"After you shoot, no matter whether you knock someone down or not, you have to change positions every once in a while." Tao Xi reminded.

Tao Xi quickly found another place to hide.

["Hum Hem Haw Haw" used a submachine gun to knock down "Long-legged Oppa"]
At this time, there was an extra person on the left who didn't know when, and shot her directly.

Tao Xi immediately hid behind the tree, frowned slightly seeing that he still had half of his blood, he manipulated his small eyes to look at the opponent's position.

Immediately started to hit the blood bag, while paying attention to the opponent's position, lest the opponent rush over.

After filling up her blood, the person who shot at her before hid behind a tree not far in front of her, and she ran forward to the other side without hesitation.

Just ran to hide behind a rock not far from yourself.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a grenade and threw it directly towards the opponent's position.

After that, she didn't hesitate at all and rushed forward, but the opponent only had half blood on his body and she fell to the ground after a few shots.

Tao Xi killed the man and quickly licked the bag, but he didn't expect this guy to be quite fat.

Here, after [Ghost of Dugu] rushed over, he saw the scene of Tao Xi killing people directly.

He never imagined how this rookie person suddenly became so powerful?
[Dugu's Ghost] directly turned on the mic and couldn't help asking, "Brother, are you changing?"

He wouldn't believe it at all if there were no substitutions.

Tao Xi raised her eyebrows lightly when she saw the person coming, and turned on the microphone together, "Brother, I am playing now, how can my friend press the gun when I am at home."

[Dugu's Ghost] After hearing Tao Xi's voice, the whole person became even more annoyed, thinking that he was so cowardly in front of her before, he just felt a little ashamed, he couldn't even compare to a girl.

"Miss sister, so you are so powerful!" [Dugu's Ghost] praised directly.

"Fortunately, it's just that I usually play too much." Tao Xi said modestly.

"Miss sister, don't be modest, I didn't expect you to be a hidden boss."

["Henghengjiji" used a submachine gun to knock down "Sibai Tianxiao has nothing to do"]
"There is someone at one o'clock, you should pay attention." Tao Xi couldn't help reminding.

"Don't worry, Miss Sister, I will pay attention to it. Be careful yourself." [Dugu's Ghost] said casually, not taking her words to heart at all.

He still believed in his own skills, after all, the opponent was just one person.

Tao Xi didn't pay any attention to him, and stared at a certain direction intently.

"Henry, can you use 98k?" Tao Xi asked.

"No, I can't hit it." Henry said in a disappointed mood.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Tao Xi comforted her.

After that, she directly changed to a 98k, the gun she just picked up in someone else's box.

"Actually, you can learn how to shoot blindly. Like this, you have to predict the opponent's position first, see where the opponent will go, and then shoot directly." Tao Xi opened his mouth to guide, and quickly opened fire. gun.

["Henghengjiji" used kar 98k to knock down "Laotan sauerkraut"]
"This is the second skill I want to give you. You must first learn to press the gun, and the second is to learn to predict."

Henry nodded half-understood, "I will study hard."

"That's fine, since you understand the words, study hard, I believe you will be able to." Tao Xi encouraged.

Henry also cheered up again, with light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind, "I will definitely work hard."

"Miss Sister, save me, save me." Here, the scream of [Dugu's Ghost] suddenly sounded.

Afterwards, seeing that his blood was turning red, Tao Xi quickly ran towards her, and before she could pass, he was killed by someone.

Seeing this, Tao Xi suddenly said helplessly, "I can't help it."

[Dugu's Ghost] did not expect to meet an old cunt in the grass and be beaten to death directly.

"Miss Sister, there is an old bastard in the grass, you must avenge me!" [Dugu's Ghost] said angrily.

Hearing this, Tao Xi directly found a position where she could see the person lying in the grass, but the other party didn't notice her position.

Tao Xi took aim at the opponent's head with a sniper, "Don't worry, I will avenge you."

Immediately afterwards, the other party was directly knocked to the ground by her.

[Dugu's Ghost] looked at her gratefully, "Miss, you are so kind, can we add WeChat together after we finish playing? We can play games together in the future!"

However, Tao Xi directly refused.

"Thank you or forget it."

[Ghost of Dugu] was rejected by others, although he was a little disappointed, he didn't take it to heart.

In the end, Tao Xi licked the auspicious clothes directly. After collecting the supplies, he immediately drove away.

"I suddenly found out that Miss Sister is really ugly. Fortunately, this is a teammate." [Dugu's Ghost] did not quit immediately after he died, but watched Tao Xi, and he found that Tao Xi's style of play was simply an old cunt .

Tao Xi suddenly felt that her image was gone, and she couldn't help but say good things for herself, "I'm a technology, do you understand technology?"

"Hey! Miss sister, you don't need to say it, we all know it." [Dugu's Ghost] immediately said.

However, Tao Xi felt that she didn't listen to her words at all.

But he has already explained what should be explained. As for whether to believe it or not, it is up to them. Anyway, she also feels that she is indeed quite yin.

But as long as she can eat chicken, the process is not important at all, what she values ​​more is the result.

After leaving the battlefield and coming to a safe place, Tao Xibian wanted to return the phone to Henry directly.

However, Henry directly refused, "It's better for you to play. I will watch you play. If I play, I have no gaming experience at all. I can learn some skills by watching you play."

Henry found it strange watching Tao Xi play games. After all, there were many things he didn't understand. Watching Tao Xi play games let him know what to pay attention to.

Hearing this, Tao Xi did not refuse, and continued playing games while teaching Henry techniques.

Tao Xi drove the car into the safety zone, and she found a relatively high place and lay down in the grass, "Henry, this time I will teach you how to be an old cunt."

Henry was also a little excited. He was killed many times by others.

Since Tao Xi was wearing an auspicious suit and lying in the grass, if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't see a person lying in the grass at all.

In fact, we have already reached the final round, there are only a dozen people left in the whole circle, and the circle is getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, she was the only teammate left on his side.

"Miss, you have to work hard! It's up to you if you can eat chicken." [Dugu's Ghost] encouraged.

Tao Xi glanced at her as the only person left in her team, and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"It's a bit difficult to eat chicken! I can only say that I try my best." After all, this is a four-person match, and if you also meet four people, you can't beat it at all.

If it was one person or two people, she would be sure to eat chicken.

 "It's okay, it's okay, Miss Sister, just do your best." [Dugu's Ghost] comforted him, he was just talking casually just now.

Now that she entered the final round, she was the only one left in the plus team, and she didn't shoot rashly like before.

Even if the man was shooting right in front of her, she would just lie in the grass and drive without shooting at all.

Her goal is to eat chicken!

"Miss Sister, I really have to admire you. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to help but want to shoot." [Dugu's Ghost] couldn't help sighing.

Hearing this, Tao Xi raised the corners of her lips slightly, "Isn't this because I want to eat chicken? If I shoot now, wouldn't it directly expose my own position."

This revealed that the position was just a trivial matter, and if she ran into four people, she would have no chance of winning at all.

If you are not careful in the finals, you will become the target of others.

So don't shoot lightly when you are not sure.

If you want to fight to the end, you must have that patience, and you can't hit the head if you can't see it.

Seeing the gunshots in front of her, Tao Xi lay on her stomach like a caterpillar and rubbed into the circle bit by bit.

"Miss Sister, leave someone right in front of you at eleven o'clock." [Dugu's Ghost] reminded.

However, Tao Xi didn't pay attention to it at all, let alone wanting to fight. Her goal now is to get into the circle as soon as possible. The poison in the finals is the most painful.

Soon, Tao Xi climbed into the final circle, and then lay still on the edge. At this time, there were only eight people left on the field.

Not long after, three more people were eliminated.

Looking at the sound on the map, Tao Xi took out a grenade and threw it towards that location.

["Humph Haw Haw" uses a grenade to knock out "Quick Slut"]
"Cow, little sister." [Dugu's Ghost] praised without hesitation.

"If you shoot, you will reveal your position, but if you throw a grenade, you won't reveal your position." Tao Xi began to guide.

Hearing this, Henry was a little puzzled, "Why doesn't throwing a grenade reveal the location?"

"How should I tell you this? After you throw the grenade, it will only be displayed after it explodes, so it will not be exposed when you throw it."

Henry nodded, "So it is."

At this time, Tao Xi was lying there, watching them fight in front of her, obviously she was also a part of it, but she could feel that she was very leisurely.

"When there are only a few people left in the finals, you can judge for yourself whether the remaining people of the opponent are a pair or an enemy. If there are two groups of people, gunshots will be displayed on the map."

"Miss, it seems that we may really eat chicken!" The teammate said excitedly.

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