The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 121 Menus (Modified)

The one who appeared in the field was Menus, known as the most beautiful Pokémon!
A Pokémon with the most miraculous evolution along with Gyarados.

The carp king before evolution was rigid and weak.The evolved Gyarados is tyrannical and extremely powerful.

In the same way, the stupid fish before evolution was so ugly and weak that sometimes it needs to survive in the sewer, while the evolved Menus is elegant, beautiful, and powerful all in one.

The representative is the famous coordinator and trainer of the Fangyuan Alliance, Mi Keli.

His trump card is a Menus.

Strength: Heavenly King Intermediate

Attribute: Water

Trait: Charming Body
Special ability: Blessing of Suicune (water energy with purification effect)
Skills: water gun, water ring, sound of charm, tight bundle, dragon tail, self-regeneration, surfing, water cannon, praying for rain, water tail, mysterious guardian, coiled, water wave, dragon wave, hot water, mind power, magical powers
Special Skills: Destroying Light, Awakening Power·Ice, Frozen Wind, Hail, Seal, Tide Vortex, Salt Water, Avalanche, Waterfall Climbing, Turbidity Current, Dragon Dance, Tornado. "

"This is water... the Pokémon from that place?"

Li Mu blurted out, then immediately changed his words and asked.

Sundae nodded, indicating that he was right.

"It's kind of interesting." Li Mu felt that he was interested. The Temple of the Water King, that was the place where he first came into contact with the realm of God.

"Then, you're welcome, Charizard, use Flame!"

The fire-breathing dragon also felt strong pressure from the beautiful Pokémon on the opposite side, and after hearing the order, it spewed out a flame.

There was even a hint of golden light in the flame.

"Minas, use the water cannon!"


Menus opened his mouth, and a strong water pressure sprayed out directly, directly defeating the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame, causing a large amount of water vapor.


"Don't think about it, use your thoughts!"

A wave of colorful waves immediately enveloped the rapidly rising fire-breathing dragon, trying to drag him down.


The fire-breathing dragon immediately sprayed a cloud of gray-black smoke. In the smoke, Menus couldn't find the position of the fire-breathing dragon, and his mind power was cut off.

"Use a tornado."

The water vapor and smoke screen had too much impact on the vision, and Sundae immediately ordered to destroy them with a tornado.


The blue light in Menus' eyes flickered, his beautiful tail flicked gently, and a powerful tornado directly swept through the smoke and water vapor in the field.

The position of the fire-breathing dragon was also exposed.

"Use Praying for Rain!"

"Sunny day!"

Menus directly threw out the tornado controlled by the tail, began to sing, and then a mass of water flowed straight into the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon is located at a high altitude, and the use of weather skills has priority over Menus, but it was interrupted by the tornado, and the two used weather skills together.

As a result, it was naturally washed away by the rain as soon as the sunny day appeared, but the rainy day did not form, only a few drops of rain fell to the ground.

Sundae bit his lips, "Meinas, use the water cannon!"

The position of the fire-breathing dragon is too high, and if you don't use long-range attacks, you can't hit it at all.

"Mi!" A stream of water pressure rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon again,

The fire-breathing dragon also got angry, and directly responded with a big word.

Although it was not directly defeated like jetting flames, there was no way for the big character explosion to hit Menus through the water cannon.

Water vapor reappears, which is the most common phenomenon in water and fire Pokémon battles.

This time, Menus did not choose to use the tornado to destroy the water vapor, but carried a stream of water to hit the fire-breathing dragon rushing into the air.

Water vapor naturally has no way to block Li Mu's "line of sight". The moment the water vapor appeared, Li Mu had already locked on Menus with the power of the waveguide.

So the moment Menus used the climbing waterfall, Li Mu had already given the order

[Thunder Fang. 】

The fire-breathing dragon smiled, rushed into the white mist of water vapor, opened its big mouth gleaming with lightning, and bit Menus fiercely who had just rushed up.

Menus was a little shocked. She locked the position of the fire-breathing dragon with her mental strength before she was able to charge up with confidence.

How did the fire-breathing dragon find itself in this white mist?

Menus immediately thought about how to get out of his mind. A stream of water surrounded Menus. Although the transmission of lightning was strengthened, the healing effect of the water ring also offset some damage.

At the same time, because of the appearance of the water, the fire-breathing dragon also opened its mouth very uncomfortable, and let go of Menus.

Menus took a deep breath, and hit the fire-breathing dragon at close range with a water gun.

The reason why the water cannon is not used is that it needs to be charged, and the fire-breathing dragon is likely to avoid it.

Then Menus fell down, and the fire-breathing dragon was also struggling because of a heavy blow.

The white mist gradually dissipated, and the figures of the fire-breathing dragon and Menus appeared.

Gasping heavily, the fire-breathing dragon continued to hover in the sky.

There was lightning flashing on his body, and Menus had obvious scars on his neck.

Both Pokmon looked at each other with unfriendly eyes, and used their skills at the same time.

Spray flames against water cannons!

The water flowed through the flames and hit the charizard, knocking him straight onto a rock.

The flame also hit Menus at an incredible vortex angle, causing her pain.

Flame vortex!

Seeing the pitiful fire-breathing dragon, Li Mu actually wanted to laugh a little. He played so gorgeously that he instantly killed Boss Kedora.

But it still suffers from Menus.

The fire-breathing dragon rubbed his chest and stood up, eyes full of flames.

The flame on the tail rose suddenly, and with the bursts of explosions, the fire-breathing dragon entered a state of fierce fire!

Big character explosion!
The fire-breathing dragon stood up and gave Menus a heavy blow.

Menus hurriedly used the water cannon to resist, but the fire-breathing dragon in the tasting state can already resist the water cannon with big characters, let alone the fire-breathing dragon in the fierce fire state.

The big character explosion easily pushed the water cannon back and hit Menus.


Menus groaned and landed on a rock.

Being hit by Thunder Fang plus a flame vortex, coupled with the current fierce fire explosion, Menus' physical strength also dropped sharply.

Regardless of the dust from the outside world, Menus has no way to maintain the image of a lady.


Sundae looked at Menus with some concern.

Menus flicked his head, and a burst of water pressure sprayed out immediately, rushing towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Then, let's decide the winner head-on." Li Mu nodded, "Go, fire-breathing dragon."

The fire-breathing dragon spewed out a ball of flames excitedly, and rushed towards the water cannon.


It's another burst of big characters!

The fire-breathing dragon felt unstoppable, broke through the water cannon forcibly, and was about to rush over and cut Menus' body with its sharp claws.

However, the Charizard fell down.

He tripped over a rock!

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and Menus wins."

The referee stepped forward to look at it and made a judgment.

Li Mu sighed, Menus was hit several times, and his physical strength plummeted.

But for the fire-breathing dragon, the water cannon was hit completely, and it was shot at close range by a water cannon. In order to break through the power of thought, it also spent a lot of energy to create a smoke screen.

"It was a wonderful fight." Li Mu retracted the fire-breathing dragon and praised Sundae.

Sundae shook his head with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Referee, I abstain."

The referee looked surprised. Although Sundae had lost three Pokémon, it was still possible to win, so he gave up?
"I know that man's trump card is definitely not something I can fight against, and there is no need for me to continue struggling." Sundae stuck out his tongue mischievously, "Besides, this is not a field battle, is it? Then the first element is Protect my Pokémon."

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and the memory was played back slowly.

That was a lesson he gave to the students of the Pokémon Research Academy. Now that I think about it, it is really embarrassing!

The referee nodded helplessly.

"Kanto League Masters, top 16 rock field, Tokiwa City Li Mu wins."

Sundae blinked at Li Mu, then took back Menus, and left the venue bouncing.

The only accident in this battle may have been the heavy damage to Boss Kedora.

But Li Mu also helped Boscodora heal, and Menus also helped Boscodora avenge him.

"Did I earn it?" Sundae suddenly thought in his mind when he left.

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