Han Shao's Billionaire Pet

Chapter 86 give you another chance

After finishing speaking, Han Yuchen walked directly to Xia Fan's side, no longer caring about the little girl's emotions, and kissed her lips directly!
It's still the familiar taste from before, only two days later, this girl's taste seems to be better than before, and it's even more addictive!After kissing her, Han Yuchen wanted to ask for more!

Xia Fan didn't expect Han Yuchen, a man, to kiss her directly and non-stop, and the two of them agreed to discuss divorce!
Xia Fan wanted to push him away, but he imprisoned his hands even more tightly!His temperature came from the fingertips, and it was still that familiar feeling, as if a light touch would make people think about it!

In a hurry, Xia Fan bit his lip directly, Han Yuchen was in pain, and the pain on his lips began to spread, and the taste of blood began to fill the mouths of the two of them!

This girl - just bit him?Han Yuchen didn't expect Xia Fan to be so resistant to him now, feeling the small emotions of the opposite person, he finally let her go!

"Come back to Clear Water Bay with me! I'm worried about you living outside!"
What Han Yuchen said was the truth, the little girl wasn't here yesterday, so he couldn't sleep at all!
"I won't go back, let's get divorced! We couldn't do it before!"
"Just because of that An Qi woman? Are you determined to divorce me?"
Xia Fan's tone was full of unprecedented firmness, as if there was no need to discuss this matter at all.

Han Yuchen knew that this girl was stubborn, but what he didn't expect was that she was so determined to divorce him because of this incident!
"Fan'er, calm down! I only have you in my heart, no one else!"
Han Yuchen originally wanted to say that I was the only woman from the beginning to the end, but this girl didn't know what picture she saw that night, so he didn't dare to make such a promise again!
This matter, I'm afraid it has something to do with An Qi again, but now that there is no evidence, it is quite difficult to investigate!

"I am very calm, the divorce is a decision I have considered for a long time!"
"Then do you still love me?"
Hearing Han Yuchen's words, Xia Fan fell into silence.
Don't you love it?It's not that she still loves this man deeply in her heart, it's because of her deep love that she can't bear his lingering with another woman.After this happened, she couldn't say the word love, nor could she say no love!It was as if the words were stuck in my throat and I couldn't speak them out!
If she hadn't seen this with her own eyes, if it was just someone else's words, maybe she would choose to believe in Han Yuchen without hesitation!
Gossip is not terrible, what is terrible is that I have seen it with my own eyes, and I have no chance to deceive myself that it is not true!

Seeing Xia Fan's silence, Han Yuchen knew that this girl had her own in her heart, but she might need time to let go of what she saw!
As for how much she saw, Han Yuchen didn't dare to ask, although he always felt in his heart that he shouldn't have done anything to An Qi!But he didn't want to provoke Xia Fan a second time!

Now that An Qi killed him and slept with the two of them, it may take some time to find out about this matter. The most important thing now is to convince the little girl in front of her not to divorce.

"I only love you! I will never agree to a divorce. If you really don't want to go back to Clear Water Bay recently, you can live outside for a while, and I will pick you up when you calm down! As for this matter, I Let Lin Xuan continue to investigate, I don't think I will sleep with other women!"
"I'm not nearsighted!"
Xia Fan's words expressed the extreme dissatisfaction in her heart at the moment. She has seen such a scene with her own eyes, and this man is still trying to make black into white!

"Then what if it's An Qi's steadfast scheme this time?"
Han Yuchen thought of the unbearable things she did to deal with this girl before.

It's not that Xia Fan never thought about it, even if it was An Qi's scheme, she has already succeeded, right?She is very tired, she doesn't have time to deal with these non-stop, all she wants is each other's only one
Sadness - it will always go back and forth, forgetting some bad things is far slower than I think!So it's not that if Xia Fan doesn't think about it, he can pretend that these things haven't happened!
"Sorry, I can't take it!"
Xia Fan still said the words hidden in his heart.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well! I'll give you time, but I'm afraid I can't wait too long! And you have to let me know where you live!"
Xia Fan looked at the man in front of her, and when the two looked at each other, she still felt her heart flutter!She hated herself for being like this, and she clearly agreed to divorce!

Xia Fan didn't dare to stare into Han Yuchen's eyes anymore, because this man's eyes were so deep that he couldn't see to the bottom, as if he wanted to melt her whole body into it!
Divorce seems impossible today!Because this man's attitude is too firm!Looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't give up again, she decided to give Han Yuchen one more chance, after a month, if she could forgive him, then they would get back together again, if she still couldn't accept him, then they would get together and break up !
"Give me a month! You don't have to look for me during this time, just leave me alone, I won't come to Han's during this time!"
Han Yuchen knew that this was the limit that the little girl could compromise, so he accepted it as soon as he saw it!

"Okay, I promise you!"
In the reception room downstairs, Lin Xuan was also trying his best to pester Lawyer Yang to ask various seemingly professional questions!These questions are all strategies that he worked hard to do in advance after he knew that Miss Xia and the others were coming!
"Tezhu Lin, you don't need to worry about this issue at all, because Ms. Xia is transparent enough in terms of property distribution. Even if Boss Han wants to give her money at that time, Ms. Xia may not want it!"
"Lawyer Yang said yes, but our President Han said that his money will always be half of Miss Xia's! Because they are husband and wife!"
After chatting for so long, this went around in a circle, why does it feel like it's going back again!
"Assistant Lin, aren't we talking about the divorce agreement today?"
"That being said, Mr. Yang, Mr. Han has a deep affection for Ms. Xia, and Mr. Han is still investigating this matter thoroughly. There may be some misunderstanding! As the saying goes, "I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one." "Pile Marriage" I know Lawyer Yang, you are very professional, but I believe that as Miss Xia's lawyer, you should also want her to be happy! As long as Miss Xia does not divorce, we Han will double your legal fee, of course This doesn't mean to bribe Lawyer Yang, it's just that Mr. Han sincerely hopes to get back together with Ms. Xia!"
"I know what Lin Tezhu said to you, but the divorce is mainly Miss Xia's own idea!"
Although Lawyer Yang is also a top lawyer with a successful career, he can't afford to offend a man like Han Yuchen and dare not offend him. The Lin Special Assistant standing in front of him is much stronger than himself!
"Lawyer Yang, Mr. Han admires your ability very much, but he hopes that this matter can be resolved by the young couple themselves. You said that the young couple hasn't had a quarrel yet! He is confident in coaxing Miss Xia back!"
Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Attorney Yang also felt that it was quite reasonable. Although he had helped people fight countless divorce lawsuits, he also felt that divorce might not be the best policy in such a situation where there was still affection!
"Okay, I understand what Lin Te means to help you. I will carefully analyze the pros and cons of divorce with Ms. Xia. If Ms. Xia wavers by herself, then I will also give her advice, and I will not advise her to divorce!"
"Okay, thank you Lawyer Yang first. You are a rare and good lawyer. You are not only professional, but also humane! Whoever said that lawyers should be ruthless, I think Lawyer Yang knows how to think about others is a good lawyer!"
Lin Xuan boasted again to Lawyer Yang. He had lived up to Mr. Han's entrustment to deal with Lawyer Yang. The next thing to do was to see if his president could deal with Ms. Xia!
"Linte's help is ridiculous!"
In the CEO's office, Xia Fan and Han Yuchen had already talked about it!
Although it will take a month not to see this little girl, but at least it is better than a direct divorce. This result is not bad for Han Yuchen!
Accept it when you see it, although he is unwilling to be separated from this little girl for a day, for Han Yuchen, he wished to hug her to sleep every day, but since this matter has not been fully investigated, he really has no way to talk to her. Xia Fan promises something swearing!
"Then can you tell me where you live?"
Han Yuchen knew that this girl was trying to hide it from him, and didn't want him to know, but he didn't feel at ease knowing where she lived, so he couldn't help but ask again!
He doesn't live in a hotel, doesn't live in his own house, he doesn't know much about her friends, he really doesn't know where she will live!
Xia Fan didn't tell Han Yuchen where she lived, because she didn't know if she could forgive him in a month!
"One month later, I will give you the answer! Today I want to go back first!"
Xia Fan still avoided this topic, and Han Yuchen did not continue to ask!What this girl needs most now is time!

"Okay. I'll call Lin Xuan!"
After speaking, Han Yuchen called Lin Xuan, and soon Lin Xuan came up with Lawyer Yang!

Lawyer Yang and Lin Xuan looked at Han Yuchen and Xia Fan at the same time. The atmosphere in the CEO's office didn't seem particularly disharmonious, and the two in front of them seemed to be having a good chat!
"Miss Xia, how are you talking?"
Lawyer Yang is Xia Fan's representative lawyer after all, so what she asked first was the wishes of the client!
"Lawyer Yang, thank you for accompanying me to Han's today. I've decided to think about the divorce again. Let's talk about it in a month! I'm sorry to trouble you today!"
"Miss Xia, don't say that, don't bother! It's great that you can think like this! No matter what, your own happiness is the most important thing!"
Lawyer Yang's words are sincere and sincere. In fact, he is not short of Xia Fan's legal fees. He thinks that Xia Fan is Wen Xulun's good friend, so he takes it for granted that Mr. Wen must wish Miss Xia to be happy, and it is of course best not to divorce !

In fact, he was right. Wen Xulun really wanted Xia Fan to be happy, and as long as she didn't want to divorce, he would support her!

His love for Xia Fan - has been silently guarding and accompanying safely!
Lin Xuan looked at the two people in front of him. Although he knew that his boss hadn't completely dealt with Miss Xia, at least he was half done!
No matter how you say it, it can be regarded as a small step on Mr. Han's way of coaxing his wife!

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