After asking Xia Yinuo to go back, the more he thought about it, the more strange it became that Chen Yang's call just now came.Why did he ask who I was speaking to?
He should have seen me talking to Xiao Li somewhere.

What does he mean by calling?
Simply ask?
Go back and talk about it!Xia Yinuo stopped thinking about it and started to work.

At night, through the window, you can see a full moon hanging in the night sky, accompanied by Venus.

Xia Yinuo stared at the beautiful night sky for a moment, then drew the curtains.Gentle lighting exudes the taste of home.

Yue Yue slept with Wei Zhuhui, Doudou was too young and needed to drink milk at night, so Xia Yinuo placed Doudou's small bed next to her own big bed, so that she could take care of Doudou at night.

Doudou went to bed early, and the blue quilt made Doudou's skin even fairer.

Xia Yinuo made the bed, and Chen Yang stood in front of Doudou's bed, staring at it for a long time before going to bed reluctantly.

Xia Yinuo held a copy of "Wake Up Forest" in Xia Yinuo's hands. Before he opened it, Xia Yinuo remembered what happened at noon.

"What are you calling at noon?" Xia Yinuo looked sideways at Chen Yang.

"It's okay." Chen Yang pretended to have a set of skills, and he couldn't tell when he answered.

All right? Humph!I almost went to adjust the monitoring.

"Did you see me talking to Xiao Li?" Xia Yinuo opened the book, the creases were still there when I read the book last time.

"Yeah!" Chen Yang glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and heaved a sigh of relief.She seemed to be asking at random.

"You don't think what's going on with Xiao Li, do you?" Xia Yinuo suddenly turned his face to the side and met Chen Yang's peeking gaze.

"No." Chen Yang moved his body away, as if trying to hide his embarrassment.

At that time, why couldn't I resist calling?
She was just talking to a male colleague.

"Are you spying on me?" Xia Yinuo looked at Chen Yang who moved half his fist away, holding back a smile, his eyes sparkling.

"No," Chen Yang raised his voice twice. When he looked up, he saw Xia Yinuo's shining eyes with a smile. When he came back to his senses, she meant it.

"You," Chen Yang stared, looked into those shining eyes, let go, and smiled, "I happened to see it upstairs."

Xia Yinuo understood: "Hehe! I guess you saw it."

Xia Yinuo smiled and lowered her head, smoothing out the creases.

"Who is Xiao Li? Tell me quickly." Chen Yang thought about the unwillingness and sourness in his heart in the afternoon, Chen Yang raised Xia Yinuo's face with his fingers, with a ruffian expression and domineering tone, he asked with a smile.

With such a provocative action, Xia Yinuo blushed immediately, and slapped Chen Yang's hand: "Didn't I tell you, Xiao Li from the computer department, Li Litao."

"Li Litao?" Chen Yang tilted his head, thought about it carefully, but didn't remember, "Hmph! I'll quit him tomorrow."

Chen Yang pretended to be jealous and said fiercely, maybe he was jealous in his heart.

"Don't," Xia Yinuo was anxious, put down the book, and took Chen Yang's hand, "I just talked to him for a while, it was all about work. You can't fire him."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, "Are you talking about work? Are you talking about financial accounting or computers."

Xia Yinuo shyly pushed Chen Yang: "We're talking about computers, what's wrong? No way?"

"Are you asking him how to do the form? Or tell him how to write the code?" Chen Yang asked amusedly.

"Teach him to write code, what's the matter, can't? Do you want me to teach you how to write code?" Xia Yinuo asked back.

Did I never teach Xiao Li to write code?
snort!Look down on people.

"I don't want you to teach me how to write code, you teach me something else, such as on the bed..." Chen Yang's voice was hoarse, and he touched his hands unconsciously.

"Chen Yang!..." Xia Yinuo shyly shouted, grabbing the restless hand in the quilt.

"Hush! Don't shout! . . . "

Chen Yang kissed the lips in front of him that he wanted to kiss a long time ago...

The sky turned white, and Xia Yinuo woke up. Chen Yang's hot breathing sound, and Doudou's shallow breathing sound from a distance, the hazy morning light with the smell of green grass in the morning Mass spread through the window, everything is so peaceful and beautiful.Is home just like this, with the sound of your lover's breathing in your ears, and looking forward to the arrival of every day with happiness in your heart.

Xia Yinuo opened his eyes and looked at the sunlight that came in, slanting on the crib, Xia Yinuo propped his head up, Doudou raised his hands above his head, and sucked from time to time with his small mouth.

Um!Doudou still looks like Chen Yang.Xia Yinuo curled her lips, why doesn't she look like me.

Xia Yinuo glared at Chen Yang who was sleeping soundly beside him. Chen Yang seemed to feel Xia Yinuo's gaze, his brows frowned, and his arms tightened around his slender waist.

Chen Yang is different from what he imagined!

Xia Yinuo looked at the picturesque Chen Yang for a long time before gently pulling away the hands around his waist. Chen Yang grunted, turned around and went back to sleep.

Xia Yinuo got up, washed up, and went downstairs.Sister-in-law Wang had already cooked breakfast, Yue Yue was already awake, Xia Yinuo saw that it was still early, so she braided Yue Yue's beautiful braids.The little girl wanted to eat the noodles made by Xia Yinuo, so Yinuo made her colorful noodles, Mrs. Wang looked at the colorful noodles in amazement, "These noodles are so beautifully made, Madam's craftsmanship is good."

"It's all done on the Internet, and I follow it blindly. There's no such thing as craftsmanship." Xia Yinuo replied modestly.

The little girl ate half of the bowl of noodles in one go.

Xia Yinuo fondled Yueyue's head, this girl really saved face, she ate all of it.This is probably the best compliment to a cook.

When I arrived at the company, I put down my bag and took out my mobile phone. The short message that Yuling was coming today was clearly in front of my eyes.

Xia Yinuo called Chen Yang: "My sister Tang is here today, did the HR department say hello?"

"You take her directly to the service department to find Yu Zeya. Yu Zeya will fix it."

"Okay, thank you!"

Chen Yang looked at the hung up phone, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, why is she still so polite, so good-natured!Could it be that I wasn't enthusiastic enough last night?
More enthusiasm tonight?
Xiao Ji sent Yuling over, but her aunt followed her worriedly.

"This child has never been out of the house very much. I will send her here and go back after she settles down." The aunt explained.

Aunt and Xia Yinuo were talking, Yuling looked around curiously, Xiao Ji stood beside her, carefully sized Xia Yinuo.Although Xia Yinuo is still as gentle as before, Xiao Ji just feels that Xia Yinuo is different from before.Maybe, the clothes she wore today looked a bit elegant, Xiao Ji speculated in her heart.

"Auntie, stay here for a few days! Yueyue hasn't seen you for a long time. Is grandma okay?" Xia Yinuo asked.

"Grandma is in good health! She walks from home to Chenqiao after dinner every day. The old bridge in Chenqiao was demolished and rebuilt. It is big and wide. There is also a park next to the water. Go to exercise every day. There are many."

"Chen Bridge has been built! The last time I went there, it wasn't open to traffic yet!"

"It's clear, it's been a few months. When you have time, go back and have a look."

"Well! Let's put down the things first and have a meal together. Chen Yang has booked a hotel. He has a contract to discuss today, and he will definitely be there after dinner."

"He's busy with his work, and he'll come back when he's done. My aunt should treat you to dinner, and I'll pay for it."

"Auntie, let's see what you said. Of course you came to the city to treat me. Auntie, don't argue with me."

"Okay, let's not argue."

Aunt happily clapped Yinuo's hand.I feel in my heart that Yinuo is much better than my daughter.

In the evening, Chen Yang hurried to the hotel. Xia Yinuo was very grateful to him, for saving face for himself and for his aunt.

The next day, Xia Yinuo took Yuling to the service department, and the front desk notified the manager of the service department, Yu Zeya. It seemed that Yu Zeya was waiting for Xia Yinuo's arrival. When the call was received, he appeared in Xia Yinuo's place in a short while In front of him, the attitude is very respectful.At the front desk, he looked and looked curiously, but he couldn't find a name.Xia Yinuo's name was remembered.

Yuling's job entry process was very fast. She went in the morning and went to work in the afternoon.

I have also applied for the dormitory. After work, I just take my things in.

Helping Yuling complete the formalities, Xia Yinuo continued to go to work, and at night, helped Yuling move her things to the dormitory, and gave her a few good words before leaving, nothing more than obeying the orders of the leader, working diligently, not slacking off, etc. .

Yuling seemed to be very satisfied with her job and where she lived. She nodded in response to everything Xia Yinuo said. Among them, Xia Yinuo didn't know if she could do it.

customer service!Nothing big should happen.Xia Yinuo thought about it, and didn't say anything more.Sometimes if you talk too much, you will be criticized by others, especially those of the same age.She will think you are good at pretending.

In the evening, Chen Yang begged for some benefits again. As a result of the begging, Xia Yinuo got up late the next day.

This was the first time Xia Yinuo was late since going to work.Xia Yinuo stared at the clock showing [-]:[-], and scolded Chen Yang in his heart.Chen Yang sneezed for no reason, looked at the air conditioner, and raised the temperature of the air conditioner.

Xia Yinuo was laughed at by the people in the office.Especially Zhang Qin, this guy not only has a bad mouth, but also has a lot of meat and vegetables.This is what Xia Yinuo discovered only recently.

"Hey! Was it too intense last night, so you can't get up in the morning?" After Zhang Qin asked, she smiled evilly!
How could Xia Yinuo know that Zhang Qin's face would turn red immediately when talking about dirty jokes, and everyone in the office was looking at Xia Yinuo so that they could spend all their time watching!
Xia Yinuo was impatient, so she pushed Zhang Qin, and Zhang Qin hurriedly reached out to support the table.

"Zhang Qin!" Xia Yinuo shouted shyly.

Zhang Qin hid far away.

Yu Lan looked at the shy Xia Yinuo, and remembered the speculation in her heart.So, Yu Lan came out to help: "It's no wonder Zhang Qin you are always late, so that's what happened?"

Yu Lan's tone was very meaningful, even an old fritter like Zhang Qin couldn't resist blushing.

"Yu Lan, you are talking nonsense." Zhang Qin scolded.

"Then you are not intense at night?" Yu Lan was surprised.

"Puff!" Xiao Zhang was also amused.

Zhang Qin ran to Yu Lan's desk and covered Yu Lan's mouth: "Grandma, you better stop talking."

There was a burst of laughter in the office, and the personnel next door were startled, and they ran over to watch the excitement.

Everyone laughed again.

After Xia Yinuo went back, she glared at Chen Yang fiercely, and Chen Yang felt baffled.After going to bed, Xia Yinuo remembered the joking in the office in the morning, and his heart suddenly became turbulent.Xia Yinuo shyly dodged his gaze towards Chen Yang. Seeing this, Chen Yang teased Xia Yinuo, teased him, teased himself,...

It was another scorching night, and Chen Yang fell asleep contentedly with exhaustion.

Can nasty talk help couples interact?
Xia Yinuo was puzzled.

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