roses and lilies

Chapter 53 Confession

Sister Ying sat in the starlight of the candlestick, waiting for Uncle Lei's arrival, delicious steak, crimson wine, elegant wine glasses, romantic and pleasant Western-style dinner, she waited quietly like this every Saturday, Uncle Lei He is busy with affairs, and there are many things in the group company that he needs to personally intervene. In addition, the relationship between the upper and lower levels needs to be taken care of, and he has to exchange drinks with the dignitaries in the political circle at night.It's reasonable to be busy. Sister Ying understands very well. Like many Japanese women, she thinks that if her man comes home to accompany her at three o'clock after work, she will be worthless.Capable men should focus on their careers, and the less time they spend with their families, the more successful they seem to be.I am full of pride in this.

After a long wait, Uncle Lei's vicissitudes of voice came: "Xiaoying, I have an engagement tonight and I can't come back, so don't wait for me!" It was still the hoarse and concise words, followed by a beep on the phone. The sound of hanging up.Nuoda's villa was lonely and only Sister Ying was left alone, guarding the furniture, jewelry, clothes, and shoes of these world brands.She was in a daze quietly, how great it would be if these things could talk to her, at this moment she just wanted someone who could talk to her.She turned on the Sony giant curved theater with a large screen on the entire wall of the living room.I have no time to read the content inside, I just hope that there will be some movement in this quiet night to eliminate this endless loneliness.

With Sister Ying's current conditions, she doesn't need to work in an insurance company at all. She can have everything that can be bought with money in the world. As long as she wants to, she will have it immediately.In her opinion, things that can be solved with money are not a problem, only this endless emptiness and loneliness cannot be solved with money.She wants to set a goal for herself and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving that goal.Based on this idea, she became a member of the three groups, and insurance could bring her that unprecedented pleasure.In the performance list that the insurance company puts on the wall with red paper, Sister Ying's name is always accompanied by beautiful roses and lilies, and she is far ahead, throwing off the latecomers all the way.The salesmen of the third department all cast envious eyes.

She has been rushing upwards, weekly list, monthly list, quarterly list, annual newcomer list, most outstanding performance list, top ten life insurance salesmen of the year, and gold diamond list.Her business is outstanding and she has won numerous awards.

Gaotian Group is huge. This listed company with thousands of employees has always taken group insurance and personal commercial insurance as important components of employee benefits.This is also an important bargaining chip for this private listed company to attract talents.And this bargaining chip is firmly controlled by Sister Ying, including giving red envelopes to political leaders in the district during the festival and giving red envelopes to customers, all of which will be secretly carried out from the insurance policy, which is also safe.There are many ways to give gifts, and this brand-new evolutionary way of the times is very useful, especially wealth insurance, which is really no different from giving money.

She is fulfilled in the insurance company.She can't do without the warm little family of the three groups. Here is love, whether it is the serious and warm face of the supervisor, the straightforward and kind character of Sister Hong, the tireless work and hard work of Master Mei, and the gentleness of Xiaolian. And the expectant weak eyes, Wen Wen's bookish and handsome appearance.It was all she yearned for, and feeling this fresh taste of the world made her feel very at ease.In this team, she is no longer a luxury for others.But a fresh and flesh-and-blood person.

She quietly recalled the scene of having dinner with Uncle Lei for the first time. When she came to that villa, she was stunned by the luxury of the villa. This is a paradise on earth.In her dream, the things she expected countless times are vividly displayed in front of her. Looking at the beautiful clothes and beautiful jewelry, she can freely follow her own understanding of fashion in front of the huge mirror in the dressing room. Matching, changing styles, trying on clothes, matching different jewelry and bags, adorning herself with top-notch cosmetics, she wants to show the most beautiful side to herself in the mirror, precious youth, wonderful life.Her wish came true at once.

After working in the kitchen all afternoon, my best steak came to the table. I opened the cork of the red wine, and the mellow aroma came out.Set up candlesticks.quietly waiting.

Through the low-e glass window of the villa, she saw a custom-made dark blue Phantom Rolls-Royce slowly parked in front of the villa. This ace car worth 1 million yuan was handcrafted, and every detail They are all ingenious, and the dragons of different shapes on the Nine Dragons Wall are perfectly presented from the car body. The perfect combination of classical Chinese elements and modern technology shows the incomparably noble identity of this vicissitudes old man.The driver got out of the car and opened the back door as a courtesy.Uncle Lei got out of the car, and walked into the gate of the villa with strong steps and a strong body.

Uncle Lei smiled at Sister Ying and said, "Do you think the environment here is okay? Just let me know if you need anything, and I will arrange someone to do it."

"The steak and red wine here are already available, there is nothing to buy, and we can eat in a while." Sister Ying said puzzled.

Uncle Lei looked at her affectionately: "Xiaoying, do you know? From the time I saw you in the Star Shopping Center, I have always had your shadow in my mind, and I can't get rid of it. I realized that I might be in love with you Yes! My wife left early, I love her very much, your every move is very like her when she was young, you brought back good memories of her, at first I thought you were her reincarnation, I waited After so many years, I have finally waited for her. This villa was carefully built by me according to her preferences during her lifetime. Except for regular cleaning, nothing has been touched inside. I was looking forward to having someone to live in, and today I finally got it. You You know, when I saw you staring at that watch in a daze, I once suspected that I was dreaming. You look so much like her, I don't expect you to fall in love with me, because of my age, I just I want to take care of you and give you the best things. I really can't see how you are in trouble, so when you encounter difficulties, just tell me and I will use the contacts I have accumulated over the years to help you solve them. I just I hope you can move here, okay? You belong here, and everything here belongs to you—my love!"

Sister Ying's eyes were moist, she saw the weak side of this tough guy, his words were so sincere.Her deep and focused eyes, charming smile, and hoarse and forceful voice attracted her deeply like a magnet.Today he finally confessed his love to himself.

She slowly unbuttoned her clothes, showing the plump and soft curves in front of Uncle Lei.The delicate and vigorous body is instantly fused in this soft candlelight, the stars outside the window are dotted with the silky night sky, the gentle breeze breaks the tranquility of the night, and the warm cry of the dew cicada resounds through the bushes.The lights in the distance are bright and dim, and the warm people embrace each other to spend a good time, and enter the incomparably wonderful ocean of dreams gracefully.

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