speculatively.

"Ah!" Grandma sighed deeply, "I really don't understand the thoughts of young people nowadays. Some don't want to get married, some get married and get divorced, and some get married and don't want children. What's wrong with this society?"

yes!What is happening to this society?
It's not that there's anything wrong with society, it's just that people's thinking has become more complicated, people have become more self-interested, and it's just that people can survive more easily.

Grandma finished drinking a glass of water, stood up, and said with some disappointment: "People nowadays! They don't take anything seriously. Oh! I'm going to sleep for a while. Call me when Yueyue wakes up."

"Hey!" Yinuo went to help grandma, but grandma refused.

Yinuo blamed himself very much, and he didn't have much interest in taking Yueyue all afternoon.

In the evening, Zihe called to apologize: "I'm sorry about today's matter."

"You always like to apologize, but what's the use of apologizing?" Yinuo was angry.

Every time Zihe made a mistake, he liked to apologize, but afterward, he continued to make mistakes.His mother said she made a mistake, and Zihe also came to apologize. Afterwards, his mother remained the same, and he didn't reason with his mother at all.

"Can you solve this?" Yinuo asked, "Please, don't let your mother come over again."

"I know, I know." Zihe agreed smoothly.

Yinuo didn't believe Zihe's guarantee at all, how could he restrain his mother.But, there is no other way now, but choose to trust Zihe first.

Sure enough, within two days, Zihe's mother came over again.However, this time grandma heard Zihe's mother's voice and did not open the door.Zihe's mother scolded for a long time outside the door, but was persuaded away by Zihe's phone call.

"Su Zihe, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with your mother? In the afternoon, do you have time to meet and clarify?"

Yinuo was very angry, and asked Su Zihe out directly, wanting to ask why his mother wanted to make trouble.

"Today, I'm running medicine outside. Tomorrow afternoon, it's three o'clock! Where is it convenient?"

"Shuiyun Tea House."

"it is good."

Yinuo heard the beeping sound in the mobile phone, and then took the mobile phone from his ear.

Zihe's mother always came to find her. Although she couldn't enter the door now, she couldn't do it outside, and it was very troublesome.If you can't explain clearly on the phone, it's better to meet in person and ask clearly what's going on.

The next day, Yinuo wore a flesh pink dress, and Xu Ling said that this lotus root pink is popular this year.

Lotus root pink?It was not flesh pink.

Yinuo didn't know what lotus root pink was, she just took a fancy to this dress.This dress is simple and elegant, the color is not old-fashioned, but not too bright, it is quite suitable for this age.

If Xu Ling knew about this idea, she would definitely be criticized by her again.She often said that in the 9102s, there are clothes suitable for any age. It's too old-fashioned. As long as a piece of clothing is the right size, it can't be worn by any age.

However, Yinuo always likes to wear clothes that she feels comfortable with, and never follows that fashion.

The environment of Shuiyun Tea House is not bad, Yinuo and Xu Ling sometimes come to drink tea.Xia Yinuo and Zihe have also been here two or three times, but Su Zihe doesn't like the quiet atmosphere of the teahouse, he likes to go to the coffee shop or the bar.He said that the teahouse was too quiet, and he couldn't taste the tea himself, but he felt that he had become an ancient man and was about to get moldy.He said, it’s better to go to the coffee shop. The coffee shop is elegant and fashionable, and the bar is also good and lively, but sometimes it is crowded.

Is it because of this that Su Zihe left his quiet self to find a young and lively woman.Thinking about it this way, Su Zihe could be understood.

Yinuo came a little early, 10 minutes before three o'clock.

As soon as Yinuo put down the bag, the waiter Xiaoxia came in.

"Miss Xia, are you still drinking Tieguanyin?"

Because of the same surname, Yinuo and Xiaoxia are still a little familiar.

"Yeah!" Yinuo smiled and nodded.

"Do you want to serve now? Or wait for the guests to come?"

Su Zihe didn't like to drink tea, so it was useless to wait for him to come.Serve tea now, and when he comes later, he can drink tea directly. Although he doesn't like to drink tea, tea always relieves his mouth.

It's three o'clock, and it's still hot outside.

"Go now!" Yinuo said.


The waiter Xiao Xia went out and took the door behind her.

After a while, the door knocked, and it was the waiter Xiaoxia who came in.

Xiao Xia brought a set of tea sets.That set of tea sets is a style that Yinuo often uses.

Yinuo hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I won't make tea today, you guys will make it and send it here."

"It's okay, I'll put away the tea set right now, and I'll brew it for you in a while, and bring it here." Xiao Xia didn't find it troublesome, and tidied up the tea set neatly.

"It's troublesome." Yinuo said apologetically.

"No trouble. You are too polite." Xiao Xia went out with a tea set with a smile.

Yinuo smiled.Be polite to others and convenient to yourself.

I'm not in the mood to make tea by myself.Putting on that set of tea sets, Su Zihe probably would frown and find it troublesome when he came.

The soaked Tieguanyin, Xiaoxia quickly delivered it to Yinuo.

In fact, making tea by yourself is a pleasure, and the tea made is not as good as the tea made in the teahouse.

People who like to make tea are just a process of meditation and self-cultivation when they like to make tea.

While waiting for Zihe, Yinuo poured himself a cup of tea first.Um!It's still the same taste.

Orange soup color, fragrant orchid fragrance, refreshing in the mouth, and a touch of sweetness on the tongue.

Before the cup was finished, Su Zihe knocked on the door and came in.

"I'm thirsty, pour me a cup of tea."

It's still the same temperament, I don't like to do it myself, I always like to use people.Yinuo poured him a cup of Tieguanyin indifferently.

"I'm thirsty. Have another drink."

He is not a tea drinker, but a cow drinker.

Yinuo poured another cup of tea from his cup.

In one breath, he drank it.

"Finally relieved. This cup is too small, and it's too troublesome to drink." Su Zihe drank two glasses of water, gasped heavily, and lay down on the chair.

"I've been very busy these two days. The manager assigned me two customers in Xi'an and asked me to run. I'll see you later. I have to go back and prepare my luggage. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow."

From the bottom of his heart, Yinuo hated him and didn't want to see him at all, but Su Zihe didn't seem to feel this way. Maybe, he thought that divorced people could still be friends.

But for a man who failed him and betrayed his marriage, Yinuo couldn't be more forgiving anyway, and treated him as a friend.

Yinuo didn't want to hear about his work or life at all, she just wanted to solve her own problems.

His work used to assign clients who were all around the city, and he could go home every day. Now, although Yinuo was curious about why he assigned clients so far away, he didn't want to know.

"I came to you to know, did you tell your mother that the child is not yours?"

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