"What are you arguing about?"

The door of the e-sports club opened again, and a boy walked in, frowning and looking at the banner.

Tao Xi recognized it, and this day was the president of the e-sports club who played a smooth game last time.

Sure enough, the president immediately said, "What's the matter with these banners? As I said, the internal conflicts that can't be solved in the e-sports club can be solved in the game, and now they have developed to this point? Who proposed the banners?"

The president seems to be very important in the club, and the boys who were making a bunch of hippie smiles just now are silent now.

Guo Zhi bit the bullet and said, "President, Xiao Jun has suffered so many grievances, we want to help her find her place..."

Some people opened their mouths, and the rest of them also chattered.

The president frowned, "Get back the place? Do you think this is a social place or a 985 university?"

This sentence made the boys ashamed.Then, I heard the president say, "Put everything away now. Also, there is not only one girl in our club."

When Zhang Xiaojun heard this, his eyes moved, feeling a little uncomfortable.The president obviously said this to her, as if telling them not to form cliques.

She hurried over to clean it up together, not forgetting to apologize to the president, "It's my fault...it's all caused by me..."

The president glanced at her and said, "Just don't make such a thing happen in the future."

Zhang Xiaojun had a guilty conscience, and after hearing what the president said, she didn't know what kind of "this kind of thing" was.

When Tao Xi heard the president's words, she silently compared Fu Xin with a thumbs up. The president spoke with standards, and she couldn't argue with Zhang Xiaojun's words, and the words were puns, as if to say, " You stole other people's boyfriends, don't make trouble in the club", and it seemed to say "I know the banner incident was also instigated by you, so don't do it in the future", in short, Zhang Xiaojun looks very aggrieved now Wonderful.

However, the person who can be the goddess of the e-sports club is still very powerful. He immediately recovered his face and returned to the position just now. "Since everyone is here, let's start now?"

"Wait a minute, I haven't said how to be sure about my teammates." A boy from behind chattered, "I don't want to be on the same team with the two of them!"

"I don't want to either!"

"You think I want to?"

The girls who were neutral before were the ones who looked at me and I looked at you, and they were unwilling to openly stand against the e-sports club.

At this time, Tao Xi missed Xiao Chang a little bit. If it was him, he would still shout to be with them at this time.But this careless person didn't know why he didn't come, most likely he was late.It was the same when he was working at his own home. Nine times out of ten, he would be late. Thanks to his night shift, it was no big deal if he was late, even if he arrived on time, his attendance wages were almost all deducted.

The president knocked on the table, and just about to speak, he saw Zhang Xiaojun saying, "It's better like this, let's draw lots to decide. This is also fair, don't you think so?"

"It's fair, isn't your supporter coming to our team all scammers?" Fu Xinke said straightly.

Zhang Xiaojun seemed to have expected her to say this long ago, and said, "The game principle of the e-sports club is fairness and justice. Although we have conflicts in private, we will definitely not be partial on the field."

Having said that, Zhang Xiaojun looked at the president, "President, are you right?"

The president nodded.

Fu Xinke sneered, and wanted to say something, but was pulled by Tao Xi and shook his head.

Tao Xi said, "Then draw lots to decide."

"I have some paper here. I must have me on my side. Three teammates are missing. Your side is you and Fu Xinke. Two teammates are missing. There are a total of 24 people present, and there are three 1's and two 2. Those who draw 1 will be on my team, and those who have drawn 2 will be on your team. The rest are blank papers and don’t need to participate. Those who don’t want to compete don’t have to draw lots. Do you think this is acceptable?”

Seeing Tao Xi nodding, Zhang Xiaojun showed a smile, nodded to the boy beside him and said, "Then please take out the lottery paper we prepared."

The boy took out the things, and the people behind Zhang Xiaojun were eager to draw lots.Suddenly the door slammed, and the person who came in had disheveled hair and messy clothes, "Sorry, I'm late...haven't started yet?"

Who is the person who is not Xiao Chang?

Tao Xi looked at his head like a chicken coop, thinking that the purpose of his coming here was to pick up girls, so she twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling that he was hopeless in this life.However, when he turned his head to look, the girls in the e-sports club were very excited, and they couldn't let him go.

Take a closer look, in fact, this kid looks pretty good.Sure enough, the external condition is the hardware, no matter how you do it, it won't make any difference.

"Is there a lottery?"

Zhang Xiaojun also nodded, and said with a smile, "Do you want to come too?"

"Of course, sister Tao Xi is still waiting for my rescue." Xiao Chang smiled playfully, as if he didn't know that she and Tao Xi were opposites.

Zhang Xiaojun's smile was really forced.

"Is there a lottery here?" As he said, Xiao Chang took a ball of paper casually.

Tao Xi could still hear Fu Xinke muttering, "Don't be 2, don't be 2, don't be 2..."

She couldn't help but want to laugh, there are so many paper balls, 2 is only two, maybe it is 1.

At this time, Xiao Chang heard "Hey", "What does 2 mean?"

Tao Xi didn't explain, because at this moment Fu Xinke grabbed her clothes and asked her, "Am I dreaming now? The ten-game losing streak really came to our team?"

Zhang Xiaojun's ugly face returned to normal, and said with a smile, "You and Tao Xi are on the same team."

Xiao Chang cheered, and ran to Tao Xi and Fu Xinke, "Sister, how about it, isn't it great to have a strong teammate like me?"

Fu Xin was not in the mood to complain about Xiao Chang, and grabbed Tao Xi's hand, wanting to cry, "Xixi, tell me quickly, you can drag two with one!"

Before Tao Xi had time to answer, Zhang Xiaojun said in surprise, "Hey, President...you, you plan to draw lots too?"

The president smiled lightly, "It's been a long time since it's so lively, I want to try it too." As he said that, he also took a paper ball in his hand.

I don't know if it was because of the president's accidental joining, Zhang Xiaojun's face was not very good.

The lottery is over.

Because there is going to be a game today, those who plan to play the game have brought their notebooks and are sitting in the middle of the meeting room.Because of the particularity of the chicken eating game, everyone is relatively separated.

But... Tao Xi was also a little surprised.Because of the game Chicken Eater, it is forbidden to peek at other people's screens in the e-sports circle, because this is also a kind of cheating.Originally, she had already prepared that Zhang Xiaojun would use the spy screen to cheat and cooperate, but she didn't expect that everyone was so disciplined, and the favorability of the president also increased a bit.

But I don't know who my remaining teammates are, because I haven't shown up for a long time, probably except for Xiao Chang, who has lost his nerve at some point, no one is willing to openly stand on the "opposite side" of the club.Even if he thought so, Tao Xi couldn't help but look forward to it. It would be great if his teammate was the president, after all, he looked very powerful.

Tao Xi couldn't help but cast another glance at the president who was sitting by the side.

Several people swiped their cards and entered the room, Xiao Chang was very excited, "It's the first time I play this game with someone I know, does it feel different?"

Fu Xinke rolled his eyes and complained, "Of course it will be different."

"Why is it different?" Xiao Chang asked enthusiastically.

"The teammates who wanted to beat you couldn't beat you before, but now it's different." Fu Xinke said coldly.


The competition officially started, and Tao Xi did a simple finger movement.

In this match, you can only win but not lose!
"Only win."

Tao Xi tilted her head, it was Fu Xinke who spoke.

Seeing her looking over, she smiled slightly, "Come on."

Loading character...

Tao Xi chose the most played character recently, the character that both Dashen and Liang Yan like, the sniper KILLER.

She glanced at the list of teammates, [Liang Yan's jiojio] [Langwei Xianji] [Salt Baked Star Cup] [You hide it from me]
I hope you are not lying to me about this.

Tao Xi thought so, directing the skydive.

There were 12 teams on the field. Tao Xi didn't have the eyesight of a great god, and he couldn't tell whether Zhang Xiaojun and the others parachuted ahead.When passing the airport, Xiao Chang was quite excited and kept asking, "Should I dance? Should I dance? Should I dance?"

Tao Xi bit her lip, the airport was rich in supplies, but in their survival situation, it was not always good to have abundant supplies.

"Don't jump." Tao Xi chose to be more steady.

After passing through a small town, Tao Xi gave the order to skydive.

For the twelve groups of bureaus, the map has been reduced by half, and there are even fewer things in small towns.

Tao Xi usually played [-]-player games, so he obviously didn't expect this situation, and he regretted that he didn't parachute when he passed the port town just now. There are more things than now.

"Wow, there are motorcycles over there!" Xiao Chang saw it, and went there excitedly.

Tao Xi originally wanted to stop him, but he thought it would be nice to have a means of transportation, so he let him go.

She wanted to arrange a mission, but saw that [you hide it from me] had gone to explore by herself.Well, as soon as we got down, half of the people didn't obey the command.

Fu Xin could play as an assaulter, she said, "Xiao Chang and I went there, he is our medical soldier, don't die first."

Tao Xi nodded, and slowly explored by herself.

Tao Xi picked up a few blue outfits and put them on. She regretted that she chose KILLER. There was only one gun in her hand, so she didn't feel safe... Then she saw Fu Xin Ke and Xiao Chang came out of the grass on a motorcycle.

"Xixi, do you want to get in the car? The poison circle will be refreshed soon, so we should hurry to another city, right?"

Tao Xi always felt that the motorcycle was a living target, and said, "Shall we run over there?"

Xiao Chang had a bitter face, "The motorcycle is the second face of a man, how can you just throw it away?" But he also had the self-consciousness of being a fool, so he got out of the car anyway, "But sister Tao Xi is the conductor, you say What is what."

As soon as the words fell, a "ding" was heard, and the poison circle was refreshed.

Tao Xi quickly glanced at the map.

Hey, the circle of scourge.

It couldn't be worse with no gear and the furthest away.

"Get in the car." Tao Xi finally said.

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