After eating, Yi Xingluo and Nie Nanfeng sent Yanyan to the kindergarten together, and then they went to Leidi to go to work.

At this time, He Yan turned her body and walked over arrogantly, looking at Yi Xingluo with contempt in her eyes, "Xiao Yi, help me print out three copies of each of these documents later!"

After saying that, He Yan threw a stack of thick documents directly on Yi Xingluo's desk.

Yi Xingluo's eyes turned cold, she turned her head to look over, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and said coldly, "This doesn't seem to be my job!"

He Yan blinked, "Yes, but now it's your job for me to give it to you!"

Yi Xingluo looked at her with a half-smile!What the hell, want to fuck her?That depends on whether she has the ability!

"Okay then!" She suddenly replied with a smile.

He Yan was a little surprised, she did it so easily?The suspicious eyes stayed on her face carefully for a few seconds, trying to find out a clue, but Yi Xingluo put on a standard smile on his lips.Looking at her very calmly, she didn't see anything in the end.

"Hurry up and print it out, I'll use it later!" He Yan proudly dropped this sentence, turned around and walked away with her high heels twisting her waist.

Yi Xingluo looked at her back with probing eyes, thinking to himself, what made her suddenly gain confidence?Since she warned her last time, although He Yan resented her very much, she didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of her again. This time, it seemed that a hen who was defeated suddenly regained her fighting power?

Never mind her!Print it!Auntie will call you now!

The corner of Yi Xingluo's mouth twitched into a wicked smile, and he walked towards the printer with the stack of documents He Yan gave her.

Auntie will print it for you, just because you won’t be able to bear it!

About half an hour later, He Yan came over and said in a commanding tone: "Is the printing ready? I'm going to negotiate a contract with the client! You can't be held responsible for delaying the contract!"

"Here! It's right there, take it yourself!" She raised her eyes and glanced at the tall folders on the table.

"It's the above three copies, right?" He Yan picked it up and flipped through a few pages. It was her documents that were correct.Then he snorted and turned away.

Yi Xingluo raised his eyebrows and smiled charmingly, the fun is about to begin!

He Yan took the documents, arranged her makeup, and left the company proudly with her bag and her hips twisting.

She made an appointment with the client to discuss cooperation at Xiyuan Restaurant. If this cooperation is negotiated, her performance commission can be in the low six figures!

Thinking of the commission, He Yan came to Xiyuan Restaurant with great vigor. Not long after she sat down, a middle-aged man in a suit came over.

"Miss He."

He Yan got up immediately when she heard that, "Mr. Liu."

This middle-aged man is He Yan's major client, Liu Ming, director of XFX.

Liu Ming extended his hand to shake hands politely with Gentleman He Yan and sat down, "Miss He is really efficient!"

"Where, it is our blessing to cooperate with your company, of course we have to hurry up!"
The smile on Liu Ming's face didn't diminish when he heard He Yan's words. Sure enough, people like to listen to flattery.

"Mr. Liu, here are a few project evaluations I just made, as well as detailed product introductions and after-sales. We at Laidi can not only guarantee the quality of the products we sell, but also be responsible for the whole process of after-sales, giving customers absolute safety and reliability. !"

As He Yan spoke, she opened the file and pushed it in front of Liu Ming.

"Okay, let me take a look." Liu Ming began to carefully read the contents of the document.

It's just that after reading a few pages, his complexion became a little unsightly, and it became more and more unsightly as he went on, and finally his complexion turned black.

"Miss He, is this the information you gave me?" Liu Ming looked at He Yan with a calm voice.

"What's wrong?" He Yan could see the wrong expression on his face.

"Take it and read it yourself!" Liu Ming threw the document in front of her.

He Yan frowned and flipped through the document in doubt, her face changed drastically when she saw the middle and the back.

"Mr. Liu, this... this is not my share." She hurriedly explained to Liu Ming.

"Hmph! I thought you were really good at work, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!" Liu Ming said angrily, and left with a livid face!

"No... Mr. Liu, listen to my explanation..." He Yan wanted to persuade him to stay, but Liu Ming left without looking back.

"Yixingluo!" He Yan gritted her teeth angrily, clenched her hands tightly, and looked at the documents on the table angrily.

The contents of the first few pages are still normal, and they are documents made by her, but not only the order of contents and pages are all disrupted, but also her usual words of dissatisfaction with customers, those clear records are included in the document!

She grabbed the document, got up with a "snag", and left Xi Yuan with a sullen face. She was going to settle accounts with that bitch!
"Yixingluo!" Back at the company, He Yan slammed the document directly on Yixingluo's face.

Feeling something flying over, Yi Xingluo turned the chair subconsciously, raised his foot and kicked the document firmly back to He Yan's side, and slammed it firmly on her chest, the movement was done in one go!Handsome and neat!

"Hmm..." He Yan clutched her chest and let out a muffled grunt. She looked at Yi Xingluo, who was sitting on the chair with an extraordinary aura, with vicious eyes, and was secretly surprised. How could she be so fast?

Otherwise, according to her strength just now, the stack of documents would definitely scratch her face deeply.

"What? You don't want eyes anymore?" Yi Xingluo looked at He Yan with a smile on his lips, but his tone was as cold as ice.

The colleagues in the marketing department were almost taken aback by the moment just now, and forgot to react for a while, and they didn't react until Yi Xingluo spoke.

"Yixingluo, did you print this document!" He Yan, who had recovered, pointed to Yixingluo and asked affirmatively.

"That's right!" She answered with a hook of her mouth.

"Do you know that because of this document you typed, our company lost a major client!" What's more important is her commission. Thinking of this, He Yan was furious, and the bonus that was about to be obtained was gone .

"First, this is your job. It's your fault that you asked me to do it. Second, I just printed it and didn't hand it to you. You took the documents yourself. I have a lot of documents in there. You If you don’t check after taking it, you have to take care of it yourself if you have any problems!” Yi Xingluo said calmly, hum!Want to bully her?I won't kill you!

"You..." He Yan was trembling by her fingers.

"I'll give you a second, I'd better take your claw back!" Yi Xingluo looked at the finger that He Yan had been pointing at her with sharp eyes.

He Yan didn't know whether she was overwhelmed by her aura or frightened when she heard the words, she subconsciously retracted her fingers.

"This is the one you want!" Yi Xingluo's slender fingers lightly pointed to the neatly arranged documents and files on her desk.

He Yan was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back her anger, so she was waiting for her here!Deliberately put the first few pages in order to confuse her eyes and make her think that there is no problem with the document.Now she still has an intact document there, so it is all her negligence, she didn't do her job well, and she didn't check the document carefully.

"You wait for me!" He Yan gritted her teeth and said viciously, she couldn't just take this loss like this!

After finishing speaking, He Yan turned her head and walked to the manager's office.

As soon as she entered, she flung herself into Manager Li's arms weakly and pitifully, and said aggrievedly, "Mr. Li, that little bitch Yi Xingluo replaced the documents I prepared, and asked the client I negotiated to leave just like that." He even hit me, you see."

As He Yan spoke, she opened her neckline, exposing a large white area on her chest, with obvious red marks on it.
Manager Li looked at He Yan's pear blossoms crying with rain, and his pupils shrank when he was stimulated by her action, he quickly stroked her flushed chest, and gently squeezed, "Don't worry, I will definitely ask her to apologize to you. "

"No, just apologizing is not enough, I want her to get out of the company!" He Yan said viciously.

"That depends on your performance." Manager Li looked at He Yan with a smirk.

"Hate it!" He Yan patted his chest shyly...

Yi Xingluo watched He Yan walk directly into the manager's office, thinking that she was going to sue, after all, with her character, she definitely wouldn't just let it go.

But what about complaints?Can you turn black and white?
She continued her unfinished work, when a pleasant cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was a call from the kindergarten, she immediately connected


"Is it Mommy Yanyan? Yanyan got a bit of a head injury in a fight with a classmate, so hurry up and go to the hospital, the hospital near the kindergarten." The teacher's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone

"What? I'll go over right away!" Yi Xingluo panicked when he heard that Yanyan was injured, grabbed his bag and ran out.

"Xiao Yi, what happened?" Xiao Mei shouted as she watched her leave in a hurry.

But now Yi Xingluo's mind is full of the news of Yi Yanyan's injury, so he doesn't care about answering Xiaomei at all.

Not long after Yi Xingluo left, Ling Yi received an order from his big boss to ask Mrs. Boss to go to the office, but he didn't understand.
The news is over, and he is still needed to spread the news.

When Ling Yi walked down, he didn't see Yi Xingluo's figure, he looked at the marketing department expressionlessly and asked, "Where is she?"

Seeing this, Xiaomei immediately said, "She went out in a hurry just now, maybe something urgent happened suddenly, she should be back later."

She was afraid that the special assistant had made a mistake, so she quickly explained for Yi Xingluo.

"Yeah." Ling Yi frowned when he heard this, and then took out his mobile phone to call his boss.
"Boss, the young lady just left with an anxious expression."

Nie Nanfeng's face darkened slightly, "Find out where she went."


When Yi Xingluo rushed to the hospital, the teacher, Tiantian and several classmates were there, but Yanyan was the only one who didn't see her.

"Where's Yanyan?" She asked in a calm voice.

The teacher saw that it was Yi Xingluo, stepped forward and said, "Yanyan is in the emergency room now, she should come out later."

"Emergency room?" After not seeing her alive and kicking baby for a long time, she entered the emergency room.

"What's going on?" Yi Xingluo's face became even uglier.

At this time Qin Tiantian came to hold her hand, her small face was full of worry, she was terrified when she saw Yi Yanyan's forehead bleeding just now.

Yi Xingluo lightly squeezed Tiantian's hand to comfort her not to be afraid.

"It's like this. Yanyan had a conflict with her classmates at school. Two children were fighting. Another classmate might accidentally push her, and she fell down when she couldn't stand still." The teacher said quickly, and she was also very disturbed. She was very worried about Yi Yanyan being injured, but she was even more worried about that classmate. His parents are the bosses of Jingcheng Company, and they are rather domineering. This matter is not easy to handle.

"Fight? Why do you fight?" Yi Xingluo knew that her daughter would not fight with others for no reason. There must be some reason for this.

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