Fairy husband, you are so cute

Chapter 13 Ripe Magic Fruit

"This pink flower tree is a magic fruit tree, how long will it take to bear fruit?" Brigitte stopped under the tree to appreciate it, amazed.

"It will take half a year for the fruit to mature. If transplanted, it may not bear fruit this season. The magic fruit trees all over the world bloom at this time, and it will take another half a year to bear fruit."

"Then there will be no magic fruit ripening this season. What a pity." Brigitte thought to herself: If these trees can be kept in her space, they will surely bear fruit.

Yan Xi's mansion is 5 stories high, the first floor covers an area of ​​1000 square meters. The mansion is both Yan Xi's residence and the office of the magic mansion.

"Tonight you will live in the suite on the 5th floor. I live next door, call me if you need anything." Yan Xi still had a lot of things to do about the doomsday fortress and evacuation, so she asked Brigitte and the others to go back to their room early to rest.

"Okay!" Bi Ji also wanted to buy time to plant the seedlings and seeds she bought back at night. After helping Ling'er take a bath and put him to sleep, she was shocked by the situation inside the space when she entered the space. The seeds of the magic fruit trees planted late have grown into big trees and sprouted flower buds, and ordinary vegetables and fruits can already be harvested.It seems that the plants in this space can be quickly grown in one day.

Brigitte came to the Lingquan River and took a sip of it. The spring water was full of aura, and she felt refreshed after drinking it. She thought: This Lingquan is really a treasure. If you pour it into the magic fruit tree in the mansion, it should be able to drink immediately Result.I'd better put the two big villas in place first, and then plant the seeds I bought tonight.

So, she placed the two villas next to the magic fruit forest, and then planted some beautiful exotic flowers, spirit trees and shrub fruits around the two villas to decorate the yard of the villas.

After she finished all the things that should be raised, she remembered the magic that she had never practiced before, and thought: tonight, I must put metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, space, transformation, control Try both physical and mind control spells, starting with fire.

She chanted the spell and focused her attention on her left hand, a ball of fire burst out from her palm, increasing the output of magic power and the fire ball became bigger, throwing it out scorched a large area of ​​grass.I thought: the firepower is good, it can burn many junior zombies to death.Our Violet family is probably best at space magic.Tomorrow I'm going to open the doors of Yidatong's space. I don't know if I can open them all. I have to practice quickly.

She controlled and opened a door of space with her mind, and walked in to reach the location of the spring of Lingquan.She retreated from the door to her original position, and opened another space door leading to the crystal mulberry forest. She walked in and arrived there, and saw the crystal silkworms were busy eating mulberry leaves, all of them were fat, big and transparent. Green leaves that have not been digested can be seen in the stomach.

Brigitte opened thirty more windows one after another, and finally she was too tired to open any more. "What's going on? I feel that the strength in my body is completely exhausted, and I'm hungry and thirsty."

She filled a cup with a cup of spiritual spring water, sat by the river and drank it down. She felt less thirsty, but was still very hungry. She ate some apples, but it was useless. She thought: Do I need to eat magic fruit?But the magic fruit in my space has just grown a flower bud, why not go out and water the magic fruit tree in the courtyard of the mansion with the spiritual spring, won’t there be fruits to eat?Yes, here we go!

Brigitte went out of the space, directly opened the door to the magic fruit in the suite, and passed through to let the spiritual spring water flow into the root of the magic fruit tree.The magic fruit tree drank the spiritual spring vigorously, and the tree was glowing with a faint purple light.After 5 minutes, the flowers of the fruit tree fell and began to bear fruit.

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