The president was forced to marry his son?

Chapter 47 The Dog's Name

When you questioned her, Yinuo she retorted plausibly: "When picking up insects, it is so pitiful, it is so small that it is lying on the ground like a small insect, screaming in a milky voice, wriggling on the ground, like a yellow Caterpillar."

It is said that when Chongchong was picked up, the sky was already dark, and the lake-blue sky like a canvas seemed to be added with dark blue color seasoning, gradually getting darker and darker, and the light became dim and weak.

The subtle cry of "barking" is like a feeling of powerlessness after not eating for a few days. If it weren't for a battery car passing by Yinuo, and Yinuo walked over to the curb while avoiding it, Yinuo might not have heard the puppy at all. The pitiful cry.

A small cardboard box was opened, and the insects, which were bigger than a palm, were half lying on their stomachs, and their legs would be weakly scratched twice from time to time, like caterpillars wriggling.

Yinuo's description may be true.

But, is there such a big caterpillar?
Xu Ling rolled her eyes at Yinuo at that time.

When she was in school, Yinuo loved keeping dogs. She raised a big yellow dog since she was a child, and her hair was all yellow.If that dog is called Rhubarb, no one will be surprised, the dog lives up to its name!However, Yinuo chose to name the big yellow dog Jasmine.You said you raised a dog, how could you name it Hua?Moreover, it is also called Jasmine.Do you think that we all don't know that there is a flower called jasmine in the world?How can such elegant, white and holy flowers be used on a big yellow dog.If the big yellow dog's fur is white, then we can bear it.But, it was a big yellow dog with a yellow body.How can you embarrass Jasmine?How do you let your dog behave?

The big yellow dog is very famous - in their school, we like to call it big yellow dog, so we don't call it Jasmine!
One day, Yinuo hurried into the school, and the big yellow dog secretly followed Yinuo into the school.

I don't know how the security guards at the school guard the gate?
Or does the school have dog holes?
Or the big yellow dog can do magic?Anyway, the big yellow dog entered the school as if he had entered no one's land.

Who discovered it first?It seems to be Chen Xiaoyan. Chen Xiaoyan doesn't like reading, but likes to chat with people everywhere. She is notoriously talkative in class.

"Ah! Dog, what a big dog." Chen Xiaoyan patted Zhang Jun's arm next door in amazement.

Usually, Chen Xiaoyan likes to make a fuss. The ants on the ground, the sparrows on the tree, and a leaf floating in the classroom can all make her curious.

Zhang Jun next to her thought that Chen Xiaoyan was the same as usual. Zhang Jun had been sitting at the same table with her for two months, and he was a little impatient with her nervousness, and the two often quarreled.Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows, pushed her, and said angrily, "Who are you scolding?"

Chen Xiaoyan and Zhang Jun usually don't deal with each other.Zhang Jun thought Chen Xiaoyan was scolding him!
The big yellow dog outside opened its mouth and dragged its long tongue. Chen Xiaoyan was terrified.Chen Xiaoyan stiffened, and tremblingly touched Zhang Jun again.

"No, no, there's a big dog outside the window? Is it next to your head?" Chen Xiaoyan looked out the window in horror.

How can Zhang Jun believe what Chen Xiaoyan said, that dogs are allowed in the school?

Zhang Jun despises Chen Xiaoyan, although you pretend to be like that, but I won't be fooled, Chen Jun said: "You have to use your brains to deceive people, can there be dogs in school?"

"You, you turn your head..."

"I don't believe you? Coward, even if there is a dog, I can still be afraid of it. I'll kill it with one punch..."

Turning his face, he casually looked out of the window... just now, Zhang Jun, who was still full of big words, stared at the two eyes of the big yellow dog, and the mouth that was wider than Zhang Jun, "beat it to death" It" can't make a sound, can't get out...

"My God!..." Zhang Jun suddenly yelled, "Dog, dog, there is a dog..." The window was opened a little, and the nose of the big yellow dog was breathing hot air into Zhang Jun's face.

Zhang Jun, who was bragging just now, turned pale with fright and trembled all over. He suddenly pushed Chen Xiaoyan away, stepped back, became unsteady, and fell to the ground. Chen Xiaoyan was also pushed and fell to the ground, screaming,... …

The sound of reading in the class suddenly turned into screams, and those who are troublesome, the brave ones go to Zhang Jun's window to see the big yellow dog...

The big yellow dog got into trouble and he didn't know it, and kept shaking his head and tail in the direction of Yinuo, sticking out his tongue...

"Close the door, close the door, and the windows, the windows, ..."

exclaimed the English teacher.

"Where are the security guards! Security guards..."

"Who? Whose dog is this? How did it get in? Where's the security guard?"

Yinuo also looked out of the window curiously following the cry, and then, he was dumbfounded, that, that was not, it was——it was Jasmine from her family!

Yinuo hurriedly ran out, shouting: "Jasmine."

"The teacher is my dog." Yinuo told the teacher nervously.

"You, you..." Teacher Qin pointed at Xia Yinuo with trembling fingers, and didn't know what to say for a moment, "You brought this dog?"

Xia Yinuo hurriedly explained: "No,..."

Xia Yinuo didn't know why Jasmine entered the campus, she really didn't bring her here.However, in the morning, Jasmine did follow Yinuo for a long way.I urged Jasmine several times to let her go back!

Teacher Qin waved his hand and said angrily, "Hurry up and get him out of the school."

"Yes, teacher." Yinuo quickly agreed and ran out of the classroom in a hurry.

Xia Yinuo called "Jasmine" and walked out of the sight of the students with the big yellow dog...

Xia Yinuo skipped two classes and wrote a [-]-word self-criticism.The guard was trained, and it is said that one hundred yuan was deducted from his salary,...

Later, when the guard saw Xia Yinuo, he had to take another look to see if there was a dog following him...

The dog name "Jasmine" is well known in the school,...

Zhang Jun was ridiculed by his classmates until he graduated,...

I heard that Zhang Jun went to serve as a soldier later, I don’t know how he is now, he should no longer be afraid of dogs! ?
Xu Ling thought wildly.

"What are you thinking? Laughing so obscenely." Yinuo threw a rag doll over.

"Thinking of the big yellow dog you brought to school. Hehe!" Xu Ling winked at Yinuo.

"I told you earlier, I didn't bring it there, but Jasmine followed in secretly." Yinuo threw a pillow at Xu Ling, trying to defend himself.

The fact that Jasmine entered the school also had a lot of influence on Yinuo.During the month when the incident happened, almost every day someone went to the third shift and asked "Who is Xia Yinuo?".Xia Yinuo wanted to hide under the table. For a while, she thought about not going to school.It is impossible not to go to school.Every day, Xia Yinuo bites the bullet and goes to school. From the school gate to the classroom gate, Xia Yinuo rushes to enter the classroom in the shortest time.If, walk into the class as usual.From the school gate to the class gate, people will always ask different questions.

"I heard that you have a dog named Jasmine?"

"When did you get a dog, was that big?"

"Is the big yellow dog powerful? Does it bite?"

"I want a dog too."

"How did your big yellow dog get into school?"


Questions like these gave Yinuo a headache.

Time is the medicine that heals everything.Xia Yinuo's school life returned to normal after the turmoil gradually calmed down.

Since then, Xia Yinuo has been able to face everything calmly, which is probably the only benefit this incident has brought to Yinuo.

"Jasmine, hahaha!" Xu Ling laughed out loud.



Yinuo blushed from Xu Ling's smile, and couldn't help but think of her childhood playmate Jasmine...

"Jasmine, what's the matter, I like to call it Jasmine."

Yinuo said stubbornly.

"What are you making such a fuss about? Some people still call dogs "sons"!" Yinuo quibbled.

Dog names are really getting weirder these days.There are many people who call their dogs "sons".We are better than them anyway.

"You..." Xu Ling was speechless, and threw the pillow back to Yinuo, "I don't know, how is Zhang Jun now? He was hurt by your dog."

What Xu Ling said was true. When Zhang Jun was laughed at by others, Yinuo felt sorry for Zhang Jun, so every time someone laughed at Zhang Jun, Yinuo would always explain.Unexpectedly, the more Xia Yinuo explained, the more troublesome, the louder the laughter.Yinuo didn't know how many times he apologized to Zhang Jun, but every time Zhang Jun saw her, he still kept a dark face, or he simply avoided Xia Yinuo, or let Yinuo go.Yinuo also has no way.

After graduation, Xia Yinuo was thinking about Zhang Jun, so he specifically asked Mr. Qin about it.

"I heard he did well in the exam, what military school did he go to?"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Ling laughed out loud.

"I'm going to practice courage, hahaha!"

Yinuo patted Xu Ling vigorously, "Don't keep talking about him like that! You laughed so hard at that time."

Xu Ling suppressed his laughter, nodded, and endured the pain so hard that his face turned red. Finally, he couldn't hold it back, and complained: "Okay! Come out of the military academy, you must be very arrogant. Ha!"

"That's for sure. When I see him again, he won't be angry with me anymore."

This is Yinuo's own thought, but in fact, Zhang Jun still turned black when he saw him again.Probably, Zhang Jun was destined to fall into Yinuo's hands.This is all for later.


After the Chinese New Year, everyone goes to work as soon as they go to work.The work is very busy, and the gossip is not too small.

There are a few newcomers in the company, a few colleagues who have reached the retirement age have retired, Manager Hu is high-spirited, Xiao Zhang is exhausted, as if caused by a broken relationship, the computers on the third floor are replaced with new ones, and the camellias in the flower bed on the right side of the office building I got five...

Every day, everyone had something to talk about, and some unfinished snacks were brought to the company. The atmosphere in the company was very cheerful, until one day, Yinuo helped Ziyao on the third floor fiddle with the computer a few times, and the cheerful atmosphere in the office It's over.

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