Dragging his tired body, Li Mu lay on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and returned to Asia Island.

As for whether Rogia can find himself, if a first-level god can't even do this, then he can go directly to see Giratina.

Darkrai also replied to rest in the Poké Ball because he had consumed too much power.


The communicator, which had not stopped before, rang again, and Li Mu took a lot of effort to get out the communicator.


"Li Mu, what's going on with the Whirlpool Islands? Why was the sky messed up just now?"

On the other end of the phone was the dazed old man Damaranqi, who spoke quickly and asked Li Mu.

"Yeah." Li Mu lowered his head and nodded, and lazily responded, "The matter has been resolved, so there is no need to ask so many questions, and ah, this time I spent a lot of effort to solve it. I want a vacation."

Damalanchi's beard moved, and one can imagine the degree of twitching of the face under the beard.

Are you thinking of taking a vacation even before you officially took office?

Didn't you see that Kona rushed to the task even if he was seriously injured!
"Yes, you are allowed to take a half-month vacation."

Really fragrant!

What do you expect from a kid who has just turned "16"?
Is it bad to be a thug?

Isn't the most important reason why the Alliance selected Li Mu to become the Four Heavenly Kings because of his strong combat effectiveness?
It would be nice if the person assigned to internal affairs handles affairs.

"Really?" Li Mu regained his energy and sat upright on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, as if his fatigue had disappeared.

The king of heaven still has half a month's vacation?

Didn't this old man frame me, he actually wanted me to go where to complete the task?

Seeing Li Mu's suspicious expression, even Damalan could not help but twitch.

This bastard!
Damalanchi sighed, "Okay, prepare an action report right away and hand it to Kona who will be joining you soon, and then you can go and enjoy your vacation."

As soon as the words fell, Damalangi hung up the phone, apparently not wanting to say anything more to Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the phone with a black screen in his hand, touched his chin, his eyes looked a little dark.

On Asia Island, the celebration was not over yet, and everyone was worried about the changes in the ocean outside.

Many Pokmon have traveled across the ocean to the vicinity of the Whirlpool Islands, and there seems to be some major change.

But as the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, it seemed to have returned to normal, and many Pokémon returned to their homes.

There are also some Pokémon, such as Chenglong Group, that live near the Whirlpool Islands.

"Okay, let's continue the celebration!"

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the sparkling sea, and the tiredness of the night was swept away by the returning warriors.

The crowd once again started a cheerful celebration, and the dance that was supposed to be the last performance also started here.

"Master Sacrifice, is there really no problem?"

The village head on the island stood in front of King Dudu and asked respectfully.

"There is no problem." Daidai replied very calmly, "My god has awakened, and the disaster of the God of Ice, God of Fire, and God of Thunder has been solved, and the sea will return to calm."


On the bench beside him, Li Mu covered his eyes with his arms, lay leisurely on the bench, and almost laughed out loud when he heard this sentence.

It is resolved.

Beside, Flame Ace was gently massaging Li Mu's sore muscles.

King Daidai glanced at Li Mu, then didn't continue talking, but just stared blankly at the clouds in the sky.

The sun was shining brightly, turning the clouds into colorful lights.

The dance lasted until noon. Under Xiaoxia's angry eyes, Flora and Xiaozhi danced for a long time.

Of course, it was Flora who led Xiaozhi to jump, Xiaozhi didn't know how clumsy he was, and almost stepped on Flora several times.


When Xiaozhi was tired and lay down, Xiaoxia yelled in his ear angrily, and then walked out of the ball angrily.

"Hmph, Xiaozhi is such an idiot!"

Xiaoxia walked to the pier angrily, sat on a stone pillar and looked at the sea.

In her arms, Bobbi patted her chest lightly, comforting her.

"I said it a long time ago, you have to be patient when you get along with this emotional idiot."

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded from behind Xiaoxia, which startled Xiaoxia, and she leaned forward and fell off the pier.


While panicking, Xiaoxia reached out to touch her Pokémon ball, but how could she touch it in her panic.

Li Mu was also taken aback, he didn't expect Xiaoxia to think about things so seriously that he didn't even know when he walked behind her.

When he was about to go into the sea to rescue people, Li Mu saw a black shadow swimming rapidly on the bottom of the sea.

"White sea lion, save that girl."

The familiar cold voice reached Li Mu's ears, and Li Mu smiled.

Co brought it.

In this way, Xiaoxia, who was scared by Li Mu and fell into the sea, was rescued by Kona's white sea lion. It can be said that Li Mu owed Kona a small favor.

"Master Kona?"

Xiaoxia was surprised and delighted, her idol came to Asia Island?

"Well, Xiaoxia, why did you accidentally fall into the sea?" Kona gently brought Xiaoxia to the shore. During the previous exhibition, Xiaoxia had asked for a photo with Kona as a fan girl.

Kona also remembered the little girl who wanted to become a water-type Pokémon master.

"Uh, this..." Xiaoxia looked at Li Mu very embarrassedly.

Li Mu raised his hands helplessly, "Mine, mine. I saw Xiaoxia thinking about something here, and I talked to her, but I didn't expect her to fall into the sea."

Ke Na gave Li Mu a blank look, and thought that Li Mu was only 16 years old, so he couldn't help sighing.

The back wave pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach.

Returning to the ceremony with wet Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia went to change into clean clothes.

"What's going on with you this time?"

Ke Na held a glass of juice in his hand and stood beside Li Mu.

On the way to the Whirlpool Islands, she saw thousands of water-type Pokémon coming towards them.

"It's nothing." Li Mu held a glass of sake, took a sip, and looked straight at the direction of the sea.

"There, what's there?" Kona stood on tiptoe, but saw nothing.

Li Mu didn't reply, Darkley didn't come out, and the power of his waveguide couldn't cover very far, so he couldn't detect whether Rogia was coming.

"How should I write the report?" Li Mu drank the sake in his glass.

Kona thought for a while, "Just say what you can say."

"All I can say, all I can say... is... only..."

A black shadow enveloped Kona and Li Mu, Kona looked up following Li Mu's somewhat excited eyes, his pupils shrank.

God of the sea!
All the people at the ceremony knelt down to greet the God of the Sea.

Kona also took two steps back, it didn't feel good to be watched by a level [-] god.

"You're here." Li Mu was the only one in the audience who was still calm, as if he was reminiscing with an old friend.

Rogia stared at Li Mu for a while, then waved his hand and released a blue light.

A petite Rogia who was only about two meters in size appeared in front of Li Mu.

The little Rogia was still a little at a loss, looked at Li Mu, then looked back at Rogia, and stood there dumbfounded twice.


【Humans, I have followed the agreement between us, don't forget what you said. 】

"Don't worry, I will cultivate a Rogia that is not weaker than yours."

Li Mu was very confident, took out a master ball, and directly subdued little Rogia.

Rogia took a look and didn't continue to say anything. He just sprinkled a little drop of life to bless his believers, and then disappeared into a black shadow again.

He also has to guard the deep ocean currents deep in the sea.


Kona felt parched, she stared blankly at the Pokémon ball in Li Mu's hand.

This subdued another divine beast?
Although it is not a divine beast, it is at least a divine beast!

Li Mu set his sights on his new pet.

"Rogia (no priesthood)

Strength: Peak of Kings

Attributes: Superpower, Flying

Feature: Multiple Scales
Special Ability: Power of Flying · 7%
Skills: Flying, Wind, Storm, Air Blade, Water Wave, Water Cannon, Magic Power, Rain Prayer, Punishment, Mysterious Guardian, Protection, Water Drop of Life, Water Ring, Meditation, Divine Bird, Future Foretelling, Cyclone Attack , freezing light, tornado, light wall, thunder, [-] volts, super absorption, swallow return

Special Skills: None. "


Li Mu clenched his fist, a little excited.

This is a Pokémon with extraordinary potential. In Li Mu's hands, it can at least grow into the god of the sea.

After seeing Li Mu tame a Rogia with his own eyes, the residents of Asia Island obviously regarded Li Mu as an envoy of God, and their attitude towards Li Mu became even better.

Li Mu also completed his first action report under the guidance of Kona.

Of course, Li Mu omitted the part where he forcibly subdued the flame bird Lightning Bird, and only talked about the fact that Gilluta captured the flame bird, and then rescued the flame bird himself.

Then there was a fight between the flame bird and the lightning bird, which caused a shock in the world, and finally Rogia came out.

The matter was perfectly resolved, the three god birds returned to their islands to contemplate their mistakes behind closed doors, and Rogia returned to the deep ocean currents to recuperate.

Gilluta was also imprisoned by the Alliance Elite Force after the incident.

Of course, it is impossible for this rich man to stay in prison for a long time, and he may come out to continue his collection plan in two days.

Li Mu hid the fact that he had tamed a Rogia, and Kona didn't report it.

"Really." Kona pushed his eyes, held a report in his arms, and watched the figures in the sky keep going away.

Li Mu has already started her vacation, and Kona needs to go back to the alliance headquarters. She feels that she also needs a vacation to recuperate.

"Maybe, I can also give up the rights?"

Kona, who has no family burden, touched his chin and made a decision that he thought was the most correct in the future.

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