The president was forced to marry his son?

Chapter 153 The Pastoral Wedding

"If it's not him, who else could it be..." Xia Yinuo looked up and Zhang Qin's surprised expression came into view, and he thought, I was so anxious that I forgot that this is a company, Xia Yinuo hurriedly said, "Oh! It's not Chen Yang, it's my husband. Today, when I went out this morning, I insisted that I go back and change into a long skirt, saying that the skirt I was wearing was too short. Just now, he called me again, and I was bothering him!"

Zhang Qin listened to Xia Yinuo's explanation, put away her surprised expression, and said with a smile: "You are showing us your affection!"

Yu Lan understood that she didn't want to reveal the relationship, but said that she showed her mouth and then got back together.It's true that Chen Yang married Xia Yinuo!

Yu Lan looked at Xia Yinuo's skirt. It was a white skirt with ruffles covering the hips. The skirt was long to the knees. Is this skirt too short? Those hot pants are not something you can't have.I guess Chen Yang didn't think the skirt was short, but he was jealous that his colleagues in the company saw Xia Yinuo's plump buttocks!This ruffled skirt perfectly showed Xia Yinuo's perfect figure.

"No, no. It's just to bother him." Xia Yinuo's voice of denial sounded eagerly.

"Hey! I've heard the smell of a woman in love, don't deny it." Zhang Qin sighed, "Like me, after the seven-year itch, looking at my husband is like looking at myself. You can't even show your affection!"

"Are you exaggerating?"

"Yes, why not. At night, that's not exciting." Zhang Qin said with a sigh.

Xiaoya couldn't understand, she stared at a pair of curious eyes, and asked, "Sister Zhang, what are you talking about that is boring?"

"Children's family, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked." Zhang Qin blushed when she was asked.

Although Xiaoya was curious, her rationality made her shut her mouth obediently.

"You're ashamed to say it, but don't let others ask." Yu Lan joked.

"Then tell her clearly." Zhang Qin choked.

Yu Lan glanced at Zhang Qin jokingly, and said, "Xiaoya, what your sister Zhang said was about the incident between you and your boyfriend at night. Don't be embarrassed to listen!"

"You, you are so bad!" Xiaoya blushed at Yu Lan's words, turned her head immediately, and pretended to be working.

"Unexpectedly, she is still a veteran of Sister Yu." Zhang Qin extended her thumb towards Yu Lan.


Fortunately, the conversation just passed.Xia Yinuo thought happily, it was all caused by Chen Yang, why is my skirt so short!Xia Yinuo glanced at the beauties in the office, Xiaoya was still wearing shorts!Zhang Qin's skirt is no longer than mine, but Yu Lan is wearing a green long skirt today.

It didn't help that Xia Yinuo was aggrieved.

Chen Yang is in a good mood!Unexpectedly, Xia Yinuo became anxious, scratching like a cat with her little paws.Chen Yang was caught by the little claws, he was out of the office and ran downstairs.Chen Yang expressed regret that he didn't see Xia Yinuo's distraught look.

It turns out that she is not as quiet as a flower in a vase, nor is she a weak little white rabbit, what does she look like?She is like a cat, when she is quiet, she is very obedient and motionless, she can be fiddled with as you like, when she is not happy, she is the cat at night, or a cat with fried hair, showing sharp claws, restraining you from scratching your paw, but you feel surprise.

At night, after returning home, Xia Yinuo had a serious face, but Chen Yang was like a stealing cat, glancing at him from time to time.Unfortunately, Xia Yinuo didn't even glance at him. As soon as 10:30 arrived, Xia Yinuo closed the book, pulled the quilt and fell asleep.Chen Yang stared at Xia Yinuo's beautiful back dryly, unable to speak in annoyance.

Let you think the skirt is short, let you call her upstairs to discuss the length of the skirt, make you smile teasingly at her after get off work, let you, let her sleep alone, ignore you!Chen Yang wished he could slap his mouth.

Chen Yang stayed up all night until dawn, and Xia Yinuo returned to his usual appearance, gentle and amiable.Chen Yang grabbed her buttocks and touched her twice, but she only turned her head and waited for him.Chen Yang was about to pull her to review the rolled sheets, but Xia Yinuo made a misplacement, quickly went out and went downstairs.Chen Yang looked at the warm hand he just touched, and lingered endlessly, hey!Why is it only one step away!

What does it mean to be one step short? It is okay to make you miss countless steps.Xia Yinuo knew what he was thinking now, so he would definitely say that.

Chen Yang no longer thought Xia Yinuo's skirt was short, and only dared to mutter a few times when he said it.

The day of the pastoral wedding is coming soon.

Xia Yinuo anxiously urged Chen Yang who was changing: "Have you changed yet? Hurry up, don't be late."

Tianyuan definitely has a different relationship with her. The banquet at six o'clock is only five o'clock now, and she has urged her several times. A beige top and a pair of black trousers.The hair is also newly done. Today, there is still a tug on the top of the head, and the corners and edges are meticulously taken care of.There was still no makeup on her face, only a light lipstick.The whole person looks a few years younger.Yes, she also brought earrings today, a pair of red pomegranate earrings.When did you buy this pair of earrings? Why don't I know, it must have been bought by my mother again.They are as good as a mother and daughter, and I have nothing to do with them.

No, now I'm not thinking about the relationship between my mother and her, now, I should think about it, what is the relationship between her and the bridegroom official Tianyuan?How could she have a banquet, dress up like this, unassuming, but delicate enough.The elegant temperament of this dress is even more elegant.Is this Xia Yinuo who was scolded at the door by the wicked woman?This is probably her essential face!

"Chen Yang, are you okay?" Xia Yinuo's urging voice came again.

yes, what will i wear?
No matter what, I can't be compared to the groom officer.

Chen Yang picked up a set of clothes in the closet and quickly changed them on, otherwise, Xia Yinuo would yell again.

Yes, this is a good one.It was worthy of Xia Yinuo's temperament.Chen Yang stood in front of the mirror and looked left and right before going out and downstairs.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang said to Xia Yinuo who was sending a message.

"Okay." Xia Yinuo lowered his head and replied, sent another message, raised his head, and looked at Chen Yang.

Oh my God!Is he going on a blind date?Wear so handsome!

Xia Yinuo stared blankly at Chen Yang.Facing Xia Yinuo's dazed gaze, Chen Yang looked down at his clothes, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong? Doesn't the clothes look good?"

It's so beautiful!
If you stand next to the groom, where is the groom?
Xia Yinuo opened her mouth and closed it again.She looked at the time, and it would be too late for him to change.Forget it, anyway, he won't stand beside the field, and he's not the best man.

"Let's go! It's too late." Xia Yinuo walked out of the house quickly, Chen Yang followed, and continued to ask: "You haven't said how your clothes are?"

Xia Yinuo rolled her eyes in her heart, can the clothes in your closet look bad?Custom-made clothes are custom-made, and the money spent on custom-made clothes is also thrown into the water.

"The clothes look nice." Xia Yinuo said helplessly.

"Whose wedding are you attending today?" Chen Yang asked while driving.

"Student, classmate from university." Xia Yinuo answered concisely.

College classmate? Not first love? She attaches so much importance to it, is it because she has a bit of hatred and wants to mess things up?
Chen Yang glanced at Xia Yinuo.Shaking my head in my heart, it doesn't look like it looks like a lover.

Is it a crush?
Chen Yang glanced at Xia Yinuo again. Xia Yinuo looked at the phone with a sweet smile.

Really crush?
The crush is married, why is she happy?Could it be that she is selfless, self-sacrificing, and loving elegantly, as long as you are happy, I will be happy!Pooh!Pooh!
There is no such person.

The car finally arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Heyuan, the hotel is not bad.Chen Yang stopped the car, and walked to the entrance of the hotel arm in arm with Xia Yinuo.

Along the way, Chen Yang looked and looked, holding his arm.This, this is the first time she holds my arm!To show, she is happy?
Chen Yang guessed wildly, and came to the entrance of the hotel.

In the distance, a man walked over quickly from the door of the hotel, and shouted excitedly: "Xia Yinuo!"

Xia Yinuo took two steps to meet him.

Chen Yang glanced at it, it turned out that it was the groom, this is the groom's garden!There is a problem!Welcome so eagerly!

While Chen Yang was looking at Tian Yuan, Tian Yuan was also looking at Chen Yang.

Both of them gave each other high marks in their hearts.

Xia Yinuo smiled and looked at the bride beside Tian Yuan, Xiaoniaoyiren, and was very happy in her heart.Tian Yuan really found her!
"Tian Yuan, congratulations! I wish you a happy wedding and a happy life together!" Xia Yinuo's voice was filled with sincere joy.

Chen Yang's heart dropped when he mentioned it.

Such an upright person like Xia Yinuo would not have any extramarital affairs, love affairs or anything like that.I was thinking too much.

"Congratulations!" Chen Yang followed up.

"Thank you! Why don't you bring Yueyue and Doudou here?" Tian Yuan asked with concern.

"The children are too young to take care of, so let them follow his grandparents." Xia Yinuo said with a smile, "Go and do your work! There are guests again, and I don't need you to entertain them."

Tian Yuan looked at the guests who came not far away, and said: "Okay! I'll put you in a group of classmates. Fang Jing brought her husband, and Zhu Xuhui is still there. I don't know if his wife will come or not. And... "

Xia Yinuo interrupted Tian Yuan's long-winded words: "Okay, okay, I understand. Don't worry! Go greet people. I'll go in first."


Chen Yang seemed to hear reluctance from the "um".

Xia Yinuo took Chen Yang's arm and entered the hall without looking back.At the dinner party, a table of classmates stared at Chen Yang and Xia Yinuo. Everyone didn't know the details of Chen Yang, but they knew that Xia Yinuo and Ji Junfeng broke up and married, and later divorced. Everyone, too. Everyone guessed that this was the husband of the second marriage.Second marriage!Most people thought that Chen Yang and Xia Yinuo dressed so elegantly, that they were poor and wealthy, and that they were a bit shameless.Only Zhu Xuhui was on the table, chatting with Chen Yang calmly, talking about the past and the present.Finally, Chen Yang left a business card for Zhu Xuhui, and Zhu Xuhui put it in his pocket without looking carefully.

He didn't know that there were not many people with this business card.

Xia Yinuo didn't move her chopsticks much, her mind was always on the stage, and she kept watching the wedding going on.When she saw Tian Yuan and Xie Ziping standing on the stage, Xia Yinuo's heart was stirred.

Pastoral!The boy who once liked himself but was rejected by himself.Now, he has a girl he likes, and that girl likes him too!The girl's eyes follow the pastoral figure all the time.How nice it is!He will live happily with his little princess.

My original decision was right!

Looking at the two holding hands on the stage, Xia Yinuo thought with emotion.

Pastoral, wish you happiness!

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