On the afternoon of the fifth day of the lunar new year, Xu Ling was called back by her father on the phone.

In the evening, Xu Ling returned to Yinuo's house in high spirits.

"What? What does your father want from you? You are so angry." Yinuo hugged Yueyue who was lying impatiently, and shook her gently.

Yueyue chirped and hummed her eyes half-opened and half-closed.

Seeing Yueyue half-closed her eyes and looking like she was trying to sleep, Xu Ling said, "Put Yueyue to sleep first! I'll talk about it later."

Yinuo entered the room with Yueyue in his arms, while Xu Ling rummaged through the living room irritably.
looking at the phone.

"What's wrong?" Yinuo closed the door and came over to ask.

"My dad wants me to go on a blind date."

Xu Ling said suddenly.

Xu Ling has been in love many times, but she has never been on a blind date, let alone requested by her father.

Although Xu Ling was sentenced to his father, his father married his stepmother and started a family.She has always been out of the family.After working, he basically broke away from the family his father later organized.However, her father is rich, and whenever she is unhappy, she loves to ask his father for money.It can't be said that his father doesn't love her. Whenever Xu Ling opens his mouth, his father always satisfies her.It's just that the family couldn't accommodate her.Her stubborn temper is also a reason.Is it true that our parents are divorced, so our relationship is so good?For a long time, Yinuo has been looking for the answer to this question.

I don't know, why did his father suddenly ask her to go on a blind date?Is it because he can't see how she can't talk about it, or thinks she's old, or some other reason?
Yinuo couldn't help looking at Xu Ling. Xu Ling was uncharacteristically staring at the TV in a daze.The TV turned out to be Central 11 - Opera Channel.

"Why did your father suddenly ask you to go on a blind date?" Yinuo sat next to Xu Ling.

"I don't know." Xu Ling turned off the TV and reclined on the sofa with a sleepy look.


"My dad said that if I don't go, he won't give me pocket money. I can't do without his pocket money. I also have a job and make money."

"Yes, yes, you are amazing!" Yinuo praised her without sparing any effort, "I found the job by myself, and I don't need his help. Although the money is moonlight, there are no loans or debts! You are amazing. . beats 90.00% of nines."

"Puff!" Xu Ling was amused by Yinuo.

"You can do it! You can actually make a joke. You still don't use dirty words."

Yinuo said solemnly: "I don't use dirty words when I swear."


Xu Ling laughed, "You still swear?...Do you know how to swear? Hahaha!"

"Get lost!" Yinuo kicked Xu Ling.

"You can only say fuck off! Hahahaha!" Xu Ling leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Seeing that Xu Ling had returned to his former vivacity, Yinuo also smiled.

Yinuo grabbed Xu Ling who was smiling crookedly, and asked curiously: "Hey! What's the situation with that man?"

Xu Ling said indifferently: "Who knows, I didn't listen to him well. When I heard that he asked me to go on a blind date, I became angry and quarreled with him."

Yinuo glared at her, feeling that he had nothing to say to her, this guy was too impatient.

Xu Ling glanced at Yinuo, and said in a nasty voice: "It seems that the surname is Yang, and the family is also in business." Then he said something cautiously, seeing that Yinuo's face softened, his voice became louder, and the nonsense came again: "It must be with you. He's the same, money fanatic, lustful, what's there to see. Am I going to follow in my mother's footsteps."

Yinuo slapped it, and reprimanded: "What nonsense are you talking about? What are you doing? Your parents must have divorced because of their emotional discord. Could it be that you can't get married again after divorce."

After I got divorced, I realized that sometimes, divorce is sometimes a very last resort decision.

What will happen after divorce? Yinuo feels that she can choose.

"They're not..." Xu Ling muttered softly.

Yinuo looked at her helplessly.

The marriage of our parents does have a profound effect on us.This is probably the original ecological family mentioned in the movie!

Yinuo stared at her: "Then are you going or not?"

"It's annoying, I don't know." Xu Ling scratched her hair and howled, "Ah! After 90 years, do I still want to go on a blind date?"

Blind date?These two words sound very ancient.Young people want to save face, do not accept, do not love this activity.

Xu Ling yelled at Yinuo inexplicably: "It's the 21st century, why is there such a thing as a blind date?"

Xu Ling, who promises to ignore hairy hair, likes to complain, just pass it.

Xu Ling is from the 90s, Yinuo thinks he is from the 80s, maybe he was brought up by his grandma when he was young!There is a generation gap, and I really don't understand them.


Before Xu Lingxia could make a decision, his father's call came after him the next day.

"At 11:00 noon, don't forget the lotus hall of Xidie Restaurant."

Xu Ling opened the hands-free, and her father's voice came over clearly.

"I'm not going." Xu Ling replied unwillingly.

"I've already made an appointment with the Yang family. If you don't go, I won't save my face. You should clean up quickly."

Xu Ling's father's voice immediately raised an octave, like a lion's roar.

"What does your face have to do with me? I didn't agree to you. You promised to go by yourself, but I won't go." Xu Linghe didn't like him.Xu Ling takes soft things but not hard ones.

Xu Ling's father on the opposite side of the phone was probably blowing his beard and staring with anger.

Xu Ling's father, whom Yinuo had seen before, was tall and tall, with a Chinese character face, black hair and thick eyebrows, looked very strong, and had a quick temper.Xu Ling's temper is probably inherited from her father.At this moment, Xu Ling's father must have looked like a glaring King Kong.

Although Xu Ling's father was angry and frightening, Xu Ling was not afraid and could come however he wanted.Many times, his father has nothing to do with her, and things are often unknown.This time, his dad seemed to be quite insistent.

"If you don't go, you have to go." Father Xu's tone was very firm.

"Why! I don't lack boyfriends."

"Then why didn't I see you bring one back during the Chinese New Year. Be on time, don't be late. I'm not doing this for your own good."

Probably all parents love to say such a sentence.Yinuo smiled lightly.It's a pity that children don't like to hear such a sentence.

"I'm going with Yinuo. Otherwise, I won't go."

Yinuo hurriedly pulled her arm and shook his head towards her.I don't want to be a light bulb!
Xu Ling winked at her.

"Okay. Don't be late!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Ling's father agreed.

Xu Ling happily hung up the phone.Turning her head, she saw Yinuo pouted and glared at her fiercely.

"Go! Go! Come with me!"

Xu Ling leaned over like a puppy, shaking Yinuo's arm.Yinuo couldn't stand Xu Ling who pretended to be cute like this at all, and his stern face smiled within 2 minutes, and Yinuo had no choice but to nod in response.

"Okay, okay." Yinuo looked at the time, and it was getting late, "It's getting late, go make up!"


Xu Ling immediately let go of Yinuo's arm and ran to the bathroom: "Are all the cosmetics still there?"

"Here it is, in the second drawer of the cabinet."

Yinuo didn’t dare to use cosmetics since she was pregnant. She was afraid of affecting the baby in her stomach. After giving birth to Yueyue, she still didn’t dare to use it. She only put on some lipstick at work and wiped it off as soon as she got home. She was afraid of being too active Yueyue bumps into it accidentally.


"Ah! What kind of makeup are you wearing?"

Yinuo was terrified by the face approaching his face, pushed Xu Ling away, and retreated until he was on the back of the sofa.Xu Ling, pale face, disheveled eyebrows, dark bags under the eyes, dark brown lips, my God!Like a ghost.

"Panda makeup." Xu Lingwei raised her chin, opened her mouth, and smiled.

You have slandered pandas, discredited pandas, you know that?If the panda knows it, it will destroy you.

"It's so ugly, hurry up and regenerate." Yinuo pushed her to the bathroom.Xu Ling refused to leave, and kept talking nonsense: "It's good, it scares them all away, it's good!"

"It's not good at all. If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it. Just have a meal. Why use the method of blackening and uglifying yourself. As the saying goes, you hurt the enemy one thousand and you hurt eight hundred. You haven't hurt the enemy a thousand Well, I will lose [-] to myself. It’s not worth it. Go, melt it again.”

Facing Yinuo with firm eyes, Xu Ling went back to the bathroom unconvinced.

15 minutes later.Xu Ling came out again.

Um!Smokey makeup, so-so acceptable.It probably won't work if you don't accept it, Xu Ling's temper is not that good.It's almost done!
Sure enough, as soon as Xu Ling came out, he stared at Yinuo and said loudly, "Hey! Don't say no more this time."

Although Yinuo is still not satisfied, but it's almost the same, and if she asks again, this girl should get nervous again.

Smoky eye - they should be able to accept it!They're all 21st century people.


Xidie Restaurant is a little far away in the west of the city, Yinuo urged Xu Ling to go out early.Yinuo doesn't like being late, and always likes to be a few minutes early when meeting people.One, don't worry on the way, and two, arrive early and feel at ease.You can also be a little prepared to go down, which is more decent.

Fortunately, they left a little earlier and the road was a little congested. When Xu Ling and Yinuo arrived at Xidie restaurant, the timing was just right.There are still 5 minutes and eleven o'clock, so it's the right time to arrive in the private room.

Xidie restaurant has a magnificent door, and when you enter, the decoration is new and luxurious.The elevator is bright and golden, which can illuminate people's shadows.

On the third floor, the third lotus hall on the left.

The waiters are young and enthusiastic.

Xu's father and Xu's stepmother have arrived, and the parents on the opposite side are about the same age as Xu's father. They seem to be familiar with each other and are chatting.It seems that it is the other party's parents.However, I didn't see the man, and he probably hasn't come yet.

Xu Ling and Yinuo called for someone, Xu's father was startled when he saw Xu Ling coming in, and gave her a hard look.Xu's stepmother glanced at her contemptuously.

Xu's father hurriedly introduced: "This is the little girl Xu Ling, and this is the little girl's good friend Xia Yinuo."

"Sit down, sit down, are you hungry? Tell the waiter to serve the food, the boy doesn't know when he will come!"

The other party's mother, chubby, looks very enthusiastic.

Father Xu didn't look like he was born strong, but he was quite up for it, and hurriedly said: "No, wait a little longer, it's still early, we came early."

Xu Ling lowered his head, looked at his phone, and pursed his lips.Yinuo punched her with his elbow.Xu Lingcai raised his head and said something reluctantly.

"Auntie, we're not hungry, wait a little longer."

"It's just my bastard, don't wait for him," Father Yang hurriedly called the waiter, "Waiter, serve the food."

Mother Yang looked anxious when she saw Father Yang calling for the waiter.

"Old Yang, wait a little longer." Father Xu stopped Uncle Yang who got up, and said to the waiter who came in: "Wait a minute, there is still one person who hasn't come!"

The waiter nodded with a smile, and Mama Yang's expression eased.

It seems that there is a [-]% chance that the other party is a mother.Yinuo conjectures.

"Old Xu, that bastard doesn't need to wait for him, he will be late later, just let him eat a couple of bites, whoever made him late."

Xu's father made excuses for the other party: "Xiao Yang must be busy with the company's affairs, so he came late. He is working, so we can't let him have no food? Wait. Wait."

"That's it. Wait another quarter of an hour. If you don't come, we will eat first."


Yinuo and Xu Ling looked at each other, they didn't speak, they didn't serve food, they didn't eat, it was really embarrassing.Xu Ling didn't want to come, let alone cooperate and liven up the atmosphere.Yinuo was not the person who came here, and she didn't talk much, so she didn't know what to say on this occasion.Neither tea nor beverages can be drunk, so Yinuo asked the waiter for a glass of boiled water and drank it slowly.

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