The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 27 Dark Gray Badge

The Gymnasium in Nibi City mainly uses Pokémon of the rock system. The owner of the gymnasium is Wu Neng. Later, Wu Neng left for a trip and passed the throne to his son Xiaogang.

"Excuse me, I'm here to challenge the Gym." Li Mu entered the Nibi Gym after registering his personal information.

"Welcome, I am Xiaogang, the gym master."

On the opposite side of the battle field was a hedgehog with squinting eyes. Li Mu searched for a long time but couldn't see his eyes.

"The battle adopts a 2vs2 rotation mode. The gym trainer cannot replace the Pokémon. Please let the gym master put the Pokémon first!"

On the sidelines, the referee held up red and green double flags and began to introduce the rules.

"Then, come on, little Fist!"

A chubby stone Pokémon covered in pits appeared in the field.

"Hey~" Xiao Quanshi's two stone arms collided and made a thick sound, Li Mu nodded.This little fist stone has reached the ordinary advanced level, and it is one step away from reaching the elite level. It is indeed the logistical support for the protagonist group in the original book.

"Go, giant pincer mantis." In the official battle, Li Mu didn't want to release his Abo monster, which was different from ordinary people, and Abo monster was gathering its reverse scales now, so it needed more rest.

"Cha!" The giant pincer mantis appeared in the arena, and there was a crisp sound between the opening and closing of two Kong Wu's powerful pincers.

"The challenger strikes first!"

"Go, giant pincer mantis, there is a flash of lightning!" Li Mu's eyes moved, and the giant pincer mantis wanted to defeat this small fist stone with ease.

The giant pincer mantis turned into a flash of red and hit the small fist stone. The small fist stone was taken out of the battle field by the impact before it even had time to react.

"Little Fist Stone is on the stage, please ask the gym trainer to replace the Pokmon." The referee was a little surprised, this time the challenger is a bit strong, and it has been a long time since I saw a trainer who can defeat Xiaogang's first Pokmon, let alone It was a spike.

"Fast speed, strong strength, can reach this point with the speed of the giant pincer mantis, is it the characteristics of light metal?" Xiao Gang thought for a while, and released the second Pokémon.

"Roar~" A huge snake-shaped Pokémon composed entirely of spherical stones appeared in the center of the field, with black and yellow eyes staring at the tiny giant pincer mantis in front of it.

"Is it a big rock snake? Ordinary big rock snakes can't grow to such a big size!" Li Mu looked at the 11-meter-long giant beast in front of him, his eyes full of longing.

Boys, who doesn't yearn for giant beasts?
"Big Rock Snake, make noise!" Xiao Gang commanded.

A very ear-piercing sound spread, and when it reached the giant pincer mantis, the special power contained in the sound wanted to influence the giant pincer mantis.

"Naive!" Li Mu smiled. With the big rock snake in front of him, it's just a dream to shake the giant pincer mantis!
"End the battle, we don't have that much time to waste, use the destructive death light!"

"Cha~" Two orange rays of light instantly hit the motionless big rock snake, Xiao Gang's face changed, this giant pincer mantis is too strong.

"Boom~" Big Rock Snake spit out a puff of black smoke, and then fell down.

The referee stepped forward to take a look, and waved the flag in his hand, "The big rock snake has lost the ability to fight, and the winner is Amu from Changpan City!"

Xiao Gang took back the Big Rock Snake, smiled and handed a gray badge to Li Mu.

"This is the dark gray badge, which is the proof that you have defeated the Nibi Gym."

Li Mu took the badge and put it in the badge collection box.With sharp eyes, Xiao Gang saw a green badge inside, and his heart skipped a beat.

In the entire Kanto region, the golden badge of Golden City, the fiery red badge of Honglian Island, and the green badge of Viking City are the most difficult to obtain. I didn't expect the child in front of me to be so strong and able to challenge the Viking Gym successfully.

After leaving the Nibi Gym, Li Mu did not agree to Xiaogang's idea of ​​traveling together. At this time, Xiaogang is already very determined to travel, but just needs a good travel partner.But Li Mu has a lot of secrets now, so he doesn't want to have any partners.

Back at the Elf Center, Li Mu is going to take a break and go out tomorrow, otherwise he will have to sleep in the wild again, so there is no need to hurry now.

In the room, Li Mu called out Abo Monster and Giant Pincer Mantis, and let them eat Pokémon food mixed with a perfect-level energy cube powder. The two Pokémon expressed their satisfaction, and the energy recovery was moderate.

"Cha?" The giant pincer mantis suddenly stopped the pincers that were taking food, and looked at Li Mu's backpack with some suspicion.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with my backpack?" Li Mu took the backpack and opened it to see clearly.

Energy cube box, normal.

tent, normal.

Medicine box, normal.

Egg, glitter.

Pokeball, normal.

Li Mu raised his head, his face froze suddenly, and his eyes fixed on the egg.

The light representing evolution is wrapping the egg, Li Mu took the egg out of the backpack.

"It's a little nerve-wracking. Boss Sakagi didn't tell me that this egg hatched so quickly." Li Mu was a little nerve-wracking. He didn't have any training materials for newborn Pokémon.

Li Mu made a decisive decision, and before Bobbi broke out of his shell, he quickly went to the lobby to buy some milk from Ms. Joey. Many Pokémon need milk when they are recuperating.

"The milk in the big milk bottle is very fragrant." Li Mu smelled the aroma in the bottle in his hand, and he was actually a little hungry.

Shaking his head, Li Mu returned to the room with the bottle. The white light on the eggshell had disappeared, and a tiny crack appeared on the surface of the eggshell.

"Come back, giant pincer mantis, Abo monster." Li Mu took back the two Pokémon, and Poképi will be closest to the person or Pokémon that he saw at first sight. in front of.

Moreover, the aura of the two of them was too huge for Bokby, and it was easy to impact the little Bokby's heart.

"Crack~" There were two more cracks on the top of the eggshell, this time on the bottom.

Li Mu looked with great anticipation at Borkby's difficult shell breaking, which is a must for a newborn, and no one can help it.

"joki, Buli~" There was a crisp cry, a hole was broken in the egg shell, and a small yellow head with five pointed horns popped out, and there were some red and blue triangular ring patterns on the egg shell, Its cute little eyes stared at Li Mu, and the eyes were full of love.

Li Mu took out the elf illustrated book, and comparing it with the photos in the illustrated book, this Pokby looked very healthy.

"Come, come, little Bokby, let's drink some milk." Li Mu's face was full of kindness?
"joki, Buli~" Bobbi swung his short hands, wanting to hug Li Mu.

Li Mu gently picked up Borkby, held the bottle in one hand and began to feed him.

The newborn Bobbi needed nutrition and rest very much. After drinking the milk slowly, Bobbi fell asleep in Li Mu's arms.Li Mu didn't move, for fear of waking up Bobbi, and finally fell asleep on the bed.

As for the two Pokémon who haven't finished eating Pokémon food yet?Who cares, haha.

Li Mu showed bursts of smiles in his sleep.

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