Qin Lele started to work in Mu's Group, and was Mu Beihan's secretary as before. As if slowly accepting this fact, she became taciturn, and no one could see what was going on in her heart.

In the hospital

"Boss, Chen Wenjing has been locked in the lowest level of the evil spirit and has not eaten anything except to give her a little water." Ling Yi came over to ask Nie Nanfeng for instructions.

He was so busy with Yi Xingluo's illness these days that he almost forgot about it.

Nie Nanfeng looked at him sharply, "Do you still need me to explain this matter?"

Ling Yi swallowed, "I know, but I don't understand how you want to punish her."

"Heh... how to punish?" Nie Nanfeng sneered with a bloodthirsty sneer, and gently stroked the luxury watch on his left wrist.

Looking at his boss's action, Ling Yi understood that it was his boss who was about to vent his great anger and was about to explode.

"How did our charming people survive?" Nie Nanfeng asked Ling Yi without a hint of warmth.

Ling Yi's heart trembled. Everyone including him escaped from the pile of millions of poisonous snakes, the mouth of deep-sea sharks, and other horrifying dangers. It can be said that they have experienced all kinds of torture. up.

"Let her taste everything you have experienced!" Nie Nanfeng ordered coldly.

"All of them?" Ling Yi asked uncertainly, after all, this kind of torture was too terrifying for a woman.

Nie Nanfeng looked at him sharply, "You want to replace her?"

"No...no!" Ling Yi quickly denied it, a joke!How could he want to replace her?It has nothing to do with him, not to mention that woman has such a vicious mind.

"Remember, don't let her die, but hold your breath and serve her slowly!" Nie Nanfeng ordered coldly.


"By the way, what about Chen Shichao?" Ling Yi continued to ask.

"Chen Shichao? According to my investigation, Chen Wenjing has an older brother in the United States who owns his own company. Do you know what to do?" Nie Nanfeng looked at Ling Yi coldly.

Ling Yi's heart trembled when he saw this kind of gaze. He naturally understood what Nie Nanfeng meant. He was not going to let him go. Anyone who had anything to do with Chen Wenjing was banned!


Jiang Ye drove to the downstairs of Qin Lele's house and saw that her windows were closed and there was no light in the room. He frowned and took out his mobile phone to call her.

"Hello." Qin Lele's cold voice came from the phone.

"Lele, where are you?"

"I'm at work, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I want to say goodbye to you, I'm going back to London." Now that she has found her own happiness, he can rest assured.

Qin Lele on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time without speaking.

"Lele, are you still there?" Jiang Ye asked uncertainly.

"Jiang Ye, little Xingxing...something happened." Qin Lele said it after hesitating for a long time. Little Xingxing is also Jiang Ye's good friend, so he should be told.

"What?" Jiang Ye shouted with a face change.

Qin Lele simply told him about the matter and skipped the twists and turns of Chen Wenjing and them. She didn't want Jiang Ye to worry anymore.

"I'm going to the hospital to see her now."

"Well, I'll wait until I go down to the field."

"Okay." Jiang Ye said that he would hang up the phone, start the car and drive to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, he hurried to the ward where Yi Xingluo was. Qin Lele told her the ward number, and it was a super VIP ward, so it was easier to find, and he saw it right away.

He opened the door and walked in. Inside, there was only the pale-faced Yi Xingluo lying on the hospital bed. Except for the beeping sound of the instrument, which was almost as quiet as a ghost, not even the sound of her breathing could be heard.

Jiang Ye stared blankly for a long time, opened his mouth to say something but didn't say a word.

The girl who used to be alive and kicking is now lying here like a paper figure.

"Who let you in!" Just as Jiang Ye was staring blankly at Yi Xingluo's injury, a sharp and murderous voice sounded.

He looked back, and Nie Nanfeng was looking at him coldly.

"Young Master Nie."

Nie Nanfeng naturally recognized Jiang Ye, and put away the chill from his body, but he didn't talk to him again, and went straight to the sofa and sat down.

Not long after, Qin Lele came, "Ahem...this is Jiang Ye, Xiao Xingxing's friend."

Seeing the weird atmosphere between the two of them, she explained awkwardly.

"En." Nie Nanfeng responded lightly.

Jiang Ye looked at Nie Nanfeng who was concentrating on his work, then turned to Qin Lele and said, "Let's go out."


In the corridor, Jiang Ye looked at Qin Lele solemnly, "Is Luo Luo very serious?"

"Yes." Qin Lele nodded.

"I see."

"What do you know?" Qin Lele looked at him suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I'll go back first." Jiang Ye strode away anxiously after finishing speaking.

Qin Lele looked at his back and shook her head, muttering softly, "What's wrong?"

Mu Beihan and Qin Tiantian, who were walking by, looked at Qin Lele who was talking to himself and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

She looked up at the person coming, with a smile on her tense face, "Sweet."

"Mommy~" Qin Tiantian threw herself into her mommy's arms, rubbing her furry head against her.

"Is Tiantian good at school? Did you learn how to dance?" Qin Lele looked at her tenderly. These days, Yi Yanyan and Qin Tiantian went to school together, and Yi Yanyan would come to the hospital every day after school After talking with Yi Xingluo for a while, Mrs. Nie took her back.

Sometimes it was Nie Qinting who picked her up, but she didn't smile as much as before, maybe because Yi Xingluo didn't show any signs of improvement after so many days, Yi Yanyan was very anxious, but she didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Tiantian is very good~" Qin Tiantian looked at Qin Lele with a smiling face.

"Mommy, how is Aunt Xingxing?" She asked worriedly.

"Aunt Xingxing is still asleep." Qin Lele looked at her Ruannuo daughter with mixed emotions in her heart.

"Let's go back." Mu Beihan looked at the mother and daughter who were about to fall into sadness again and couldn't help but said.

"Going back to grandma's house?" Qin Tiantian looked at Mu Beihan and asked.

"Today we're not going back to grandma's house, but to our own." Recently, Mother Mu has been urging them to put the wedding on the agenda, but under the current situation, how could they hold the wedding with peace of mind.

What happened to Yi Xingluo, he just briefly summed up Mrs. Mu, and he didn't tell her that Chen Wenjing, a woman with a heart like a snake, did it, otherwise Mrs. Mu would definitely condemn him.


He turned his head to look at Qin Lele, "You go back with Tiantian first, and I'll come back after I say a few words to Feng."

"it is good."

Mu Beihan escorted them to the door, and watched them get in the car before turning around.

In the ward, he sat down opposite Nie Nanfeng, and said with a serious expression, "Feng, you haven't been going anywhere except at sister-in-law's these days, are you thinking about..."

"No need." Nie Nanfeng interrupted Mu Beihan before he finished speaking.

"How can you make Mrs. Nie feel at ease like this? Even if sister-in-law knows, she doesn't want to see you like this."

Hearing Yi Xingluo's name, Nie Nanfeng's eyes fluctuated, and he smiled wryly, "It would be great if she knew."

Once she knew it, she could control him, pointing at his nose like a cub with her slender waist akimbo, and telling him a lot of truths.

I miss him so much!
Mu Beihan hesitated for a long time and said slowly, "If...I mean if, if my sister-in-law remains unconscious, will you stay with me in the hospital forever and not plan to go out?"

Nie Nanfeng's body trembled, yes, what if she couldn't wake up?What should he do?What about their Yanyan?
At that time, He Han said that it was a month, and now it has been more than half a month. He hoped that bit by bit, his heart would sink bit by bit.

And Hua Ling, who asked Ling Yi to check, has no news at all. If there is no her in this world, he will no longer have any meaning.

Nie Nanfeng closed his eyes in pain and stopped talking.

Mu Beihan knew the struggle in his heart, if it were him, it might be the same...

next day
Wen Ti came to Fanxing Café when she was free as usual, and helped Xiao Li if she had nothing to do.

"Hello, your coffee is very slow." She delivered the coffee to the customer.

This man is quite handsome, but he looks too cold and not sunny at all!Wen Ti secretly looked at it in her heart.

"Is there sugar in it?" The man's brown eyes fell on Wen Ti, and his voice was as cold as ice.

"Added it!" Wen Ti responded naturally, and he didn't say no to adding it!
"I never add sugar or milk to my coffee. If you don't know how to do it, don't try it. Let Xiaoli do it!" There was a trace of anger on the man's face.

"You..." Wen Ti's petulant temper was about to explode.

Xiao Li hurried over when she heard the movement, "Ouch! My little aunt, Boss Heilang's coffee doesn't add anything, it's pure black latte. Boss Heilang, I'll make you another cup."

Hei Lang nodded expressionlessly. From Yi Xingluo's accident to now, apart from going to the hospital to see her every day, he just came to sit in the coffee shop. The past half month has caused him endless suffering.There are still half a month...

Wen Ti rolled her eyes when she saw Xiao Li's respectful expression towards Hei Lang, "What's the point of bullying a woman!"

Although Wen Ti spoke in a low voice, the keen Hei Lang still heard it. He lightly raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Ti. He was indeed quite pretty, but it was too impolite!Too proud!So defiant!

In just a few seconds, Hei Lang looked away and ignored her.

He's too lazy to talk to such an irrelevant woman, wasting his time!

"Tch!" Wen Ti pouted her lips and stopped looking at him, and sat down on the empty chair next to her.

I thought he was so handsome!
After a while, Xiaoli came over with the reconstituted coffee, "Pure black latte without sugar and milk, please use."

For so many days, Xiao Li has become a little familiar with Hei Lang. In her words, another handsome man fell under her boss' pomegranate skirt.

Hei Lang took a sip lightly, and his calm face eased a bit. While drinking coffee, he looked up Hua Ling's information on the computer. It was really strange, as if there was no such person at all, and found nothing. .

Thinking of Yi Xingluo's illness, he frowned, and the pain and worry in his heart became more and more serious, but he had nothing to say, his love was destined to be buried deep in his heart.

Checking the time, he finished the remaining coffee, closed the computer and got up to leave.

"Hey hey..." Wen Ti hugged him in front of him, looking at him with slight disdain.

"What? Don't you pay the bill after drinking coffee? Want to eat Overlord's meal?"

Hei Langjun's face darkened a bit, where did this crazy woman come from!

He didn't want to talk to her, just walked past her.

"If you dare to leave, I will post on Weibo and the whole network to human flesh you!" Wen Ti threatened from behind.

Hei Lang sneered at the corner of his mouth when he heard this, and said coldly, "Whatever you want!"

Then leave without looking back.

"Hey! You thought I wouldn't dare!" Wen Ti was a little annoyed, she looked handsome and imposing, and she turned out to be a man who eats a king's meal!Depend on!Still eating so confidently!

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