Tao Xi picked up a submachine gun on the ground, and then quickly knocked down the person not far away from him to the ground. After killing the person, Tao Xi jumped down immediately. After all, if he stood on it, he would be easily killed Hit as a target.

After all, there are quite a lot of people in the military base, so it is definitely a good place to shoot.

Tao Xi turned directly into the house, but met someone at the corner, Tao Xi was startled by someone, and then knocked down to the ground,


At this moment, Tao Xi wanted to scold someone. When was this person here? Why didn't she know anything about it?
Seeing her fall to the ground, Liang Yan couldn't help but frowned slightly, "What's the matter?" After that, he forgot where Tao Xi was and hurried away.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: God, I met a LYB, I don't even know when he hid there, he probably waited for me there for quite a while.

The legendary corner meets love.

Liang Yan was also a little helpless, "If you find out, can it still be called LYB?"

Hearing this, Tao Xi also felt that what the Great God said made sense, but it was true, if she knew, she would never be fooled.

"God, be careful, he's hiding in that corner."

"it is good."

Liang Yan went directly to the other side, and went in through the window.

["Daddy doesn't want to kill today" used the M416 to knock down "Brother I can"]
After that, Liang Yan killed the man directly, walked to Tao Xi's side, and pulled him up.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Liang Yan asked.

"No, a few bandages of engine oil."

Hearing this, Liang Yan directly threw a first aid kit beside her, gave her a bottle of drink by the way, and then directly applied two bandages himself.

Afterwards, footsteps are displayed on the map.

"Looking at the footsteps, there should be three people, maybe it's his one, be careful yourself." Liang Yan reminded.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: Great God, we are on one side.

In that case, it will not and will not allow people to take advantage of the loopholes, and it is inevitable that people will come up from the other side.

"it is good."

Tao Xi ran directly to the stairs on the other side and blocked him there. As long as the man showed his face, she could kill him quickly.

Liang Yan shot directly.

[Liang Yan jiojio]: God, are everyone on your side?
"should be."

Hearing this, Tao Xi immediately ran to his side.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: God, I'll just throw a mine in a moment, you stay away and take a gun.

"it is good."

Tao Xi was holding a grenade in his hand, and when they were about to go upstairs, he threw a grenade towards the stairs, while Liang Yan shot quickly.

["Daddy doesn't want to kill people today" used the M416 to knock down the "box fine stone"]
["Liang Yan's jiojio" used a grenade to knock down "kneel down to eat and sing to conquer"]
["Daddy doesn't want to kill people today" used the function M416 to knock down "Kaishou Yunyun"]

After killing the man, he licked the bag directly, and the more Tao Xi licked, the more excited he became.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: God, I feel that they are here to deliver express delivery to us.

She was so rich, but Tao Xi didn't stop at all when she licked her bag.

Tao Xi glanced at the map. At this time, the teammate was fighting with someone, and the other team had already fallen to the ground, not too far away from them.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: God, let's save our teammates.

"it is good."

However, before they passed, all teammates were wiped out.

Tao Xi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, they were coming soon.

"Just shoot in the past." Liang Yan said suddenly at this moment.

Hearing this, Tao Xi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the two came to the place where the gunshots were fired together.

"There's someone on the roof, be careful." Liang Yan reminded.

Tao Xi hid behind the stone vigilantly, glanced at the other party's position, and frowned slightly. At this time, the other party was fighting with another group of people, and Liang Yan quickly climbed into another house.

["Daddy doesn't want to kill people today" used M416 to knock down "I want to eat chicken today"]
["Dad Don't Want to Kill Today" used the M416 knockout "Don't get hung up on the name"]
When the enemy found Liang Yan, it was too late to run, and they were all knocked to the ground by Liang Yan. On the other side, Tao Xi was not far behind, and directly knocked the two people in front of her to the ground. The position is also directly exposed.

Since there was no place to hide in the vicinity except for that stone, she became everyone's target.

Liang Yan watched Tao Xi's blood dripping down quickly, and threw a smoke bomb directly at her position, and then directly strafed towards her.

Tao Xi looked at her health bar and breathed a sigh of relief.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: Thank you, God.

Tao Xi directly filled up her health bar, and then took this opportunity to use the snakeskin to walk towards the house, and Liang Yan knocked down the two of them again.

"Do you have 5.56 bullets?" Liang Yan asked.

Hearing this, Tao Xi went upstairs directly, ran to Liang Yan's side, and gave him the bullets in his backpack.

After Liang Yan refilled his bullets, he jumped down. Seeing this, Tao Xi followed directly. Liang Yan lay down and pressed his gun, and shot at the opponent, killing him.

"Lick the bag first."

Tao Xi didn't talk nonsense, he started to lick the bags here, and now the people here are basically good boxes, even if there are omissions, they all run away directly, as long as there are people with brains, they won't just come up at this time.

After the two finished licking their bags, they found a car directly.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: Great God, let me drive, when the time comes, let's go kill people directly!

She also thought about playing like a wave. It's not interesting to fight like this every day. It's fun to play waves occasionally. Even if you really lose, it doesn't matter, as long as you are happy.

"Okay." Liang Yan would basically agree to Tao Xi's request, and this was originally entertainment, so he could play however he wanted.

After that, Tao Xi drove Liang Yan full of maps to find someone. She drove, and Liang Yan shot and killed.

Tao Xi stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward, knocking down one of them. With Tao Xi's driving interference, Liang Yan knocked down the other three.

At this time, the car can no longer be used, otherwise, if the enemy takes a few shots, they will be cold.

[Liang Yan's jiojio]: God, we have no car.

And now that they are in the final round, there is nowhere to find a car.

"That's it."

In the end, the two still got the chicken.

After the game ended, Liang Yan asked, "Are you still playing?"

Tao Xi glanced at the time and refused, "That great god, I won't play for now, you can play."

"it is good."

After Tao Xi got off the game, Liang Yan didn't continue to play, but Fu Xinke glanced at her coldly, and said in a sour tone, "Why, don't you continue to play games with your master?"

Hearing this, Tao Xi immediately looked at her helplessly, and put his arms around her neck, "Didn't I finish the beating?"

Although she really wanted to play games with the master now, but get out of class was about to end, and she didn't have much time to play.

Fu Xinke immediately looked at her with disgust, and stretched out his hand to tear away her hand holding her neck, "Stay away from me, with your great master, why do you need me!"

She is very vengeful, okay?When she had her great god just now, she ruthlessly abandoned herself.

"Then you were not the same last night. You had a boyfriend, you called Lu Chen, and you dragged me to go with you. You are the same. I just played a game with the master."

After hearing her words, Fu Xinke rolled his eyes at her, "Can we be the same? That's my boyfriend after all, but yours is an unknown netizen."

"Why is it different, and me and the master are not just netizens, okay?" Tao Xi said a little dissatisfied. The relationship between her and the master has already surpassed that of netizens.

"So you finally admitted that you have an unusual relationship with your great god?"

Tao Xi immediately sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly explained, "Well, I didn't mean what you thought, what I just meant was that I and the Great God are friends, don't think about it."

Fu Xinke slightly raised the corners of her lips, "Who is thinking wildly? I haven't said anything yet. If you explain in such a hurry, you must have a ghost in your heart."

"You have a ghost in your heart." Tao Xi said something unnaturally on his face, and a touch of pink appeared on the tips of his ears.

Fu Xinke wanted to say something at first, but Tao Xi interrupted her directly, "It's noon, are you hungry, are you going to eat?"

The subject changed, "Go, why not go."

"Let's go then."

When the two arrived in the cafeteria together, Fu Xinke suddenly asked, "Xixi, have you thought about doing an internship at that time? We will be doing an internship soon."

Hearing this, Tao Xi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looking a little confused, "Internship?"

When Fu Xinke saw her like this, he was a little surprised and said, "You must have forgotten this matter!"

Let alone, if she hadn't mentioned it suddenly today, she would have really forgotten it now.

Tao Xi suddenly thumped her head in frustration, "How did I forget such an important thing, I really haven't thought about it."

"I've convinced you too. It's almost time for the internship period, and I don't know what we're going to do then." Fu Xin couldn't help feeling a little worried, mainly because they had no experience at all, they were novices in society.

Tao Xi also frowned her pretty eyebrows, this is indeed a problem.

"Let's listen to what the teacher has to say then."

Fu Xinke sighed, "This is the only way to do it now, let's see when the time comes, if the time is not enough, just hang out."


A few days later, the teacher talked about the internship period.

"I believe that everyone knows more or less about the internship. I don't want to say more about some things. This internship will directly affect whether you can graduate with a good grade, so I hope everyone will take it seriously."

There are excitement and worries in the classroom.

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