Tao Xi followed the Great God, thinking about what Chocolate said before, she said timidly, "I won't be with you next time, right? It seems to be hindering you."

The great god led her all the way, and when he heard this, he turned his head and glanced at her slightly, and said, "Why do you say that?"

The Great God didn't stop moving, as if what he said just now was just casually.

"It seems to be holding you back."

"As long as you know."


She shouldn't have fantasized about what good things the Great God can say!

"So," the great master took out the gun he just picked up casually, and dealt with a player who was peeping outside the door, and said, "Practice your skills well, even if you can't be super god, don't hold back."

Tao Xi's face turned red, the Great God made sense.She can't always lie down and call 666 like this.

She nodded. Just as she was about to speak, she heard gunshots, and then the blood bar dropped. When she looked down, she was indeed bleeding.They are still in the house, there is no one around, and the player they accidentally met just now was also killed by the master, so there is only one possibility - they have been sniped.

Fortunately, in the early stage of the game, the pressure from the guns was not too great, and Tao Xi only barely lost one-third of his health.

But this is already very painful, and I don't know who the other party is.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a voice outside, "Hey, the one hit was a peach."

He is probably holding a magnifying glass, and his tone is a little more comfortable at the moment, "Sir, don't play with your gun, you have a rifle in your hand, and the range is not enough. You should take Taozi and leave quickly, otherwise I don't know if I will There will be an impulse to deal with the girl first. You know, I usually don't take pity on women."

Tao Xi stammered, "What, what should I do?"

"Don't pay attention to him, let's go."


Isn't the other party provocative, just ignore him and just leave?Didn't he threaten to kill himself... To tell you the truth, Tao Xi feels a little cold behind her now standing here.

"Playing hard to get." Da Shen said, "If he has the ability to shoot you to death, he won't talk about it—" At this point, Da Shen frowned and said, "Don't stand by the window, come here."

"Oh..." Tao Xi followed the instructions and went there.

Then I heard the great god explain: "The window is easy to be sniped. In the direction you were standing just now, Old Xu lost at most half of you. You follow my footsteps, we are going out."

For some unknown reason, the Great God paused, and added, "They should have landed after us. Seeing that we want to fight directly, Old Xu's style is to like excitement. If it is a shooting star, they may choose the small The town will develop first."

Tao Xi half-understood, the Great God glanced at her, with a taste of resentment, "Didn't you just say you won't hold back?"

Tao Xi was stunned, "So you said these words for me?"

"..." This time it was Liang Yan's turn to be speechless. He knew that Tao Xi would sometimes look very dumb, but he didn't expect to be so dumb.

Seeing that the Great God was silent, Tao Xi scratched her hair, "But what's the use of knowing this?"

Liang Yan sighed, and explained, "Everyone has their own style, and the tactics they formulate are the same. Old Xu likes to be exciting, so he doesn't play cards according to common sense. The strategy may be that he comes to tease, and other people look for supplies, wretched Develop, and then take away one person in a wave. Meteor's style is more cautious, and it is most likely to form a team of two or two, and the teamwork will not be too far away. When you meet, be careful of being buried in the line."

Tao Xi realized that Liang Yan was teaching her combat awareness, which was a valuable experience of the Great God, so she hurriedly hummed twice.

She was about to listen to him continue, but unexpectedly, the Great God stopped talking, "It's enough for this game to know this. Let's go."

"What about the style of brushing clothes?" Tao Xi couldn't help asking behind him.

"Her? There are subtleties in the rough, and the main one is reckless."

"Huh?" Tao Xi rubbed her nose, which didn't sound like a good word.Since this is the evaluation, why should she direct?And looking at the strategy she formulated now, it is also quite satisfactory. Everyone develops secretly, those with poor skills are the first to follow, and those with good skills are like masters, so they just play as they please.Doesn't seem like it's reckless?
Probably seeing Tao Xi's doubts, Da Shen said, "Whether you are reckless or not, you will understand in the later stage. When she is not under pressure, she is reckless and her skills are very dazzling. You can pay attention to it."

It didn't take long for the great master to finish this sentence, and Tao Xi fully understood what the phrase "reckless technology is very dazzling" meant.

The schedule was only in the middle and late stages, and the two teams met on a narrow road. Although Chocolate was a sniper, his aim was poor. After firing a few empty shots, he was directed by Fu Yi to interfere.

In the rain of guns and bullets on both sides, Fu Yi directed Liang Yan to outflank, and rushed forward by himself, not knowing how to avoid serious injuries, Tao Xi felt a pain in the flesh when he saw the blood streaks falling, and could only desperately Counting your own medical kits is not enough.

In the dust, Tao Xi couldn't see the movement clearly, but Fuyi supported Sleeping Brother's shoulder with one hand. ] intends to fight directly.

The so-called gun fight means that two people shoot at each other to see who will die first. In fact, it is selling blood with blood.It usually happens when two people have confidence in their own firepower or skills. This kind of thing basically never happens in official games, because no player will take this kind of bet.But it is common in games. After all, this kind of gameplay is exciting, and the sense of accomplishment is very high after winning the bet.

However, Meteor seems to react faster. At the same time Mr. Tofu was headshot, he had already entered the room, and Fuyi raised his hand to change into a sniper rifle. The whole movement was smooth and smooth, less than a second. Secretly admired, when he looked up, he only saw that Meteor's blood volume had dropped by a quarter.

The firepower of the sniper rifle in Fuyi's hand dropped by a quarter, probably because the gun she raised her hand was only scratched.

Tao Xi thought that Fuyi's hand speed was fast enough, and thought that Meteor would kneel directly, but he was faster and dodged the aiming.

She thought the ambush was over, although the head of the shooting star that Fuyi had mentioned had not been recovered, at least Lord Tofu had already died.However, just as she was relieved, gunshots rang out in the house she was hiding in.

"Go! Peach!"

Before Tao Xi had time to react, she watched helplessly as the chocolate turned into a box in front of her.

what's the situation?
Before she could ask, she felt a strong force in her hand, and she was rolled from one side of the bed to the other side of the bed, and then her head was pushed down.

"The reaction is very fast, forget it. Let's go."

There was a sound of guns being closed outside the door, and then footsteps, as if people had really left.

"What's going on?" Tao Xi subconsciously asked.

The person who pressed her just now is undoubtedly the great god she has been following.

The Great God's expression was natural, "It's nothing, his firepower is not enough for me, he dare not fight with the gun, and now he is leaving."

"Oh..." Just as Tao Xi was about to stand up, she saw that the Great God had already set up the gun. She wanted to ask, but saw the Great God made a silent gesture.

Suddenly there was another voice from outside, it was the boy chuckling, "I won't fight you psychologically anymore, anyway, there are people around you, which slow down your rhythm. I'm leaving, bye."

After saying this, Liang Yan put away his gun.

Tao Xi was still confused: "Master, just now...?"

"Ambush by snails. They used meteors as bait and targeted me. But they were blocked by chocolate."

After the great master introduced the situation concisely and clearly, Tao Xi stood up and looked around the room. Their room is small, and the box of chocolates just now is on the other side of the bed.

This room is cramped, and it was too small to accommodate two people. When she thought about coming here just now, she probably didn't realize that besides Liang Yan, there was her in the room. She wanted to hide, but she was forced here by herself. There was no room for escape. No, it was headshot by a snail.

But speaking of it, the snail doesn't seem to be in this style?Did he also lend his account card to others?
"No, he is not in a good mood recently."

Tao Xi heard the great god's explanation, and then realized that she accidentally said what was in her heart just now.

She stuck out her tongue, intending to leave here.

The sound of footsteps coming from outside made Tao Xi feel a little nervous, and was patted lightly by the Almighty.

Tao Xi was slightly taken aback, is this God's comfort?

Before she could figure it out, a voice came from over there.

"Peach, are you there?"

It's the sound of flicking clothes!

Tao Xi responded quickly and opened the door for someone.

Fuyi just walked up the stairs, saw Tao Xi, and smiled, "Sorry, I was too aggressive with Meteor just now, I forgot that they might be making noise. I didn't realize it until I saw the boxes of chocolates."

"It's okay, it's just a game." Da Shen said, "Besides, he is not your teammate, so I guess this tactic also has his credit."

"What, what?" Tao Xi listened to them like trying to guess riddles.

Fuyi glanced at the Great God, and heard the Great God say, "Fuyi and Tofu are friends, they often play games, and this time they are rivals."

Tao Xi understood, "But why did Fuyi target the meteor?" After all, the opponent's tactic was to lure the meteor as bait, so they were so sure that Fuyi would target the meteor?Feeling... Is there something between the two of them?
But I didn't see any communication between the two in the room just now?

Probably seeing what was going on in Tao Xi's mind, this time it was Fu Yi who answered, "He beat me a few times, so he wants to get my heads back a few times."


This answer is really...unexpected, but reasonable.Tao Xi twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling that she could not understand the world of these great gods.

"The times Meteor won were all routines, Fu Yi." Da Shen said.

Now I understand, it is estimated that Meteor is playing tactics with a dirty heart. At that time, the girl was not convinced when she lost, and wanted to beat him, but she didn't win.So now he is the target on the battlefield.

"There's nothing wrong with this house. There's a garage downstairs. Is there a cab?" Fu Yi asked suddenly, probably unwilling to continue the topic.

"Shou." The Great God nodded, "We have to cross the bridge in a while, prepare smoke bombs and grenades, and dirty the other party."

"it is good."

After Fuyi finished speaking, he went downstairs first.

Tao Xi subconsciously followed the Great God, but this time the Great God would not let her follow, "You stay on guard in the garage, and if someone comes, first set off the smoke bombs and then signal, and I will come when I see it."

It was the first time that Tao Xi was entrusted with an important task, and she was a little excited, so she quickly made an OK gesture.

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