Tao Xi didn't care much, but he was very grateful in his heart.

"Since you're fine, I'll go back first." After speaking, Liang Yan got up to leave.

Tao Xi didn't stay too long, and sent Liang Yan out, but not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Tao Xi suddenly became a little nervous. After all, what happened just now, she had to guard against it, and used the cat's eyes to see After walking over, seeing Liang Yan's face, he opened the door in surprise.

"Xiao Yan, why are you back again? Did you drop something?" She asked with some doubts.

Liang Yan glanced at her fair face, and her thin lips parted slightly, "No, it's just that when I went down, I found someone guarding below. I was worried that you were here alone, so I came back."

Hearing this, Tao Xi suddenly became a little scared, and her face was not very good-looking.

At this time, she felt extremely regretful in her heart, she should not have agreed to Xin Ke to take that photo, otherwise she would not have caused so many troubles.

She didn't expect those people to pick up where she lived so quickly.

"The place where you live should be found by those people. I will stay here today. As for this place, I don't think you can continue to live. Otherwise, this kind of thing must happen often, and you can't do it every time. Meeting me by such a coincidence, you should move." Liang Yan suggested.

Hearing this, Tao Xi felt a headache. Although she knew what Liang Yan said was true, she couldn't find the house so quickly at all.

And Liang Yan seemed to see her embarrassment, and the deep and magnetic voice sounded again, "I know it's a little embarrassing to ask you to move for a while. I know a house that is renting out. You can go and have a look."

Tao Xi's frowning brows suddenly relaxed, and she looked at Liang Yan gratefully, "Xiao Yan, thank you!"

Not only did I help myself, but now I have also solved such a big problem.

The corner of Liang Yan's mouth curled slightly, "It's okay, I'll sleep on the sofa today, and I'll take you there tomorrow to have a look."

The next day, Liang Yan took her to the house he mentioned before. Tao Xi took a look at it and was very satisfied. After that, Liang Yan moved together for Tao Xi.

After tidying up all the things, Tao Xi was very grateful in her heart, she didn't even know how to thank Liang Yan.

But after that, she found that Liang Yan went directly into the house next door to her. Seeing this, Tao Xi looked at him dumbfounded, "Xiao Yan, do you live next door?"

"Well." Liang Yan did not deny Tao Xi's inquiry, after all, he would know about this matter sooner or later, and knowing it early or knowing it later is the same.

For a while, Tao Xi didn't know what to say. She suddenly wondered if Liang Yan did it on purpose when she persuaded her to move, so she could move here.

It's just that when this idea came up, she immediately denied it. She felt that Liang Yan should not be this kind of person. After all, he really asked her to move for his own benefit. Maybe it was just a coincidence that she moved here.

After thinking through all this, Tao Xi Bainen had a smile on her face, that little Yan, thank you, then we will be neighbors from now on. "

Liang Yan nodded. In fact, after Tao Xi knew about it just now, he was indeed a little nervous in his heart, but Tao Xi would be disgusted, but after hearing her words, the corners of Liang Yan's lips could not help but twitch slightly.

Due to the moving, she directly asked the company for a day off. As soon as she went out in the afternoon, she met Liang Yan who had just opened the door. Afterwards, Tao Xi said with some embarrassment, "That little Yan, come to my house for dinner tonight. I go to buy something."

Originally, she wanted to invite Liang Yan to have dinner with her at noon, but she just moved here, so she didn't have anything.

Liang Yan naturally would not refuse Tao Xi's invitation, and then said, "I'll go with you."

Tao Xi was taken aback, then looked at him with some doubts, "Aren't you training today?"

"No, take a day off."

Hearing this, Tao Xi didn't ask any more questions, and then went to the supermarket with Liang Yan, but before that, she specially wore a controller just in case, just in case she looked at Liang Yan's face After thinking about it, he still gave him a mask, but Liang Yan looked at her with some doubts.

Tao Xi smiled and raised her eyebrows, "Xiao Yan, with your face, you should wear a mask."

In the evening, Tao Xi realized that her mobile phone was out of battery. After connecting the charger and turning it on, she saw a series of calls from Fu Xinke. Just when she was a little confused, Fu Xinke's The phone call came in one time.

She picked it up directly, and just as she was about to speak, Fu Xinke's voice came over, "Xixi, it's not good."

"What's the matter?" Tao Xi was a little confused.

"Go to Weibo and see for yourself, you will know when the time comes."

Hearing this, Tao Xi hung up the phone, logged on to Weibo, and saw those people's messages on her Weibo at a glance.

【Have you noticed that this girl is very similar to the person Yanshen was hugging before? Could she be Yanshen's girlfriend? 】

[If you don’t say so, I didn’t even notice it, but now I take a closer look, it really looks like it! 】

【Is she really Yanshen's girlfriend? 】

[Are you misunderstood?At that time, the person Yanshen was holding was obviously a boy, and this one was a girl, although they were very similar, it might just be a coincidence. 】

[That is, can you people stop spreading random rumors! 】

[What the hell, what can't be done with make-up these days, and that person looks alike regardless of his height, height, face, maybe this person is a woman disguised as a man?And everyone in Yanshen didn't understand why Yanshen had to hug him if it wasn't for his girlfriend. Wasn't there someone else present at the time?Yanshen has absolutely no need to do it himself. 】

[I also think it is very reasonable to hear what the upstairs said. Could it really be her! 】

[No way, am I really going to lose love? 】

【Anyway, I won't believe that Yanshen is in love, even if I'm killed. 】


Tao Xi kept scrolling down, and now that everyone was doubting her identity, she suddenly panicked.

Originally, she thought that being blocked by those illegitimate fans was the worst, but she didn't expect that there would be something even worse now.

Are these netizens so awesome now?
If she knew that taking a group of photos would encounter so many things, she shouldn't have softened her heart and agreed to Fu Xinke.

Don't think about it now, she also knows how much this matter has been caused, and now the idol will definitely be affected by this matter, not only that, the idol's real girlfriend should also misunderstand it!

Thinking of this possibility, she felt a little guilty in her heart, she never thought that she would actually cause trouble to her idol.

At this moment, Fu Xinke called again.

"Xixi, I'm sorry, I didn't expect those netizens to have such sharp eyes." Fu Xinke apologized with a guilty conscience.

Tao Xi had a very headache at this time, "The most important thing now is that I caused trouble for the idol. It would be bad if the real girlfriend of the idol misunderstood me."

"Sorry Xixi."

"It's okay, I don't blame you, I'll solve this matter first, and hang up first." After saying that, Tao hung up the phone, and then looked at Weibo, feeling very headache.

 After thinking about it, Tao Xi directly posted a Weibo.

#Here I want to clarify that I am not Liang Yan's girlfriend, I think you have misunderstood, and I have never disguised myself as a man, I hope you will not continue to struggle with this matter. #
After the news was sent out, Liang Yan here also received the news. When he saw Tao Xi's Weibo post, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and then he directly clicked on Tao Xi's Weibo post. up a like.

Immediately afterwards, he replied below, "Yeah."

Not only did Tao Xi see Liang Yan's comment, but everyone else saw it too. Suddenly, Weibo exploded, especially Liang Yan's fans didn't believe Tao Xi's statement at all.

Tao Xi also became a little dazed, she didn't quite understand what idol meant, did he agree with her words or disagree with her words?
But now all the fans thought that Liang Yan had just popped up, and they directly misunderstood that Liang Yan was acknowledging Tao Xi's identity.

In desperation, she suddenly received the news that her idol was currently broadcasting live. After that, she directly quit Weibo and entered the live broadcast room.

As soon as she entered the live broadcast room, she found that the live broadcast room was extremely quiet.

It just didn't last long, and it exploded immediately.

[This is the sister-in-law? 】

[I didn't expect that!I thought it was a little brother, but it turned out to be a girl. If it weren't for what you said, I would have been kept in the dark. 】

[Although I'm broken in love, I'm a rational fan, and I still support Yanshen's love affair. 】

[Welcome sister-in-law to Brother Yan's live broadcast room. 】

Afterwards, someone even directly used Tao Xi's account name.

Tao Xi was very confused, she had no idea what was going on in the live broadcast room, and what the hell was that sister-in-law they were talking about?

Can someone explain it to her?

And she has been using the voice changer all the time, why do these people know that she is a girl?And why do these people misunderstand that they are sisters-in-law?

Just when she was in a daze, everyone in the studio was staring at her.

[Why didn't sister-in-law speak when she came in?shy? 】

[Although my idol is in a relationship, I still support my sister-in-law. 】

[Sister-in-law, don’t you have anything to say? 】

Seeing this, Tao Xi wanted to chat with the idol in private, but when she thought about her identity, she immediately became cowardly. Now the idol also doubted her identity, right?
If this is true, wouldn't it be a direct admission that he lied to his idol back then?
But before she got entangled, Liang Yan sent a private message to Tao Xi directly.

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