The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 6 Login, Team Rocket Minions!

The base of the Rockets in Nibi City is divided into three floors. Of course, they are all three floors underground.

The first floor is the living area for many basic activities of the Rockets, including mission halls, exchanges, logistics offices, dormitories, etc.

The second floor is the training center where the Rockets cultivate Pokémon, the warehouse, and the rest area for many captains.There are also many training venues on the second floor, where you must pay enough points to enter the training.Rockets elite players are not eligible to enter.

The third layer is the research layer where the Rockets' researchers are located. Many of the Rockets' black technologies and genetic products are researched and produced here.The Rockets' medical facility is also on this floor.There are special elevators leading to the first and second floors in the medical area.Only researchers and cadres above the level of team leader can enter this level.Ordinary Rockets members must have a pass to enter.

Li Mu is now at the deepest part of the first floor, which is also the junction of the first floor and the second floor.

One of the most important structures in every Rocket base, where all Team Rocket members resupply.Only points are the common currency here.

The logistics department is a well-regulated office room. There are many people who are busy in it, recording data and supplementing resources. Some Pokémon scattered outside reveal strong energy fluctuations and bloody murderous aura.

"Hello, senior. I am a newcomer under Lord Dace. I have tamed the Pokmon I just got. Come and register." Li Mu entered the room and walked to a middle-aged man who was recording data.

"Dace? Oh, that kid, it's hard to be under his hands." The man raised his head and glanced at Li Mu, his eyes full of pity. "My name is Kun, and I'm the deputy director of the logistics department. Nice to meet you, little guy.

"Name, age, what is the Pokmon."

"Li Mu, age 12, Pokémon is stinky." Li Mu took out a Pokémon ball from his pocket, and stuffed Arbor Snake's Pokémon ball deep into his pocket.

"Smelly mud?" Director Kun's expression changed, and he stopped Li Mu's attempt to open the Pokémon ball. "If you don't get eaten, you pass the level."

Kun took out a small backpack from under the table.

"This is the folding bag, which contains your rewards and a brief introduction to the tasks you will perform next."

Li Mu opened the backpack, and inside was a small space, about 1 cubic meter, with two sets of black uniforms, three black Pokémon balls with the letter R in red, a piece of paper and a map.

After stretching his waist, Kun recorded Li Mu's information on paper, then entered it into the computer and took a card from the machine next to him.

"This is your alliance identity card. You can fool ordinary policemen, but you can only see your luck when you meet Junsha who is proficient in tracking." Kun smiled and handed the card to Li Mu. part of a larger plan.

Alliance Infiltration Plan!
A long time ago, the current leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, understood that the strength of the Rockets is simply not enough to compete with the behemoth of the alliance.So he sealed up a lot of cadre information secretly inside the Rockets, and then let them enter the alliance as undercover agents to collect information for the Rockets.

This decision allowed the Rockets to develop rapidly, because the cadres are very powerful, and several cadres have mixed up to the position of the gymnasium owner, and some cadres are even about to be promoted to the Four Heavenly Kings!

So the Rockets are very good at forging the alliance information card. After all, if they can't cheat the alliance's review, they can't break into the alliance as an undercover agent.

Li Mu looked at the card in his hand. The information recorded on it included his photo, age, place of birth, and the time when he became a Pokémon trainer, etc.In this world ruled by the alliance, it is difficult to move without an identity, so even a small soldier Rocket will help them forge an identity to ensure that they can perform tasks safely.

Li Mu returned to his dormitory with his backpack and [-] points. Ghost Stone didn't notice any abnormality to check, or it noticed it but didn't care.

"Phew, I can finally pass the first level." Li Mu sighed. He didn't pay attention to the power of the evolution of the system, which made his first step very difficult, but the rest of the road was easy. With the help of the system, his Growth should be fast.

Throwing the backpack on the bed, Li Mu took the task briefing in his hand and began to read it seriously.

"Mission: Travel through the Viridian Forest
Task objective: capture more than three elves of different types and submit them to the instructor. The more elves you submit, the richer the rewards will be.

Mission location: Tree Fruit Trading House in Tokiwa City.

Task time: 7 days. "

Hiking through the Viridian Forest is something that even the direct descendants of the alliance dare not do. Those who hold the opening of the Yusan family have a strong respect for this sacred forest.

In this huge natural biosphere covering the Kanto and Chengdu areas, many powerful Pokémon make their homes here.According to information, I have seen groups formed by the powerful Nido King and Queen Nido, and there are also groups of powerful insect fighters flying mantises. Of course, the largest group is the irresistible Big Needle Bee group.

"To pass through the Viridian Forest, insecticide and wound medicine are necessary, so is this 50 points a guarantee for newcomers?" Li Mu opened the computer trading website, and the wound medicine inside is 5 points and 10 bottles , Insecticide is [-] points a bottle.In addition, there are some sleeping bags, instant biscuits and the like.

"The Pokémon balls needed for the task can be registered and collected at the logistics office. If the number of Pokémon balls handed in is less than half at the end of the task, the task will fail."'

This has eased the burden on the newcomers. After all, a Pokémon ball is sold for 10 points within the Rockets. The three black balls in the hands of the newcomers are special treasure balls for the Rockets, which can be used for both identification and identification. Monitor the status of newcomers.

"Let's get ready to go tomorrow. If there is Abo Snake, it should be very stable to pass through the Viridian Forest. After all, it is impossible to just come out with an elf that is a king-level or something." Li Mu released Abo Snake, Touched his snake head and ordered 5 jars of Pokémon food online.Each can needs 10 points. Generally, a can of Pokémon food can ensure the vitality and energy consumption of Pokémon for a day, except for battle situations.

It has been three days since Arbor Snake was caught, but after an evolution, he still doesn't feel hungry for the time being.But the stinky mud can make you so hungry that you want to eat your own trainer.

In order to ensure that the stinky mud will not attack itself for some time when the Arbor snake is not outside, it must be fed to the stinky mud first.Yes, must!

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