Liang Yan didn't expect Tao Xi not to believe what he said, but he understood after thinking about it.

This little curly hair still doesn't know that he is the great god, so far, the vest is still hidden very deeply.

And after so many days, the great god ignored Tao Xi as if I didn't care about you at all, no matter what you did, it had nothing to do with me, it really gave people a feeling that she didn't like Tao Xi at all. impression.

So if he were Tao Xi, he would also not believe a random word from a stranger at this time.

He'll just take it as a joke.

Liang Yan's mouth curled slightly as he thought about it, and his expression became somewhat meaningful.

Tao Xi didn't notice Liang Yan's expression, her eyes flicked back and forth among the crowd coming and going in the Internet cafe, she still had some trust in Liang Yan's words in her heart, but she didn't give much hope.

At the same time, Tao Xi also found that whenever she was in the Internet cafe, Liang Yan didn't seem to know how to turn on the computer to play games, either to watch videos or not to turn on the computer at all.

And several times when she came to the Internet cafe, she saw him playing with the computer, and when she was about to walk over to surprise him, he found out in advance and turned off the computer as if nothing had happened.
This caught Tao Xi's attention. She was a little puzzled. When her father said it, she still thought that he should be a teenager with internet addiction. Doesn't even seem to be interested in the game.

"Don't you play games?" Tao Xi asked, blinking.

Liang Yan froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at her, and finally shook his head.

Tao Xi blinked her eyes when she heard this, and felt a little headache. This little webmaster is good at everything, but he doesn't like to talk, and it's a skill to be able to chat to death every time.

Noticing that the mood of the child next to him had dropped significantly, Liang Yan turned his head to look at her: "Do you want to play?"

"No!" Tao Xi shook her head hastily, she didn't want him to see her acting like a cabbage, it would be embarrassing to think about it.

Liang Yan raised her eyebrows, not understanding where the child's unhappiness came from, and Tao Xi was unwilling to explain, so she had to let it go.

But sitting still was a bit awkward, so he turned on the computer and watched a game video he found somewhere.

Tao Xi felt curious, so she came over.

"The quarter-finals a few days ago?" She was a little surprised, and at the same time looked at Liang Yan with concern.

Doesn't this person like Team Universe?
The situation of the Huanyu team in this game is well known. Even a rookie like Tao Xi can see how badly the team has fallen. What if the small network manager is in a bad mood after watching it?In order to prevent the little webmaster from being unhappy, Tao Xi decided to sit and watch with him, so that he can comfort him when he sees Team Huanyu performing abnormally.

However, Liang Yan didn't have so many thoughts in his heart. He found this video purely because he wanted to keep his professional player's tactical acumen as much as possible, and he didn't think about anything else at all.

Seeing Tao Xi sitting beside him, he didn't say much.

At the beginning of the video, a total of 25 teams, consisting of [-] people, landed on the map. The first point Liang Yan watched was the airport. However, in the first game, the Huanyu team landed at the airport. Seeing this scene, Tao Xi immediately became nervous, for fear that the handsome boy would be closed off.

Of course, Liang Yan didn't notice Tao Xi's gaze. He rested his hand on the mouse and quickly changed his perspective on everyone in the airport.

Until the first gunshot sounded, Liang Yan fixed his perspective very accurately on the players who were fighting.

But this happened to be Xiao Kai, the captain of Team Huanyu.

Tao Xixin raised her heart. She had watched the game, so of course she knew who would win and who would lose in this wave. Although she won, this little Kai paid a big price.

I saw Liang Yan read this article over and over many times, sometimes speeding up and sometimes slowing down, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Tao Xi was terrified when he saw Liang Yan, and quickly said: "Actually, it's okay here. Xiaokai played very well here, mainly because his teammates didn't keep up."

Liang Yan hummed, his brows loosened a little, but soon he said: "This wave of Xiaokai made mistakes in decision-making, and he is probably not used to the situation where one person commands the team..."

Tao Xi froze for a moment, looked at Liang Yan, and suddenly found that when this handsome young man was watching the game video, his eyebrows and eyes always seemed to have some seriousness that others did not have, as if this was not a game for him but a job he should do Even the tone of his speech during the analysis is full of seriousness and seriousness.

Tao Xi didn't know what to say for a while. She accompanied Liang Yan to watch the game video for a day, but only watched three of the six games in total.

During this period, Tao Xi saw Liang Yan's terrifying persistence when watching a game. He would check every battle repeatedly, and sometimes even take a piece of white paper to write and draw on it. At a glance, a few vague writings were vaguely seen on it.

Get used to...reckless, too impulsive...etc.

These are probably what everyone showed in this game. Tao Xi didn't know why he remembered this, but he didn't ask.

Tao Xi didn't return home until after dinner in the evening.

Sitting in the living room and chatting with her parents and sister-in-law for a while, Tao Xi suddenly remembered what Liang Yan said in the Internet cafe, and she got up and went back to her room.

Turning on the computer, Tao Xi felt her heart beating a little faster. She actually had some expectations for Liang Yan's words.

Originally it was a familiar account and password, but Tao Xi was so nervous that he entered it wrong twice before logging in.


A crisp sound rang in his ears, and Tao Xi's heart stopped for a moment. A red dot appeared on the left side of the game interface. The moment Tao Xi clicked on it, he saw a familiar ID.

【Dad doesn't want to kill anyone today and agreed to your friend request, let's chat together! 】

Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound from Tao Xi's room, and Tao's father and Tao's mother in the living room were stunned for a moment, and looked at Tao Xi's closed door with some doubts: "Xixi, what's wrong with you? "

"No, it's okay! I accidentally bumped into it, and I'm completely fine!" Tao Xi said in a loud voice, with obvious excitement and excitement in his tone.

Several people in the living room glanced at each other, they all looked confused, not understanding what was going on.

At this time, in the room, Tao Xi was lying on the ground with his legs still resting on the overturned chair, and his expression was still in a daze.

God added me?
Oh my god, heaven pays off, I finally added a friend of the Great God!



At the same time, Tao Xi's cell phone, which was dropped by his hand, suddenly vibrated and lit up, and a series of chat messages flashed across the screen in an instant.

Tao Xi took the phone, and the excitement in her heart instantly cooled down when she saw the chat message.

Liang Shen's cutie: woc!These things on the Internet are too hateful!
Ms. Liang: That’s right, what the hell, our god Liang has already retired, why don’t we let him be sick?
Little Xingxing: I have been working with these people for two days, and I lack backup power, please give me some motivation [Picture] [Picture]

My God Liang is so cute: Little Xing Xing is awesome, wait for me, here I come!
Liang Shentianxiawudi: I'm here too, wait a minute, let's come to Admins!

It was because of this that Tao Xi's cell phone rang for a long time, until she finally spoke in the group and finally stopped.

Liangshen jiojio: All right, all right, I saw it, those people who blackmail us Liangshen will go back, we jelly will never admit defeat!

Little Xingxing: Yes, never admit defeat!


Just like that, the window on Tao Xi's computer was still lit in the center of the screen, but she completely forgot about it, and as soon as she lay down on the bed with her mobile phone, she rushed to Liang Yan's Weibo.

This is a hard-hit area, and every Weibo post is filled with a series of scolding voices.

Although these microblogs were all game information forwarded by Liang Yan when he was still a professional player, these netizens still didn't let go of them all, targeting one by one, crazily cursing the world's recognized number one below.

Tao Xi's heart felt hot when he saw it, and his eyes were a little sour.

She still clearly remembers when Liang Yan led the Huanyu team to rush out of the country and won the first place in the international competition, all the praises on the Internet, everyone was lamenting that a genius appeared in our e-sports career, this is not dissatisfied Teenagers are the light of our e-sports.

But now, it's only been a year or two, and it's just that he left Huanyu and had a little conflict with the team.

These people who stood beside Liang Yan and kept fanning him, liking him, and admiring him all turned against each other and became the ones who stabbed him in the heart.

Tao Xi was angry in her heart, her eyes were red, and she tapped her finger on the screen of the mobile phone in front of her quickly, and a series of hateful words appeared under each sunspot's comment.

Although this will attract more scolding from black people, but if these people's attention is on her, then there will be fewer people scolding Liang Yan. Fans like them can only use this method to protect their idols .

Liang Yan sat in front of the computer, and the game interface of Huangtu was opened. He listened to the music on the game interface with earphones, over and over again. Send any message by herself, as if she didn't see it at all.

But she has never entered the game, Liang Yan was a little surprised by her sudden indifference.

Originally, according to his idea, if he agreed to the friend request, the child would definitely rush to talk to him as soon as he saw it, and he would create a topic even if there was no topic. Otherwise, it would be wrong to persist so many days For what, is it just to add an ID to your friend list?

It should be impossible... Liang Yan thought so.

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