The president was forced to marry his son?

Chapter 168 Grandma Xia Is Sick

Yueyue doesn't like little hamsters, but Doudou likes them very much.Every day, when you get up together in the morning, Doudou will run to the little hamster's cage to watch the little hamster run.It’s not enough if you don’t run, you have to tell the little hamster to run.

Within a month, the little hamster died of excessive exercise.

Yueyue watched regretfully as the mouse went to the empty hamster cage, but Doudou was crying sporadically, out of breath.

How could Chen Yang want his son to cry so miserably? He picked up Doudou, shook his arms, and coaxed: "Dad, buy two more. Stop crying."

"I want the same little mouse." Tears hung on Doudou's immature face, and her nose was still sniffing.

"Okay, buy the exact same one. Don't cry, Dad won't buy it if you cry." Chen Yang said, wiping the tears hanging from Doudou's face.

Doudou finally stopped sobbing.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang sent someone back to buy two little hamsters.Xia Yinuo looked at the little hamster who had just arrived home, Doudou who was lying on the table excitedly watching the little hamster run, and those two chubby hands who fiddled with the cage from time to time.Xia Yinuo felt that these two little hamsters might not live long.

Is this going to exterminate hamsters?
Xia Yinuo frowned, squatted beside Doudou and shouted, "Doudo."

"Hmm!" Doudou was so fascinated that she didn't even lift her head.

"Doudou, you can only watch, you can't do anything! The little hamster will be tired and needs to rest." Xia Yinuo tried to reason.

"Oh!" Doudou replied without leaving the little hamster cage.The little hands are also beside the cage, waiting for the little hamster to stop before poking it.


Xia Yinuo turned Doudou around, facing herself, and said again sternly: "The little hamster will get tired, it has stopped, you don't want to move it. Do you understand?"

"Understood. I won't move it." The little guy agreed quickly.

As soon as he turned around, Xia Yinuo had just sat on the chair without turning on the phone, and the little paw was playing with the little hamster again.

"Doudou?" Xia Yinuo raised his voice and shouted.

Doudou turned around and looked at Xia Yinuo with her lips curled up as if she was about to cry.Chen Yang on the side quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay, look at your little hamster."

Xia Yinuo turned around and blamed Chen Yang: "Why are you all right? Two little hamsters are already dead, are they going to die again?"

Chen Yang said indifferently: "Where can this little thing be fed, it's just for fun. Just buy it after it dies."

"I'll buy it after I die?" Xia Yinuo frowned, and said angrily, "Although the little hamster is small, it still has two little lives. How could it be so wasteful?"

Seeing Xia Yinuo's uneasy expression, Chen Yang coaxed, "Little hamster has two lives, but it's not easy to raise, and it doesn't live long. Now, its life is just a little shorter, one month It's no different from two months. Besides, if the little hamster doesn't die, who will the merchant sell it to?"

Chen Yang's crooked reasoning made Xia Yinuo speechless.

It's a pity this guy doesn't do sales.

"I don't care how the business makes money. If Doudou teases the little hamsters like this, he can't kill many little hamsters. I don't agree to buy them again. If these two little hamsters die, don't buy them again." Xia Yinuo He didn't reason with Chen Yang and gave orders directly.

Chen Yang was taken aback at first, then looked at Doudou who was playing vigorously, then frowned, and then looked at Xia Yinuo's resolute expression, it didn't look like he was joking, Chen Yang felt a little overwhelmed.One will definitely be wanted, and the other will not be allowed to buy.Is this mother and son right? Yes, you can't get involved with me!

Chen Yang moved to Xia Yinuo's side, squeezed Xia Yinuo's hand, Xia Yinuo raised his hand, and took it back, Chen Yang said awkwardly: "Maybe Doudou won't like playing with little hamsters after a while, You don't have to worry about how many little hamsters he played to death."

"Then let Doudou lose interest in these two little hamsters!" Xia Yinuo replied.I thought to myself: You coax the children!Who knows when Doudou loses interest? Dead four little hamsters is already my upper limit.

Chen Yang was stunned again!
Xia Yinuo is not easy to lie to!
Chen Yang went up to pinch Xia Yinuo's leg again, Xia Yinuo flickered, but couldn't dodge, so he had to be pinched by that furry paw, Chen Yang begged for mercy: "Ma'am, I can't do it for my husband!"

"If you can't do it, just save some money and don't buy little hamsters." Xia Yinuo's attitude was very firm.

"Buy it again." Chen Yang raised a finger.



"Chen Yang, are you asking for a beating?" Xia Yinuo patted Chen Yang's hand away and asked with a smile.

"Are you willing to fight?" Chen Yang asked ambiguously next to Xia Yinuo's ear.

Xia Yinuo stood up, stepped back, blushed and muttered, "Why can't I bear it?"

Chen Yang laughed happily, with an appearance of tempting people to commit crimes.Xia Yinuo fled in despair.

The days are spent in the small fights at home.Apart from going to a few parties, there is no special place.

In this ordinary day, a phone call from my aunt interrupted the peace.

"Yinuo! Your grandma is in the hospital,..."

"Grandma went to the hospital?" Xia Yinuo froze for a moment, and asked eagerly, "What's wrong with grandma? Why did you go to the hospital?"

"Don't worry,..."

"Why am I not in a hurry, what's wrong with grandma?" Xia Yinuo walked out of the office with her mobile phone in her hand.

"Why don't you come back first and talk about it later, grandma probably has something wrong with her stomach." Auntie was also anxious, she went to the hospital to see if she had an upset stomach, and whoever knew the doctor sent her to the hospital.No, the hospitalization is over, so hurry up and call Yinuo.Grandma Xia is Yinuo's life.My aunt still remembered the last time Grandma Xia was ill, and Xia Yinuo desperately transferred Grandma Xia to a big hospital for treatment.

"Okay, I'll go back right away." Xia Yinuo hung up the phone, called Mr. Liang, the financial manager, and asked for leave.

After asking for leave, Xia Yinuo told her colleagues, picked up her bag and ran towards the garage. Today, she drove the car by herself.

Worried all the way, I drove back to my hometown No. 1 People's Hospital, and ran through a red light on the way.

After arriving at the hospital, Xia Yinuo remembered Chen Yang, and hurriedly called Chen Yang.

In the hospital, the lights were pale, and the light was eerie.When Xia Yinuo got out of the elevator, Xia Yinuo's aunt and uncle came up to meet him, but Xia Qingshui and Aunt Shen followed behind.

"Where's grandma? What's wrong with grandma? How's it going?" Xia Yinuo's cold hand tightly grasped her aunt's hand.

"The doctor said that there is something growing in the stomach, which may be cancer." The aunt said worriedly, "Your grandma's stomach has not been very good, and she has not eaten well recently. We thought she had a stomach problem again. We took her to see, I want to take some medicine. I didn’t expect the doctor to call me to be hospitalized. The doctor said a lot, and I couldn’t understand some of them. It’s probably because your grandma has a bad stomach, maybe it’s cancer.”

"What happened? How did grandma get stomach cancer? Grandma eats well!" Xia Yinuo burst into tears, not believing that grandma had stomach cancer.

"Don't cry, don't cry, the report hasn't come out yet. It won't come out until tomorrow morning." Aunt comforted.

Xia Yinuo's tears couldn't stop, she wiped her hands again and again, finally, choked up and said, "Where's the doctor? What did the doctor say?"

"At this moment, I'm probably in the office." My aunt looked at the sky outside. It was already dark. My aunt took Xia Yinuo forward and took it. Aunt Shen handed over a tissue and gave Yinuo: "Don't I’m crying, I’ll see a doctor soon.”

Xia Yinuo nodded, wiped her tears with a tissue, and the tears continued to flow down.

Auntie patted Xia Yinuo's back and comforted her: "Okay, okay. Don't cry, ask the hospital first, we'll see a doctor when we need to see a doctor."

"Doctor, how is my grandma's illness?" Xia Yinuo asked Dr. Liang, grandma's attending doctor, in a hoarse voice.

The doctor glanced at it and said, "It's Xia Xiangnan's family, right? Xia Xiangnan had lung disease before. Now, according to the inspection items, Xia Xiangnan is in the middle stage of gastric cancer. Surgery can be performed in the middle stage of gastric cancer, and the success rate of the operation is quite high. After surgery, there is no problem in surviving for 5 to [-] years. However, as the elderly are getting older, they may not be able to take it physically, so you must be prepared for this...”

Xia Yinuo didn't know how to get out of the doctor's office.

She didn't understand, how could grandma have stomach cancer?Obviously, it has only been two years since I returned to my hometown.


Yes, grandma.I must cure grandma.


Xia Yinuo packed up her emotions and walked quickly towards the ward, her aunt called Xia Yinuo: "Yinuo, your grandma doesn't know she has stomach cancer yet, don't tell her, just say that there is something growing in her stomach and she needs to be operated on take it off."

Xia Yinuo nodded, looked up at the ceiling, she was afraid that her tears would flow down again involuntarily.

My aunt looked at Xia Yinuo, he couldn't help Xia Yinuo, she could only face it by herself.Xia Yinuo calmed down, twitched the corners of his mouth into an arc, so that his face would not look so awkward, and then pushed open the door of the ward.

My aunt was right, I should have kept it from my grandma and said there was something growing in my stomach.Grandma will be fine once the surgery is done.

In the ward, Grandma Xia hadn't slept yet, probably her stomach was not feeling well.She is watching TV with her mobile phone.Knowing how to use a mobile phone was also taught by Xia Yinuo to Grandma Xia.In addition to watching TV dramas, Grandma Xia can also use Douyin.

Grandma Xia heard the sound of pushing the door, and hurriedly looked towards the door, and saw Xia Yinuo at the door hastily dropped her mobile phone, and asked with concern: "Yinuo! Why are you here? Did your aunt tell you, I let you Don't let her tell you, I'll be fine if I hang the water for two days."

Xia Yinuo smiled and walked to the edge of the bed, leaning on the bed and sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Grandma Xia's withered bark-like hand, rubbing it back and forth, and said: "Yes! Auntie said you were sick, so I came here worried. Grandma You follow me to the city to see a doctor. The conditions here are not as good as in the city. Also, my aunt has to make money and has too many things to do, so I don’t have time to take care of you. If you come to my place, I can ask for leave to take care of you.”

Grandma Xia turned around, patted Yinuo's hand, and said with a smile: "No. I'm fine. I don't need anyone to take care of me. Don't look at my old arms and legs. I can walk easily. You go to work. You don't have a shift If you don't get any money, the Chen family will underestimate you. No matter how much you earn at work, you will always have something to do."

Grandma seemed very worried about me, Xia Yinuo felt sour in her heart.Since I was a child, my grandma has always worried about me.So far.

Holding back tears, Xia Yinuo persuaded: "Grandma, you listen to me. I studied accounting, so I can find a job. When you recover from illness, I will find another job. It's easy to find! Besides, I can draw I know a lot of things! Chen Yang, he doesn’t care if I have a job or not. Chen Yang’s mother even told me not to work and stay home with the kids!”

"Is that so? Hey! Where's Chen Yang? Didn't he come with you?" Grandma Xia looked at the door and asked suspiciously.

"I called him. He's outside, so I'll come first. He should be here in a while." Xia Yinuo explained, afraid that Grandma Xia would be worried.Xia Yinuo knew in her heart that since Chen Yang said on the phone, he would come here.He said come, it would surely come.

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