The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 109 Special Training (3)

Li Mu was a little surprised, wasn't qualifications fixed at birth?

My Abo monster's aptitude is mediocre, even if it has undergone systematic evolution, it is not top-notch.

If the giant pincer mantis is not the doctor's potion, it can only be regarded as mediocre.

In a real sense, the high-quality Pokémon in Li Mu's hands are the armored shell and the baby dragon.

Oh, and count the hidden dragon.

There are still two Pokémon who don't know when they will hatch.

"Well, there is definitely the ability to improve Pokmon's qualifications, and I don't know the rest."

Wang Bo was very sure, and then took out a baby ball, opened it and released a brown Pokémon with turquoise ears.

"Leaf Elf!"

"Leaf Elf
Strength: quasi-king intermediate
property: grass

Features: Chlorophyll

Special Ability: None
Skills: Flying Leaf Knife, Help, Impact, High-Speed ​​Star, Acting Coquettishly, Desperately Charge, Sand Shaking, Flash of Lightning, Round Eyes, Parasitic Seed

Special Skills: Magic Leaf, Leaf Blade, Sword Dance, Ultimate Drain, Sunny Sky, Shadow Clone, Photosynthesis, Seed Bomb, Protection. "

"Leaf Elf (4.16), physical strength: 4 stars, physical attack: 4 stars, physical defense: 5 stars, special attack: 3 stars, special defense: 4 stars, speed: 5 stars."

The potential value of the leaf elves can be compared with that of the hidden dragon.

"I found this leaf elf in a forest in the Sinnoh region, and it was still an Eevee at that time.

But as I got closer to her, she suddenly evolved.

I found out later that the rocks under her feet may be another source of energy for Eevee's evolution. "

Uncle Wang proudly introduced the origin of his Ibrahimovic.

"Later, I brought a piece back to Guandu and gave it to Damu. Finally, I found out that the energy in it is enough for an Eevee to evolve into a grass-type leaf elf."

"Oki handed over the right to name this stone to Dr. Yamanashi in the Sinnoh area, and Dr. Yamanashi named that stone, Moss Stone!"

"Pfft!" Li Mu almost spat out a mouthful of blood, thinking it was Ye Zhishi!
"By the way, it seems that Ye Zhishi can also help Ibrahimovic evolve." Li Mu asked.

Wang Bo nodded, "But if you want a well-developed leaf elf, then go to the moss stone. Ibrahimovic, who has evolved through absorbing the power of the moss stone, has better physical fitness and control over grass-type energy. Leaf Stone has evolved much better."

"Then, I found the fruit tree with only two fruits around this guy."

"Inadvertently, the little guy ate one, and the remaining one was finally asked to separate the core in the past two days. The pulp was made into an energy cube."

"After verification by authoritative people, it is certain that this energy cube can improve the aptitude of Pokémon, but I don't know if there are other effects."

Uncle Wang looked at the fruit seeds planted in front of him with satisfaction, waiting to germinate.

Li Mu just glanced at it and didn't pay attention.

If you improve your aptitude, you can do it with your own evolution.

As long as this item exists, it may be refreshed in the system store in the future.

Speaking of the system mall, something seems to be wrong, and all the refreshments this week are berries.

Or the kind of extremely common blue orange and the like.

Wang Bo brought Li Mu to the front living room, ready to discuss special training matters.

"Teacher, what I need now is a lot of battles, whether it's a one-on-one or a team battle. I think I can only grow in crazy battles."

Li Mu said to Wang Bo.

Uncle Wang smiled mysteriously, "You don't need that kind of battle, you will fight some after half a year."

"Masters?" Li Mu thought for a while, a little confused.

"I'm not qualified to fight in this level of competition."

Uncle Wang nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that your news is not too far behind. We will hold the All-Region Masters in half a year, and see which region has more outstanding talents."

"The winners of each region can even directly challenge the Four Heavenly Kings."

"The Kanto region and the Johto region are preparing to select two members from this Kanto Masters as the Four Heavenly Kings of the alliance."

Li Mu is thoughtful, it seems that the alliance is going to make a big move recently, otherwise it won't be so anxious to choose the Four Heavenly Kings.

"If you sign up, it's okay for my old face to get a place." Uncle Wang was very proud, like an old child.

Li Mu was silent, he didn't expect that his teacher would even go to the alliance to ask for a place for himself.

"Teacher, after half a year, I will definitely become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance!"

Li Mu said in a deep voice.

So far, Aboguai can enter the middle class of Tianwang after half a year.

There is no problem for the thorn shellfish and fire-breathing dragon to enter the king level, it depends on the young general Tengcu.

Uncle Wang nodded in satisfaction. The goal must be ambitious, and the ambition must be lofty.

Whether you can succeed or not, let's call first and then talk.

After resting in his room that night, Li Mu ushered in his first special training from his teacher.

"Come out, sun elf, moon elf." Wang Bo threw two elf balls.

A pink sun elf and a black moon elf appeared in front of Li Mu.

The two are now in the arena that Uncle Wang built recently, which is separated from the fruit trading house by a wall.

"How do we train?" Li Mu asked.

"Sun elf, moon elf, gravity!" Uncle Wang directed directly,

A strange energy immediately enveloped Li Mu's Pokémon, and even the fire-breathing dragon flying in the air fell a long distance without noticing it.

"This is?" Li Mu looked at his Pokémon, a little surprised.

"Gravity training method, the training method proposed by Dr. Oki and me." Uncle Wang waved his hand, and while maintaining the gravity, the Moon Elf condensed several shadow balls and shot them directly at Li Mu's Pokémon.

"You can't block it, you can only dodge it. Training speed in gravity is your task for a while." Wang Bo clapped his hands, gave the space to Li Mu, and left.

Looking at the group of Pokémon who were struggling to avoid the shadow ball, Li Mu couldn't help but shook his head, and went to prepare wound medicine and energy cubes.

A day of training passed quickly.

Li Mu found that the teacher's two Pokmon are really good at controlling gravity. Not only can they control various levels of gravity, but the gravity that lasts for a long time is definitely not something ordinary Pokmon can do.

After feeding the two Pokmon with food mixed with perfect energy cube powder, Li Mu went to heal his Pokmon.

One day of training, except for the giant pincer mantis and the Abo monster with rough skin and thick flesh, the thorn shell was beaten badly because of its slow speed, and it still couldn't fight back.

The fire-breathing dragon's body was blue and purple, and there was still a lot of ghost energy left.

As for other Pokémon.

Pokkisi was the only one with no injuries at all, after all, he completely defeated the moon elves.

Both Tengcu young general and Baobaolong lost consciousness immediately.

After resting all night, Li Mu took them to the arena again the next day under the sad eyes of Pokémon.

The sun elves and moon elves are already waiting here.

If you want to become stronger, you must start from being beaten!
A week later, the giant pincer mantis became the second Pokémon in Li Mu's hands that could calmly dodge in the endless shadow balls of the moon elves.

Two weeks have passed, and the Abo monster and Tengqi young general have not been injured.

The giant pincer mantis can dodge the attack by moving its body slightly.

The fire-breathing dragon entered the lower level of the king, and then continued to be beaten wildly by the shadow ball.

A month later, the charizard was finally able to face the shadow ball without injury, and the baby dragon evolved into a crustacean.

The pitch-black body has completely turned into a silver-white bone shell.

The rapid increase in weight made it possible for the shadow ball, which was able to dodge some, to attack this little guy again.

Training continues.

One and a half months later, the thorn shell entered the rank of king, and it was also on that day.

The thorn shell erupted, and a burst of ice cones swept across the moon elf.

With the low-level strength of the king of heaven, he killed the moon elf who was at the peak of the king of heaven in a second.

Under Li Mu's apologetic gaze, Uncle Wang took the Moon Elf to the Pokémon Center.

All the Pokémon were very excited, and then...
The gravity field increased again.

This time, even Pokkisi couldn't move fast.

The recovered moon elf beat up the thorn shell.

Finally, the time came three months later.

Li Mu, completed the first stage of special training!

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