Han Shao's Billionaire Pet

Chapter 25 Grandpa's telegram

At this moment, Han Yuchen's phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, grandpa!"
"You brat, why haven't you come back to see us for so long?"
"Busy at work!"
"It's fine to arrange for the people below to do it!" Mr. Han said disapprovingly
"A lot of things still need to be done by myself!"
Xia Fan just watched Han Yuchen make a call like this, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave!
As a top-notch first-class group, the Han Group's achievements today are naturally inseparable from Han Yuchen's outstanding leadership.

Han Yuchen, this man with trillions of assets, this man who is known as a myth, always strategizes in the business world, can be said to be a truly well-deserved proud son of heaven!

"Yes, after all, our Han family is so big! Then you should also pay attention to rest!"
Mr. Han thinks that his grandson is always busy with his daily affairs, and he can't even meet him a few times, so he can't help feeling sorry for his grandson!
"You boy, come back to see me and your grandma often when you find time!"
"Go back this weekend!"
"Well, well, by the way, how is your relationship with Qiqi recently? You are in the same company, so you can get in touch with each other more often!"
Because Han Yuchen was sitting next to Xia Fan, these words clearly reached Xia Fan's ears. Is the Qi Qi that old man Han is talking about An Qi?
She just didn't expect that from Grandpa Han's tone, it seemed that he really hoped that Han Yuchen and An Qi would be together.

Han Yuchen glanced at Xia Fan beside him, the little girl had a very calm expression.

"Don't mention her in front of me next time, I don't know her well, and I have no interest in such a woman!"
Han Yuchen spoke rather dissatisfied, obviously he was dissatisfied with his grandfather mentioning An Qi.

"You guys are about the same age, and I know everything about the An family, you brat, don't be so stubborn!" Mr. Han said again!
"If you're so boring, talk about her and I'll die!"
"Okay. Okay. I won't say anything, let's do it!"
He is very clear about his grandson's temper. There is absolutely no way for others to force him to do what he doesn't want!
"By the way, how about that little assistant you mentioned last time?"
Assistant, are you talking about her?Xia Fan was only a little surprised, she didn't expect that Mr. Han's conversation would turn so fast, and he suddenly mentioned her.

She didn't know what Han Yuchen would say!
"She's beside me!" Han Yuchen said leisurely.

Xia Fan didn't expect Han Yuchen to say that, so he gave him a hard look!
Mr. Han on the other end of the phone was also a little surprised. Although he had asked Lin Xuan about this Miss Xia before, Han Yuchen's gentle attitude when he asked her just now really surprised him!
However, Lin Xuan's evaluation of this Miss Xia is also very high. It should be pretty good to get such a high evaluation from Lin Xuan.

Mr. Han thinks that his grandson is finally enlightened, so that person doesn't have to be An Qi, as long as his net worth is clean. Grandma Han keeps talking about this matter in his ears, and she is eager to hug her grandson!
"When will you bring it back for us to see!"
"What's the hurry? It's still early, there will be a chance!"
"You are already 27, and you are not too young!"
"It's all said and done!" Han Yuchen said dissatisfiedly.

Xia Fan, who was sitting by the side, had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear it!

"Have you caught up yet?"
When will there be something that his grandson can't handle?This was a bit beyond his expectation. It seems that this girl is really what Lin Xuan said, not the kind of scheming girl who covets wealth and status!
Hearing the meaningful laughter of old man Han on the other end of the phone, Han Yuchen felt helpless!

"Nothing else, I'll just hang up!"
He is obviously a little impatient with Mr. Han's attitude of breaking the casserole today!

"Wait!" Mr. Han said in time.

"Give the phone to that Miss Xia!"
"What are you doing?"
"Brat, don't ask so many questions, just give her the phone number!"
Phone, Grandpa wants to talk to you, Han Yuchen handed Xia Fan his phone!
"Huh? With me?"
Without time to hesitate, Xia Fan had no choice but to answer the phone!

"Hi! Hello, Grandpa Han!"
"Good! Good! Miss Xia, I heard that my Yuchen is special to you. This kid is usually tall and cold. He has never been in a relationship before. He doesn't know how to chase girls!"
Cough. Cough. This guy often kisses her casually. He still doesn't know how to chase girls?This kissing skill is like a master in love, although Xia Fan thinks so, but of course he can't say that to Mr. Han.

"Grandpa Han, my name is Xia Fan, you don't need to call me Miss Xia so politely, just call me Fanfan!" Xia Fan said politely.

"Okay, okay. Fanfan, come and visit us with Yuchen when you have time, his grandma and I want to know you too!"
Hearing the enthusiasm from Grandpa Han on the phone, Xia Fan couldn't refuse.

"Okay, Grandpa Han, I will definitely visit you next time I'm free!"
"Okay, okay. He's a good boy, so it's a deal!"
"Okay, Grandpa Han!"
This Grandpa Han's attitude on the phone is approachable and approachable, which is completely different from Han Yuchen's aloof personality.

Chatting with him, Xia Fan felt very comfortable, it reminded her of her own grandfather, her own grandfather passed away early, but when her grandfather was alive before, when chatting with her, she always had such a gentle tone!

After chatting with Grandpa Han for a few more words, Xia Fan gave Han Yuchen the phone!
Mr. Han on the other end of the phone is also quite satisfied with Xia Fan.

"What? Have you talked enough?"
"Listen, listen, chat with Fanfan, it's much more interesting than chatting with you!"
"Almost there! I'm dead!"
"Yeah, remember to bring Fanfan back and let us have a look!"
After hanging up the phone, Han Yuchen turned his head to look at the person beside him!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xia Fan was a little embarrassed to be stared at by him!
"Huh? Grandpa seems impatient to see you? You promised him just now? Shouldn't you promise me too?"
Han Yuchen's magnetic voice sounded, this man is a monster, even his voice is so nice!

"Grandpa Han is really nice, he speaks much better than you!"
"I'm not good at talking? Are you sure?"
This is the first time anyone dared to say that about him!

"Yes, Grandpa Han will ask for my opinion, but you often make decisions without asking!"
"Haha, that's what I was talking about! Isn't it good?"
"Where is this good?"
"I think it's just fine!"
When talking to Han Yuchen, Xia Fan can't always talk to him!
"I went out to work first, I've been in your office for too long!"
"Well, let's go!"
If it were someone else, if he didn't open his mouth, he would probably wish to stay forever. This is what makes her different from others!

If she is kept again, this little girl will probably be dissatisfied.

After Xia Fan went out, Han Yuchen picked up his mobile phone and dialed Lin Xuan's number.

"The charity party you mentioned earlier, promise to come down! Also, how is the project at Bishan Resort going?"
"Okay, Mr. Han, Bishan Resort has completed the acquisition and handover, and our people will soon settle in Bishan Resort, and Manager Gao will still be there as the general manager of the project!"
"Just keep an eye on these! Find a secluded place with a great view to build a unique private wooden house! I will go there when I have time!"
"Okay, Mr. Han, I understand what you mean!"
In the past, Han would not pay so much attention to such large and small acquisition projects. This time it must be related to Ms. Xia. It can be seen that Ms. Xia liked Bishan Resort very much last time!

Lin Xuan was right in guessing that Han Yuchen's excessive attention to Bishan Resort was indeed because of Xia Fan!
On the other side, after Xia Fan went out, he worked seriously in front of the computer!

She wasted too much time in Han Yuchen's office just now, she has to hurry up and do the work at hand first!
Although Han Yuchen said that, but Xia Fan didn't want to rely on him, she would still earnestly complete her own job!
This girl, as simple as ever.
As for Han Yuchen in the president's office, if he was not sure whether grandpa would like that little girl before, then now, this worry is obviously unnecessary!
Also, can the woman he likes be bad?Thinking of this, the smile in his eyes gradually deepened!

She can only be his, whether it's Wen Xulun or someone else, he doesn't think much of it at all!

Thinking about it, even he himself was surprised, this is the first time he seriously put a girl in his heart
The cabin in Bishan Resort was the surprise he was going to give her, and he knew that little girl liked it very much!
He originally planned to let Lin Xuan attend the charity gala instead of him, but I heard that there will be a gem on the Gobi Desert, the star of the blue ocean, at this charity gala!
There is a beautiful legend about this blue sea star. It is said that the princess shed tears of reluctance at the seaside when she married a foreign country. Later, as time passed, it became the crystal clear blue sea star that it is today.

That's why he decided to take a look, to see this legendary blue sea star who has long been famous in the circle of high-ranking celebrities!
In fact, Han Yuchen is not interested in these jewels, but he has other plans.
At this time, Xia Fan naturally didn't know about Han Yuchen's plans!

After Xia Fan finished the work at hand, he thought of the phone call with Grandpa Han, and the gentle words of Grandpa Han on the phone. What would this person who once conquered half of the Han family look like?
Out of curiosity, Xia Fan opened the search site and entered the words "Grandpa Han's Group". Soon, photos and information about Grandpa Han Yuchen came out!
Xia Fan clicked on the photo of Mr. Han when he was young!This handsome face is simply too handsome!
Oh my god, the eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as the current Han Yuchen, the genes of this family are too good!

Then I read some materials related to Mr. Han, and my admiration was even more spontaneous. This kind of person who can stand at the top of the pyramid is really good enough and has abilities beyond ordinary people!
She actually began to look forward to it, that she could go back with him to see his grandfather, and chat with this approachable old man.

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