Afterwards, Tao Xi realized that this was not heading towards the safe zone, so she frowned slightly, "Xiao Yan, where are we going?"

Liang Yan didn't speak, and Tao Xi didn't ask any more questions, anyway, she knew that Liang Yan wouldn't harm her.

Afterwards, Liang Yan drove them to the hillside of the ruined area. At this moment, a deep and magnetic voice sounded, "Look down."

Hearing this, Tao Xi looked over and saw a lot of cars parked in the grass not far away. Not only that, these cars were directly arranged in a heart shape.

So are these what Liang Yan has been doing before?
Thinking of this, Tao Xi was slightly moved in her heart, she never thought that Liang Yan would do this at all.

It is estimated that there are more than half of the cars on the entire map here!
"Like it?"

After hearing her familiar voice, Tao Xi finally recovered from her own thoughts, and responded with some embarrassment, "I like it, thank you Xiaoyan."

It's just that this made her even more confused. When she was asking Liang Yan about her quarrel with her idol, he obviously didn't care at all and didn't respond at all, but she didn't think that he would actually do this.

"As long as you like it." Liang Yan's depressed mood suddenly became cheerful.

On the other hand, the two young ladies on the side were very embarrassed, especially the young lady who was driving the microphone, with a tone of disbelief, "Little brother, you..."

Hearing the sound, Tao Xi remembered that she was playing a game now, and there were people around her, and she was still using a voice changer, and she felt a little embarrassed for a moment, not knowing how to explain it.

"That young lady is not what you think." Tao Xi pursed her lips slightly, and just when she wanted to confess that she was a girl, the girl directly interrupted her.

"Little brother, you don't need to explain, I understand everything."


Tao Xi's face was full of doubts. She hadn't said anything yet, so what did she know?

"Miss, I'm actually..."

It's just that the girl interrupted her once, "Little brother, I can understand, even if you like boys, it doesn't matter, I will definitely not tell this matter, just pretend that we don't exist, you guys continue."

Not only that, she also felt that the other party's voice was a little excited.

Tao Xi couldn't help but draw a black line on her forehead. She felt that the other party was a little too imaginative, "I'm actually a girl, and I used a voice changer just now. Don't think too much about it. As for lying to you before, I'm sorry."

She felt that if she didn't explain, maybe the other party would try to make up for it.

After a long time, just when she thought that the other party was angry because she lied to her, the other party's voice sounded again, "Little brother, in fact, you really don't need to explain, it doesn't matter if you are male or female, really Yes, I will not discriminate against you."

Tao Xi: "..."

So no matter how she explained it, no one would believe it, right?

After that, Tao Xi directly turned off her voice changer, revealing her original voice, "Miss sister, this is my voice, I am really a girl."

Just when she thought the other party would believe it now.

"Brother, do you use a voice changer? But the voice is quite nice."

Tao Xi: "..."

She really doesn't know what to say now, is she so boyish?Now when someone tells the truth, no one will believe it. She is obviously just a girl.

At this time, Tao Xi didn't want to explain at all, so let's just misunderstand, anyway, she knew that even if she said something now, the other party would think that she was making some excuses, so she might as well just keep her mouth shut.

"Forget it, whatever you say is what you say." Tao Xi said helplessly.

After finally finishing the game, Tao Xi stopped playing.

And because the IMW team won the last game, the team is now a little famous and has won a lot of media attention. Coupled with Liang Yan's popularity, many game companies want to find Liang Yan to endorse.

The next day, after Tao Xi went to the company, Liang Chengluo called Tao Xi directly into the office, and Tao Xi came to the president's office with some doubts.

"President, what do you want from me?"

Liang Chengluo glanced at Tao Xi, cleared his throat, "Well, it's like this, I have one thing I need you to do here, and I need you to help me run there."

Hearing this, Tao Xi frowned lightly, but still asked, "President, tell me."

"It's like this. Recently, our company is looking for a game spokesperson. The one I fell in love with is Liang Yan from the IMW team who just won the competition. I have already talked with the fucking manager. You can go and talk to them when the time comes."

Tao Xi's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Liang Yan's name, she never thought that such a good thing would happen to her.

Just thinking of something, she suddenly hesitated, "President, why did the company suddenly send me there?"

Even if such a thing really happened, she also knew in her heart that usually such a thing would not be her turn at all.

"Oh, it's like this. Originally, I wanted my assistant to do this, but he has other things to do now. Since you are a game designer, I believe you should also like games, and I heard that your Your idol is Liang Yan, and it just so happens that you will have something to talk about and it will be easier for you to talk."

Tao Xi nodded, "Okay."

"This is the contract and information about this endorsement, you should familiarize yourself with it when the time comes." Liang Chengluo then handed over the documents on the table.

Tao Xi took it, and then left the office. After leaving the office, Tao Xi suddenly became excited. As long as she thinks that she will be able to meet her idol tomorrow, don't be too excited.

She now feels like she has stepped on shit luck, otherwise, how could such a benefit be her turn.

It's just that she wasn't happy for long. When she thought about her identity, she felt a little headache. If she really appeared in front of the idol, he would definitely recognize her. After all, she was still a girl last time. Masquerading appeared before him.

Until the evening, after Tao Xi went back, he was struggling with it. When he knew that his idol was live broadcasting, he thought about it and sent a private message to his idol.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: Idol, our company asked me to talk to you about the endorsement tomorrow, which is the Liang Group.

Here, Liang Yan quickly replied.
[LY]: Well, I see, I am very happy.

In fact, he already knew about this matter. His brother told him about it at the first time, but it was a pity that Tao Xi didn't know about it.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: I just want to tell you about that idol, to be honest, I'm quite nervous.

[LY]: Don't be nervous, I don't eat people.

Tao Xi stuck out her tongue, feeling very conflicted in her heart.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: That idol, you can continue the live broadcast, and I won't bother you anymore.

After putting away the phone, Tao Xi had a very headache. She couldn't be dressed as a man tomorrow!
At this moment, Fu Xinke came back, "Xixi, I'm back."

After that, she saw Tao Xi's frowning face, and asked curiously, "I said, what's wrong with you?"

Tao Xi seemed to find someone to confide in, directly told the whole story, and sighed, "Xinke, what do you think I should do now?"

Hearing this, Fu Xin shrugged helplessly, "I have nothing to do."

"If I had known that the retribution would come so quickly, I wouldn't have lied to my idol that I was a boy." Tao Xi was like a deflated ball.

"If you want me to tell you, if you don't, you can just tell the truth. You can't hide this kind of thing for a long time, and when Yanshen is going to speak in your company, you will definitely meet often. You can't dress up as a man and go to work in the company. " Fu Xinke persuaded.

Tao Xi just had a headache, "If you say I'm honest, the idol won't blame me, right?"

Fu Xinke has no idea in her heart, after all, this kind of thing is not her, and she can't guarantee it, but after seeing her listless appearance, after thinking about it, she comforted her, "Okay, you did it back then. I didn’t intend to hide it on purpose, now that you admit your mistake, your idol shouldn’t be angry with you, most idols are quite generous, especially if the other party is your fan.”

Hearing this, Tao Xi immediately raised her head and looked at her, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, why did I lie to you! You just need to admit your mistake." Fu Xinke patted his chest.

Tao Xi pursed her lips slightly, there was nothing she could do now anyway, if the idol was really angry at that time, she could only say that she did it herself.

The next day, Tao Xi dressed herself up well, and then came to the designated place a little nervously. When she arrived, Tao Xi took a deep breath, and then walked in. After she entered, she Seeing that the other party has arrived.

Liang Yan stared at Tao Xi for a while, and Tao Xi said with some guilt in his heart, "Well, I am the person in charge of the company this time."

"sit down."

Tao Xi sat down nervously, and then said very apologetically, "That idol, that's sorry, I lied to you about the woman disguised as a man before, but I'm actually a girl, I'm really sorry, even if you are angry, it doesn't matter .”

After finishing speaking, Tao Xi nervously pulled up her clothes with her hands on her thighs, she didn't dare to look at Liang Yan at all, her heart also raised, and her whole body was tense.

However, Liang Yan did not expect Tao Xi to admit that she was a woman disguised as a man this time, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and a deep voice sounded, "It's okay, I don't blame you, but you are very courageous and dare to bear your own mistakes. "

Tao Xi originally thought that the idol would blame her, after all, she had deceived him, but she never thought that the idol would actually praise herself.

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