roses and lilies

Chapter 71 Hope

Xiao Lian came to this small village surrounded by mountains and green pines and cypresses with a heavy backpack on her back.The clear blue sky, white clouds, and warm and fresh air made her feel refreshed.She is really looking forward to meeting those lovely children early.I especially like the happy and bright smiles of the children when they hold exquisite stationery and books.

Carrying the huge package on her back, her petite and frail body was arched and hunched.Panting while walking.Unlike flat roads, the ups and downs of mountain roads will consume more energy.

Thinking of the expectant faces of those lovely children, she wiped the sweat from her brow, and couldn't help speeding up her pace.At this hour, the children are still in school, and the school is far away from the village, and they have to climb three mountains.She is no stranger to the terrain here, after all, she often comes to see them.Slowly climbing along the mountain road, she was panting and out of breath. She could imagine how difficult it is for the children to go to school every day.Compared with the children who grew up in the honeypots of these big cities, they have to pay countless times the price of ordinary people.

Conditions in rural schools are very poor.In the small courtyard surrounded by dilapidated wooden fences, there is a flagpole erected, and the sign next to the flagpole is engraved with four big characters "Hope Primary School" with a knife.There are several small benches in the yard, and a small blackboard is supported by a crumbling wooden frame in the middle of the yard.The classroom is a small house built of gray waste bricks. The grout in the mortar is riddled with holes. You can even see the old furniture and objects inside through the dilapidated outer eaves.All the villagers don't need to donate.The little hope left in the old school building stems from the understanding and recognition of the education cause in the villagers' bones.

Leafs, flowers, and buttons are sitting on small benches and listening to Teacher Maisui's lecture attentively. Their dirty little faces and pairs of big watery eyes are full of desire for knowledge and expectations for their future.

Teacher Maisui explained to the children in standard Mandarin. She is of medium build, with a pair of small eyes hidden in thick glasses, and the huge frame presses out two deep lines on both sides of the bridge of the nose, which was originally not straight. red seal.A yellowed white shirt and light blue cotton trousers, simple and neat.The word "Love" is vigorously written on the small blackboard.

She knows the origin of these two words best in her heart.Being a top student at a key university in the capital has always been the thing she is most proud of.Since the sophomore year, this key university has already become a key target for major well-known companies to absorb talents.

Human resources executives pre-sign contracts with these high-achieving students in advance, promising high salaries and benefits.What's more, the salaries are paid in advance to the students from their sophomore year to ensure that talents can come to their own companies after graduation.

If Maisui nods, countless listed companies with good returns will offer her an olive branch.In fact, on the first day of entering this key university, she had a score in her heart.Money and things are really not important to her, and she has very low requirements for her own life.As long as there are basic accommodation conditions and a simple dining environment, it is easy to be satisfied with material life.Contemptuous in the face of extravagant and flashy society.

To say that what I miss the most are the children in these poor valleys. From the first day of junior high school, she saved the pocket money given to her by her family and regularly followed the footsteps of the Hope Project to send warmth to the children far away. .Although I am on campus, my heart has been following the children, learning and growing with them in joy and sorrow.After graduation, she gave up countless attractive careers and resolutely came to this vast land.I raised funds to build this dilapidated Hope Primary School for the children of the villagers to study. I saved food and money and tried my best to create a superior learning environment for the children. too much.

Fortunately, the country pays special attention to these poor children, and the media has continuously increased the propaganda of the Hope Project. Maisui's kind deeds have touched countless caring people. They have donated money to this small Hope Project, and come to The school visits these hopeful children.

Xiao Lian is one of the many kind-hearted people, and she was deeply moved by Teacher Maisui's deeds.They formed a deep friendship, and she was moved by this kind of love.Maisui has become her idol.She is determined to follow in the footsteps of Maisui after graduation, and come to the mountains, come to this fresh and fertile soil to live with the lovely children, and accompany them to grow up healthily and happily.Let them learn more about the world beyond the mountains.Learning more knowledge and culture can help more people after learning.

Ye Zi saw Sister Lian first, and she ran over quickly, shouting excitedly, "Hua, button, come quickly! Sister Lian is here!"

She ran over in three steps at a time, hugged Xiao Lian's thin legs, buried her head on her body, with tears in her eyes, "Sister Lian, you are here, we miss you!" At this time Huahua and Button also ran over, and the four hugged each other and cried loudly.Maisui watched their excitement from a distance, couldn't help taking off her thick glasses, and wiped away tears.

The children let Xiaolian into the yard, sat her down on a small bench, held her hand, and asked this and that. They wanted to hear what their sister was doing during this period of time, and what new things happened outside.

Xiao Lian untied the backpack, took out the books and stationery that had already been divided into bundles, handed them to the children one by one, and said encouragingly: "Don't be reluctant to use it, my sister will come over from time to time and buy it for you. Ye Zi did well in the exam this time, come on, keep working hard, I received the letter from you three little guys to my sister, it was so touching, my sister cried several times when she saw the letter! Hurry up and come and see you." As he spoke, he stroked the heads of the three little guys with his thin hands.

"Don't worry about it here, you don't have to worry about me! Your studies are very important, so don't delay! After you graduate, you won't be able to help me if you don't think about it!" Maisui said to Xiaolian with concern .

"Well, I will arrange it. The children have always been my concern. I miss them even if I don't come. Seeing them happy makes me motivated to study. These are the daily necessities I brought to you. Our supermarket There are many, and it is convenient to buy, unlike where you have to travel so far to go to the market." Said Xiaolian handed a large bag of daily necessities to Maisui.

"You are quite thoughtful! By the way, we hope that someone will come to the elementary school today. It is said that he donated a large sum of money to our village. He may renovate our dilapidated school building and replace our school facilities with New. This person donated money in his name. It is said that he has a lot of background. It is rare for him to show his affection for the children. Shall we meet him with the children?" Maisui said excitedly after taking the things.

"Okay! Such a good person, so caring, I really want to meet! The more people like this, the more our children can enjoy the same learning environment as the children in the city. They are really good deeds. Good thing." Xiaolian said to Maisui with expectant eyes.This look of anticipation is exactly the same as that of children.

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