The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 162 Lugia's Explosion (6)!

The dark clouds in the sky have been able to cover all the sunlight. If it weren't for the lightning that flashed from time to time, there wouldn't even be a single ray of light between the sky and the earth.

The three god birds control the operation of the deep ocean currents around Asia Island. Without the protection of the flame bird, the deep ocean currents have been completely messed up.

The power of the flame dissipated, and the power of lightning and ice rose sharply.



Two hisses pierced the sky, and the lightning bird flew out of his island with a look of surprise on his face. He looked at the freezing bird that flew up together, and the two gods immediately flew towards the position of the flame bird.

Although they have been fighting for thousands of years, they have never let go of their respective responsibilities.

Now the flame bird suddenly disappeared, which may have caused the lightning bird and the freezing bird to fall from the altar.

For his priesthood, he must get the flame bird back.

In the waters around Fire Island, Xiaozhi and his party looked at the dense dark clouds in the sky, feeling a little at a loss.

This situation has never been encountered before, and I don't know what to do.

"It's nerve-wracking."

Telepathy suddenly sounded in everyone's heart, and everyone turned around to see a Dumb King standing on the top of the ship with his hands behind his back.

"Stay King!"

Flora is a little demented. Having grown up on Asia Island, she naturally knows that the one guarding the altar of Asia Island is an extremely powerful Dumb King, who is also the priest of the sea god.

"My lord, please tell me what happened!"

Captain Xiaomei immediately came back to his senses, bowed to the King of Dumbness, and then asked.

"Hey." The Dumb King didn't reply, but looked at the yellow and blue light flashing across the air with worried eyes.

That's the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird who came here.

"The God of Fire, the God of Ice, and the God of Thunder are all sacred and inviolable. Now that the God of Fire has disappeared, the God of Thunder and the God of Ice will also be in danger. I'm afraid the God of the Sea is about to appear."


The Lightning Bird arrived at the Fire Island first, and he could clearly feel the remnants of the Flame Bird's aura, which was so aggrieved and powerless.

He looked at the human standing below with some surprise, beside him was a legendary Pokémon, Darkrai!


[Humans, where did the flame bird go! 】

Li Mu received the lightning bird's telepathy without any surprise. This is a skill that most of the beasts know. After all, after living for an unknown amount of time, their mental power has long been stronger than that of ordinary super power Pokémon.

"Flame Bird, here I am."

Li Mu took out the flame bird's precious ball, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, Lightning Bird, the three of you can't leave the priesthood for too long, or the world will really be in chaos, so, obediently enter my baby ball!"

"Dimensional onslaught!"


The Frozen Bird who came later could only watch in horror as the Lightning Bird was beaten up. The opponent's attack could not be avoided at all, it directly penetrated the space, and the fist was directly attached to you, how to hide.

"Go, baby ball!"

Li Mu looked at the falling Lightning Bird, and couldn't help being a little funny.

The three god birds with the priesthood of the second-level gods have no ability to resist in front of Darkley.Of course, most of this is due to Hoopa's exclusive skills.

"Ding, defeat the beast Lightning Bird, get 50000 evolution points, and get the item Thunder Origin*1."

"The Origin of Thunder: It can awaken the power of thunder for electric Pokémon who have not comprehended the power of thunder."

Li Mu, who easily defeated the Lightning Bird, set his sights on the Frozen Bird in the sky, and Darkley on the side also became interested.

He didn't expect that one day he would be able to beat all three god birds.

You know, this is the three divine birds with priesthood.

I can defeat one, but it is definitely not in a harmless state. After all, what I am best at is control.

As a result, his trainer made an inexplicable operation to make his attack ability super powerful.

Darkley moved his wrist, staring at Frozen Bird, ready to fight at any time.


As the face value of the three god birds, Frozen Bird's IQ has always been online.

He is not as irritable as the Lightning Bird, as reckless as the Flame Bird, and the Frozen Bird prefers to plan ahead. After all, not all divine beasts can suppress humans in terms of IQ.

He turned a corner and was about to leave the island of fire.

After all, the current situation is no longer something he can handle, and that one needs to appear.

Li Mu looked at the Frozen Bird going away, and didn't chase after him deeply, after all, his goal would definitely be achieved.

The thunder and lightning in the sky have disappeared, leaving only gusts of cold wind.

The sea around Fire Island also began to freeze. Even if the Frozen Bird didn't use its own power, the disappearance of the Lightning Bird and the Flame Bird would be enough to turn the entire Orange Islands into a city of ice!

Of course, this is based on the fact that the frozen bird is not caught, and the greater possibility is to directly turn into a dead sea.


Frozen Bird hurriedly returned to his ice island and came to his temple. He breathed ice into the ice orb, trying to wake up the sleeping sea god with his own power.

In the depths of the ocean, uncontrollable ocean currents meet here, and at the intersection of all ocean currents, there is a white sphere.


There was a strange sound in the void, and the white sphere began to rise rapidly and expand!

The ice power of the Frozen Bird spread to the entire sea surface through the Ice Island, and the ice layer gradually thickened and extended until the entire whirlpool islands were sealed by ice.

The temperature also began to drop rapidly, and soon reached the limit of human beings.

Xiaozhi and his party hid in the boat cabin, shivering against the hot tea.

The ship didn't have air conditioning, so Xiaozhi released his fire-breathing dragon to keep warm, but he was directly scorched by the flames of the fire-breathing dragon.

On the Ice Island, Frozen Bird saw that snowflakes had started to fall outside, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and his breath became more rapid.


Where no one saw it, the ice layer broke, and a large white sphere rose directly into the sky, and then unfolded.

Thick smoky makeup, wings like giant arms, powerful legs, and feathers as smooth as snow.

The god of the sea, see Lugia!

Rogia looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and directly blasted the dark clouds with a cyclone attack, letting the sun shine on the sea area.

As conspicuous as a light source in the dark night, everyone who paid attention here saw Lugia bathed in sunlight in the sky.

"Sure enough, it came out."

Li Mu stood on the top of the mountain with a crazy smile on his lips.

This time, you should be able to get the second beast!

"Let's go, fire-breathing dragon!"

Summoned the fire-breathing dragon, ignoring the shivering of the fire-breathing dragon under Rogia's pressure, which was much stronger than the shock of seeing the flame bird before.


【Humanity!Release the flame bird and lightning bird, they are indispensable gods in this world! 】

Rogia is famous for his good temper, just like a fast dragon, as long as they don't offend their reverse scales, these Pokmon will never attack first.

Rogia, who saw Li Mu, smelled the smell of flame birds and lightning birds on Li Mu, and he looked at Li Mu very seriously.

The moment Rogia spoke, the dark clouds with a hole in the sky covered the sky again, and the only ray of sunlight was also blocked.

Rogia stared at Li Mu in the dark. As long as Li Mu didn't want to return the two divine birds, a fight might start.

As for whether you can win?
Just relying on the fire-breathing dragon and that Darkrai beside the human?
Just kidding.

Li Mu looked at the giant beast in front of him, it was so mighty and domineering.

"Lugia (God of the Sea)

Strength: God
Attributes: super powers, flying
Feature: Multiple Scales
Special abilities: 1. Power of flight · 97%. 2. The God of the Sea (fighting at sea, the strength is doubled)
Skills: Flying, Weather Ball, Wind, Storm, Air Blade, Poison, Water Cannon, Water Wave, Supernatural Power, Mind Head Hammer, Pray for Rain, Dragon God Dive, Primal Power, Punishment, Mysterious Guardian, Protection, Grace of nature, drop of life, ring of water, meditation, divine bird, predict the future, cyclone attack, blizzard, freezing light, tornado, light wall, thunder, one hundred thousand volts, super absorption, swallow return, stomp, bluff

Special Skills: None. "

First-class god!

One of the few gods standing at the pinnacle of the entire elf world!The real god of the sea!

【Humanity! 】

Seeing that Li Mu was stunned, the good-tempered Rogia couldn't help being a little annoyed. Every second now, the world is suffering more disasters.

If time goes by, the priesthood of the three god birds will be weakened by the world, which may cause unimaginable disasters.

"If you want the Three Divine Birds, yes, let's fight!"

Li Mu's voice trembled a little. From the waveguide he felt, he could feel the pressure of the ants on the mountain.

"Darklay, dark black hole!"

Darkley didn't speak, and floated directly in the air, a black vortex formed, and black ripples shot towards Rogia.

Rogia frowned, a little annoyed.

Sure enough, there is still a fight.


A column of airflow formed by the rotation of the air directly collapsed Darkley's famous skill, the dark hole. If Darkley hadn't let go in time, this attack might directly hit Darkley.

"Dimensional onslaught!"

Darkley's arms penetrated the space and directly attacked Rogia's body in the distance.

Rogia had never suffered such an attack, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

But Darkley is not a good stubble, he sees that Rogia has no way to deal with the onslaught of another dimension now, so he desperately fights to death, anyway, his trainer has too many medicines in his hands.


As the saying goes, if you attack for a long time, you will lose.

It cannot be Rogia's style to be so suppressed by Darkley. Even though Rogia's race value basically points to defensive special defense and speed, he is still a first-level god after all!


A column of sea currents swirled into the sky, broke through the ice layer, and knocked Da Kelai away tens of meters, almost falling directly into the sea.

The God of the Sea doesn't just use some fixed skills, the sea is the God of the Sea's moves!

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