The Demon Emperor System of the Elves

Chapter 106 Failed Special Training at Silver Mountain

Riding on the fire-breathing dragon, Li Mu looked at the blue sky outside.

With Chaomeng's departure, the storm has completely dissipated.

It's just that in the depths of the sea, there are a few more dry bones.

Miss Junsha and Boja at the port had already taken the ferry and went out to sea to look for the adventurers who braved the storm to go out.

However, so far, no survivors have been found.

Miss Junsha had a frustrated wry smile on her face, "Boja, maybe we won't be able to get them back."

"Hey." Boja sighed, looking at the cloudless sky, it was hard to imagine that there was a violent storm just now.

"Those adventurers have unimaginable pursuits for exploring the unknown."

Li Mu in the air saw Miss Junsha and Bojia, and didn't go down to say hello.

Anyway, they will soon meet a group of people who brought Miss Joy back.

When I came to the Pokémon Center at the port, many Pokémon trainers looked at their Pokmon with sad faces because of Miss Joey's disappearance.

One of the most uncomfortable is a girl, her bamboo hat mushroom and flying mantis were poisoned.

The point is, none of the alliance's antidotes worked.

If there is no breeder or Miss Joy, his Pokémon is likely to die.

"Tsk, there are a lot of people."

Li Mu pushed open the glass door and walked in, a little surprised.

Many people looked up at Li Mu hopefully, and then lowered down in disappointment, looking at their Pokémon.

"Without Ms. Joy, there are so many Pokmon waiting for treatment?" Li Mu frowned. Could it be that none of this group of people has a Pokmon that can be recovered, or did they not bring enough medicine?

Li Mu strolled towards the direction of the telephone booth, and then stopped in front of a girl.

A purple hat mushroom and a flying praying mantis whose whole body looks like it has been burned by fire.

"This way of poisoning!" Li Mu watched as the girl kept spraying the two Pokmon with antidote, but it was useless.

"This should be fire poison?" Li Mu asked next to the girl.

With tears in her eyes, the girl looked up at Li Mu, but did not answer, and continued to use the antidote for the two Pokémon.

"There is no Pokémon with dual attributes of fire and poison in the Kanto region. The only ones with fire toxins are the Arbo monster, the rice spoon snake, the centipede king, and the fire fangs of the dragon king scorpion. Or in another area similar to lizards The Flame Queen, your Pokémon, what kind of Pokémon did you encounter?"

After hearing Li Mu's analysis, the girl raised her head again in surprise.

"I, I'm Ayin from Luyin Town, Fangyuan District. I came here because my mother brought me to Rainbow City to buy some perfume." Ayin quickly told her situation.

"I took the hat mushroom and the flying mantis to the forest for training, but I met a bad guy in red clothes. His rice spoon snake is so strong, two fire teeth poisoned all my Pokmon."

"If it wasn't for the bamboo hat mushroom forcibly using the paralyzing powder to make me escape, I'm afraid I would have..."

Li Mu touched his chin, red clothes?
Could it be Pokémon Hunter?Or the lava team in the Yoshien area?Or is it just an ordinary small organization?
He took out a bottle of full-compound potion, and sprayed it with Flying Mantis and Cap mushroom, and the bottle of potion was completely gone.



The two Pokmon recovered immediately. Although they still felt a little unwell, it was a sequela of long-term poisoning and it was easy to remove.

A Yin happily hugged the bamboo hat mushroom and the flying mantis, and at the same time did not forget to thank Li Mu.

Li Mu nodded, came to the phone booth, and dialed the number of the Damu Research Institute.

"Hello, oh, it's Amu." The call was connected quickly, and Dr. Omu appeared on the other end of the phone holding instant noodles cooked in a beaker.

Seeing Li Mu, Dr. Da Mu, who was a little surprised, immediately took a mouthful of instant noodles, and then put it down.

"Amu, the Tianwang exhibition competition is very good." Dr. Omu said happily, comparing his thumbs.

"The gap between me and the Four Heavenly Kings is still obvious." Li Mu shook his head, knowing his own affairs, "My strongest giant pincer mantis will lose both sides in a battle with one of the main forces of the Xiba Heavenly King, let alone The King of Heaven and their hole cards."

The Four Heavenly Kings, as the name suggests, are the four most powerful trainers at the level of Heavenly Kings in a region.

Except for the champion-level trainers, how could there be only a few mid-level and high-level heavenly kings, and the quasi-champions must have them.

Otherwise, a region cannot be suppressed at all.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Dr. Omu asked if he wanted to transfer to Li Mu's teacher.

"Ah, by the way, Doctor, I want to go to Baiyin Mountain for special training, and I may need your help." Li Mu suddenly thought of the purpose of his call, and quickly asked Dr. Omu.

Dr. Oki's face immediately became serious.

Silver Mountain!
Kanto Alliance Headquarters Base!

There are countless champion-level Pokémon inside, and there are countless ethnic groups.

Among other things, the quasi-gods in the Kanto area, Kuailong and Bangira, have more than one ethnic group.

For a long time, many people thought that the alliance wanted to dominate the resources of Silver Mountain. In fact, the reason why the alliance chose Silver Mountain as its base was to prevent the elves inside from expanding its territory outward.

"Inside the Silver Mountain, it's impossible for Pokémon trainers who aren't alliance kings to enter."

Dr. Oki thought for a moment and replied.

"Although your strength has reached the bottom line, even the Four Heavenly Kings cannot ignore the internal danger. No, I can't let you take this risk."

Dr. Oki shook his head. Although Li Mu was not his disciple, out of love for geniuses, Dr. Oki didn't want Li Mu to enter that very dangerous place.

Li Mu shrugged, he definitely wanted to go to Silver Mountain.

The current Li Mu's Pokmon, the effect of self-training is not very great, and it must be trained in combat to improve.

But there are not many trainers with powerful Pokémon in the Kanto area, and Li Mu has no reason to visit them.

So I took a fancy to wild Pokémon.

But the only powerful wild Pokémon in the Kanto area are Silver Mountain and Viridian Forest.

Compared with the Baiyin Mountain, which is basically known inside, Viridian Forest can be said to be the existence of the restricted area.

No one knows what's going on inside. They only know that one of the four heavenly kings of the alliance once went in to investigate and never came out again.

No matter how confident Li Mu is, it is impossible for him to compare himself to the Four Heavenly Kings, that would be too arrogant.

It seemed that Dr. Omu couldn't get through here, so Li Mu had to see if his teacher could get him in.

After all, Dr. Oki's status in the alliance must be much more important than his own teacher, so Li Mu was the first to think of Dr. Oki.

After continuing to exchange pleasantries with Dr. Damu, Li Mu hung up the phone, and then called his teacher.

"Don't think about it, it's impossible."

As soon as the phone was connected, the angry voice of my teacher came over.

Wang Bo was lying on the couch, and Ibrahimovic put his head on the portable phone.

When Dr. Da Mu was chatting with Li Mu just now, he had already sent Li Mu's idea to Uncle Wang by email.

Uncle Wang almost lost his temper, what are you doing in a place that eats people without spitting out their bones!
You have to be careful when you go in, let alone yourself as a precious apprentice.

"Teacher, but I can't find any place for special training now. You said let me fight for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings. But how can I fight for it if I don't have the strength." Li Mu was a little helpless, and could only state his purpose.

Hearing Li Mu's analysis, Wang Bo pondered for a while.

Indeed, the strong players in Guandu are too strong, and the weak ones are too weak.

There is no better place for special training than Silver Mountain.

"No, no, no, you can come to Changpan City, and I will be your training partner." Uncle Wang still rejected Li Mu's idea.

Li Mu sighed, sparring should also be effective.

It is impossible for me to be my teacher's opponent. Although my Giant Pincer Mantis and Arbo Monster may already be able to defeat Ibrahimovic, but the main force of the teacher is the Ibrahimovic army.

Six Ibrahimovic in different shapes came out, the water, fire and thunder were super evil, and the team composed of six attributes of Ibrahimovic had no resistance at all, okay?

Attack, defense, recovery, field control, buff, curse...

Li Mu didn't realize how terrifying the Ibrahimovic Legion cultivated by his teacher was until after his own travel.

There is nothing one Eevee can't do, if anything, then two!

"Okay, that's it. You go back to Viki City, and I will give you special training."

After speaking, Uncle Wang hung up the phone.

Li Mu could only smile wryly, and was about to return to Changpan City.

To be honest, I have been in this world for a few years.

Perhaps only the tree fruit trading house in Tokiwa City and Ouludron City can give the feeling of Li Mu's family.

"Forget it, Silver Mountain, let's go later."

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