Teacher Yu frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "You said your child beat someone, what else is there to say? Could it be that you have wronged your child?"

Teacher Yu glanced at Xia Yinuo who was still looking at him with a smile, but the smile obviously faded a lot, and Teacher Yu's tone became even lighter: "The thing is, the two children had a conflict for some reason, Chen Yueyue Then he pushed Tai Rongshi to the ground. Tai Rongshi's leg touched the chair, and there was a bruise on her leg. The school doctor checked, although the child was fine, but, as you know, our school is one of the best kindergartens in the city. Children and families are either rich or expensive, and sometimes small things are not small. Your parents have to cooperate with the school to handle this matter well. If you need to go to the hospital, you should apologize. As for the rest, it is up to the parents of Rongshi. requirements, and..."

Tai Rongshi, the kid who likes to change schoolbags?
"Teacher Yu, are you investigating why the two children had a conflict?" Chen Yang interrupted Teacher Yu.

Why haven't you said anything about the conflict?Back, that's the back.Besides, my family Yueyue is not someone who does things casually. She must have a reason for doing things.

Can you be unreasonable if you are either rich or expensive?
What's the matter, my legs are blue, I apologize, and I will pay for some nutrition, what else do you want?

Chen Yang was very dissatisfied with what the teacher said.

Teacher Yu frowned slightly. Thinking about it, he really didn't ask the two children why. He probably thought that the child was too young, so he couldn't explain what the reason was!Therefore, Teacher Yu explained: "The child is young, so how can I ask why. This parent, Chen Yueyue, pushed Tai Rongshi to the point that Tai Rongshi fell down. That is the truth..."

"So, Teacher Yu, you haven't investigated clearly yet?"

"Chen Yueyue's father, right?" Teacher Yu asked with a frown, but complained in her heart: Why is this parent so blind and dead-headed? Why don't you hurry up and have a better attitude when your child makes a mistake? Yin ugly.

Teacher Yu took a look at Chen Yang. Although the clothes you are wearing, although the material is not bad, the workmanship is not bad, but you can't tell the brand, and it seems to be ordinary.I don't know which relatives and friends you entrusted to send the children here. You probably don't know that all the children in this school are born with golden keys in their mouths, and no one can be offended.The child has made a mistake now, if you don't express your opinion quickly, you are still investigating the reason, the reason, sometimes it is not that important.

Chen Yang nodded and replied, "Yes, I am Chen Yueyue's father, Chen Yang."

Chen Yang?
Chen Yang's name flashed through Teacher Yu's mind, it seemed to be slightly different, but no trace was left after all.

"Chen Yang, right? The reason is not so important, what is important is that Tai Rongshi's legs are green. You should be prepared, Tai Rongshu's parents will come later, so please apologize to Tai Rongshi's parents. We also hope that big things can be turned into small things, and small things can be turned into small things."

After saying that, Teacher Yu glanced at Chen Yang again, and saw that Chen Yang's expression became even more uneasy.

Teacher Yu became agitated, why is this parent so stupid.Just apologize and give me some money. Later, if Tai Rongshi's parents have any requests, we will try our best to help them deal with them.If you ask the reason like this, Tai Rongshi's parents will be happy, and if they are unhappy, wouldn't it be more difficult to reconcile your matter.

"Big things are made small, and small things are made small. I agree. However, when things happen, you must always understand the cause and effect, and know who is right and who is wrong. My daughter is at fault. I apologize. If my daughter is right, I don't think so. I need to apologize. Teacher Yu, you'd better call the two children over to ask about them. The children are both in middle school, so I can give you an overview of the matter if you think about it." Chen Yang said with a sullen face, tapping his hand on the table.The temperature in the office suddenly felt a few degrees lower, and the atmosphere became dignified.

Teacher Yu and Xia Yinuo looked at Chen Yang's hand knocking on the table.Chen Yang glanced at it, retracted it, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

"This parent is right. I also want to know why my daughter was beaten by her daughter?"

Walking in from the door, a woman dressed in enchanting clothes, a fiery red dress tightly wrapped her charming curvy figure. The green bag is very conspicuous in front of the body.

Teacher Yu looked at the conspicuous luggage, his unfriendly face just now, suddenly turned into a springy smiling face.It is said that the child's face is like the summer rain, which is always changing and changing.This, Mr. Yu must have learned the essence of the country-changing faces.Otherwise, how could the face change become so fast and so natural.

"Tai Rongshi's mother! Hello." Teacher Yu stood up and greeted with a smile.

Obediently, we don't have this kind of treatment, do we?
Chen Yang leaned on the desk, rolled his eyes, and played with his fingers.

Xia Yinuo looked at Chen Yang, pursed her lips and smiled.Xindao: Who asked you to fill in a staff member when filling out the form.If you fill in as the president, you can also get this treatment.

"Hello, how is my child?" Tai Rongshi's mother Shan Haibing asked calmly.

"The child is fine, but when his leg fell down, he accidentally touched the leg of the chair, and a small piece was bruised. The school doctor has already seen it and sprayed it with medicine. It is not serious. If you are worried, you can take the child Go to the hospital to have a look. Don't worry about the cost." Teacher Yu said tactfully.

Shan Haibing glanced at Chen Yang and Xia Yinuo, surprise flashed in his eyes, but he spoke sharply: "Is there anything wrong, I will know after reading it, these two are the parents who beat my daughter, Chen Yueyue!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, the child is naughty. I'll go back to educate." Xia Yinuo apologized.My own daughter made a move first, so there was something wrong after all.It would be best to apologize to the other party first, relieve the tense atmosphere, and resolve it peacefully.Such a young child is ignorant, so he still needs to focus on education.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Xia Yinuo's attitude of begging for peace, is it necessary for you to do this?
Xia Yinuo also rolled her eyes, are you calling?Why don't you call? Why do you need me to apologize while licking my face.

Chen Yang: I just want to ask clearly what happened, and we can't use force to overwhelm others.Besides, what the teacher said makes people uncomfortable. I want to see where things can go.

(Is the two of you partnering up to deal with each other?)

The enchanting beauty felt very comfortable listening to Xia Yinuo's low-pitched words. Her eyes turned to Chen Yang's side again. This face and figure made Shan Haibing feel turbulent. She stood up straight and cast a wink at Chen Yang , Jiao Didi said: "Chen Yueyue's father seems to have a bit of a disagreement."

Xia Yinuo looked at Shan Haibing, then at Chen Yang, and smiled even more. It seems that beauty can be settled without making a phone call!
Chen Yang rolled his eyes again, let you laugh, I will make you laugh, at night, I promise you won't be able to laugh.

"The teacher didn't investigate, so of course I have an opinion. Maybe someone will apologize to whom!" Chen Yang replied coldly.

Xia Yinuo actually agreed with Chen Yang's statement.This lies in whether the teacher is inexperienced in handling things.

Seeing this, the enchanting beauty stopped puffing out her chest, and said imposingly: "There is nothing to investigate, my child was injured, and it was your child who pushed it. What, you still think I should apologize to you? My husband is in the Health Bureau. You are not the ones who come to private schools when you have a little money. You upstarts think that you have a little money and you are great. Don’t you know that your quality is very low? You don’t follow this matter. I'm sorry, I'm not done with you."

After hearing this, Chen Yang sneered. It turns out that her husband is in the Health Bureau!Chen Yang sat on the desk half-ass, and said playfully: "I still say that, my child is wrong, I apologize to you, your child is wrong, then your child has to apologize to my child. No investigation and no right to speak , Teacher Yu, what do you think?"

"This, this, Chen Yueyue's parents. Let's talk carefully, after all, it is Tai Rongshi who hurt..." Teacher Yu didn't expect Chen Yang to be so tough.

"The injured person may not be right." Chen Yang squinted at Teacher Yu who was standing beside Tai Rongshi's parents.

Teacher Yu shuddered immediately, Chen Yueyue's father's eyes were so cold?Did I do something wrong?Teacher Yu looked at Xia Yinuo again. Fortunately, there is a sensible person in this family, and Chen Yueyue's mother is much gentler.

"Mother Chen Yueyue, look, Tai Rongshi's father is from the Health Bureau, you..." Teacher Yu kindly reminded her.

"From the Health Bureau?" Before Xia Yinuo could speak, Chen Yang sneered and took it, "Do you want to invite Wan Liangping, the director of the Health Bureau?"

Seeing Chen Yang's contemptuous attitude, Shan Haibing choked up: "Hey! Don't think that you can scare people because you know the director of the Health Bureau is Wan Liangping. If you have the ability, please come here?"

Chen Yang glanced at Shan Haibing sideways, and said calmly: "I can't invite Director Wan, but I can let your husband come over on a business trip? Do you want me to invite your husband?"

"You know my husband?" Shan Haibing didn't believe it.

"Who is your husband, we don't know him." Chen Yang said contemptuously.

"You're kidding me." Shan Haibing grinned.

"Is it necessary for me?" Chen Yang asked calmly, "Mr. Yu, do you investigate this matter yourself, or ask the principal to investigate?"

Teacher Yu, who was confused, didn't know how to answer the conversation. Shan Haibing replied angrily, "Hey! You know the principal again? You're such a braggart, you've gone to heaven."

"Teacher Yu?" Chen Yang didn't even look at Shan Haibing.

Shan Haibing guessed it had been a long time since she met someone who looked at her so disrespectfully, and her face turned blue with anger: "Mr. Yu, there is no need to investigate this matter. Why is my daughter still hurt? I have to let my husband Take it to the hospital for a look."

Teacher Yu couldn't turn his head anymore, so he just followed the words: "Here, Chen Yueyue's father, look..."

Chen Yang directly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: "Chen Binsheng, my daughter was bullied at your school, what do you think?"

Chen Binsheng?
Principal Chen Binsheng?
Teacher Yu was dubious and refuted Chen Yanglai: "Father Chen Yueyue, your daughter was not bullied! How can you say that?"

"I asked to investigate, but if you don't investigate, if you don't investigate, then follow my advice." Chen Yang sarcastically said.

"What you say counts, who are you?" Not only the teacher but also Shan Haibing couldn't tell the difference.

Chen Yang dialed the number again: "Is Director Wan? That's it. Does your unit have any employees with the surname Tai? My daughter's name is Tai Rongshi. There is a dispute in the school that requires him to attend. Please, Director Wan, give him a vacation." .”

Shan Haibing stared at Chen Yang dumbfounded...

Teacher Yu stared at Chen Yang dumbfounded...

"You, you..." Teacher Yu's phone rang, she glanced at the phone number, and stammered to answer: "Hello!...Sun, Secretary Sun, hello...Yes, yes...I know gone."

Teacher Yu was still on the phone in panic, when Shan Haibing's phone rang again.

Shan Haibing saw that it belonged to her husband. She swiped the screen and picked it up with a soft voice: "Hi! Husband,..."

"Did you call Director Wan?"

"I do not have it?"

"Then why did Director Wan give me half a day off and tell me to go to school to deal with things properly?"

"This, this... is about my daughter, what I told you just now..."

"Didn't you be asked to do it?"


"Forget it, I'll be there in a while."

Shan Haibing stared blankly at the hung up phone, but couldn't come to his senses... Teacher Yu, who came back to his senses, looked at the phone wanting to cry without tears, wishing he hadn't received a call from Secretary Sun.

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