No matter what, they belong to the same school, let alone just doing their best.

After Gu Wen left, Liang Yan had a cold face, especially after knowing that Tao Xi had exchanged contact information with the other party, his face was a little ugly.

Facing Liang Yan who was suddenly angry, Tao Xi was a little puzzled in his heart.

Thinking of something later, the corners of her lips twitched immediately, "Xiao Yan, I just left the contact information just to help others. Do you really want to see them drop out of school?"

After Liang Yan heard her words, she immediately stopped her steps, "You are overflowing with sympathy."

Hearing this, Tao Xi immediately became a little unhappy, "What do you mean I am full of sympathy? I am obviously willing to help others, okay? What's more, they also helped us."

Liang Yan immediately sneered, and Tao Xi touched her nose in embarrassment, "It doesn't matter, since I have encountered this matter, I may not be able to just watch it like this, even if my strength may be a little Weak, but anyway, I tried my best."

On the way back, Tao Xi’s eyes lit up when he saw a milk tea shop, “Xiao Yan, I suddenly want to drink milk tea, just wait for me here, I’ll come back as soon as I go, by the way, you have Do you want something to drink?"


Tao Xi raised his eyebrows lightly, and then stopped caring about him. After entering the milk tea shop, Liang Yan took out his mobile phone and called his friend.

When Tao Xi came out with two cups of coffee in his hand, he saw Liang Yan talking on the phone with someone from afar. Seeing this, Tao Xi deliberately slowed down his steps, and when he approached, he heard Liang Yan's dialogue with the other party.

"Brother, why do I need so many sweet potatoes?"

Liang Yan's face was a little cold, "Aren't you rich? If that's the case, it's just a bunch of sweet potatoes. You can just buy them and send them directly."

The other party was also a little surprised by Liang Yan's words, "Yes, I am indeed rich, if you want me to buy it, I have no problem at all, but have you ever heard of people giving sweet potatoes? ? I’m too embarrassed to take it out, okay? And I don’t need so many sweet potatoes to give away.”

"Since you can't help, I'll hang up." After speaking, Liang Yan hung up the phone directly.

But when he turned his head, he saw Tao Xi behind him, and he couldn't help being stunned, but Tao Xi looked at him with a half-smile, and asked deliberately, "Xiao Yan, who were you fighting with just now?" Phone?"

Liang Yan glanced at Tao Xi blankly, and then put away his mobile phone, not panicked at all by being seen, "It's just a phone call."

Tao Xi immediately nodded, and joked, "Some people say they don't care, but in fact they have a different face in private, Xiao Yan, if you still say that I have no good intentions, then you yourself What's it like?"

Now she has discovered Liang Yan's duplicity.

And Liang Yan didn't look like he was being exposed at all, he just glanced at Tao Xi and didn't refute.

Seeing this, Tao Xi snorted coldly, "Obviously I just want to help others, so why admit it? If I hadn't seen it just now, would you have just kept hiding it from me?"

She really couldn't figure out why Liang Yan kept it a secret from her.

"If you hadn't said you wanted to help, I wouldn't have meddled in my own business." A deep voice sounded faintly.

Hearing this, Tao Xi chuckled suddenly, with a shy smile on her fair face, her eyes slightly narrowed, "So you did this because you were helping me?"

Liang Yan pursed her lips and said nothing, but the result was obvious. Tao Xi was very happy in her heart. She reached out and handed over another cup of milk tea in her hand, "I'll reward you."

Liang Yan looked down at the milk tea in front of him, and frowned, "I won't drink it."

Seeing his refusal, Tao Xi pursed her lips slightly, "Are you sure you don't want to drink?"

Liang Yan looked at the thing in front of him and hesitated for a while, but still reached out to take it. Seeing this, Tao Xi immediately raised the corners of his lips.

Only the next day, Tao Xi became a little sad.

"Xiao Yan, I contacted everyone, but it was of no use at all." Tao Xi couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, suddenly feeling quite useless.

"By the way, how about over there?"

"No progress." A deep voice sounded.

Hearing this, Tao Xi became even more discouraged. She has been able to contact all the people around her who can be contacted, but now many people don't like to eat sweet potatoes. Even if they can find someone, they only buy a little. It cannot solve the root of the problem.

"Xiao Yan, what should we do now? It's useless at all." Tao Xi frowned.

Seeing this, Liang Yan slightly pursed his lips, and then said, "It's okay, I will take care of this matter."

After hearing his words, Tao Xi immediately sighed, "How do you want to solve it?"

She only thought these words were Liang Yan's desire to comfort herself.

Seeing that Tao Xi didn't believe him, Liang Yan raised his eyebrows lightly, opened his thin lips slightly, and said in a low and magnetic voice, "Otherwise, let's make a bet, I will regret it tomorrow and settle it, if I win , then I and you will take care of our team's meals."

Tao Xi frowned immediately, and looked suspiciously at Liang Yan, "Okay, I promise you, if you solve it, then I will take care of your meals."

She didn't believe that Liang Yan would finish off so many sweet potatoes in such a short time.

It's just that the next day, Tao Xi really didn't expect Liang Yan to do it. He looked at him in shock, and really couldn't understand how he did it.

"Xiao Yan, how did you get rid of these sweet potatoes?" She asked with some doubts.

"I contacted my friend, and then directly sold these to Dubai for power generation research." Liang Yan replied.

Hearing this, Tao Xi looked at him in disbelief, and then looked at him with admiration, "Yan Shen, you are so smart, how could you think of selling these sweet potatoes for research. "

There is also Liang Yan's network, which he did not expect to be so extensive.

"I told you not to worry." Liang Yan's lips curled slightly.

Tao Xi had a happy smile on his face. At this moment, Gu Wen made a direct phone call. Seeing this, Tao Xi thought that he must have received the money when he came to him, so he answered it directly. Gu Wen's excited voice said, "Thank you, I have already received the payment, thank you very much."

Listening to the other party's thanks, Tao Xi also became happy together, after all, she did a good deed, "It's okay, we just helped what we can do."

Otherwise, Gu Wen might really drop out of school now, and they just tried their best.

"Anyway, thank you very much. Without you, these sweet potatoes would not have been sold. I would like to invite you to our house for dinner, can you?" Gu Wen invited.

After hearing the other party's invitation, Tao Xi agreed without thinking about it.

"Okay, then we'll go straight there then."

After hanging up the phone, Tao Xi looked at Liang Yan happily, "Xiao Yan, just now Gu Wen wanted to invite us to his house for dinner."


Afterwards, Tao Xi followed Liang Yan to Gu Wen's house, a very small yard, a bit dilapidated.

Gu Wen looked at them with embarrassment after seeing people coming, "Well, that's all I have in my house, I hope you don't dislike them."

Tao Xi saw that most of the items on her table were made of sweet potatoes, and she was a little curious, "It's okay, I didn't know there are so many ways to eat sweet potatoes."

And this sweet potato tastes soft, glutinous and sweet, which is really delicious.

Gu Wen was a little nervous at first, but after seeing that they didn't dislike them, he immediately felt relieved.

"You guys have helped me a lot this time, if you need my help in the future, please call me." Gu Wen was very grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing this, Tao Xi quickly waved his hands, "It's okay, by the way, what are you going to do in the future?"

Gu Wen hesitated for a while and then said, "I'm going to find a part-time job in the future, so that I can reduce some of the family's burden and subsidize the family."

Hearing this, Tao Xi nodded, quite supportive of Gu Wen's approach, but...

"Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

Gu Wen was a little embarrassed. After all, he was still in school and didn't have much time to spare. After seeing the distressed expression on his face, Tao Xi suddenly understood something, and suddenly looked at him. Liang Yan by his side.

"Xiao Yan, isn't there a shortage of a cook in your base? What do you think of Gu Wen? He happens to be able to cook, and if that's the case, he also has time, which happens to be abundant." Tao Xi said excitedly.

After hearing Tao Xi's words, Gu Wen immediately looked at Liang Yan. Although he had some expectations, he didn't want to embarrass others. After all, he had already done him such a big favor.

"Well, it's better not to, I can find a job by myself."

Tao Xi didn't think so at all, "Isn't there a ready-made job? And I think your cooking is delicious, and it happens that they also need people in the base."

Liang Yan, on the other hand, looked at Tao Xi helplessly. He had never seen her take advantage of her like this, but it was really nothing, so he agreed directly, "It's okay, if you want, you can come to work in the base."

Hearing this, Gu Wen's eyes lit up immediately, "Really? Will I bother you too much?"

"It's okay, and you don't have confidence in your own cooking skills?" Tao Xi comforted.

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