Fairy husband, you are so cute

Chapter 80 Prelude to Revenge

"Ji'er is your daughter? Oh! What a pleasure to cooperate!" Domamu held King Yan's hand, as affectionately as a former comrade-in-arms.

"What a good boy! If it weren't for you, we really wouldn't be able to figure out how to break the dream formation! Your next blow was so timely!" Yan Wang affectionately patted Dormammu on the shoulder.

Brigitte couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly: "Father, my two divine swords are almost ready to be baked, I can't wait to use them!"

She couldn't wait to get revenge!But she didn't want Yan Wang and Mei Ji to worry, and she didn't want them to stop her from taking revenge.

"Ji'er is going to take a sword..." Dormammu's foot was stepped on hard by Bi Ji, the pain made him break out in cold sweat, he immediately came to his senses and changed his words: "Playing with power..."

"Oh, of course this magical weapon is very powerful! Only our dungeon can forge it, don't even think about it in other places!" Yan Wang triumphantly praised the dungeon's forging technology.

"Father! I need it urgently!"

"Oh, then go pick up the sword and temper it by yourself. Wu Wang and I will have some tea and chat here!" King Yan knew that Bi Ji was a good sword maker, so he let her go. The future son-in-law will chat.

When Brigitte saw that King Yan was so affectionate to Domamu, she must have thought that she and him were in a relationship, but at this moment, her heart was so sad and painful that she couldn't do anything about it, so she let it go.

Traveling through a space, she has come to the tempering room of the dungeon, where two blue transparent sword embryos that are almost formed lie in the casting box, shining brightly.

So she injected a lot of spiritual power into it to awaken its spirituality, and carved exquisite dragon-shaped patterns on the surface of the sword.

In the end, two extremely sharp and radiant dragon armor swords were born.

Brigitte used her mental power to direct the sword body to dance and fight deftly in the air. For a moment, it was like a firework.

"Excellent sword! The kyanite I found so hard is not in vain. The material is enough to make the whole sword transparent and wrapped in aura!" Brigitte fitted the dragon armor sword with a scabbard and went back to the main hall to find Doma. m.

King Yan and Mei Ji had a happy chat with Domamu, and Bi Ji threw the sword to Domamu with a cold face and said, "Let's go! Go and try the power of the sword."

Domamu hurriedly bowed with his sword in his arms and said, "Your Majesty King Yan, Queen Meiji, let's talk next time."

"Okay, okay! Come and play often!" Yan Wang got up to send them away, turned around and said to Meiji seriously: "Ji'er looks wrong today, did that happen already?"

Meiji felt sad from her heart, wiped her tears and said: "Poor child, we can only abide by the agreement with Xingchen and not interfere."

"Everything will be fine!" King Yan comforted.

Here, Brigitte pulled Dormammu through the space gate to the sky above the Black Magic Empire. The layout here was exactly the same as the scenery in the Demented Dream, even the small mill.

Seeing the little mill, and recalling the time with Yan Xi back then, Bi Ji's heart ached sharply again, and tears welled up.

I'm afraid I have to gouge out my heart to heal this kind of hurt...

Brigitte wiped away the disappointing tears on her face, and asked, "How do we go now!"

"There is a teleportation array in my castle that can go directly to the basement of the palace. Come on, I'll take you there." Domamu led the flight.

When I came near the castle, I saw a group of people cleaning up the sources of infection such as zombies, mutant creatures, and vegetative people in the castle.

"What's going on here? I'll go and see, you wait here." Dormammu was very dissatisfied with someone entering his house privately, and turned into a black mist and flew towards the castle.

Dormammu, who was hiding in the dark, heard the black magician and his companions chatting while commanding the cleanup.

"What kind of world are you talking about? Now a low-level superhuman can live in such a big castle. Those of us who work hard all day can't afford three meals a day."

"Exactly, why! I heard that he kidnapped his son and betrayed his ex-wife just for this castle!"

"Hmph, I've heard that too. I heard that the woman can make fruit juice that removes the evil energy from crystal nuclei."

"It seems to be called Ji."

Hearing this, Domamu understood that it was Xihua who kidnapped Ling'er, and he immediately returned to Bi Ji.

"They said that your ex-husband Xihua tied up Ling'er and gave Jasmine a place to live in my big castle." Domamu looked angry.

"Hmm! I see!" Bi Ji approached a terrifying calmness, and in her heart she had already marked Xihua as a killer.

"Let's go to the castle attic first, enter the underground shelter and settle accounts with them!"


Brigitte used invisibility to quietly follow Dormammu into the underground prison of the palace.

The prison was still full of mutated zombies, and the rotten smell was so high that Brigitte frowned, thinking: What kind of disgusting joke is this Jasmine, who actually raises zombies in captivity.

"Let's go! Let's go directly to the queen's bedroom." Domamu turned into a black mist and led the way.

"Do you think she will be there? She is not afraid of me coming to her?" Brigitte felt that there was little hope of finding Jasmine directly.

"Look at it first!"

Jasmine's bedroom is resplendent and luxurious, and the maids are busy with daily cleaning.The two walked around the bedroom hiding their tracks, but they didn't find Jasmine.

So they searched around in the palace, and when they arrived at De Lie's bedroom, they found Jin Li lying on the big bed, sleeping with De Lie hugging each other.

Alas, hot eyes, this meeting is disheveled again, Jin Li is trying to make the most of her body capital!

Brigitte turned her head away to look, but found that Dormammu stopped beside Jin Li and refused to leave.

It was almost midnight at this time, Jin Li's charm was useless to women, Brigitte was not affected, but Dormammu was attracted by Jin Li, staring at her with bright eyes.

At this time, Dormammu was foggy, and Brigitte didn't know why he didn't leave, so she could only stand blankly by him.

Dormammu didn't wake up until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, led Brigitte to the secret place and turned back into a human body, and whispered: "Damn, this woman has something tricky on her body, I was so seduced by her that I couldn't move my body until twelve o'clock." It was released."

"Oh? Charm ability? Luckily, there is a time limit, otherwise you men will be in danger!" Brigitte smiled, she didn't envy this ability at all, it was too exhausting.

"Let's go, find a place to spend the night. I think Jasmine is hiding. When there are many people in the morning tomorrow, maybe I can find out where Jasmine is hiding." Domamu was a little sleepy.

"Then you go to my space to rest, I'll find someone." Bi Ji suggested, she didn't want to sleep, and she couldn't sleep, she wanted to find the bastard who betrayed her and Ling'er.

"Huh? Looking for Xihua? I'll go too!" Dormammu lost all sleepiness. He had never seen Brigitte's ex-husband, so he was very curious.

"Okay! Come with me!" Brigitte remembered that she found a housing allocation office when she was wandering around the palace just now, and she might be able to find Xihua's residence.

The two sneaked into the office, searched the information and computer, and found an electronic map. After searching, the result showed that Xihua was currently living in villa No. 4, Dongbianba Road.

"Look, it's right here on the map!" Brigitte pointed out the location of the villa on the map, "I'll tie him back to the space later, you help me to torture him! I don't want to show up!"

"No problem, I'm the most like a bandit." Dormammu smiled wickedly, it will be interesting later.

There are few pedestrians in the underground shelter in the middle of the night, and there are even fewer people on the road in the high-end villa area, and the dim streetlights are reflected on the wet stone brick road.

The two flew forward and found Xihua's villa easily according to the road signs.

There is a wedding photo of him and Jin Li hanging in Xihua's bedroom, and he is smiling brightly.

"Sure enough, the charm is boundless. My husband is asleep at home, and she is on Dajin's main bed." Bi Ji sneered, and slapped Xihua who was sleeping like a pig unconscious with her palm.

The two carried Xihua back to the cave in the space, bound him tightly, splashed cold water on him, and began to torture him.

They wore vampire masks, held instruments of torture, burned a high fire, and roasted red irons.

This posture made Xihua scream in horror: "Don't! Don't kill me. I'll give you whatever you want!"

This guy is too spineless!Can't take him too cheap.

Brigitte couldn't help saying that she gave him a few whips first, which made him scream in pain.

"Say! How did you get the big castle!" Dormammu threatened him with a vicious voice.

"I can't bear it, I just gave a child to the queen." Xihua said weeping.

"Why are children so valuable! Our brothers are also going to catch a few!"

"No, he is my son and lives with my ex-wife. The queen is using him to blackmail her ex-wife in order to obtain a fruit juice that can remove the evil energy of the crystal nucleus!"

"What fruit juice is so valuable! It's worth a castle! You lied to me!" Dormammu deliberately didn't believe it, and slapped him, causing his nose to bleed.

"I don't know either! The queen promised to exchange the castle for my son!" Xihua frantically defended.

"Isn't your son living with his ex-wife? There are zombies outside, you have the ability to bring it to the queen! If you don't make it clear, you are lying to me! Lying to me means disrespecting me. I hate people who disrespect me and those who disrespect me the most." They're all dead!" Domamu gestured at Xihua's face with a sharp knife, thinking to himself: Damn you, dare to bully my goddess and rob my castle, I will torture you at all.

"I said, I'm telling the truth! Someone from the empire accepted us in the doomsday fortress. After entering, my sister turned into an ex-wife and tricked Ling'er out. She and I sent Ling'er to the speeding car back to the empire. My sister stayed. Changed into Linger's aftermath. That's it, it's true! Don't kill me!" Xihua begged.

Brigitte looked at Xihua coldly, as if looking at a dying person, and asked in a depressed voice, "Where's your sister?"

"Still in the Doomsday Fortress, the city is closed and you can't get out!"

"Your sister is amazing. She turned into your ex-wife and your son again. What supernatural powers does she have? Catch her and order her around! If you use it well, I'm happy, maybe you'll spare your life!" Domamu felt that this transformation People are a big hidden danger, and they must be eliminated.

"Hey, she is a mutant zombie who can transform! After the queen eliminated her desire to eat meat, she will be like a normal person, able to talk and eat. I'm afraid she has been caught by the magic guild now..." Xi Hua also has the ability to find Xihua, if he can find Xihua, he is willing to use her in exchange for his own life.

"That's a pity, it's useless to keep you! Procrastinate and kill!" Seeing that he had finished asking all the questions that should be asked, Domamu was ready to call it a day.

"Don't kill me, I know a big secret! You can make a lot of money!" Xihua tried his best to save his life.

"Oh? Say it!"

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