In the evening, Liang Yan sat on a certain seat in the Internet cafe and clicked on a familiar icon. Before he could do anything, he saw Brother Wang walking in from the door, followed by several middle-aged men in overalls.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, tilted his head and opened his mouth and shouted: "Brother Wang!"

Wang Chengdong was stunned for a moment, and after looking around, he saw a young man who slowly stretched out his hand from behind the computer. He was the new network manager of the Internet cafe.

"What's the matter, you haven't gone back to sleep and are waiting to watch the live broadcast?" Wang Chengdong walked over with a smile.

He has a good impression of this child. Although he doesn't know his name, he can tell that this child is a good person.

"Live broadcast?" Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, but didn't react for a while.

"Yeah, you don't know about the top [-] of the Huangtu professional competition today?" Wang Chengdong was a little surprised. He saw Liang Yan playing Huangtu in the Internet cafe more than once. Don't all the kids who play games watch the live broadcast now?

Liang Yan blinked, and there was a moment of blankness in his eyes, followed by a sudden realization.

It turns out that today is the quarter-finals of the Huangtu National League. Hasn't it been nearly a month since the contract with the club was terminated? It's so fast.

Liang Yan lowered his eyes, hiding the trace of helplessness and anger in his eyes.

Wang Chengdong didn't notice his emotions and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "It's okay if you haven't watched it. If you are interested, you can stay and watch today. We will broadcast live on the big screen every professional game in Huangtu. Uncle is here to install the projection board."

Liang Yan nodded and didn't say anything. He, who has just retired from the professional competition, of course knows the result tonight. Even if other teams don't know, Team Huanyu will definitely lose today. Their agreement with their names written on it!
When he heard about this for the first time, Liang Yan was so disappointed and angry that he terminated the contract with the company on the spot.But now, Liang Yan didn't feel anything, and he still had those teammates towards Ran, but his heart to fight together for the championship had been torn apart!


"Hey, is there a professional competition tonight? Internet cafes are starting to pop up again."

"Yeah, I don't know which teams are in the quarterfinals today."

"Huanyu should have one, and the BF team also has one. I don't care about the others. Anyway, these two compete for first and second, and I don't care about anything else."

"That's right, when you mentioned Huanyu, I thought of Bruce Liang. Why do you think he retired?"

"Who knows, let's talk about which Huanyu team members are not strong. Without him, they can enter the top three."

"Hey, I'm just a little curious."


The young people passing by were discussing, Liang Yan's gaze was fixed on the screen, and his fingers hovered over the left mouse button, but he did not make any movements.

There was a slight sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Look, there are so many people who support you in this world, so many people who are waiting for you to win the championship, just for a mere few million, you choose to let them down.

Not being able to win is not terrible, but losing the desire to win is the most terrible thing for you!

Liang Yan pursed her lips, and the anger in her heart that had been suppressed by herself gradually came up again.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Liang Yan did not go back to his hut to rest, but sat on the seat and looked expressionlessly at the huge projection screen that had been set up not far away.

Wang Chengdong didn't know when he touched it, pushed his elbow and asked with a smile, "How is it, isn't it very atmospheric?"

Liang Yan slightly raised his eyebrows and looked around.

The entire Internet cafe is dark, and the ceiling is only lit with a ring-shaped blue-white night light. The lighting is very soft, and the picture on the projection has been adjusted. The entire Internet cafe is already overcrowded at this moment. In order to feel the atmosphere, many people even I would rather stand on the aisle than come to the Internet cafe to watch the game.

He smiled slightly and nodded: "Very good."

"That's right, Tao Xi came up with this method. She will never fail in every game, especially the Huanyu team's game. She will definitely call ten times a day." Wang Chengdong laughed.

Liang Yan was a little surprised, but after thinking about Tao Xi's admiration and liking for him, he also understood.

At 08:30, the live broadcast of the game started on time. The two invited commentators were quite familiar with Liang Yan, and they had played games together before.

As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, he heard a familiar voice.

"Okay, after three months we have ushered in our national league again, and we can see the wonderful operations of professional players again."

"Yes, but unfortunately, we just learned a very regrettable news not long ago."

"Bruce Liang withdrew from Team Universe."

"Yes, this news can be said to give other teams an opportunity, such as the BF team and the Howson team, all have the possibility of surpassing the Huanyu team. It depends on whether everyone can grasp it!"

"Haha, what you said is so strange. Didn't the BF team win the first place when Bruce Liang was here? The Haosen team is also very strong, right?"

"I didn't mean that, please don't over-interpret it!"

"Not much nonsense, let's take a look at the situation of the major teams first. First of all, the last national champion Huanyu team. I believe everyone is familiar with the other players. Next we will talk about their new teammates... "

Listening to the commentary being teased and amused, Liang Yan was slightly dazed.

The members of the Huanyu team quickly flashed on the screen. Standing in the captain's position at position c was the team's deputy sniper, and now it seems that he has been promoted to the main sniper.

In the dim Internet cafe, Liang Yan's eyes were still slightly sour. These people were all people who had fought with him for so many years, but now he has become a bystander watching their doomed failure, which really makes him a little uncomfortable .

"It's normal for Xiao Kai to be the captain, right? Liang Yan said at the beginning that if he stepped down, the captain must be Xiao Kai's!"

A voice suddenly came from behind, not loud, but very clear.

Liang Yan suddenly remembered that when he said these words in an interview, he still covered his face and did not show anything, but those words were sincere, if he backed down...

He retired now, and the captain did give it to Xiao Kai, but he gave him a disgraceful team.

"Okay, we entered the game, and we can see that the Huanyu team and the MVC team jumped to the airport together. This is not like the routine of the Huanyu team in the past. According to Liang Yan, Huanyu is usually used to jumping to places like schools."

"It's just the beginning. It seems that Xiao Kai has completely given up on Bruce Liang's style of play and is trying a new style of play!"

"Yes, let's see if this style of play works. Anyway, Xiao Kai's debut as the new captain should be encouraged!"


The match didn't last long, just as Liang Yan had guessed, the Huanyu team stopped in the top sixteen and was rejected by the top eight.

This is something that all the fans didn't expect. Although the Huanyu team's state has indeed declined recently, it hurts the hearts of fans not to even make it to the quarterfinals.

For a while, not only in the live broadcast room, but also on the Internet, there were netizens who scolded Team Huanyu.

At the beginning, they simply scolded the team for not being up to date, but in the end, they didn't know who started it, and they blamed Liang Yan for everything.

Liang Yan didn't take it seriously at first, completely treating this kind of comment as air.

But he never expected that this matter would intensify, and even many black fans went to Liang Yan's Weibo to blackmail him, and the words they said were very ugly.

Even so, Liang Yan still didn't reply, as if the whole person disappeared, and didn't speak at all.

Drop drop-

QQ suddenly had a series of ringing, Liang Yan paused for a moment, looked at the message and found that it was the second brother's message, he thought for a while and finally clicked on the message box.

The news of the second brother flashed frantically.

Liang Ergou: What's your situation? You've been scolded crazy on Weibo, so you just swallow your anger?
Liang Ergou: Are you still my younger brother?Are you still Liang Yan?Why are you so patient now?
Liang Ergou: Why don't you clarify, look at what your teammates said [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

Liang Yan clicked on the three pictures. It was no surprise that these were Weibo posts from his former good teammates. Literally, you would never see that they were fighting, but their actual intentions had to be thought-provoking.

For example, their team's deputy assault.

Team Huanyu—Yueya: Don't talk about Brother Liang, this failure is not the reason for Brother Liang. Although we are all very sad about his departure, I will still take every game of mine seriously!

At first glance, this sentence seems very affectionate, but in fact it added a lot of color to the scolding on his Weibo behind the scenes.

Liang Yan's expression didn't change at all. After turning off the picture, he silently replied to his second brother: "Don't worry about these things, I have my own thoughts, so don't interfere."

After finishing speaking, Liang Yan closed the chat box.

From the beginning to the end, there was nothing wrong with his expression, as if he was not the Liang Yan who was scolded so much at all, but in fact only he himself knew what he was thinking right now.

Those pictures are all his former teammates, the people he gave 100% confidence in, and now he has left and parted ways with them, that's how they stabbed him in the back!

"Boss, two hours."

Suddenly a white and tender hand appeared on the bar counter.

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, a familiar little curly hair hit his pupils first, followed by a face that was swollen even with a mask on, and the exposed eyes were watery. She looked at him seriously.

Looking at that face in silence for a while, Liang Yan slightly pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow: "What's wrong with your... face? How did you do it?"

Tao Xi rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth hard.

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