Xuanya felt that Xianggong Yuanyu was becoming more and more indifferent to her, and he no longer accompanied her all day like before.Not only did she seem to have lost her soul, but she couldn't see anyone all day long, so she didn't know what she was busy with, and when she came back, she was listless and silent.How would she know that Xianggong waited for the arrival of the ice beauty in the imperial garden all day long.

The hard work paid off, and when Yuanyu saw Concubine Bing again, her heart was filled with infinite joy.After many days of waiting, the ice beauty has finally arrived. She is still wrapped in silver and her skin is as white as jade. There is a pair of beautiful spiritual eyes embedded in her square face, and her eyebrows are outlined like fine script. She is handsome and pleasant. , with a soft and pointed nose, and pretty lips, they look so charming and charming.The difference from last time was that she didn't follow the maid beside her, but came here alone.

How could Yuanyu miss this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity that he had been waiting for so hard.Then he walked up to the beauty and said politely: "Girl! Do you often come here to enjoy flowers? Last time I met you here too! Maybe you don't have an impression of me! But I am very impressed with you , the fragrance of this garden is not worth your smile.

You are the most beautiful rose among the tens of thousands of flowers. Since I saw the girl last time, I have been thinking about it day and night.It seems to have caused the pain of lovesickness.Maybe my words are too direct!It made the girl a little embarrassed, but I, Yuanyu, have this personality, I am used to being straightforward by nature, and I have to express what I have in my heart.Never hide!
I just fall in love with girls, so I must say it in front of you.Whether you agree or refuse!At least let me know.Don't wait so hard!To tell you the truth, I wait here every day just to meet you again.Today is finally what you were looking forward to. "Yuanyu said it with enthusiasm, and said it from the bottom of her heart. Although it was a bit abrupt, it was a brave expression.

Concubine Bing looked at this handsome and unrestrained young master and confessed to herself so bluntly, she was naturally overjoyed.Her snow-white face was embellished with that shy blush.After all, after staying in this harem for a long time, it is very difficult to see young men. It is extremely boring to face the emperor's old face every day. She could have enjoyed the love that ordinary women can enjoy.

However, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky in this palace, the old emperor is older than her father!Now this love has come quietly, such a beautiful and handsome young man confessed to her so directly, it really makes her very happy, but she knows best in her heart that as a woman, she should not be too active, even if there are 1 in her heart Happy, you can't show it on the surface, only if you let this young man work hard and chase hard, he will cherish it.

Thinking of this, Concubine Bing lowered her face, "Are you Yuanyu, the son of King Liang?"

"Exactly!" Yuan Yu looked at her affectionately.

"Then do you know who I am?" Concubine Bing asked Yuan Yu's eyes.

"You are the most favored Concubine Bing of Lord Long Live today! Of course I know!" Yuan Yu replied without thinking.

"Since you know that I am the favorite concubine of the Long Live God, you still dare to express your love to me? Aren't you afraid that the Long Live God will blame you and make you decapitate and move your head?" Concubine Bing deliberately used Let's try his guts.

After hearing this, Yuanyu laughed loudly, "Girl! You may still not know, I, Yuanyu, have never known what it means to be afraid of words since I was a child. I have also done what I did. I even wore the dragon robe of the Long Live God, and those stupid ministers even kowtowed to me! There is nothing to be afraid of, it’s nothing to be afraid of. What’s more, for such a beautiful and moving The death of the ice beauty is also a blessing I cultivated in my previous life."

After hearing this, Concubine Bing felt that Yuanyu was extraordinarily brave and courageous, so she had a lot of affection for him.Then he confessed the past events in his heart and the anguish in his heart, confiding like Yuan Yu.The two of them are lingering and sentimental like glue, talking about love constantly.Enjoy the fun of life in this happy love.However, rationality told Bingmei that this imperial garden was too eye-catching, and the two of them were here to ignite the fire of love without any scruples, and they would eventually be discovered.Once discovered, neither of these two will survive.

Concubine Bing expressed her concerns to Yuan Yu.After hearing this, Yuanyu smiled slightly, "Beauty! This is still a big deal! I went out of the palace gate more than once to play, and you follow me out of the palace gate, to the world outside the palace to visit mountains and rivers. That's it? Who will find us? You and I probably will spend about the same time playing together, and when we return to the palace, we will be unnoticed. How wonderful it is!"

After hearing this, Concubine Bing felt that what Yuanyu said was very reasonable, so she nodded repeatedly.She also felt that after a long time in this harem, people have become stupid, and she should go to the outside world.What's more, outside the palace, it is the world of the two of them, and they can enjoy each other's love and happiness to their heart's content.No longer have to worry about being found out.Thinking about it makes me very excited.

It is difficult for a man and a woman in love to be controlled by reason. Yuanyu and Concubine Bing are no exception. They are attracted to each other like a desert meeting an oasis, and dry wood meets a raging fire. They are attached to each other. Outside the palace gate, The vast sky, the vast grassland, the dense jungle, and the fresh air are full of factors of happiness and the atmosphere of love.

All these places can be used as their love nests. They are in the grass, beside the stream, in the canyons, in the fields, and under the big trees. Dissatisfaction with his life experience, memories of the unbearable past.Of course, it is the desire for freedom and unrestrained love.Maybe they think they are very secretive, deceiving people and no one can know, but this is how it is, there is no impenetrable wall, after all, fire cannot be contained in this paper.Just when the two were indulging in the joy of deceiving their ears and stealing their bells, one person spied the matter clearly in the dark.

As we all know, in this Nuoda imperial court, there is nothing that can be hidden from the chief assistant Duan of the cabinet, especially because he regards Liang Wang and his son as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, so he has deliberately arranged many eyeliners.Come to spy on what's going on in Liang's mansion. It's been a long time since the dragon robe incident that Yuanyu caused trouble.

Duan Zhe is still brooding over the dragon robe incident. If Princess Furong hadn't interceded for mercy that time, Yuan Yu would have died without a place to bury her.It's a pity, but it was precisely because of that incident that he seemed to have found a breakthrough to disintegrate King Liang's power.This round jade is the biggest breakthrough.He is also the most concerned figure of King Liang.Thinking of this, he repeatedly told the eyeliners of the Liang family to closely observe Yuanyu's movements, especially when Liang Wang led the crowd to suppress the Huanai bandits, Yuanyu was bound to behave more unrestrainedly, which gave This gave him an opportunity to accumulate materials for the downfall of King Liang.The eyeliners readily agreed.It didn't take long before a major breakthrough was made. After careful observation, this Yuanyu actually had an affair with the emperor's most favored concubine Bing. This is a major event!The eyeliners didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported the explosive news to Duan Shoufu.

After hearing this, Duan Shoufu couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding, "Is there really such a thing? Yuanyu really had an affair with Concubine Bing?"

The eyeliner did not dare to be negligent, and explained again and again, "My lord! After many days of close investigation, we found that Yuan Yu and Concubine Bing had an affair with each other after they met in the Imperial Garden. .And the two are like glue, they are together almost every day. After repeated confirmation by us, this matter is absolutely true, and there is no falsehood."

After Duan Shoufu heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud, and said in his mouth, "King Liang! King Liang! Let's see how you can explain it this time. Your unlucky luck is on this unfilial son! It was this Yuanyu who put you This Liang Mansion has been ruined from top to bottom. This time, I want to ruin your reputation. Your precious son is out of the ring, not to mention messing around, but he has come to the emperor's harem. How dare you hang green on the emperor's head, I'm really impatient. I want to report this matter to the Holy Majesty so that he can't eat it and walk around."

While talking, I came to report the news that it was the news from the south to suppress the rebellion of King Liang.Liang Wang captured the villain Hua Nai three times without wasting a single soldier, but he let him go again and again.Not one bandit was wiped out.After hearing this, Duan Shoufu was shocked, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of King Liang?He couldn't believe his ears, so he asked Tan Ma to repeat it again.

Tan Ma didn't dare to neglect, not only repeated it, but also described in detail how King Liang outwitted the bandits.

Listen to Duan Zhe!He couldn't help but praise again and again, "That's all! That's all! Liang Wang is really planning a strategy and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away! He is really an amazing talent."

Although he praised repeatedly in his mouth, he secretly laughed in his heart. He understood King Liang's intention. King Liang hoped that the bandits would be convinced and surrender honestly, but he didn't want to kill.This is too much pursuit of the ultimate.But in this way, it did provide him with a more convenient opportunity to take him down.As we all know, the emperor is soft-hearted and suspicious. Why don't I do this, such and such.

Duan Shoufu think about it!Then hurriedly went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to meet Shengshang!He knew in his heart that the power of this combination of punches meant that this time he really wanted to annihilate the forces of King Liang in one fell swoop.

Liang Wang was in this camp, reading with great interest without releasing the scroll.The calm and confident appearance, like Zhuge Kongming is alive, is so relaxed and comfortable.All of Hua Nai's actions seemed to be in his heart, and he defeated the villain like he was picking something out of a bag.Seems like a no-brainer.It doesn't take a lot of thinking, just at this time, the horse came to report, Hua Nai led the heavy cavalry in a neat line up, marching this way, judging from the situation, it is going to fight to the death with my army.Because of the large number of people, they almost came out in full force, and their momentum was like a flood of beasts, menacing, so they must not be taken lightly.

Liang Wang smiled slightly, "This Hua Nai is here to pose with me again, isn't it! Such a big show! I want to see how capable he is!"

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