After the security guard left, Tao Xi looked at the person not far away, and couldn't help but said, "Don't worry about that, we will rescue you right away, he has already gone back to get his things."

It's just that the man couldn't listen to Tao Xi's words at all, and he was already a little physically exhausted at this time.

"Help, I can't hold on anymore, my whole body hurts."

After hearing what the other party said, Tao Xi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She could see that the other party had already hugged the tree with all his strength, and it was obvious that he couldn't hold on for long.

"Yan Shen, otherwise, let's not wait, this person will obviously not be able to hold on anymore." Tao Xi said worriedly.

Falling from such a high place, I don't know where I fell, but it is definitely not light.

Liang Yan frowned tightly, "Now we don't have any tools, and there is absolutely no way to save people."

"Then why are we going to see death like this?" Forgive her, it's really impossible to be indifferent.

"Master, if you drag me down, we should be careful." Tao Xi suggested.

Liang Yan didn't want her to take risks, but now he had no other choice but to agree.

Afterwards, Liang Yan dragged Tao Xi, and Tao Xi struggled to crawl down, and soon went down, and Tao Xi breathed a sigh of relief after standing still.

She looked at the boy and asked with concern, "How are you doing now? You should still have strength. Let's find a way to get you up first. Can you?"

"Well, I can, thank you."

Afterwards, Tao Xi and Liang Yan worked together to get the person up, and Tao Xi was a little out of breath.

After the person was settled, Liang Yan was about to pull Tao Xi up. Tao Xi tried her best to hold Liang Yan's hand, but she didn't expect that at this moment, her foot slipped and she fell down. Seeing this, Liang Yan was long and narrow. Her phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and she stretched out her hand to grab Tao Xi directly, and then the two of them rolled down together.

Liang Yan tried his best to protect the person in his arms, not to let himself get hurt.

The man didn't expect that the two of them would roll down, and he was a little frightened immediately, and then he shouted down, "You wait for me, I will get someone to rescue you when I go back."

It's just that after he finished yelling, he passed out directly, and his ability to hold on until now is already the limit.

After the security guards arrived, they saw the comatose person, and Tao Xi and the others had disappeared, so they couldn't help feeling anxious, but now that the person had passed out, even if they wanted to ask something, they had no choice but to do so. I could only take the person back first, but I didn't expect to encounter a landslide at this time.

And Liang Yan and Tao Xi didn't know how long they rolled, they didn't stop until they rolled into a cave.

After a long time, Tao Xi in Liang Yan's arms moved, and then got up from his arms, looked at Liang Yan beside him, and his face suddenly changed, "Yan Shen, Yan Shen, are you okay, don't scare me .”

Liang Yan coughed a few times involuntarily, and woke up faintly. After seeing someone wake up, Tao Xi was relieved immediately.

"Yan Shen, how do you feel?" Tao Xi said still a little worried.

When she fell just now, Liang Yan had been protecting herself the entire time. Apart from some pain in her body, she was fine.

Liang Yan wanted to get up. Seeing this, Tao Xi immediately helped him up, "God Yan, are you okay now!"

"I'm fine." Liang Yan moved his body, except for some skin scratches on his body, he was fine.

After confirming that Liang Yan was fine, Tao Xi's eyes turned red, "Why are you so stupid, if you don't save me, you won't fall down at all."

She really didn't expect Liang Yan to drag herself down so much in order to save herself.

Liang Yan looked at Tao Xi's red eyes, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "I can't let you have an accident alone, and I'm not fine now, am I?"

Tao Xi was very moved, and then looked at their current location, "Yan Shen, our current location seems to be in a cave, and there is stagnant water here, and the water is quite clear."

Liang Yan nodded slightly, "We can only wait for someone to rescue us now."

After that, Tao Xi and Liang Yan washed their bodies, and it gradually turned dark. At this time, Tao Xi and Liang Yan were both very hungry, not only that, but also very cold. She felt that if they If it continues like this, it may not be possible to wait for someone to save it.

"Yan Shen, I'm going to look around." Tao Xi said.

"Well, be careful."

After a while, Tao Xi's joyful voice came over, "God Yan, there are mushrooms here, and these mushrooms should be edible."

Hearing the sound, Liang Yan walked towards her and took a look at the mushroom, it was indeed edible.

Just looking at these Tao Xi couldn't help having a headache, "It's useless to have these mushrooms, and we don't have a fire now, let alone a pot."

"I have a lighter here."

Hearing this, Tao Xi's eyes lit up immediately, "Then I'll go and see if there is any dry firewood."

After searching for a long time, Tao Xi finally found some relatively dry firewood, and finally started the fire. Tao Xi washed the mushrooms with a stick, skewered them, and put them on the fire to roast.

On the other hand, Liang Yan took out his mobile phone, trying to find out if there was a signal, but no matter what he did, there was no signal, and he couldn't get out at all.

After Tao Xi saw that the roast was almost done, she called Liang Yan over, "Yan Shen is ready, come and eat."

Although it's a bit small, at least the stomach pad is good.

It's just that Liang Yan just took a sip, and his expression suddenly changed. Seeing this, Tao Xi asked with some doubts, "God Yan, what's wrong?"

"Not cooked yet." Liang Yan said with a headache.

Hearing this, Tao Xi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and then felt a little guilty in her heart, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm baking for a while."

The next day, Lilita still didn't see any trace of Liang Yan. After she was asked to investigate, she found out where Liang Yan had gone. However, when she learned that something happened there, her expression immediately changed. Time found Liang Chengluo and told him everything.

After Liang Chengluo knew it, he frowned immediately, but he was fine. His own brother knew it in his heart, but he looked at the anxious Li Lita and comforted him, "Don't worry, Liang Yan It'll be fine for sure."

Li Lita looked at Liang Chengluo's calm expression, and suddenly understood in her heart, he knew her feelings, and she was directly teased.

"So you, Brother Chengluo, will find out if you look for it?" Lilita's face was a little ugly.

Liang Chengluo touched his nose in embarrassment, and denied it, "No, but don't worry, Liang Yan will be fine."

Lilita gritted her teeth and left with an ugly expression.

Seeing her leaving eagerly, Liang Chengluo felt a little headache. Then he turned on the phone and saw the news on it at a glance. When he saw the report on it, his face suddenly changed.

After that, Liang Chengluo didn't care so much anymore, and went to search together. When Lilita saw the person, she couldn't help but mocked, "Brother Chengluo, aren't you worried? Why are you here again?"

At this time, Liang Chengluo didn't care so much at all, "I'm not worried, he is also my younger brother no matter what."

Then the group started looking for it.

And Tao Xi here, after waking up, found that Liang Yan had been lying there with his eyes closed. It's so hot.

Tao Xi was startled immediately, "Yan Shen, Yan Shen..."

She stretched out her hand and pushed it, wanting to wake him up, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, if the burning continued like this, she might turn into a fool.

Here, Liang Yan woke up quietly, and Tao Xi breathed a sigh of relief after seeing someone wake up, "God Yan, you have a fever, what should you do!"

Liang Yan watched Tao Xi's anxious eyes turn red, and couldn't help coughing a few times, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Tao Xi looked at Liang Yan who was holding on, and didn't believe his words at all, the fever was so serious, "What should I do, I don't know when this person will find us, Yanshen, please rest for a while , I'll see if I can get out."

After that, Tao Xi let Liang Yan lean against the wall, tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes, got some water, wrung it dry, and put it on Liang Yan's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, she went to find the way in and out, and she absolutely couldn't sit still like this.

Not long after, Tao Xi came back directly, and then helped Liang Yan who was on the ground, "God Yan, there is a road over there, but it's not easy to walk, let's go there."


Afterwards, Tao Xi supported Liang Yan and walked over there. Halfway through the walk, Tao Xi saw Liang Yan's body getting weaker and weaker, and put him aside, "God Yan, otherwise, let's take a rest first. Okay, I'll go get some water."

Immediately afterwards, Tao Xi wanted to go, but suddenly his foot slipped, and he fell to the ground, twisting his ankle directly.

Seeing this, Liang Yanqiang braced himself, with worry in his eyes, "Are you all right?"

Tao Xi looked at her twisted foot, her eyes were red, and Liang Yan saw it too, with distress in her eyes, "You can't continue walking in this state."

Tao Xi was really about to cry, "Yan Shen, we won't really die here, right! I'm the one who got you involved."

If it wasn't for her, nothing would happen to Liang Yan.

Seeing Tao Xi's guilt-ridden appearance, Liang Yan pulled himself together, and couldn't help but teased, "Do you think we look like a couple in trouble?"

Seeing that he was in the mood to laugh now, Tao Xi was a little annoyed, "Yan Shen, what time is it now, and you are still joking here."

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