The president was forced to marry his son?

Chapter 19 Certificate of Deposit

What the child ate today is all nonsense.Nowadays, who can still have no cards, no Alipay, funds and so on.

"Ask something stupid, use it!" Yinuo glanced at Xu Ling.

"Then you still have a time deposit? Keep it on the certificate of deposit?" Xu Ling picked up another certificate of deposit, the amount is [-], the deposit period is two years, and the interest rate...It is true, not false!

"Grandma's name is Cun." Yinuo explained.

Ever since Yinuo started to make money, grandma told Yinuo: If you make money, save it for yourself and don't buy things for grandma.Grandma has a retirement salary, which is enough.Save more money, there will be more places to buy a house, decorate, and spend money in the future!It is a good deal to deposit the remaining money on the certificate of deposit every year for two or three years.It can be taken out when you know?

Your father married Aunt Shen and had Xiaoyong again.When you get married, your father probably won't be able to pay for your dowry.If you keep it for yourself, it will be better for you when you marry in the future.Grandma is old and can't help you... Thinking about it so far, grandma's sadness hurts Yinuo's heart.The more independent Yinuo is, the more her grandmother loves Yinuo.

Therefore, I promise to do what my grandma says, just for grandma to relax.

Initially, saving is for your own future plans.After getting married, Yinuo wanted to keep the money, in case grandma got old and sick, she could have money to spend.Yinuo never took out the sum of money saved, and Zihe didn't know about it.

"Oh! Grandma, all right! I'm convinced." A capitalized word "obedience" seemed to be written on Xu Ling's face.

"I will listen to what my grandma says, and she is doing it for my own good. It's good to keep money in the certificate of deposit! Take out a stack, do you feel that you are so rich? No matter how much you put on the card, it's just a A number, a card. It’s not as intuitive as this one. See if you think I’m rich.”

Yinuo shook the certificate of deposit, triumphantly.

If Yinuo straddled one foot on the chair and flung the certificate of deposit at me with arrogance and contempt, the picture would be completely pompous and arrogant!
"Okay!" Xu Ling admitted that Yinuo's words were quite reasonable.

"Let me see how rich you are."

Xu Ling snatched it from Yinuo.

"16, [-], [-]..." Xu Ling flipped through them one by one, "It's really a lot, [-]. You have saved a lot of money! Doesn't Zihe know about this money?"

There is no entanglement between Yinuo and Zihe's divorce.I bought a house for 278 million and paid the rest of the loan of 100 million, a car of 30, a deposit of 12, a promise to pay the house, and a promise to repay the loan. The loan is less than 200 million, and the house can be sold for about 300 million.The assets are 100 million of the house, 20 of the car, 12 of the deposit, a total of 132 million and half of the person, a total of 66.The car and deposits returned to Zihe, and Yinuo gave him another 34.Zihe thought Yinuo was borrowed money, so he took a whole number.Yinuo is not polite to him.

In fact, Yinuo was rich before marriage, Zihe didn't know, and Zinuo didn't say anything.That money was kept for grandma's retirement.Although, grandma has an uncle and her own father, but Yinuo thinks that when grandma gets old, she can take care of grandma herself and do something for grandma.Therefore, Yinuoai kept some regular money and didn't move.

"Well! I saved it in the early days, and I saved some after marriage. I want to leave it for grandma when she gets old. Zihe doesn't know." Yinuo explained.

I'm afraid the money will be useful now.I have to repay the mortgage and have children this year, so the salary is not enough.

If you enter the confinement center, you probably won't have much money, you have to make money!
Yinuo thought sadly.

"Little rich woman, she has a house and savings." Xu Ling joked Yinuo with a smile.

"Hey! Worrying about money! This stomach is a money-eating machine."

Yinuo gently stroked his stomach.

"It's me!" Xu Ling patted confidently.

"It's up to you. Don't update your clothes this month."

Yinuo tugged on her different clothes that day, and said with a smile.


Xu Ling fell down on the sofa in panic.

Yinuo laughed happily, and put the matter of money aside.

"Okay, okay, don't lie down, have you had breakfast yet?" Yinuo put away deposit slips everywhere.Put it in a biscuit box and put the box in a drawer.

"I drank a bowl of pumpkin porridge. Is there anything to eat at home?"

If you don't mention it, you won't feel hungry. When you mention it, you will feel hungry.

"There's bread, why don't you fill it up first. I'll make lunch later."

"All right!"

Yinuo handed it over.He picked up a bunch of books he bought from the coffee table and continued to read.


Classes continued, Lao Li hadn't left yet, and Zhang Xiaoqing hadn't been promoted for the time being. Although the atmosphere in the company was subtle, it had nothing to do with Yinuo who was pregnant.Everyone was happy and relaxed to see her.

This is also what Yinuo wanted.

On the weekend, I went out to the mall.


Xia Yinuo stopped, turned her head, and frowned slightly.

How can I meet Zihe's mother when I go out?I have a deep relationship with her in the previous life?
"Are you pregnant?" Zihe's mother stared at Yinuo's belly and asked hesitantly.

Yinuo's belly was already pregnant, how could Zihe's mother not see it.

"Yeah!" Yinuo didn't want to be unreasonable since the last quarrel in the mall, but she couldn't change her childhood habits.Yinuo still agreed, turned his head, and walked forward.

Zihe's mother was so stunned that Yinuo walked ten meters away before she caught up.

"Xia Yinuo, Xia Yinuo."

Yinuo stopped and looked at Zihe's mother inexplicably.What are you calling me for?Doesn't your son have a good nurse?Didn't you tell me not to worry about it?Are you going to invite me to a wedding wine?It looks a little angry, it doesn't look like there is a wedding going on!
"Are you married? When did you get married?" Zihe's mother said something wrong, eager and angry.

"It's none of your business!" Yinuo replied coldly.

Yinuo didn't fear her, she said to herself repeatedly that she was in a good temper, and it was impossible for her to let her mess around.

Besides, do I need your consent to get married?Want to report to you?Really ridiculous.

"Have you been pregnant for three or four months? You divorced our Zihe because you had someone outside? No wonder the divorce was so peaceful, neither of us knew about it. He said that there was someone outside our family, Zihe. You are the one who cuckolded us Zihe, and Zihe couldn't make it through, that's why we got divorced?"

I shouldn't have stopped to listen to her, she couldn't come up with anything human.You are so good at editing, why don't you go to Zongheng to write novels?

Yinuo didn't bother to talk to her, and the dog bit the dog's mouth—why bother!
Yinuo continued to walk forward, thinking to himself, if it wasn't for the fear of hurting the child in my stomach, I would have run away long ago, and I wouldn't listen to your nonsense!
"Hey! You little whore, stealing people behind my Zihe's back. You still want to leave..."

Seeing the unworthy look in Yinuo's eyes, she turned around and left without saying a word. Mother He, cursing like a firecracker on fire, pounced on her.

Zihe's mother caught up and grabbed Yinuo's clothes.

Yinuo, who was not on guard, never thought that Zihe's mother would come up and grab him and pull him back.Yinuo was dragged by her, staggering and about to fall...


Yinuo exclaimed, stretching out his hands to support the ground... Suddenly, his body was grabbed by someone forcefully...

"Thank you!" Yinuo didn't have time to see who was holding him back, so he hurriedly thanked him.

"Xia Yinuo?!"

The surprised and surprised man's voice rang in Yinuo's ear.

It's really Xia Yinuo, Tianyuan looked at Yinuo in his arms, his calm heart seemed to be injected with stimulants, his heart beat faster and faster... Just now, he heard someone shouting "Xia Yinuo".I rushed over in disbelief and was stunned for a long time.It turned out that it was really Yinuo!That Xia Yinuo who disappeared from his life for more than three years.

Looking at Yinuo in the crook of his arm, Tian Yuan whispered "Xia Yinuo" in his heart.


Xia Yinuo was a little surprised, but also awkwardly supported Tian Yuan's arm to stand up.

Xia Yinuo shyly tied her hair behind her ears.Don't know what to say?What a surprise.

Pastoral watched quietly.She's still shy, though,...

"Hey! Who are you!"

Although Xia Yinuo almost fell down just now, Zihe's mother was startled, and her hands were wet.But now, seeing Xia Yinuo being supported by the man and standing upright, Zihe's mother became angry again.She grabbed Tian Yuan and questioned him unhappy.

Tianyuan's eloquence is not something ordinary people can handle.Tianyuan supported Yinuo to stand firm, then turned around leisurely, and said in a shameless tone, "Who are you! You are not young anymore, where have you been eating? You beat a pregnant woman, my friend has a stomachache now "Tianyuan pinched Yinuo, Yinuo covered his stomach, pretended to be uncomfortable, Tianyuan said worriedly and angrily, "I think I should go to the hospital for a checkup, what do you think? Should we go to the hospital together, or stay in the hospital?" Down the phone number, ID card or something?"

"She stole people behind my son's back. I don't know whose evil seed is in her belly. It's okay to let her go."

Zihe's mother really didn't know what rubbish material her head was made of, to say such a thing.

Although Tian Yuan was surprised to meet such an unreasonable person, he didn't let his mouth down at all: "This old woman, my friend has divorced your son, and you can control whose son she has. You only need to control your own. It’s fine if the daughter-in-law gives birth to your son. I haven’t seen it before. If you are divorced and care about other people’s children, can you not have children after divorce? You are the queen mother! You set the rules.”

"Are you her adulterer?"

Now even Xia Yinuo couldn't listen to it anymore, and was about to refute, when Tian Yuan first said, "Hey! You came across from which corner, and you are an adulterer. She has nothing to do with your son. You are so Excited, could it be that your son can't get a wife? With a mother like you, tsk can he get a wife. "

"you you……"

Zihe's mother probably never met such a strong opponent, she was so angry that she couldn't speak, she pointed at the field and trembled...

Xia Yinuo Lara pastoral arm.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it, you're too old to suit me. Today, my friend said forget it, I won't call the police, and I won't invite my dog ​​meat friends. If, in the future, something like this happens..., Your son is missing an arm and a understand." Tian Yuan said very forcefully.

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