E-sports master flirts with his wife every day

Chapter 52 There is nothing about you that I don't know

"Where have you been all day today?" As soon as Tao Xi came home, she saw Ms. Tao sitting on the sofa, looking at her leisurely.

Tao Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she moved to her mother's side, hugged her arm and acted like a baby, "Mom, why do I see your face so ugly?"

"Answer my question." Ms. Tao refused to accept this, and still looked at her indifferently.

Tao Xi begged for help and looked at her father who was wearing reading glasses and pretending to read the newspaper, but Mr. Tao didn't intend to help, and even turned the other side in a fake manner.

Tao Xi knew that she couldn't hide it, so she said, "I just went out to play for a while..."

"with who?"

with who?Tao Xi blinked, didn't she pursue the matter that she didn't know to report to her after going out for a day? "And Cousin Yu...and two friends."

Ms. Tao glanced at her, "Which two friends."

"It's Xiao Yan from the Internet cafe, and Xiao Yan who came to move together last time... Uh, Fu Linxian."

"What did I tell you earlier?"

Tao Xi hiccupped for a long time, then said in a low voice, "What did you say..."

Ms. Tao had a look of hating iron but not steel, she almost poked her in the head, "I told you not to get involved with Xiao Yan and the others!"

"Mom! Your words are too harsh..." Tao Xi said awkwardly, "I just met by chance..."

"Coincidentally? You hurried out this morning. Didn't you just make an appointment to hang out together? Now even your cousin doesn't go with you. What are you thinking?"

"Okay." Father Tao finally couldn't listen anymore, put down the newspaper, took off his glasses with one hand, and said helplessly to Mother Tao, "It doesn't matter if the children go out to play and make trouble. It's because you She took care of everything, so she hasn't made a boyfriend until now."

"Even if Xiao Xi is looking for a boyfriend, she shouldn't be looking for someone like Xiao Yan and Xiao Fu! You can see for yourself, Xiao Yan is a network administrator without reading books, and Xiao Fu is a famous brand. When I came to our house last time, Xiao Fu Is the pair of shoes on my feet the same limited edition pair that my cousin and nephew clamored to buy last year? I heard that it cost tens of thousands! How can I let Xiao Xi find such an unreliable person!"

"Mom!" Tao Xi rarely interrupted Ms. Tao loudly, "I don't have such a relationship with them, you think too much. Also, you shouldn't say that about my friends."

Ms. Tao also received higher education. When Tao Xi said this, her face was a little embarrassing, "Even if my evaluation just now was wrong. But they are not suitable for you. That little Fu looks mean, Don't stay with me all the time, what did I tell you when I was young?"

"Yes, I know... don't play with people who are dubious and don't study." Tao Xi was helpless. She knew that the best way to deal with her mother was to follow her first and calm her down. ——Anyway, she won't fall in love with either of them, so it's best to settle it like this, "I promise not to fall in love with them, don't worry. But I'm an adult now, you can't deprive me of being friends Right. You praised Xiao Yan before, and his friend is also a very good person."


"Okay. The child has said so, so don't worry about it. Eat and eat." The father smoothed things over, stood up, and was about to take his wife to the dining room for dinner.

Mother Tao shook off Father Tao's hand and glared at him, "If there is any problem with my daughter, I will be the first to call you!"

"Our daughter is very well-behaved, how could something go wrong." Father Tao put his arms around Mother Tao, and gave Tao Xi another look.

Tao Xi understood, and immediately took Tao Mu's other hand, "That is to say, how is it possible, let's eat."

It seems that I have to hide from my mother when I play with Xiao Yan and the others in the future... I didn't expect my mother to react so strongly to her matter. Does she really think that she will like Xiao Yan?How is this possible... I was a little moved before, but I was treated coldly by the other party.Now I completely treat him as my younger brother.

After eating, Mother Tao was afraid that she would go upstairs to play games again, so she ordered her to go out to the supermarket to buy some fruit and come back.

Tao Xi changed her clothes and went out, in a good mood.There are several barbecue stalls near the supermarket, and you can also grill a few skewers of chicken wings to eat. Cumin is sprinkled on the chicken wings that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the oil will come out with a bite, and the fragrance will overflow.There is also a milk tea shop a few steps ahead.Is there any happier food for supper than barbecue and milk tea? !

When she came out after buying the fruit, she was strolling around a familiar barbecue stand when she heard a shout.

Tao Xi looked back, and it turned out that it was Yu Nan and Fu Linxian who were sitting on a small table eating barbecue. The table was almost set up, and there was a case of beer underneath.It's just that there is no beer on Yu Nan's side, but a glass of milk instead.

Tao Xi was a little strange. She remembered that Sister Nan liked to drink?

"Auntie called me out to run errands?" Yu Nan joked, his eyes fell on the bag in her hand.

Tao Xi acted like she wanted to cry but had no tears, didn't she?

"Let Xiaoyan help next time." Fu Linxian betrayed his brother unceremoniously.

"What an embarrassment!" Tao Xi waved his hands quickly.

"It's okay, maybe he's very happy." Fu Linxian smiled, and he put down his wine glass casually, looking reckless and indifferent, his wine-colored peach blossom eyes were a little seductive.

Tao Xi looked away almost subconsciously, she really wasn't a nympho, but beauty really misled TvT, what did he just say?

"Xiao Xi, sit down and eat together." Yu Nan pushed the milk next to him to Tao Xi, "If you don't mind, drink this cup, I haven't had it before." He smiled with Fu Linxian, "Xiao Xi likes milk the most. Running errands, you can sneak a late-night snack when you go out. After eight o’clock in the evening, the aunt usually doesn’t let her eat.”

Tao Xi opened her eyes wide: "How do you know?!"

Yu Nan laughed, "Every time you come back, you smell of barbecue, and there is a smell of milk tea in your mouth. That means Auntie stays in the bedroom, otherwise you would have been out of business by now."

The flaw is so big! ?It seems that she has to be careful in the future... For example, brush her teeth and take a shower as soon as she gets home today, so as not to leave any smell!
"But why are you here?" Tao Xi asked while eating grilled eggplant, "Also, Anan, don't you like drinking and not milk?"

Fu Linxian leaned on the chair, still holding the wine glass, looked at Yu Nan with a vague smile, "Well, I don't like milk. I didn't drink any of the ones I bought for her." The boy's voice was hoarse and sexy as the alcohol urged him on. , "You are inconvenient today, next time I will drink with you."

inconvenient?Tao Xi had countless cars passing by in his mind, but none of them seemed to drink milk because it was inconvenient to drink?Isn't it easy to do things after drinking...

"How do you know there will be a next time?" Yu Nan pointed to the grilled fish on the other side, took the fish handed by Fu Linxian, and said while shaving, "Xiao Xi, what are you thinking? What do you want to eat? Click, I pay the bill."

Tao Xi sat aside and nodded, and was not polite to Yu Nan, probably because she was bullied by her when she was a child, so the rudeness to her before is still the same now that the relationship is good.

The waiter was called and was about to add crayfish when he heard a conversation from the side.

"Ayu, you should understand me."

"The rumors do know a lot." Yu Guangzhong, it seemed that Yu Nan was pouring wine into his glass when Fu Linxian grabbed his hand.She didn't struggle, and looked at the grasped hand with unclear eyes, "Is this the skill of Master Beicheng?"

It was rare for Fu Linxian to be choked, obviously a seasoned veteran of the love scene, he looked young and clumsy at the moment, he let go of Yu Nan's hand, but held on to the beer bottle persistently.


The person who called her was not Fu Linxian.

The three of them were all taken aback, and looked towards the source of the sound.

Tao Xi was the first to react, and finished the order at two o'clock, and said hello to the person who came, "Brother Xin, Daze."

Tang Jiaxin ignored the greeting, and walked straight forward, his eyes lingering on the beer bottles that the two of them were holding each other, "Ayu..." His eyes paused, as if holding back something, he said, "Your cycle is here. , don't drink."

Is this what Fu Linxian said earlier? !How does he even know this?

When Tao Xi was in shock, she felt someone bump her shoulder. Looking from the side, she saw Tang Jiaze with a bitter face.Tao Xi asked what's the matter with her mouth, and saw him turn his face slightly, and Tao Xi saw the people following behind... Isn't it Su Jingxue and Luo Wei?How did they appear here?

As if thinking of something, Tang Jiaze approached her and whispered, "Do me a favor, I'll tell you later that I've made an appointment with you."

Tao Xi wanted to refuse at first, but thinking of being tricked by Su Jingxue this morning, of course he nodded and made an OK gesture.

When the two of them were making small movements, I heard Yu Nan sneer: "Tang Jiaxin, don't be self-righteous. Who said today is my cycle?"

Tang Jiaxin's eyes lingered on Fu Linxian, as if oppressed, but the latter hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled even more arrogantly. He was still indifferent: "We have been together for seven years, we have been separated for three years, and we have known each other for 13 years. , There is nothing about you that I don't know."

"My cycle has long been messed up." Yu Nan reached out and took Fu Linxian's wine glass opposite him just now, and drank it down in one gulp.She turned the empty wine glass upside down and smiled, "Cheers, happy three years of separation, Tang Jiaxin."

Tang Jiaxin seemed to be trying to endure something, but finally said: "The things in your bag leaked out, did you say it's not yet the period?"

Yu Nan's expression froze, and he looked down subconsciously, only to find that there was nothing there.

Tang Jiaxin was about to say something, but found that Fu Linxian was standing in front of Yu Nan, blocking all his eyes.

Fu Linxian smiled coldly: "What do you think this method can bring you? Gain the upper hand? Love is not a war, there is no winning or losing. You think you are older than me, but your emotional intelligence is still in preschool."

"Fu Linxian." Yu Nan suddenly said, and stood up slowly.

Fu Linxian didn't expect her to react, and when he turned around, he felt his hand being held. Before he had time to be surprised, he felt himself being pulled back, and the two of them were standing upside down.

When Tao Xi rarely saw Yu Nan's expressionless face, she almost instantly grabbed the man's tie and pulled it towards her. When the two of them were separated by a kiss or a fist, she stopped suddenly.

Tao Xi saw Yu Nan's right hand raised, just when she thought she could hear a crisp slap, someone grabbed Yu Nan's right wrist and was almost pulled into Tang Jiaxin's embrace.

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