The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 159 Lugia's Explosion (3)!

Standing at the port pier, looking at the backs of Xiaozhi and the captain riding the wind and waves, Xiaoxia pursed her lips, turned around and returned to the celebration hall.

Li Mu stood on the cliff, staring straight at the sky.

In his waveguide, a powerful flame could be felt bound.

Li Mu closed his eyes, "This power should not be inferior to yours, Darkley."


In the shadows, Darkley replied in a muffled voice.

The three divine birds should be the largest group of divine beasts.

Therefore, the strength that drives the group of three divine birds is also very common.

Generally, they are at the champion level, and there are even three god birds at the king level.

But these three on Asia Island are real gods!

"The flame bird, the god of fire, the freezing bird, the god of ice, the lightning bird, the god of thunder. And the last god of the sea, Lugia!"

Li Mu opened his hand, as if he wanted to control the whole world in his hands.

"To get Palkia, Dialga, it seems that I only rely on the power of my Pokémon. It's a bit long~"

Li Mu's Pokmon are currently stuck at the level of the king, and the giant pincer mantis has not even reached the level of the king so far, let alone the quasi-champion and champion above.

So in order to go home, it seems that I have to go on the same journey as those seniors.

Divine beast, to Li Mu, has never been a distant term.

Flipping his palm, a pitch-black stone appeared in Li Mu's hand. He threw the stone out and fell into the shadows.

"This is!"

Darkley was a little surprised. From this stone, he felt the power to change himself drastically.

"Nightmare Divine Stone."

Li Mu only uttered four words, and there was no explanation at all for what it did.

Darkley didn't ask any further questions, but silently stuffed the stone into his body, feeling the slow increase of the evil power.

Seeing that Darkley was silent, Li Mu suddenly remembered something, something that might greatly improve his strength.


Li Mu muttered in his heart.

"The system is here."

"Do you still need to upgrade? I remember that you didn't have evolution points and points before, and you didn't complete the upgrade?"

"Yes, starting the upgrade again requires the host to manually open it."

A button appeared in front of Li Mu, and of course only he could see this button.

"it is as expected!"

Li Mu let out a breath, stretched out his hand, and pressed the button.

Anyway, there is no need for system evolution now, and there is no need to buy anything in the mall for the time being, it is better to evolve directly.

And it shouldn't be too long. It was half upgraded in less than half a day.

"Ding, consume 30000 evolution points, 5000 points."

"Ding, the point mall refresh system is cancelled, and the mall is open."

"Ding, open the breeding tank."

"Ding, the evolution is complete!"

Just after Li Mu saw that his evolution points had been deducted by [-], the system evolved in three seconds.

The refresh of the point system has disappeared, replaced by a dazzling mall.

Except for the specific beasts that are not sold, all the rest are available.

Even the stone slabs of alpacas are clearly priced at [-] yuan.

"I'm going, black shop!"

Looking at the stone slab marked [-], Li Mu couldn't help complaining.

It's not an alpaca, and carrying a slate can only enhance skills and increase understanding of this attribute.

One hundred thousand, I feel a little lost.

Li Mu turned his attention to the newly opened cultivation tank, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

There are a total of six breeding tanks, and each time you open one, you need a thousand points, and then put the Pokémon in it, which can perfectly imitate itself to fight.

For example, if you put the Arbor monster in the mid-level of the king of heaven, you are always fighting with your own phantom.

All the combat experience, as well as the insights brought about by the battle, can be perfectly returned to the main body.

Moreover, there are no side effects!

This is a very useful function for Li Mu who is now and rarely uses Abo to blame them.

"Next, it's time for the show." Li Mu stretched his waist and strolled to the beach, watching the flashing lightning in the sky, his eyes became more and more playful.

"Girlota, you are a very ambitious guy, but the god you provoke is a bit too powerful."

The sky began to rain again, and the sea kept turning up with huge waves.

Flora began to worry about Xiaozhi's safety, and wanted to find Xiaozhi.

Her sister took one look at Flora and agreed.

By the pier, Li Mu looked at Xiaoxia and Flora who were running in the rain and arguing with some differences.

"Why are you following?"

"Let me tell you, I'm not his sister, nor his girlfriend, but I'm still going!"

"Oh, you followed him here."

"I don't want to follow him, it's just that he is where I want to go!"

Seeing Xiaoxia and Flora running in the rain, Xiaojian who was following followed easily, and the three got on the speedboat and headed towards Xiaozhi.


Li Mu was still standing by the pier, and the raindrops bounced off when they fell on him.

The communicator rang.


"Li Mu, have you arrived at the Whirlpool Islands? What's the situation over there? Why is there a problem with the deep ocean current!"

Dr. Damu's anxious voice came, and Li Mu was a little surprised. Has the world already started to commotion at this time?
"I've arrived. I don't know about deep ocean currents, but what I do know is that there is a person who wants to capture the three god birds. And according to my observations, his purpose is likely to be the god of the sea, Rogia. !"


On the other end of the phone, Dr. Oki smacked his lips. He didn't expect someone to have such a big appetite. Even Feng Wang only had a totem.

Now someone actually wants to arrest Rogia, but that is a first-level god recognized by the alliance!
"Li Mu, try to stop him, the world has already begun to turmoil, currently only in the Kanto region and the Chengdu region, it is very likely that it will develop to other regions!"

"Understood, you don't need to say, I'm ready to make a move."

Li Mu is very casual, Gilluta's strength really can't bring pressure to Li Mu, even the machine that flies in the air and can catch the three god birds.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mu summoned the fire-breathing dragon. If he doesn't make a move, it is very likely that it will develop into a battle between the three gods and birds.

Let's fight fast!
"Charizard, fly to the sky and destroy that machine for me!"

Gilruta's machine is very scientific, but its defensive ability is very slow.

It's not those machine rings, which can't withstand any attacks at all.


The fire-breathing dragon heard the order and rushed directly into the sky.

As for the current torrential rain, for the fire-breathing dragon, the raindrops are evaporated before they get close.

The control of the power of fire allowed him to easily extract the fire attribute energy in the air even in such a rainy day.

This can only be done by those Pokémon with sunshine characteristics.

"Are you going to sit here?"

Darkley appeared, and he could feel that not far away, the lightning bird had begun to invade the flame bird's nest.

When the fire-breathing dragon destroys the machine in the sky and the flame bird returns, there is a high possibility of a battle of gods!

In the sky, Gilluta was looking at the struggling flame bird with a proud face.

"Flame Bird, no matter how hard you struggle, it's useless. Soon, you will have companions to accompany you."

In the virtual projection on one side, the shape of a lightning bird appeared.


When the flame bird saw the lightning bird, the tyranny in his eyes became more intense, and the struggle became more serious.

The electric current passed through the flame bird's body continuously, causing him serious injuries.


Just when Gilruta was about to start the second capture of the divine bird, a burst of flame directly broke through the outer ring of the flying machine he was proud of.


Gilluta looked surprised, even those proud hunters couldn't break through the defense measures of her aircraft.

A charizard with a slightly darker color was floating in the air, looking at him with disdain.

Gilluta felt that her brain circuit was a little bit overwhelmed, why is there a fire-breathing dragon here?


The flame bird felt the flame power in the fire-breathing dragon's body, its eyes moved, and it screamed.

The fire-breathing dragon froze for a moment, then looked at the flame bird with fiery eyes.


The flame bird screamed again, as if urging the fire-breathing dragon.

Jierlu felt something was wrong too. It was impossible for this fire-breathing dragon to break through his defense circle for no reason and appear in his collection room.

"Magnetic self-explosive, go and get rid of that guy for me."

Jilluta waved his hand, and a self-explosive Magnemite wrapped in lightning rushed out immediately.

Feeling the energy in the self-explosive Magneto, the Charizard snorted humanly and disdainfully, and then burst out with big characters sticking to his face.


The self-explosive magneto was directly beaten, and the hot flames made the self-explosive magneto a bit overwhelming.


Gilluta's face froze, unable to maintain her gentlemanly style, she directly summoned a bunch of small magnetites and three-in-one magnetites, trying to get rid of the fire-breathing dragon as soon as possible.

But the fire-breathing dragon had already made a deal with the flame bird, ignored these fly-like magnet monsters, and directly ignored Gilluta on the side.

A move of the dragon's tail directly hit the flame bird's cage.

The current flashed, and the flame bird's cage moved, but it didn't open.

The electric shocks of the little magnetites also attacked, and the fire-breathing dragon withstood the assembled electric shock with a mouthful of flames.

The fire-breathing dragon thought for a while, and then directly destroyed the control system on one side with a move of air slash, and then released the flame bird directly with a move of split.

From the beginning to the end, the Charizard didn't look at Gillu too.

"Damn Charizard!"

Gilluta took a few steps back, the fierce look in her eyes could not be concealed.


The fire-breathing dragon spewed out a mouthful of flames, and the flame bird happily released its own flame power.


The flame bird yelled at the fire-breathing dragon and flew straight out of the window.

The fire-breathing dragon also followed out, leaving Gilluta with a dissatisfied expression.

The God of Fire has escaped, and it is very likely that the God of Thunder cannot be captured, let alone the God of Sea.


Gilluta let out an impotent roar!

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