After the exam, Yinuo was banned by her grandma again.

Yinuo eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, and the extra time is used to amuse Yueyue.

Although Yueyue can't speak, she can laugh!Her smile is bright and lovely!According to grandma's words: If you are tired from work, play with Yueyue and you will not be tired.Yueyue is a pill for eliminating fatigue.

The maternity leave passed in the blink of an eye, and Yinuo's face grew bigger.I couldn't fit my previous clothes and trousers, so Yinuo specially called Xu Ling and went to the mall to buy clothes.

"It's been a long time since I went to the mall, and I feel like I'm not used to shopping in the mall anymore." Yinuo sighed looking at the shopping mall with people coming and going, "If I knew it, I would have bought clothes online."

"Buying online is also very good. The clothes I often buy from online stores are both good in fabric and workmanship."

"Today, I will buy two sets first, and I will talk about it later. Let me tell you, my clothes size is at least one size larger. I am afraid that the online shopping will be too small, so I go to the mall to try on the clothes and buy two. In the future, You can buy it online,…”


Yinuo hurriedly bought a striped shirt, a pair of slacks, and a dress at the mall, and hurried home without staying outside.Just for a short while, after leaving Yueyue and not seeing her, Yinuo felt that it was strange to miss her, and it was hard to buy clothes.

It is true that mothers love their children the most.

Yinuo wore the newly bought clothes and went to the company to go to work on vacation.

"Xia Yinuo! You've been away for a long time! I miss you so much. I don't have anyone to talk to when you're not here." Zhang Qin yelled as soon as she saw Xia Yinuo.

"Hey! Are we not human? Don't you speak human language when you chat with us?" Yu Lan was also very happy to see Yinuo, she yelled at Zhang Qin.

"I'm not speaking human words, that's fine!" Zhang Qin took the ladder towards Yu Lan.

Yu Lan came down by Zhang Qin's ladder: "Hmph! I'll forgive you, you just met a new person and forgot the old one."

Yinuo took over the conversation: "I am not a newcomer either. We are all old friends."

Yu Lan squinted at Zhang Qin and said, "Zhang Qin, you have to learn how to speak from Xia Yinuo."

"I can't learn enough!" Zhang Qin shouted with a smile, "I said something wrong, but I'm happy to see Xia Yinuo."

Yu Lan teased Zhang Qin: "You mean, I'm not happy to see Xia Yinuo, right?"

With a bitter face, Zhang Qin pulled Yu Lan's arm: "Sister Yu, Sister Yu, can I call you Sister Yu?"

Yinuo pursed his lips and smiled.

Yu Lan smiled and said with a stern face, "No."

Zhang Qin lamented: "Ah! Calling your sister, this is not okay."

"Of course not," Yu Lan said with a smile, "I'm only two years older than you, and I'm just young, so you call me sister. You obviously call me old, but you still think I'm old."

Zhang Qin ran over, took Yinuo, shook Yinuo's arm and said, "Yinuo, you have to say something for me."

"I still have to find someone to help me, you can help me deliver the red egg gift box first!" Yinuo pointed to the big box beside him.

"If there is something to eat, I'd be more than happy to help." Zhang Qin happily said, "Congratulations, you've got a daughter."

"Thank you!"


It is Yinuo's happiest thing to come to the office again and be welcomed by everyone.

With the help of Zhang Qin, Yinuo quickly distributed the gift boxes.After the gift box was distributed, there was another burst of luxury.

"Aren't you going to give Chen Yang a box?" Zhang Qin turned her head and asked Yinuo.

"Do you want to send it?" Yinuo looked at Zhang Qin hesitantly.

Xia Yinuo didn't know whether to give it or not.If you give it away, it means flattery. If you don't give it away, the vice president doesn't care at all.

Zhang Qin said in a low voice: "There is a rumor in the company that you have something to do with Chen Yang, what is that..."

Yinuo overreacted and immediately retorted: "No. Nothing."

"Be quiet," Zhang Qin glanced at the office, Xiao Zhang was looking at the phone while sorting out the sales data, Xiaoya and Yu Lan didn't know what they were talking about, and didn't pay attention to this side, "I know, you and the vice president didn't What. You just gave birth to a child, could it be Chen Yang's? Don't talk about it."

Yinuo looked at Zhang Qin with an unclear expression, not daring to speak.

The child really belongs to Chen Yang.Yinuo heart said.

Zhang Qin didn't care about Yinuo's look at her at all, and she continued: "I mean, since everyone has such speculation, you can go along with the flow! Give Chen Yang a gift box, and he will eat it or throw it away. That's his business. Think about it! After you send it over, he will definitely not say no, tell you to take it! If you don't throw it to you, he must let you put it there! You see, everyone knows that you go A gift box, but the vice president just accepted it. It means that the vice president has a good impression of you, and there is a small group of people who may think that you have something to do with him. Do you think that if Manager Hu thinks so, will your work be If it’s easier, if it’s more stable, it’s possible to raise wages.”

Not to mention, Zhang Qin's idea of ​​edging the ball is absolutely perfect.However, why did the people in the company pass on me and Chen Yang? What, what...?Could it be because Chen Yang criticized Manager Hu for me.


"Hey! Is the method I said good?" Zhang Qin asked for praise and looked at Yinuo triumphantly.

Yinuo smiled and nodded.

"This is my bag, here you go?" Zhang Qin pointed to the gift box on her desk.

"But, I really haven't been to the vice president's office a few times, and I'm quite scared. You know, the vice president..." Yinuo stammered.She couldn't tell why, she just felt uncomfortable facing him.

"It's okay, I'll accompany you to the door. Just knock on the door, go in, and leave the gift box." Zhang Qin urged, "What a great opportunity. Others want to have this opportunity, but they haven't yet! Don't waste it."

Zhang Qin is right.

If it was before, I probably would never have considered Zhang Qin's suggestion.

But now, she needs a stable job, at least until Yueyue is one year old, she can't change jobs at will.My aunt can't stay here all the time, since my aunt is gone, I have to bring Yueyue home so that grandma can rest.

If you are busy with work and uncomfortable in the company, and you have to take care of your children when you go back, you must be overworked.

So, if I can borrow the wind from Chen Yang, then the work will really go smoothly.

How about borrowing it?
Yinuo quickly made up her mind, she looked at Zhang Qin timidly, and said, "Then you stay with me."

"I'll definitely be with you, but you have to knock on the door yourself." Zhang Qin agreed very quickly.

"Well! I know that."

Yinuo and Zhang Qin took the gift box to the fourth floor, Chen Yang's office.

Chen Yang's secretary, Zhou Junfeng, was outside.

"Secretary Zhou, this is a red egg. Please forgive me for being late." Yinuo smiled and handed over a gift box.

Secretary Zhou readily accepted and congratulated: "Congratulations! Is the baby a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl."

"It's a China Merchants Bank! Blessed."

I didn't expect Secretary Zhou to be so down-to-earth.

"Thank you! Secretary Zhou, is the vice president here? There is another copy for the vice president." Yinuo said while carrying another gift box.

Zhou Junfeng glanced at the gift box, then glanced at Xia Yinuo superficially, without a moment's hesitation, nodded, pointed to the door next to him and said, "You can send it in by yourself! The vice president is inside."

Yinuo thanked Secretary Zhou with a smile, turned around and looked timidly at the red door, really nervous!

Zhou Junfeng glanced down and lowered his head.

Xia Yinuo, I remember that that morning, Chen Yang came out of room 1006, and Chen Yang's room card was 1009.Afterwards, I checked specifically, Xia Yinuo lives in 1006 alone.

It's impossible to say that Chen Yang and Xia Yinuo didn't have a relationship.Chen Yang Mingming saw Xia Yinuo a few times, but his expression was wrong.

What's wrong?

Why not?
Yes, it was Xia Yinuo's expression before knocking on the door just now, that uncomfortable expression.

Like a young couple meeting for the first time, nervous, hopeful, and retreating.

Here, following the door, Chen Yang said "Come in." Xia Yinuo's body became more tense, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Xia Yinuo grabbed the corner of her clothes tightly, and entered the door carrying the gift box.

"Vice President, this is the child's red egg. It's for you." Xia Yinuo mustered up his courage and said.

Chen Yang looked at Xia Yinuo in surprise.

After taking maternity leave, she gained a lot of weight.The chest..., is it still the same chest?

Yinuo took two steps forward and put the gift box on Chen Yang's table.A burst of milky smell came over...

Chen Yang glanced at Xia Yinuo's chest again...

Fuck, reacted.

"Then I'll go out first."

Xia Yinuo, put down her things, and seeing that Chen Yang didn't say anything, she immediately wanted to leave. It was too embarrassing, and she didn't know what to say.

"It was a girl?"

Xia Yinuo was about to leave when Chen Yang made a sound.

Chen Yang was very regretful, why did I make a sound, I thought I didn't feel uncomfortable enough, did I?
Yinuo raised her head instantly, then immediately lowered her head, and replied, "It's a girl named Yueyue."

Why should I tell him Yueyue's name?It must have been smooth.

"Oh! Give this piece of jade to her." Chen Yang took out a box from the drawer and handed it to Xia Yinuo.

Who can tell me, should I accept or reject?

Still, accept it!How to put it, it was also Yueyue's father's heart, although he didn't know that Yueyue was his daughter.

Yinuo stepped forward to take the box that Chen Yang handed over.

"I thank the vice president for Yueyue!" Yinuo said respectfully.


"Then I'm out."

In response to Chen Yang's response, Yinuo went out of the door in a daze.Chen Yang stared blankly at the drawer where a piece of jade was missing,... Just give it away!
Did I really accept the jade he gave Yueyue?
He won't think that I'm here to ask for a gift!

Holding the jade box in his hand, Xia Yinuo turned his head and glanced at the door of Chen Yang's office.

The sharp-eyed Zhou Junfeng saw the box in Xia Yinuo's hand at a glance.

The jade from Hongyulou, the three pieces of jade just sent over by someone the day before yesterday, have a red oval seal printed on the golden paper in the middle of the box, which is unmistakable.Those three pieces of jade are top grade, and the price is not cheap!
Zhou Junfeng greeted Yinuo with a smile, Xia Yinuo was flattered and said goodbye to Secretary Zhou and went back to the office.

"How is it?" Zhang Qin asked curiously while pulling Xia Yinuo's arm.

"Accepted." Yinuo raised his empty hand and said with a smile.

Zhang Qin patted Yinuo's arm excitedly with the other hand, and said excitedly: "How about it, I'm right!"

"Hmm! You're right." Yinuo sternly thanked Zhang Qin: "Zhang Qin, thank you! Really."

Xia Yinuo suddenly thanked her seriously, but Zhang Qin became shy instead: "No, I still can't stand you like this."

Yinuo grabbed Zhang Qin's hand, smiled and thanked again: "Thank you very much!"

"Okay, okay, go back to work." Zhang Qin couldn't stand Xia Yinuo's sincere gaze, and dragged Xia Yinuo to the office.

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