roses and lilies

Chapter 58 Detention

The autumn wind is bleak, the breeze is blowing, and the feeling is cool. On the reunion day in late autumn, Ah Xiang is extremely busy, and the housekeeping company has arranged for him two villas that need to be reclaimed.

Months of hard work made him exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted. The schoolwork burden made him breathless, and he had to work for others in his spare time.The work arranged by the housekeeping company made him overwhelmed, and his resistance was extremely low due to overwork.

Ah Xiang's eyes were black, dizzy, and he dragged his heavy legs to the direction of the dormitory. After a day's hard work, he was full of fear for his future life.Think about the high tuition fees next year, and think about your meager savings.What year and month do you have to do it!

Think about the hardships and sufferings of your parents in the poor mountain valley, and they are still scraping together for their own tuition fees.I feel very uncomfortable.When will such a hard life end!

While thinking about it, he walked forward slowly, and there was endless noise and noise on the side of the road, and the small square tables made a "slapping" sound.

"A Big Bang!" The burly man slapped the table and yelled triumphantly, "Take the money, take the money."

The other two players reluctantly handed him two red tickets.This added two more banknotes to the pile of banknotes in front of the big man.

Ah Xiang was deeply attracted by the pile of celebrities, and his legs, which were already tired from walking, could finally rest.Squeezing into the crowd, he looked at it with relish. After a few hands of cards, he learned how to play cards. He thought to himself, how easy it is to see how easy it is for others to get money. If you are a thief, you can't earn a red man.After a while, he earned his second year's tuition fees.It's too easy!
After returning to the dormitory, he studied the gameplay carefully, and this talented man's brain system is really good.As soon as the cards are flashed in front of his eyes, he can clearly see what cards are in the sea, what cards he has in his own hand, and what cards the other two families may have in their hands. After careful speculation, they can all be sure of winning.The research ability of intellectuals has been vividly reflected in this aspect.

The next day Ah Xiang came to this money-making place early and sat on a small chair by the square table of the card booth.Waiting for the players to arrive one after another.

This morning, Ah Xiang's cards were very good. He played the banker in a row, two kings, four twos, four tops to K trains, everything that one expects to find.The rare cards such as stalls and duos have won several hands.When luck comes, you can't stop it.Looking at the four or five times the bonus of my gambling money, the popularity in front of me is getting thicker and thicker, and I can't help but feel overjoyed. The more I win, the more greedy I become, and the more I play, the more enjoyable I am.He has no time to take into account the surrounding environment at all, and at this moment he doesn't know that bad luck is approaching him step by step.

He was still filming "Big Bang" as the police surrounded the card booth.He yelled frantically: "Take the money and take the money. This one is four, and it's my banker. It's 160 per person. Don't miss it."

The policeman held him down and handcuffed him firmly with a pair of cold handcuffs.All gambling money will be confiscated.Brutally put on the police car.With dark blue and flickering lights, sirens blared, and they rushed straight to the detention center.

Director Yan frowned, watched the surveillance video playback over and over again, and found the body of a man in the bustling section of Xiaohe Street under his jurisdiction. The man was about 30 years old, and his physical characteristics could not be verified.The skull, collarbone, ribs, elbows, leg bones and other comminuted fractures were preliminarily judged to be at 3:15 a.m. It can be clearly seen from the obtained surveillance video that a red car with the license plate of Jiang 007 Ston Martin was speeding badly, knocked down the dead passing by and fled at high speed.

After obtaining the license plate information, the police confirmed that the perpetrator was Lin Ba, the nephew of Lin Qu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Dajiang District Committee. Director Yan couldn't help but be surprised.

Lao Yan, who has worked in the field of criminal investigation for many years, is just an inconspicuous little director. Seeing that the younger policemen are all transferred to the Dajiang District Police Station to take up important positions, he feels very uncomfortable.In terms of qualifications, ability, experience, and eloquence, which point is worse than them.Seeing others getting promoted step by step, but I am still standing still, the imbalance in my heart becomes more and more obvious.

While thinking about it, the subordinate gently knocked on the door.Yan Suo replied casually, "Please come in!"

The subordinate opened the door and came to the office, and said to Yan Suo: "Director, just now a few people were caught gathering in Xiaohu Street to gamble. Among them, a young man with a rural accent gambled a large amount, which was enough to be charged for criminal detention. All the gamblers have been taken to the detention center, and I will report to you."

Director Yan didn't raise his head, and said casually, "Okay, I got it! File the case according to the procedure."

Just as the subordinate was about to leave the office, Director Yan seemed to have thought of something again, and hurriedly stopped him and asked with concern, "What did you say? There is another countryman?"

"Yes, this countryman's name is Axiang, and he is studying at Jianjiang University. We have notified his school as soon as possible. The school's academic affairs office has stated that this matter must be dealt with strictly. This student is also a student in the history of Jianjiang University. , the first person who participated in mobilizing crowds for gambling and was detained by the public security organs according to law, which caused extremely vicious social impact on the school. In order to strictly enforce discipline, the school decided to expel him."

Yan Suo thoughtfully said to his subordinates: "Don't file a case against this person, I will try it myself. The rest of the education and education will be detained for a few days, depending on the performance of the family members. That's what it means, just let him go."

The interrogation room was brightly lit, and Ah Xiang sat in the center of the interrogation chair with handcuffs, and on the wall behind it were written "leniency for confession, strictness for resistance".Four high-definition cameras focus on this small interrogation room.

Yan Suo sat in the middle of the interrogation seat opposite Ah Xiang, while the clerk was taking notes.Yan Suo looked at the simple, honest and simple face with strong local flavor, and said seriously: "You recruited honestly, how did you get into trouble and escape. If you confess, you will be lenient, and if you resist, you will be severely punished. Whether your sentence can be commuted or not depends on your cooperation." Yes. Where were you at 3:15 a.m. that night? How did you drive the deceased Xiaoyong to death and escape? Say!"

Ah Xiang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.He said aggrievedly: "Comrade policeman, did you make a mistake? I was caught playing cards on the side of the road for a while. How could I hit and run after killing someone with my car? You must have made a mistake in the case. "

Yan Suo was furious: "You are still quibbling, do you know that defrauding the police officers should be dealt with severely. Tell me how you hit and run. If we didn't have solid evidence, we would never interrogate Yours. The country follows the law, we will not wrong a good person, let alone let a bad person go.”

Ah Xiang was covered in mouths, and it was difficult to distinguish this matter, so he shouted hoarsely: "I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people, I'm wronged, I'm wronged!"

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