Damn, it's really too coquettish.Tao Xi couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the young man next to him. The young man's side face was calm, and he couldn't tell that he was the one who spoke provocatively just now.

Tao Xi silently added in her heart, the kind of handsome guy who can't close his legs.

From the corner of Liang Yan's eyes, he noticed the girl's gaze, suppressed Wei Wei's upturned mouth, leaned against the wall, and kicked [your ancestor] who was lying on the ground with his toes, "Why didn't your teammate come to you? fear me?"

Tao Xi noticed that this was what [I am your father] said to provoke their jelly before!
Damn, this boy, why not be so cool!
"Who the hell is afraid of you?!"

Someone shouted.It was only after Tao Xi turned on the God-eye view that the man was hiding in a box behind the alley and was pointing a gun at Xiao Yan.

What should I do?

Tao Xi looked at Xiao Yan nervously, although he just solved a hacker, but this person seems to be very powerful.Did Xiao Yan miss it?
--of course not!
Tao Xi saw Liang Yan stand up straight suddenly, and then saw his health bar drop by half, what should I do, can Xiao Yan win?Tao Xi swallowed, looked at the person on the screen, only saw him pinning the gun behind his back, and said, "First shot." He paused, "It's in the alley."

[I am your father] was a little nervous, wanted to avoid Liang Yan, changed direction, and shot again.

Xiao Yan dodged his shot slightly sideways—God knows how he did it—and he could still see a few drops of blood splashed when the bullet grazed his cheek. The young man walked against the wind with a relaxed smile, “If I were you, No second shot wasted in the alley."

Then, Tao Xi heard a burst of

Messy footsteps.

She subconsciously opened the perspective of God, and Xiao Yan just spoke at this time.

"Where do you want to hide and put the dark gun?"

Tao Xi saw [I am your father] go through the window, enter a double-storey room, climb to the roof again, and open the scope.

"Well, I guess you chose the roof."

[I am your father] has completely lost the rhythm, he raised his hand and shot, and actually missed the direction!It only hit Xiao Yan's feet.

"Three shots are over."

Liang Yan slightly adjusted the angle of view, "I guess, you are on the roof of the double room."

The opponent had already lost his aim, and after a few rounds, there was no result.

On the contrary, Liang Yan took the seat in a few moments, "If I were you, I would first look for where I can escape."

In a military strategy game, he actually managed to complete the cat-and-mouse game!

Tao Xi was amazed, only then did she realize that what Liang Yan was holding was AWM? !
When did he get it? !
Afterwards, it was almost a foregone conclusion. Liang Yan went up to the roof without seeing anyone, but easily found the person who was mocking just now from a high place, and shot him in the head without any hesitation.

"Even if rubbish gathers together, it's just a pile of rubbish." Liang Yan retracted the gun, and when he was bleeding, he shot again after speaking.

Good luck, eat chicken tonight!
The MVP of this game is undoubtedly Liang Yan.

Tao Xi excitedly recorded the video, and when the picture of eating chicken popped up, she couldn't help taking off her eyes and earphones, and slapped him hard, "Win beautiful!"

Liang Yan was in pain, and just wanted to reply a few words, but when he saw the girl's pretty smiling face, he had to give up.

"How did you do it? You're so handsome!" Tao Xi didn't hide her admiration, "I declare that, apart from Liang Yan, as long as you become a professional player, I must be your ultimate backup!"

"Not as good as Liang Yan?" He said deliberately.

"You are still jelly!" Tao Xi looked at him with wide eyes, "Of course not. No matter how good you are, Liang Yan is the first! But for the sake of the beauty you won just now, well, let's barely let it go. You are the first one for the time being."

She smiled and said, "However, how did you do it? Why did you find his hiding place?"

"Listen to the voice to argue."

"……So simple?"

"It's that simple." Liang Yan paused and said, "I still have experience."


"Well. The big map of Wasteland is fixed, and the map layout of small towns is actually similar. I already have a location where he will probably hide in my heart. Next, I just need to judge from which direction the sound came from, and I will know."

Liang Yan said it simply, but Tao Xi knew that to be able to achieve this level, without the accumulation of time and excellent consciousness, it would be impossible to do what he said so lightly.

At this moment, it can only be transformed into admiration... "But why is that person... Uh, he can't hit you anymore?"

Speaking of this, Liang Yan hooked the corners of his lips, and Tao Xi felt that this smile was too ironic.

Sure enough, what he said was full of ridicule, "If you don't have good skills, you will rely on hanging. Unfortunately, that person can only pvbb. With technology and mental pressure, he can't point at people with a good gun."

When it comes to good guns, "Where did you get the AWM in your hand..."

"Of course I searched for that 'immortal'."

Tao Xi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, that miserable "immortal", let alone being played by Liang Yan, shot him in the head, didn't make up the gun, let him bleed to death, in the end he had to watch "soberly" I was rummaged through the bag and took out the supplies.

——In the wasteland, if the injury is too serious, you can only wait for your teammates to bandage you, and you will not die at that time.But materials can be stolen.

Now it seems that Liang Yan is really good at ridiculing.

"How many more rounds?"

"A few more rounds!"


When Tao Xi got home, she realized that it was past ten o'clock.Unexpectedly, she would be so devoted to playing games with Xiao Yan, she rubbed herself, and habitually checked in on Weibo Chaochao.

Only now did I realize that today’s Zhou Yeran’s live broadcast caused a great uproar, Liang Yan’s technical decline has become a fact, and countless so-called “professionals” are explaining Liang Yan’s live broadcast behavior this time, and his movements are rusty. Consciousness lags behind and has fallen from the altar.

"Isn't it?!" Tao Xi stood up abruptly, just as Yu Nan was passing by outside, heard the sound, and knocked on the door.

Tao Xi opened the door, "Sister Nan."

Yu Nan was holding the coffee, seeing her look worried, "What happened?"

"A big V sent a message saying that the truth about Liang Yan's retirement was to cover up his decline in skills, scolded the team, and even destroyed public property!" Tao Xi was furious, "Our God Liang is not that kind of person at all! He debuted for the first time One year, it was a rookie who came up from the Challenger League. That year, there was a person who talked trash all the time, and Liang Shen didn't beep with him at all, and only mocked him as a colored pen when he made up the gun at the end."

Speaking of this, Tao Xi paused, and suddenly thought that Xiao Yan seemed to be like this today.

Sure enough, God Liang had a great influence!
Their jelly and game style will follow their idols.

Yu Nan didn't understand the world of their fans, so he tilted his head and said, "Then the reviews are not good right now?"

Tao Xi nodded heavily, "Yeah! I'm about to die of anger, those passers-by really don't understand anything, and they are being led by rhythm."

"Then you can tell them about Liang Yan's style." Yu Nan took a sip of coffee, and just when she was about to talk, her phone rang. She took a look and said, "Don't be too busy, go to bed early."

"Oh, okay, good night." Tao Xi closed the door, and wanted to discuss with others online, when Yu Nan's words just now suddenly rang in his mind.

——Tell them Liang Yan's style.

But how can we simply and rudely tell them what style Liang Yan is like?
Tao Xi unconsciously browsed the posts on the Internet, and suddenly had an idea.

Cut the video!
Isn't the editing she learned specially for Liang Yan used at this time!
Tao Xi quickly opened her folder. Since she became jelly, she has been archaeological, and has archived all the video competitions of Liang Yan's debut for three years!

Just do it, Tao Xi tied her hair into a ponytail with one hand, rolled up her sleeves and started editing the material.

Yu Nan on the other side connected the phone, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm a little tired today, and I want to chat with you." Fu Linxian's voice was a little tired.

Yu Nan thought of what Tao Xi said just now, "What about Liang Yan?"

Fu Linxian didn't expect Yu Nan to know that when he was chatting with her, she kept saying that she had no interest in e-sports games.When he spoke immediately, his tone was a little sour, "You know it too."

"Xiao Xi is worrying." Yu Nan unconsciously stirred the coffee, and said, "What does he think?"

Fu Linxian glanced at Liang Yan who was playing games next to him, "How else can you look at it, he never cares what outsiders say."

"Then it's over." Yu Nan chuckled, "The parties in the center of the vortex don't care anymore, why are you an outsider following around?"

"Oh, that's what you said." Fu Linxian tilted his head, just as he saw Liang Yan raised his hand to snipe, "Tsk, it's cruel. Brother, do you think the other party is Huanyu?"

Liang Yan said indifferently, "Is Huanyu compatible?"

"Ayu, come up to have a meeting with us?" Fu Linxian didn't answer directly, but asked Yu Nan on the other side of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Linxian said, "What's the matter with you?"

At the end of the round, the reminder to eat chicken lit up, and Liang Yancai said, "Fan Xingzhou contacted me."


"What's the matter with you these days?" Yu Nan made himself a cup of coffee, looked at Tao Xi who was going downstairs weakly, and said, "If you stay up late, you can be taken away and go to the zoo to eat bamboo."

Tao Xi walked to the dining room with her head down, "Is there any coffee left? Bring me a cup."

Yu Nan made a cup for her along the way, and handed it to her, "What's the matter?"

Tao Xi drank it in one gulp, rubbed her eyes, "It's nothing, I stayed up all night to edit the video. There are too many games of Liang Shen, and I can't find the material, so I can only watch slowly." Speaking of this, she suddenly put the cup heavily , holding Yu Nan's hand, "Sister Nan, I can't do it anymore, every time I watch his game, I feel that I have found love!"

"..." Yu Nan patted her, and silently pulled his hand away, thinking that before Fu Linxian always wanted her to watch his game, and even go to the scene to cheer for him, would e-sports be so attractive? "Why do you say that?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Nan would ask such a question, Tao Xi was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Of course it's because his whole body is shining during the competition!" Speaking of this, she couldn't help but list Liang Yan's famous scenes , "Tell me, who can refuse him!" After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Yu Nan can get it, he put the cup into her hand, "Sister Nan, help me wash the cup. I just finished talking to you , I thought of it again! I'll edit it first!"

"Xiao Xi—" You haven't eaten breakfast yet.Seeing her back, Yu Nan could only swallow his unfinished words.

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