E-sports master flirts with his wife every day

Chapter 288 Agreeing to Join the Edge Team

Lilita didn't force him immediately, but gave him time to think, "Ayan, that's all I've said today. As for what you want to do, it's up to you. I hope you don't let me down, you If you think about it, come find me."

After that, Lilita left.

And Liang Yan returned to the ward with a heavy expression.

As soon as he entered, Xiaoqian immediately noticed that Liang Yan's face was not very good-looking, and couldn't help but asked with concern, "Captain, what's wrong with you, are you alright?"

Hearing this, Liang Yan raised his head and looked at him, but his gaze became a little complicated.

Xiaoqian saw that the captain had been staring at him all the time, and felt a little confused, so he reached out and touched his face, "Captain, what are you doing staring at me, is there something on my face?"

Liang Yan withdrew his gaze, "It's nothing, you should have a good rest."

Xiaoqian nodded, "Then captain, go back. In fact, I don't need to be guarded here. If there is anything, I can call the doctor directly. And I am fine now. The most important thing now is the game." , Captain, you have to work hard."

After hearing Xiao Qian's words, Liang Yan felt even more uncomfortable, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder, "Well, don't think too much, take a good rest."

Afterwards, Liang Yan left the ward, exuding a cold aura all over her body.

As soon as Tao Xi came to the hospital here, he saw Liang Yan sitting alone on a bench in the corridor. Seeing this, Tao Xi immediately walked over.

"Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?" Tao Xi asked with concern.

Could it be that Xiaoqian's condition has not deteriorated?

After Liang Yan heard Tao Xi's voice, he looked at her with deep and dark eyes, and the emotions in his eyes were gone, "Why are you here?"

"It's not that I have nothing to do, so I came here to take a look. I happened to make some lunch. Have you eaten?" Tao Xi asked.

Liang Yan glanced at the things in her hand, "I don't have an appetite, you can send it to Xiaoqian."

Hearing this, Tao Xi always felt that something was wrong with Liang Yan today, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

But she didn't think much about it, she only thought that Liang Yan would do this because she was worried about Xiaoqian's condition, "Then I'll send it to Xiaoqian first, and if I don't have an appetite, I have to eat more or less."

Afterwards, Tao Xi carried her things and walked towards the ward. When Tao Xi came out again, she saw Liang Yan still sitting there.

She was about to say something just now, but Liang Yan suddenly said, "I'm going out for a walk."

After speaking, Liang Yan got up and walked outside. Seeing this, Tao Xi immediately put the things in her hands on the chair. Even if she didn't understand, she could see Liang Yan's mood at this time It's very bad, it feels like there is something particularly heavy on him.

Tao Xi immediately chased after him. Liang Yan's pace was so fast that Tao Xi needed to trot to keep up with Liang Yan's pace.

"Xiao Yan, did something happen?" Tao Xi asked with concern after catching up with Liang Yan.

Liang Yan lowered his head and glanced at Tao Xi, pursed his lips slightly, feeling very complicated, "It's okay, I just want to go out for a walk, you go back, don't follow me."

Looking at the fine sweat on Tao Xi's forehead, Liang Yan felt a little distressed in his heart.

Tao Xi didn't think anything, but seeing that Liang Yan didn't want to tell her, she didn't ask any more questions. After all, if Liang Yan wanted to tell her, he would definitely tell her.

"I'm fine. I just have nothing to do right now, so I'll walk with you." Tao Xi wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hand.

Liang Yan's deep and dark eyes carried emotions that were hard to see clearly.

After walking for a long time, Liang Yanzai returned to the ward, "Okay, you can go back."

Hearing this, Tao Xi nodded and left.

Liang Yan kept staring at Tao Xi's leaving back, feeling depressed and uncomfortable.

After that, he closed his eyes, as if he had made up his mind, he reached out and took out his mobile phone to dial Lilita's number.

Here, Lilita quickly connected, "Hey, Ah Yan, have you figured it out?"

"Where are you?"

Li Lita directly reported a position, she was very happy, and was about to say something, Liang Yan immediately hung up.

Liang Yan came to Lilita's place.

Lilita raised the corners of her lips when she saw someone coming up, "Ayan, have you made up your mind?"

Liang Yan's face was not very good-looking, "I promise you the conditions you mentioned earlier."

After Lilita saw that he agreed, she immediately laughed. As for Liang Yan's ugly face, she didn't care so much.

"Ayan, after seeing your promise, I'm really happy. I promise, your decision this time is definitely the most correct choice. Then we can win the championship together." Lilita said happily.

And these are things that Tao Xi can't compare with herself. Everything now proves that only she is the most worthy of Liang Yan.

Liang Yan looked at her very coldly, and didn't want to hear her, "I have already agreed to your request, when will you arrange Xiaoqian's treatment."

Hearing this, Lilita raised her eyebrows lightly, "Ah Yan, don't worry about this, I will arrange it now, since I promise you, I will naturally do what I say, and I hope you will do the same."

"By the way, now that you have promised me, I hope you will make this matter clear to your teammates earlier. After all, I am worried that if you don't make it clear earlier, I am afraid that something will happen. Misunderstanding." Lilita reminded.

Liang Yan's hands hanging on both sides couldn't help clenching, "I know."

Afterwards, Liang Yan turned around and left. Lilita looked at his back and raised the corners of her lips slightly. She didn't care that Liang Yan didn't give her any good looks.

Anyway, Liang Yan will only be grateful to himself when the time comes, and only by joining the barrage edge will he be most likely to win the championship.

After Liang Yan left, her heart was very heavy, and she was not at all happy that Xiaoqian could have the operation.

After Liang Yan returned to the base, Ni Yang immediately asked with concern, "Captain, how is Xiaoqian now?"

"He's fine, he's found the right bone marrow." A deep voice sounded.

Hearing this, everyone immediately became happy, and then Ni Yang saw that Liang Yan was not in a very high mood, frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking, "Captain, what's wrong with you, now that Xiaoqian has found the bone marrow, don't you think so?" Should you be happy? Or is it just you who lied to us. "

Everyone looked suspiciously at Liang Yan.

"No, hurry up and train." The deep voice contained no warmth at all.

Ni Yang thinks about Liang Yan's temper, and there is really no need to lie to himself. The atmosphere in the base has been a little depressing these days, but now everyone is relaxed.

"Captain, don't worry, we will definitely train well." Ni Yang said with a smile on his face.

Seeing everyone's happy faces, Liang Yan pursed her thin lips slightly, and then asked tentatively, "What would you guys think if I want to switch to another team?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at him, and then laughed.

Especially Ni Yang, "Captain, if you really switch to another team, we will definitely support you."

Of course, they didn't believe a single word of Liang Yan's words. After all, Li Lita had invited Liang Yan to join Feng Mang so many times before, and Liang Yan had refused. Now that she suddenly made such a statement, they all regarded it as Just kidding.

They didn't believe that Liang Yan would abandon them at all.

After hearing what they said, Liang Yan's mood became a little complicated, and he was very entangled.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, Liang Yan really couldn't tell them these words. After all, if he knew that the team lost him, he wouldn't dare to think about it.

After all, it was the team that he set up by himself. Even when it was difficult, he never thought of giving up.

A few people didn't notice the difference at all.

"Captain, let's go to training now, and we will definitely work hard then." Ni Yang said with a smile.

Then he returned to his seat and turned on the computer.

Seeing this, Liang Yan finally did not say those cruel words.

Here, after Tao Xi received the invitation from the school, he immediately found Liang Yan.

"Xiao Yan, there is a competition in our school, you can watch it with me then." Tao Xi said with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, Liang Yan hesitated a little in his heart, but after seeing Tao Xi's expectant eyes, he finally softened his heart, "Yes."

Seeing Liang Yan agreeing, Tao Xi became happy, "Then let's go, the game is about to start."

Originally, she thought that if Liang Yan refused, then she would not go.

The two came to the school. At this time, the school was extremely lively. Tao Xi has been busy with internships recently, and has not returned to school for a long time.

Now back to school, looking at his familiar face, he couldn't stop smiling.

At this time, someone suddenly recognized Tao Xi directly, and walked over immediately, "Are you Tao Xi?"

Tao Xi looked at the boy with a pair of glasses in front of her. He was quite handsome, but she was very sure that she didn't know him, so she couldn't help feeling a little confused, "I am, are you?"

"I... I'm your fan, and this is the first time I've seen a real person." The boy had a blush on his face, and he was very embarrassed.

And Liang Yan at the side looked at the boy who suddenly blocked them, feeling very displeased in his heart, and exuded a cold aura all over his body.

It's just that the man didn't notice, but looked at Tao Xi by himself, Tao Xi was also a little embarrassed, after all, he didn't expect to meet his fans?

And she still has fans. I didn't expect that it has been so long, and there are still people who remember her.

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