Han Shao's Billionaire Pet

Chapter 200 Time in the private theater

"President Han Da, you often dry my hair like this, do you think I am honored?"
"It's good to know! This kind of treatment is only available to you!"
"I know I know! My husband is the best!"
Xia Fan immediately slapped rainbow farts, and Han Yuchen listened very well!
When his hair felt that it was almost blown out, Han Yuchen asked, "It's still early today, do you want to watch this movie?"
Thinking that the two little guys were already asleep anyway, Xia Fan agreed!

There is an independent audio-visual room in Clear Water Bay, and its functions are no less than that of a movie theater!It can be said that it is more than that!

Xia Fan thought that watching movies with this man would be better than exercising with him!With that in mind, she readily agreed!

"Okay! It's been a long time since we watched a movie together!"
"Let's go, girl!"
After finishing speaking, Han Yuchen directly embraced Xia Fan's shoulders, just like a young couple in love should look like!The sweet breath is also overflowing all around!
The two came to the audio-visual room together, and President Han thoughtfully handed over the decision to his wife!

She also said that it is fine to pick what she likes to watch, he is OK!

"Are you sure? Han Yuchen, do you really want me to choose? I'm afraid there is a difference in our tastes!"
"Are you sure, am I joking?"
"Okay! Then I'm welcome!"
Let her choose, she naturally chooses a movie that suits her own taste, but this time Xia Fan is also a little scruples about the style of the man around him!

"Why don't you just read this book? I saw someone in the circle of friends said that this book is pretty good!"
Xia Fan pointed to one of the movies on the screen and said!
"Okay! Then this one!"
For Han Yuchen, it doesn't matter whether it's a movie or not, it's true to cultivate a little romance with his wife occasionally and enjoy a different time between the two of them!
Seeing her husband nodding in agreement, Xia Fan pressed the play button!

Sitting on the luxurious leather viewing chair in his private theater, Xia Fan relaxed!
Before I knew it, I remembered the first time I watched a movie with this man here!
At this moment, while looking at the picture that just appeared on the screen, she recalled the past!
Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly inadvertently.But he was caught in time by Han Yuchen!

"What are you laughing at?"
"It's nothing, I just remembered the first time I watched a movie with you here!"
Looking at the girl's expression just now, the picture in the memory should be beautiful and slightly sweet!
Hearing what she said, Han Yuchen held his wife's hand!

I remember the first time he watched a movie here, he held his wife's hand so tightly!

"We were holding each other's hands like we are now! It's nice to still be holding your hand like this!"
Although Xia Fan often hears this man's sweet talk, he rarely sees his emotional side!
I have to admit that no matter when he is, he is always the same charming!

Seeing the little woman beside him adoring him, President Han Da expressed his satisfaction!
It seems that my proposal today is right!

As for what was said in the movie, he didn't care!

For Han Yuchen, the pictures in the movie were far less beautiful than the woman sitting beside him!
"Han Yuchen, why do you keep looking at me? Watch a movie!"
"Because you look good!"
This man wants to be unprincipled all the time!
"Okay, let's watch the movie! Otherwise, it would be boring for me to watch it alone!"
Hearing what his wife said, Han Yuchen turned his head and looked at the TV screen!
"Okay, let's watch together!"
The two watched the entire movie in their own private theater just like this!

The plot of the movie was well outlined. After reading the movie, Xia Fan felt as if he had returned to the time when he was a little girl and first fell in love!
Occasionally watching a small movie with my husband like this seems to be very good!
Han Yuchen naturally felt Xia Fan's good mood today!It seems that the two of them can often watch movies like this when they have time!
"You like it, we can watch movies like this often in the future!"
Han Yuchen said to Xia Fan!

"Okay! I also think the utilization rate of the audio-visual room at home is too low! Next time, I can let the two little ones watch animated movies, and they will definitely like it too!"
"Okay! Let's go, go back to the room!"
After finishing speaking, President Han returned to the bedroom with his wife in his arms!The degree of love between the two people has not diminished in the past!

After reaching the bed, Xia Fan was ready to go straight to bed!Because after watching the movie, it's getting late!

"Girl, did you just sleep like this?"
Looking at the person who just stepped down, Han Yuchen said dissatisfiedly!
"Otherwise? It's all over!"
"For the sake of my good performance today, do you want to give me some rewards?"
Knowing what this man was referring to, Xia Fan smiled helplessly at him!

"Let's talk about it tomorrow! It's too late today!"
"Wife, do you really have the heart?"
Han Yuchen started to walk around her body with his warm and thick hands while talking!
After meeting Xia Fan's slowly accepting eyes, the man's anger became more and more uncontrollable!

I thought I could have a good night's sleep after watching the movie, but this man's energy is surprising!
After all, he was tossed hard by him!
The next day, he still woke up with pain all over his body, and the man next to him was still sound asleep!

Sure enough, after this man made himself very tired every night, he could always sleep comfortably like a normal person!
She also wakes up later than her every morning!It's no wonder that you don't have enough energy!

In order to play tricks on Han Yuchen, Xia Fan mischievously set the alarm clock for 5 minutes and placed it next to the man's ear!

Then I went to wash up on my own!
She had just finished brushing her teeth and washing her face when she heard the alarm clock outside, followed by this man's slightly dissatisfied voice!

"Girl, did you do this on purpose?"
Xia Fan was not in a hurry to go out, but walked out of the bathroom slowly after he had finished everything!
"Why are you ignoring me? What's the matter with the alarm clock next to my ear?"
Looking at her husband's appearance, Xia Fan couldn't help laughing out loud!
"Yeah, I did it on purpose. You have such good energy every day that you don't need to sleep in!"
In fact, Han Yuchen didn't wake up too late every morning, after all, the husband and wife had to send the little one to kindergarten!

But this man's energy at night is really good, it is a common occurrence for Xia Fan to be tormented by him to wake up in pain!
"It seems that I haven't fed you at night? My wife is a little dissatisfied with me!"
Hearing what Han Yuchen said, Xia Fan was still embarrassed!This man actually drove early in the morning!
"What nonsense are you talking about! Get up quickly! I will send Lele to kindergarten later!"
"Don't worry, it's time! At this time, even if we do another exercise, it's more than enough!"
Xia Fan gave him an angry look and motioned him to restrain himself!
After receiving the warning from his wife's eyes, President Han Da restrained himself, got up and walked to the bathroom instead!
"I'll go downstairs to see the two little guys first!"
"Okay, I'll come down when I'm done!"
Xia Fan went downstairs one step ahead of Han Yuchen!Because the two little guys go to bed early every night, they naturally wake up much earlier than them!

For children of this age, it is true that they should go to bed early and get up early!

"Mommy, you're up! Is Daddy, the slob, still sleeping?"
It was Han Yixiao, the little princess who spoke first!

At this moment, Xia Yile, the little warm boy at the side, also thoughtfully helped his father talk!
"Sister, you can't say that about Daddy, Daddy usually works very hard, so he should take a good rest!"
Hearing what my brother said, Little Gulu nodded in agreement!

"Brother, it seems that what you said makes sense!"
"Well, that's it, let's let Daddy sleep for a while! He'll get up later! He and Mommy are going to send me to kindergarten, so he won't sleep in!"
The little guy speaks clearly and logically, and looks like a little adult!
"Okay then! Let's listen to my brother!"
Xia Fan on the side watched the interaction between the siblings, with a faint smile on his face all the time!

At this time, the man Han Yuchen also came down the stairs!

Lele shouted loudly!Han Yuchen also sought out the answer!
"Sister, I said Daddy will get up soon, just look!"
"Hmm! Brother, you are right!"
After eating a hearty and nutritious breakfast, Han Yuchen and Xia Fan sent Lele to the kindergarten!

And because the little princess Gulu is still young, her daily life is mainly to play at home in Qingshuiwan!

After sending Lele to the kindergarten, Xia Fan received a call from Wen Xulun not long after arriving at the Han family!
"Hey, Fanfan, are you free this Saturday? Let me see the two little guys!"
"Saturday? Wait, I'll ask Han Yuchen!"
"it is good!"
Before Xia Fan asked, Han Yuchen told her that she was free, perhaps because she heard the conversation between her and Wen Xulun just now!

"He said he's free, why don't you come to Clear Water Bay for lunch on Saturday! By the way, play with the two little guys, they miss you too!"
"Okay! Then I won't be polite to you!"
"Okay! Then contact me then!"
When Xia Fan hung up the phone, President Han Da spoke leisurely!

"Honey, fortunately I was so charming back then, otherwise an opponent like Wen Xulun would not be able to win for ordinary people!"
This man actually talked about such old things again!yes!Wen Xulun chased her back then!It's just that after confirming that Han Yuchen was the only one in her heart, he blessed her very much and chose to be friends with her!

"Yes! President Han Da's charm is infinite, deeply rooted in my heart, no one can match it!"
"I don't mind if you keep bragging! I love to hear it!"
Han Yuchen also unceremoniously accepted his wife's compliment!

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