On Saturday, when grandma came back from her hometown, Yinuo called Xu Ling to pick her up.Grandma brought a bunch of things.

"Grandma, why did you bring the meat? You can buy it here." Yinuo carried the meat into the kitchen.

"The meat at home is two yuan cheaper than the one catty here. Also, the ribs at home are more delicious than the ribs here. The ribs at home are more meaty, and the ribs here have bones left. I didn't eat it." head."

"Oh!" Yinuo really didn't notice this.

"The vegetables at home are also cheap. This small green vegetable only costs two yuan a catty, and it can be sold for three or four yuan here. Also, the green vegetables I bought were grown in the open air by people in the countryside, not the vegetables in the greenhouse. eat."

Grandma said while taking things out.

"This is a river prawn. The river prawn belongs to Lao Qin. There is a river in front of his house. He raises chickens and ducks. Every day, he can catch a lot of prawns from the river. I asked her to buy two catties, and he only had I picked up the shrimp. Cook it for a while, eat half of it, and put the other half in the refrigerator. The shrimp is fresh, and you can see that it’s not too small.”

Yinuo leaned over to look, the shrimp was not small, it was alive and kicking.

"It's quite big."

Grandma poured things out again, rice from Li Si's family, oil from someone else's house, and food from my aunt...the whole room was piled up.

"How did grandma get so many things? How did you bring them?"

"Your aunt will send it to the station without trouble." Grandma wiped her sweat.

"But you don't need to bring so much? How can you eat it?" Yinuo said, looking at the kitchen where he couldn't fit his feet.

"You child, you can't eat too much." Grandma took a low stool and sat down.

"I'll tidy up later, take a rest first." Grandma said while sitting on the stool, "Don't move, be careful, I'll tidy up later."

"It's been three months, it's fine." Yinuo tidied up carefully.

"Be careful after three months. Don't touch that heavy thing." Grandma commanded.

"Got it!" Yinuo raised her head and smiled at grandma.

"Qingming, your father came back and buried your mother's grave. He also bought your mother's favorite oranges. Sigh!"

Yinuo paused for a while while packing up his things, but didn't speak.

"I said you were pregnant, and your dad was happy! He said he would come to see you. But... Forget it, let's not talk about him. "

Grandma sighed and stared at Yinuo in a daze. .

"What's wrong?" Yinuo asked strangely.

"You look exactly like your mother. Everyone says that a daughter is like a father, but you just look like your mother. The dimples on your face are all in one place, and the eyebrows..."

Grandma recalled sadly.

Yinuo really looks like her mother. There is still a picture of her mother at home, and Yinuo often looks through it.Yinuo often thought to herself, it would be great if my mother didn't come to pick me up that day!If Dad wasn't on the other side that day, or Mom didn't see it, the car accident wouldn't have happened.But, there are no ifs in this world.

"Your mother also married your father at your age. She was pregnant for a month at that time. When she got married, her in-laws didn't come. I heard that your mother and her father had a falling out. Your grandfather probably disagreed." Your mother married your father. Sigh! Unexpectedly, your mother passed away very early. Your grandfather can’t be contacted, so he probably doesn’t know about it! I’m so sorry! Your father did something wrong, but your mother has a bad temper Urgent. Alas! In short, your father owes your mother, and you can pay it back when he gets there! Don’t hate your father, he probably didn’t think of it! Aunt Shen’s actions are even more wrong. Don't pay attention to her. This person is doing it, and the sky is watching!..."

Grandma is sad...

God can manage so many things in the world? People, I still have to plan for myself.

Everyone has their own ideas, and to live the life they want, others cannot force it.Mother's life is her own choice.Why blame others.

Yinuo felt sad for a long time, and started to pack his things again.

"Today, I'll just have pork rib soup. Are the river prawns fried or boiled in brine? Where is that clever little girl Xu Ling? Why did she disappear after picking us up?" Grandma asked, looking at a pile of vegetables.

"She has to work overtime today. The company is busy."

Yinuo replied, poured the river shrimp into the basin, filled it with water, and covered it with a basket.

The ribs should be washed with water, put in the refrigerator, keep a little, and stew the soup.

"Oh! Invite her to dinner at night."

Grandma moved the rice to the corner and the oil to the kitchen cupboard.The dishes were also packed into a corner, and a few dishes were taken out, picked and fried to eat today.

"Just shout, and she will arrive as soon as she arrives. Hehe!" Thinking about Xu Ling, Yinuo felt much happier.

"It's so good. Straightforward!" Grandma praised.

"Then let's have a simple meal at noon, and make another table in the evening."

"it is good."

Get things ready and start cooking.

Called Xu Ling in the afternoon, and she agreed immediately.

In the evening, the three of them had a lively dinner.

On Sunday, Xu Ling stayed for another day and didn't want to leave yet.

Xu Ling muttered: "You are too far away from my company, otherwise, I will stay at your house every day. The food cooked by grandma is better than yours."

Xu Ling hugged the mouse plush toy, leaning on the sofa, pouting, just like that mouse.

"You just fell in love with my food."

"If you see something delicious and don't eat it, are you silly?" Xu Ling looked at Yinuo with that incredulous look.

All right!Can't tell her.

Yinuo looked at Xu Ling discouraged.

"I forgot to tell you, the last time I met Tian Yuan." Yinuo suddenly thought while flipping through his phone.

"The field? The field in the university?" Xu Ling straightened up.

"En!" Yinuo nodded, it was only this one pastoral, how could there be a second one.

"He likes you. Are you married? Do you still like you? If you like to drag him into the water!"

Xu Ling asked one question after another, and at the end he had to slap her on the shoulder with a promise.Xu Ling rubbed his shoulders and howled.

"What nonsense! I am friends with him." Yinuo emphasized.

"Boyfriend is also a friend. I think he's pretty good." Xu Ling muttered.

"Speak again." Yinuo raised his hand.

Xu Ling quickly retreated to the other end of the sofa, surrendered: "Okay, okay. Don't talk, don't talk."

"Is he married?" Seeing Yinuo raised his hand again, Xu Ling hurriedly explained, "Hello! Hello! I just asked about his marital status. I didn't say anything else."

"I don't know." Although Yinuo put down his hand, he still gave Xu Ling a glare.

"No, didn't you meet? Didn't you chat for a while? Find out about each other's situation. Could it be that you just asked, have you eaten? I have eaten or something." Xu Ling asked curiously.

"Could it be that you met Han Hao and asked him if you were married?"

"I'm sick! I asked him this." Xu Ling rolled his eyes.

"Am I sick?"

Xu Ling smirked and said, "Hey! You're not sick, and I'm not sick either."

"When will we have a meal together!" Xu Ling suggested cunningly.

"Don't be so clever." Yinuoxiu glanced over, "Find some time! Last time he helped me."

"What help?"

"It's not Zihe's mother, she saw that I was pregnant, and said something about me."

When Xu Ling heard this, he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and scolded: "She is sick! As long as his son can bring a partner back, we can't get married and get pregnant."

"Forget it. Anyway, I don't usually meet him. Why are you so lazy!" Yinuo persuaded Xu Ling.

"This old woman, at that time, I saw her as wrong, she is really not a good thing." Xu Ling scolded unwillingly.

"What's not a good thing?" Grandma asked as she came over from the balcony with the clothes.

"Ah!..." Xu Ling was dumbfounded by the question, and when he rolled his eyes, he pulled away, "Durian is not a good thing. It smells very bad. I don't know why so many people like it. I promise you Don't eat it, otherwise, I won't come to you."

"Then you better stop coming, wasting my family's rice and vegetables." Yinuo joked.

"Why are you so stingy? Grandma is very generous. You have to learn. Grandma, right?" Xu Ling ran to grandma to please her.

"Yes, you are the most likable. Grandma hopes you come every day!" Grandma said with a smile.

Xu Ling looked at Yinuo proudly.Yinuo couldn't help laughing.


As soon as she got to work, Yinuo heard Zhang Qin nagging: "It's really hard to raise children now. Yesterday, I heard from the parents of my son's classmate that I signed up for piano classes. They said that piano can improve children's temperament. She said: What will the school company do in the future?" For performance activities, sit on the stage and play a piece of music by hand, that attracts a lot of attention! I was so excited that I signed up for a piano class for my son. Do you know how expensive the piano class is? Also, you have to buy a piano Piano, do you know how much that ordinary piano costs? Oh! It’s so expensive that my blood pressure is up...”

Zhang Qin nags, how much money he earns is not enough for him, and all his salary is spent on his son.

All the wages are spent on the son?How much does it cost?I remember that when I went to school, there would be no money?Yinuo remembered asking himself that question.

Zhang Qin rolled her eyes directly.

In the past, can it be compared with now, did you learn painting, piano, and Go?Do you want to make up lessons?Let me tell you, make-up lessons are very valuable now, and they are all one-on-one. A class costs five or six hundred!What a waste of money!

Want so much money?Yinuo never thought about it.

Yu Lan, who usually doesn't join the conversation, also spoke.

"Training fees, travel expenses, and domestic travel are no longer popular, and foreign travel is popular. These expenses! There is no bottom. I heard that after going to college, the monthly living expenses, communication expenses... hey! There is no bottom."

One day, I passed happily and sadly discussing how much the gold swallowing beast would cost.

It seems that we must hurry up to make money!How to make money?You can't just sit and eat.

Yinuo returned home, finished his meal, rested his chin, and thought in distress.

I heard that you can make money by relying on research certificates.Or not take a test.

What are you going to test?

I have to see which certificate makes more money.The Internet is a good thing, you can know anything you want to know.

"Registered HVAC technicians are expensive, but diplomas are not eligible for registration. There are still too few liberal arts students who can take the exam. This step seems to be impossible."

"I can only work hard on my own job? It's hard to get promoted! At least it's impossible for the past two years. Ten months pregnant, maternity leave, breastfeeding period, the company will definitely not promote me. Manager Hu He has strong ability, and he has a lot to do with taxation. As long as he doesn't make big mistakes, the company will never replace him. Manager Hu's position is simply not enough. Jiang Shuzhen has the ability and professional title, so she should be able to sit in that position safely. Let's talk about the following And Zhang Xiaoqinghong is staring at her. How can I squeeze her out? It’s hard to break through! What about changing jobs?”

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