It seems that this person has done quite comprehensively. He actually knew how to destroy the surveillance system.

She guessed that this person's skills should be quite good, otherwise, it would be impossible to eliminate the monitoring.

After Tao Xi left the monitoring room, she returned to her seat and began to meditate.

After that, she couldn't help asking the people around her, "Do you know that our technology here is particularly good, such as the kind that can be eliminated and monitored?"

Hearing this, Wen Yuanyuan's eyes flickered involuntarily, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

Tao Xi smiled a little embarrassedly, "Then I'm just asking casually."

"Well, if you want to say this, we have the best technology here, Lantian, don't you know?"

Tao Xi pursed her red lips slightly, she still believed in Lan Tian in her heart, she didn't think Lan Tian would do such a thing?

"Well, besides Lan Tian, ​​do you know of anyone else?" Tao Xi asked.

Wen Yuanyuan smiled immediately, "I don't know about that, but as far as I know, there should be no one else."

Tao Xi frowned lightly. Seeing this, Wen Yuanyuan asked curiously, "Tao Xi, what's wrong with you today, I think you're weird."

"It's nothing."

After that, Tao Xi returned to her position. On this day, Tao Xi questioned several people, and all of them pointed their finger at Lan Tian. Tao Xi couldn't help feeling suspicious in his heart.

If she was alone, she would definitely trust Lan Tian, ​​but she also felt that Lan Tian's technology was the best in this company, but she didn't think Lan Tian would do this, but there was no one in the company able to do this kind of thing.

Tao Xi had a sad face until she went back. As soon as Lan Tian came back, she saw her face with bitter melon seeds, and she couldn't help being a little puzzled, "I said Tao Xi, what happened to you?"

Hearing the voice, Tao Xi immediately looked at Lan Tian, ​​and pursed her lips slightly. She knew that it was wrong for her to doubt Lan Tian, ​​but when all the spearheads were pointed at Lan Tian, ​​she had to doubt this one thing.

"That blue sky, I want to ask you something." Tao Xi said hesitantly.

Hearing this, Lan Tian immediately walked up to her and sat down, she was very casual, "If you have anything to ask, just ask, dawdling."

"That, I just want to ask you, with your technology, can you eliminate all the things in Jiang's monitoring?"

When Lan Tian heard her words, he chuckled immediately, "Aren't you insulting me? I'm a hacker anyway, okay? Things like this are completely trivial, I can do it with just a flick of my finger It's really too simple."

Tao Xi's mood became more complicated, but seeing Lan Tian admitting it so frankly, she felt very guilty in her heart, "Then Lan Tian, ​​have you wiped the surveillance camera?"

Lan Tian suddenly frowned, "Why do I wipe the surveillance camera properly, I didn't do anything bad, not to mention I wouldn't do such shameless things, even though I'm a hacker, I also have my own professional ethics, okay? "

After hearing her words, Tao Xi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt very guilty in his heart.

She is a pig brain, how could she doubt Lan Tian.

Obviously the two of them are friends, and Lan Tian usually treats her so well, but she actually suspected her, Tao Xi felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

On the other hand, Lan Tian was a little puzzled, "It's not Xixi, why did you suddenly ask about this matter today, I didn't see you so interested before."

Hearing this, Tao Xi hesitated for a while before deciding to speak out, "Actually, the data of the game character design I made before was deleted. Fortunately, I have a backup today. Otherwise, I would not be able to get it out today. Later I went to check the monitoring, but I found that all the data in the monitoring was destroyed by someone, and there was no clue at all. Later, I also asked many people in the company, and they all said that only your technology can do it."

After saying that, Tao Xi lowered her head and apologized very guiltily, "Lan Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you, but my mind was a little messed up at that time, and everyone pointed at you at that time. I got hotheaded for a while, and then I came to ask you."

Lan Tian suddenly frowned, his brows and eyes were full of dissatisfaction, his face was not very good-looking, and he pretended to be a little angry and said, "Okay, Tao Xi, thanks to the fact that I regard you as a friend, you actually suspect me. When I was so kind to you, you doubted me so much in the end."

After she said this, Tao Xi felt even more guilty in her heart, and her fingers couldn't help but twisted together, "I'm sorry Lan Tian."

Seeing Tao Xi like this, Lan Tian snorted coldly, "Okay, I'll forgive you this time, but if you doubt me in the future, then I won't be so easy to talk to."

Hearing this, Tao Xi looked at her happily, her eyes were moved, especially when she saw Lan Tian forgiving herself so easily, she felt even more guilty in her heart, "I'm sorry."

Lan Tian didn't care at all and reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, it's fine to talk about it now, but next time you have anything to do, just tell me directly."

Tao Xi nodded immediately, "Thank you Lan Tian."

After that, Tao Xi had a headache. She really couldn't figure out who this person would be. Although she already had something to guess in her heart, she didn't have any evidence to prove it. It was destroyed.

"Lan Tian, ​​who do you think this person could be? I always feel that someone in the company is targeting me." Tao Xi couldn't understand why those people were targeting her at all, and she obviously didn't do anything.

This has happened several times.

Lan Tian couldn't help thinking, and then he thought of a way, and his eyes lit up immediately, "I thought of a good way."

Hearing this, Tao Xi's eyes lit up, "What can I do?"

Lan Tian leaned directly into Tao Xi's ear and whispered a few words.

But after hearing her method, Tao Xi hesitated, "Are you sure this method will work?"

Lan Tian stretched out his hand and patted Tao Xi's shoulder confidently, "As long as you do what I say, you will definitely find out the person who targeted you."

Tao Xi nodded, she has no other choice now, if she can really find out this person, it will be easy.

The next day, after Tao Xi came to the company, he immediately went to the office to find Ling Lin, and told all the things that happened in the company yesterday, hoping that with the help of Ling Lin, he could get rid of that person together. Find out.

After Ling Lin knew what happened yesterday, her beautiful eyebrows frowned, "Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"I didn't have any evidence at the time, and I didn't know who did it at all, and I couldn't do anything about it at the time. Fortunately, I had a backup at that time." Tao Xi sighed softly.

If she had evidence, she would certainly show it.

Hearing this, Ling Lin didn't ask too much, "That's fine, what do you want me to do, I will cooperate with you."

Seeing her agree, Tao Xi immediately raised the corners of her lips, and then explained all her plans.

After listening, Ling Lin nodded slightly, "Okay, then just leave this matter to me, but if something like this happens in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible, whether there is or not evidence."

Tao Xi responded directly, and then returned to her seat.

Not long after, Ling Lin came to the technical department, and suddenly said, "In a while, everyone will hand in all the parts of the game development. If anyone delays, then he can leave directly."

After putting down her words, Ling Lin turned around, left the technical department and returned to her office.

At this time, after hearing Ling Lin's words, everyone immediately turned on their computers, but at this moment, Lan Tian suddenly blacked out everyone's computers.

"What's going on, my computer's screen is black, what's going on, I'm still in a hurry to submit the manuscript."

"That's right, my computer's screen is also black, and I can't even open it. What's going on? Do you know?"

"And mine, shit, what the hell is going on here?"

"This is a coincidence that can be said by one person. Now all the computers in our technical department are hacked. Someone must have hacked our computer. Who is this person? He is so careless. If we continue to delay like this, I can’t even turn in my manuscript.”

"You are our data, you won't just lose it like this. If you really lose the data, wouldn't all of our hard work be in vain, not to mention the boss is still urging you."

"Which one of you here has a better technique, is there anyone who can do it!"

"Isn't the blue sky technology very good? What about the blue sky people?"

When everyone was looking for the trace of Lan Tian, ​​they found that Lan Tian was not there at all.

"Isn't this Lantian person? Why did he disappear at a critical moment?"

At this time, someone suddenly said, "That Lan Tian got sick from eating, so he went to the bathroom."

Hearing this, everyone immediately became a little anxious, "Then what should we do now? Who would do it? Hurry up and take a look. Tao Xi, you are usually the best at playing with Lantian, can you?"

Tao Xi also had a headache, "I don't know either."

"How did this happen? Boss has always been a man of integrity. If we really don't hand in after a while, don't we really have to leave?"

Even if they really don't find someone, they will definitely be scolded. Not only that, if the data is lost, they will definitely have to work overtime to redo it. Who wants to work overtime.

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