Xia Yinuo came to the house in Fine Comb Lane again. The house had changed so much that it was completely unrecognizable. It used to be so dilapidated and decadent.

The original iron door was enlarged and turned into a glass door, and the tall and short shelves inside can be seen at a glance.The gatehouse was enlarged and separated from the yard by partitions, leaving only one door leading to the yard.The separate concierge has become a front hall, which is brightly lit and the flowers and plants are placed just right.In the courtyard, the stone road remains the same, with refurbished dirt on both sides, the west wing has been made into a glass flower house, the main room and the east wing have only been slightly renovated, and the layout has not changed.

Xia Yinuo is very satisfied with the renovated house.Xia Yinuo brought her grandma to see, and grandma fell in love with her very quickly.

Xia Yinuo discussed with grandma, "Grandma, let's grow some vegetables and fruits on the east side. On the west side, I want to plant some flowers. Usually, I can draw in this glass greenhouse. When some friends come, I can grow some flowers in it." Dinner. Do you agree?"

"Okay. I'll listen to you." Grandma Xia nodded.For her granddaughter to stay in the city, Grandma Xia also knew that her granddaughter wanted to live with her and take care of her.In order to make myself happy and live comfortably in the city, my granddaughter actually built such a place where I can grow vegetables so that I can have something to do. My granddaughter really worked so hard, why did I insist on going back again and again!

My granddaughter loves me so much, so I agreed to my granddaughter and fulfilled her wish, which is also very good.

Seeing that grandma agreed, Xia Yinuo said happily, "I'll dig the ground. Grandma, you are in charge of planting the seeds, and I'm in charge of watering. You are not allowed to do heavy work."

"Got it!" Grandma should be like a child.Xia Yinuo smiled.

Xia Yinuo only slapped a large piece of ground in the morning.The technology is unfamiliar, if it was before, it would have to double the land.Xia Yinuo stood up and beat her back, she seemed quite tired!
Xia Yinuo thumped his back and said to Grandma Xia: "It can't be done anymore, let's plant this field today and continue tomorrow."

Grandma Xia took out the seeds she had already bought from the house.

"Growing vegetables, the neither hot nor cold weather is just right. When the weather gets hot, the vegetables won't be able to grow." Grandma Xia said.

The seeds were sprinkled on the ground, and Xia Yinuo sprayed them directly with a water pipe: "It's much more convenient to water. Put the tap water on the pipe and pour it directly, so you don't need to carry water."

Grandma Xia looked at Xia Yinuo and nodded with a smile.Xia Yinuo held up the tube and sprayed it towards the sun, rainbows appeared in front of his eyes, and seeing rainbows again, Xia Yinuo seemed to have returned to his childhood.The scene of Zilin playing with himself in the water, and later, Zilin was scolded by his aunt.hehe!Xia Yinuo smiled involuntarily.

Five days have passed, and the yard has taken shape.

The vegetable beds are square and square, and the first green vegetable seeds have germinated, and a little bit of new green seems to make people see hope.

The vegetable bed is very neat, and there are only scattered flowers and trees in the garden.The fruit tree is still supported by a shelf, and the flowers have cut off the branches, waiting to slow down and germinate again.The unpruned flowers are still hanging their heads, but the shelves of the flower house are ready. Xia Yinuo brought some flowers from home, but they look a bit good, but the scenery is not full.It will take some time!Xia Yinuo sighed in his heart, flowers and plants are just like people, one must wait patiently.

Xia Yinuo bought flowers and trees from the Internet and the flower market one after another, one by one.

Mr. Chen Yang said: "Your garden is not beautiful!"

It's really not good-looking, and the flowers haven't grown well yet.Xia Yinuo took care of Chen Yang.She continues to grow various flowers.

The vegetables on the east side of the yard have sprouted, and the gardens on the west side are also full of plants.

At this time, Xia Yinuo bought all kinds of flowers from the flower market and placed them in the foyer. After everything was done, the "promise" signboard was hung up, and the flower shop officially opened.

The day before the opening, Chen Yang said again: "This is the opening of the store! There is no ceremony, just invite a guest."

Xia Yinuo ignored him, she was busy buying flowers, arranging flowers, selling flowers, and running an online store.

On the day Xia Yinuo's "Promise" flower shop opened, people who knew it from various aspects rushed over to congratulate it.

That day, before noon, the flowers in the store were sold out.Waves of spectators come and go. The reputation of the "promise" flower shop spread like this.

Xia Yinuo was busy with the business in the store, and Grandma Xia also came to help when she saw that Yinuo was busy.Xia Yinuo was afraid that grandma's health would be too much for her, so she hired two more people to help look after the store and deliver the goods.Xia Yinuo almost didn't need to do anything about the store.Xia Yinuo specially accompanies her grandma to grow vegetables and grow her own flowers.

Life is busy and steady.

Xia Yinuo took care of the flower shop in a leisurely manner, planted vegetables with Grandma Xia, and picked fresh vegetables. Xia Yinuo always liked to make them with her own hands and taste them with Grandma Xia.Grandma Xia has a bad appetite, Xia Yinuo always thinks of ways to cook all kinds of meals for Grandma Xia.Grandma Xia smiled more and more, and her body seemed to be better than before.Half a year later, Grandma Xia actually gained another five catties.

Then, one day, a stray dog ​​came to the door.Grandma took pity on it, and there was another black and white miscellaneous dog in the house.

Yueyue didn't want to come here at first, thinking it wasn't fun, but later, she fell in love with this place somehow, and would come here to play for a while after school, and sometimes, she still finished her homework here.

Grandpa Chen sent Yueyue over once, and after tasting Xia Yinuo's cooking, he became a regular customer here.

Then, people from the Chen family always come to hold tooth sacrifices.Later, Grandpa Chen simply ate here three meals a day.

Not only Grandpa Chen came here, Xu Ling also often ran here.Ji Chen has nothing to do with her, who made her pregnant!She wanted to go to Paris to eat, so Ji Chen had to fly her there too!Besides, it's Xia Yinuo's place.Now he wished that Xia Yinuo would take care of his wife's meal.Pregnant women are hard to take care of.The mouth is too big, and the dishes made by the chefs of the five-star restaurants are not to her liking.You said it was difficult!As a result, Ji Chen Ding Shuai also became a frequent visitor.They come to patronize food, not to patronize flower shops.

The more people come, the smaller the place is.

After thinking about it, Xia Yinuo bought the room next door.

Coincidentally, the house next door is the first time I have come here, and I heard the old woman with a Northeast accent talk about the old Song's house next door.It turned out that the next door was the next door to my own house.

Lao Song's house had been hanging on the intermediary for more than half a year, and no one had bought it. When Xia Yinuo wanted to buy it, he saw that Xia Yinuo was sincere, so he gave up tens of thousands of yuan.

After Lao Song's house was renovated and opened up with Xia Yinuo's greenhouse, Chen Yang stared at him.Xia Yinuo bought the house next door, and Chen Yang shocked Xia Yinuo's wealth again.

"You bought it with your own money?" Chen Yang looked at Xia Yinuo and asked in surprise.

"Hmm! The land of the house is not big enough. There is a flower shop in front of it. Vegetables and flowers are grown in the yard, and dogs are also raised. Usually, friends always come to play. The place always feels a bit cramped, and a family next to it happens to be selling their house. , I bought it! I enlarged the greenhouse, and friends can have a meal in it." Xia Yinuo didn't know that Chen Yang was shocked by her wealth, she just thought that Chen Yang didn't understand that she bought this land with the intention of the house.

"You didn't use the money on my card?" Chen Yang asked uncertainly.Xia Yinuo used the money on Chen Yang's card, and was used to telling Chen Yang if the amount was too large.I didn't hear her talk about buying a house.

"No, I have enough money on my own." Xia Yinuo didn't understand, "It doesn't matter if I use anyone else, I'm just used to using my own card, if I run out of money in my card, I'll use your card again."

Chen Yang: It's not my card, but your card?
How do you have so much money?It is obviously impossible for the flower shop to earn several million within half a year of opening.

This time you don’t have a few million to buy a house, you can’t buy it!

Such a big place?

You are so rich!
"You have so much money? How could Su Zihe be willing to divorce you?" Chen Yang didn't even know how he asked such a sentence.As soon as the words came out, Chen Yang himself was stunned.

Xia Yinuo was also stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Yang inexplicably.

What do you mean?
You mean, I have so much money, you are reluctant to divorce me?
Also, as the current husband, shouldn't I be envious and jealous of my former husband!You are very open-minded.

This quality is good!

"At that time, there was not so much money." Xia Yinuo explained.

At that time, I didn't have so much money. At that time, I didn't paint or do side jobs.

At that time, I thought that with the salary of myself and Su Zihe, it would be good to live a life of small wealth and peace.Things change at any time, who would have thought that Su Zihe would cheat, who would have thought that he would get divorced, who would have thought that with Yueyue...

Yueyue is the boy next to the God of Wealth!
She came, but my money is getting more and more.

"Now, why do you have so much money?" Chen Yang asked curiously.It's not been a few years?Xia Yinuo stock trading?
"You want to know?" Xia Yinuo asked with raised eyebrows, and the painting hanging in the living room by Chen Yang Liyuan came to Xia Yinuo's mind.

You spent part of my money.

Chen Yang nodded, but he felt that Xia Yinuo's expression was a little strange.

Xia Yinuo stood up and hooked her little finger towards Chen Yang.Chen Yang followed.Xia Yinuo returned to the studio, opened the desk drawer, and took out a small ordinary wooden box from it.Chen Yang knew that this was a box for small things such as seals and hairpins.Chen Yang saw that Xia Yinuo took out a small seal from the box, and then pulled out a completed picture from the bookshelf, four feet apart, with the words "Children Playing Fish". Xia Yinuo held it The seal is lightly printed next to the word "Xia Chu" at the lower left corner of the picture, and the word "Yan Ruo" is clearly and clearly marked on the oval seal.

Chen Yang couldn't be more familiar with it.He likes Yan Ruo's style of painting very much!There is always such a bright and cheerful look in Qingqi.

"Yan Ruo?" Chen Yang shifted his gaze from the seal to Xia Yinuo's face, and asked in a daze, "Are you Yan Ruo?"

Xia Yinuo took back the seal and put it in a small wooden box.

Yan Ruo's seal is placed in such a simple and ordinary wooden box?
Chen Yang shifted his gaze to the wooden box again.It was a small wooden box that Yue Yue bought in a toy store when she went shopping.Chen Yang remembered that the price was only 88 yuan.At that time, I disliked wooden boxes, which were small, not refined enough, and not high-grade.I'm going to buy Master Li's handmade wooden box, which is carved and inlaid with gemstones. This kind of box is atmospheric enough.But, at that time, what Xia Yinuo said: "As long as the box is useful. I bought it back not to look at the gem carvings, nor to show off how rich I am. Money is hard to buy a good heart. As long as Yue Yue likes it, why bother?" Spend a lot of money to buy things you don’t like. You don’t feel comfortable using things you don’t like, so why bother to make yourself suffer.”

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